Terry Higgins-p
Ace - 1960-02
Product ID: ace1960-02dTerry Higgins has FC + 4 pgs, Dane Arden has BC + 4 pgs and Brigitte Bardot has 4 pgs. Sharon Richardson & Jane Averly each have 3 pgs. Plus a 7 pg 1960 calendar w/ Shirley Skates full pg color pin-up and single pics of Ann Austin, Sheika Moser & Lee Southern. Article about great Impostors and foods that are aphrodisiacs plus Ted Mark fiction 'The Abominable Snow Job'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bit of light rubbing near spine, small number '30' written near top edge of cover - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam Calendar - 1962
Product ID: adam-wcal1962incFolds open to double page size (17" high x 11" wide) - 1 double size page/month except FC & Dec are single page size. Great line-up of popular models in order (Jan thru Dec.) - Cindy Tyler, Colette Berne, Jean Jani, April is missing, Tinker Bell, Judy Cline & Patty Conley, Kay Martin, August is missing, Terry Higgins, Sharon Richardson, Joni Arnoldo (is Joanne Arnold) and Bambi Hamilton. Bright & glossy, minor stresses along top edge, small price sticker in upper right corner. Calendar is missing 1 pg (April/August) o/w VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Debonair - 1961-02
Product ID: debo1961-02d(v1 #2) Terry Higgins has 4 stunning pgs inc color CF! Japanese model Akemi Suzuki has 4 pgs and Sharon has 4 pgs. Articles about sports cars, the steel bands of Trinidad and authors James Joyce & William Faulkner. CF is loose but Sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Debonair - 1967-08
v3 #18 - April O'Brian has 6 pgs inc CF. Teri Martine has an excellent 4 pg pictorial. Terry Higgins shares 4 pgs w/ Judy Collins & Annette Scott, Mary Varila has 4 pgs and Unique Lynne has 3 pgs. Issue has nice wraparound covers. Features on devil worship and Black Mass. Have 2 copies, one autographed by Teri Martine on pg 23.
Fling Festival - v 6
Product ID: flin.fest.6eSpring, 1961 issue has gorgeous close-up FC of Diane Webber. Plus 4 pgs of Eve Meyer by husband Russ, 3 pgs of Terry Higgins and a big 8 pg feature of Karen Klaus.Also 5 pgs on nude Channel swimmer Randy Stilwell and 2 pgs of Virginia Bell. An Interview with Harry Belafonte, an article on comedian Joe E. Lewis and a feature on Ibiza Island. Spine is frayed, clean crease on top left corner BC, minor bumps, small piece out of edge of 1 interior page otherwise VG.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Glamour Girls: Then & Now - #03
Product ID: ggtn-038/94 - Maria Stinger (The Marilyn Monroe of Miami Beach) FC, BC + nice feature article with lots of pics. Plus 'The 50 Sexiest TV Performances of All Time' and articles about Barbara Eden, Dane Arden & Terry Higgins. 20 pgs
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Hi-Life - 1960-01
Product ID: hili1960-01fv2 #3 - Nice FC of Terry Higgins in a red bathing suit. Melody Ward has a big 7 pg feature, Kim Athas has 4 pgs, Pat von Burkhardt has 3 pgs, plus a full pg color pin-up of Maria Stinger. Articles on Russian female(?) athletes, dime novels and the French Foreign Legion. Connie Sellers fiction 'My Brother's Keeper'. Well read and handled, scuffing and creases - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Hit Show - 1960-11
Product ID: hitsh1960-11cv3 #3 - Very nice Terry Higgins FC on black background + 5 pg feature, CF is Sammy Lynne (Alicyn Sanborn?). Barbara Yung, Barrie Shaw, Bobby Burt and Margaret Eubank each have 3 pgs. Plus Pat Dean, Diane Wagner, Laura Raymond, Bikini Parade and lots more. Sharp glossy black cover - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Jem - 1967-01
Product ID: jem1967-01dv8 #6 - Terry Higgins has FC + 5 pgs. Cheri has 3 pgs inc CF and Nina has 4 pgs. A feature on the off Broadway hit 'The Mad Show'' and an article by Richard Sargent 'Blue Chip Sex'. FC is clean & white, bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Late Show - v4 #1
Product ID: lateshow-v4.1b(1966 - AAA) - Linda & Yvonne have FC + 8 pgs inc CF, Tina & Pamela share 6 pgs - 1 is Teri Martine, Terry Higgins has 6 pgs w/ Judy Collins & Annette Scott, Black model Rita shares 6 pgs w/ her Oriental girlfriend Shoji. Plus more familiar faces and a 2 pg pic of Theda Bara as Salome. Gorgeous copy, barely touched w/ full cover gloss - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Modern Man - 1959-11
Product ID: modm1959-11dTerry Higgins has Covers + 5 pgs, Silvan Pampanini has 4 pgs and Texas Guinan has 3. Also Jane Small color CF and 3 pgs of Bunny Bacon as Blind Date. Few tiny water spots URC but sharp, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Modern Man - 1961-06
Lili Hardell covers, Terry Higgins color CF, a 3 pg comparison of Sophia Loren and Gina Lollabrigida plus 3 pgs of Dahlia Lavi and a bunch of good articles.
Nugget - 1958-12
Pat Turner has inside FC + 5 pg pictorial. Terry Higgins on inside BC. Also a 6 pg feature on 'C'est Magnifique' - new show at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas. Articles about jazz musician Miles Davis, race driver Phil Hill and Scotch Whiskey.
Nugget - 1959-02
Terry Higgins (an early appearance) has 5 pg pictorial. Jean Patrick on inside FC + 4 pgs. Also Nugget's 2nd Annual Jazz Review and a feature on the Society of Illustrators w/ a full pg painting by Al Moore.
Pimienta - 1962-02
Product ID: pimienta1962-02dSpanish language mag published in NYC. On newsprint. Covergirl Estrellita De Sul also has 5 pgs, Terry Higgins has a nice 5 pg feature (B&W), CF is Carmencita Vigil. Normal wear, it has held up well - VG/VG+.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Product ID: pc-plgrl#7-222 - No date (probably late 60s, 70s). Made in Hong Kong. 1960s vintage photos - models include Vicki Kennedy (several cards), Shiva Ramal (3 cards), June Palmer & Terry Higgins - 1 card each. Also several Playboy Playmates including Sue Williams (PM 4/65) on box and 1 card, Victoria Valentino (PM 9/63), Donna Michelle (PM 12/63), Jo Collins (PM 12/64) and Toni Ann Thomas (PM 2/63). Several other familiar faces in this one.
Box has photo on one side, pin-up illustration on other, some minor wear - VG+. Cards are unused, practically new.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Rogue - 1960-08
Terry Higgins has 5 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Lisa Gibson'. Also a 6 pg pictorial feature on the Artists and Models ball in Miami with 1 pic of Bunny Yeager. Humor by Robert Bloch 'Babes in Boozeland', fiction by Harlan Ellison 'Final Schtick' plus William F. Nolan article about Dean Martin.
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $0.00
Rogue - 1960-08
Special booze issue - numerous articles and features on everything potable. Terry Higgins has 5 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Lisa Gibson'. A 6 pg pictorial feature on the Artists & Models Ball in Miami pics by Bunny Yeager. Humor by Robert Bloch 'Babes in Boozeland', fiction by Harlan Ellison 'Final Schtick' plus a William F. Nolan article about Dean Martin. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy is bright & glossy, some light spine wear, bottom right corner is soft.
Sir - 1964-09
Yvonne Buckingham as Christine Keeler has FC + 6 pg movie review of 'The Keeler Affair'. Dartland Delroy has big 8 pg pictorial inc a 3 pg CF, Myriam Michelsson has 5 pgs and Terry Higgins has 2 pgs. Also articles on Sean Flynn (Errol's son) - part 2, harnass racing and the X-15. VG copy has some normal wear, spine stresses, CF is detached. Good copy has date stamp in upper left corner, some H2O marks, corner bumps.
Sir - 1967-04
Cathy Crofoot has FC + 5 pgs as a blond! Cee Cee Collins has 6 pgs inc CF, Janet Allen has 3 pgs and a 3-girl pajama party w/ Terry Higgins, Judy Collins & Annette Scott. A feature on the Dodge Charger, articles about bullfighting and UFOs and fiction by Con Sellers 'Hardhead'. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read, a couple of minor stresses. VG copy is bright & glossy, some light rubbing along spine, small crease on bottom right corner of several interior pgs and a 1" tear on edge of CF.
Sir - 1970-11
Product ID: sir1970-11dTerry Higgins has nice close-up FC, Leslie Anolick has 8 pgs inc 2 1/2 pg CF. Shirley Quimby has 3 pgs, Anna Ademira has 4 pgs and Sheri Tyler has 2 pgs - she is also in 12/70. Plus Sir's football forecast and a book review of 'The Jazz Tradition'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Sir Knight - v2.01
Product ID: sirk-v2.01e1960 - Diane Webber has nice FC, Elaine Jones has 5 pgs inc CF. Tanya Murietta has inside FC + 4 pgs, Japanese stripper K. Miname has 4 pgs and Terry Higgins has 3 pgs. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Gods Grow Green' and articles about Francois Blanc who built the casino in Monte Carlo and Edward Henry - the father of fingerpriting. Clean, shiny copy with normal wear - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Sizzle - v1 #7
Product ID: vpn-sizzle-v1.7d(1962 - Smash Pubs.) Terry Higgins has both covers (same). Tania Velia has really nice 4 pg feature. Kitty Randell has a full pg color pin-up. Lynn Harrison has 2 full pg illustrations + 3 others (B&W). Light wear, glossy, VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Swagger - 1965-07
v1 #4 - Terry Higgins has nice FC + 12 outstanding pages inc CF as 'Lisa Gibson'. Shirley Quimby has 7 pgs as 'Gabrielle'. Article about singer Petula Clark w/ nice full pg pic. Fair copy has fairly heavy H2O marks along top 2" of entire mag but no stuck pgs.
Swank - 1963-11
v10 #5 - Wendy Hennebury & Bonnie Dewberry share the FC + 4 pgs. Terry Higgins has an 8 pg pictorial inc 3 pg foldout CF - CF is 2/3 size (prox 8") wide. British actress Nina Leeds has 5 pgs. Interviews w/ Woody Allen & jazz singer Teri Thornton. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, tiny bump on bottom right corner. G/VG copy has been fairly well read and handled, normal wear but no serious defects.
Tonight - v3 #3
(1964 - AAA) - Virginia Rogers has 5 pgs as 'Gloriana Lever'. Preview of upcoming models has 1/2 pg pics of Palva Itano & Regina Anderer, full pg pic of Lupe Lopez. Terry Higgins on BC and several other familiar faces as well. Beautiful untouched copy - NEW! FINE++