Bonnie Logan-p
Busty brunette bombshell was one of the most popular models of the late 50s - early 60s. She appeared in countless mags frequently as Covergirl and/or CF. Front covers include ADAM BEDSIDE READER #7, HIGH TIME v1 #2, MODERN MAN 3/59 & 7/61 (both as Laura Lee), SPREE #32, VENUS v1 #11 and v1 #12 and one of the all time classics - GIRL WATCHER 6/59 w/ June Wilkinson - both in tight sweaters. CF apps include DEBONAIR 9/65, HIGH TIME v1 #4, MODERN MAN 7/64 & 6/65 and MOONGLOW v1 #2 and V1 #2.
aka Laura Lee, Lola Lee, Lola Lane. Appeared in Fling as Jan Logan.
40+ - #3
Product ID: modvd-40+-#31963 - Outstanding 68 page digest size mag from Selbee & Associates. Bonnie Logan has FC + 9 pgs, Brenda de Nault has 16 pgs inc CF. Elaine Reynolds has BC + 8 pgs, Brandy Michaels has 11 pgs, Busty Brown has 3 pgs and Ann Austin has 2 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
Adam - v05 #11
Product ID: adam-v05.11cfm1961 - Kathy Nelson is Covergirl, Joan Webb (was FC of v4 #2) is CF. Bonnie Logan has a 4 pg feature, Sharon Tuttle has 4 pgs w/ a real cougar, Debbie Gray has 3 pgs and Abbey Leigh is on inside BC. Plus a 4 pg review of nudie movie 'The Ruined Bruin' and 4 pgs on sexy Japanese TV shows. Fiction by Richard L. Sargent 'Play a Game of Pictures'. Bill Ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon. Well read and handled - Good, CF is missing.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Adam Bedside Reader #07
Product ID: adam-bdrd.07f1961 - Bonnie Logan Covers by Ron Vogel - great close-up! Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 19 stories including fiction by Earle Schell 'The Sins of the Fathers' and Richard L. Sargent 'First Kill'. Well read and handled but no serious defects - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fling Festival - v 1
1959 - 1st full size issue. Covergirl is Judy Bamber. Jean Jani has 6 pgs inc CF, Melody Ward has 4 pgs, Bonnie Logan (as Jan) has 3 pgs and Jackie Miller has 4 pgs. Article about Ivan the Terrible, a 4 pg feature on French Comic Books and Connie Sellers fiction 'The Ultimate Gift'. FINE+ copy is absolutely gorgeous - looks like I just bought it new this afternoon. Fair copy has H2O spots and some mildew, pgs NOT stuck.
Mermaid - v01.03
1958 - Great issue has June Wilkinson close-up FC. Coreen Rodella has 6 pgs inc CF, Dawn Richards has BC + 6. Virginia Gordon has 4 pgs, Luara Lee (aka Bonnnie Logan) has 3 pgs and Sue Miller has 5 pgs. Some stresses along spine, upper right corner soft but bright & glossy - VG
Mermaid - v01.06
Product ID: merm-v01.06d1958 - Diane Webber has BC + 4 pgs, Laura Lee (aka Bonnie Logan) has inside FC + 5 pgs. Laura Raymond also has 5 pgs and an anonymous model has 7 pgs inc CF. Bright & glossy, lightly read - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Modern Man - 1959-03
Bonnie Logan Covers + 3 pg feature and 1 more full pg pic (as 'Laura Lee'). 3 pg pictorial about a statue of Brigitte Bardot in London w/ 1 large pic of BB. Haisch Nana - Turkish Bellydancer - has 4 pg feature inc 2 pics of Anita Ekberg. Dianne Francis has 3 pgs. Full pg color pin-ups of Tanya Murietta & Donna Noble, large pics of Candy Barr and Madeline Castle. Also a 4 pg feature on Humphrey Bogart, fantastic frauds & fakers, Bannerman's Mystery Arsenal and a Jeep rodeo.
Modern Man - 1961-07
Laura Lee (aka Bonnie Logan) super sexy covers + 3 pgs. Marilyn Monroe/Jayne Mansfield comparison - Inside FC + 3 pgs, Marli Renfro color CF and Hitler's car!
Modern Man - 1964-07
Product ID: modm1964-07d'This Was Burlesque' by Ann Corio - inside FC + 3 pgs, Bonnie Logan color CF, 3 pgs of Mandy Rice-Davies, The Raymond Revue Bar in London and lots more. VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Modern Man - 1965-06
Outstanding Mamie van Doren FC + 3 pgs inc 1 full pg color pic. Kim Novak also has 3 pgs and Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti have 3 plus Bonnie Logan has a geat color CF.
Plush - v1.1
Dec. 1958 - subtitled Living for Men. Laura Lee (aka Bonnie Logan) has nice 6 pg pictorial, Juana Pierce has 5 pgs and Tanya Murietta has 4 pgs. Tempest Storm has a nice full pg pin-up and 'The Great Bosom Bonanza' - a 4 pg feature w/ pics of Ekberg, Loren, Manfield and others. Articles about Las Vegas, scuba diving and the Mercedes 540K. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read has small piece (3/8" x 1/2") off bottom rght corner FC. Good copy is well read and handled, tear on FC, price written on cover.
Rendezvous - v1 #4
Product ID: rendez-v1.4b(No Date - c. 1960 - AE) - Big 72 pg issue has 8 diff pictorials. June Wilkinson on inside FC + 5 pgs - nice feature. Bonie Logan has 6 pgs. White cover is exceptionally clean and bright - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $45.00
Spree - v1 #32
Product ID: spre-v1.32c1962 - Bonnie Logan has outstanding FC + 9 big pgs inc color CF! Marsha Jordan has 8 pgs, Gail Van Der Most (Covergirl & CF of #20) has 7 pgs, Georgia Glenn has inside FC + 5 pgs. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg B&W cartoon. Very lightly read, a few tiny color flakes on spine, strong glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Touch - v1 #1
Product ID: vpn-touch-v1.1d(1958 - Studio Pubs Inc.) Mag has 8 pg digest size insert of CF model. Bonnie Logan has 4 pgs, Marilyn Wesley has 6 pgs. A couple of other familiar faces but no names. Full pg pic of girl w/ a snake. Black FC is shiny, bright and glossy, VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Venus - v1 #07
1959 - June Wilkinson has outstanding FC in red pants on yellow background - WOW! Laura Lee, Pamela Bonde & Joy Gordon each have 5 pgs and a 5 pg feature + BC 'The Truth About Coccinelle'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and 2 clean creases on lower corner BC - VG+. Second copy has small price sticker in upper left corner, avg wear - VG.
Venus - v1 #11
Product ID: vens-v1.11d1959 - This one is loaded! Sexy Bonnie Logan FC, Nicki Gibson has 8 pgs inc CF. Dawn Danielle has inside BC + 8 pgs, Iris Bristol has BC + 6 pgs and Karen Klaus has 5 pgs. Very clean & bright, small bump on bottom of spine, CF is loose - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Venus - v1 #12
Product ID: vens-v1.12d1960 - Bonnie Logan sultry FC! June Wilkinson has inside BC + 8 big pgs, Lili Lisande has 8 pgs inc CF and Agnes Laurent has 5 pgs. Tiny corner nudge, light rubbing along spine and a few small stresses but bright & glossy - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Venus - v2 #2
1960 - Nice Glenda Graham FC in zebra shorts, Bonnie Logan is CF. Betty (Bunny Bacon?) has 6 pgs, Peggy Stewart & Silky each have 5 pgs and Carol McBee & Chileo each have 4 pgs. Also a feature on sculptor Hugo Robus. First copy is nearly new - Fine+. Second copy very bright & glossy, few tiny stresses along spine adn tiny bump on bottom corner - VG++. Third copy has multiple stresses along spine and a dime size chunk out at top of spine plus a vertical crease in center of book - Good.