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Isaac Asimov

Cavalier - 1967-01

Cavalier - 1967-01

Product ID: cavr1967-01e
Covergirl is Candy Earle (?). Nancy White has 8 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF and Sigrun has 2 pgs. Interview with all girl rock group Unidentified Flying Objects. A seminar on immortality includes 'The Price Of Life' by Isaac Asimov and 'Syzygy - Another Way' by Theodore Sturgeon. An article about the Underground Press. Bright & glossy, some normal wear, bump at bottom of spine - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Cheri - 1976-11

Marlene Willoughby has a big 11 pg feature and Veri Knotty has 9 pgs inc CF. Felice Carr has 7 pgs as 'Ann Logan', "S" has 5 pgs (she was also in 8/76) and LaVerne LaLeche has 9 pgs w/ the farmer's son. Neal Adams has 5 pgs of 'Over and Under' comix and Lecherous Limericks by Isaac Asimov.

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Escapade - 1960-08

Escapade - 1960-08

v5 #5 - Covergirl is Nadine Ducas. German actress Barbara Valentin has a 3 pg feature, Carole (=Sunny?) Dean has 4 pgs and Geri Marmor has 6 pgs inc CF. Also a short story by Isaac Asimov 'Let's Get Together' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac. Escapade visits the Univ of Michigan and a feature on the 1960 Olympics in Rome.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1974-08

Mary Lou has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Carol Bridger has 7 pgs as 'Lolly', Coral has 5 pgs. Interview w/ Isaac Asimov and a 2nd Int w/ author Ross MacDonald. Article about rock musician Lou Reed. Robert Crumb's Fritz the Cat has 4 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1976-08

Girl Next Door, Angela R. has 6 pgs inc CF. Janet has 9 pgs, Rose Verson has 5 pgs, Marilyn Chambers has 1 pic. Paul McCartney Interview w/ pics. Isaac Asimov article "The Approaching Magic of the Linking Laser". Also articles on Indonesia 1958: Nixon, The CIA and The Secret War, Paul Schrader (author or 'Taxi Driver') and Tequila.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1978-10

Covergirl and Girl Next Door Ella R has 7 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF, Raquel Moreno has 5 pgs, Debbie Berry also has 5 pgs. Int. w/ cloning experts Ted Howard & Jeremy Rifkin. Isaac Asimov article "The Asimov Theory of Life on Other Worlds". William F. Nolan fiction "The Grackel Question". Also articles on germ genocide and UFOs. Begin 'Tetra' a sci-fi Comic strip by Malcolm McNeil on a monthly basis.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1979-06

Covergirl Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) also has 6 pgs as Marcy MacLeod. Girl Next Door Evie F has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Susie- Ann Watkins has 6 pgs as 'Grace Webber' and Kaene Leila from Fiji has 5 pgs. Int. w/ comedian Richard Lewis. Isaac Asimov article 'Do Scientists Believe in God?' and 'The Slow Dying of the American Army. Tetra - Sci-fi comic.

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Gallery - 1980-04

Product ID: gall1980-04b
Covergirl Jennifer Wren (is Loni Sanders) has 9 pgs. Girl Next Door Maralyn C has 10 pgs inc 4 pg double foldout CF. A portfolio by Photog Michael Bramman. Int.w/ author Dr. David E. Bresler. Isaac Asimov article 'The Dying Sun' and another article on the 'Buying of America' Super nice, Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1980-08

Covergirl Lyn Brady also has 7 pgs. Girl Next Door Gale N has 10 pgs inc 4 pg double foldout CF. Ellen Jaye has 5 pgs (she was also in 2/78). Int w/ actor David (Kung Fu) Carradine Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. A monthly feature beginning this issue and appearing in all issues thru Aug, 1983. Book review of 'Velvet Eden' - 5 pgs. Article about unnatural 'Natural' foods and unhealthy 'Health' foods - the hype of the Century.

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Gallery - 1980-09

Product ID: gall1980-09b
Debbie Smith has FC + 6 pgs as 'Rennie Butler' (she was also Covergirl w/ pictorial in 2/80). Girl Next Door Toni P has 10 pgs inc 4 pg double foldout CF. Melanie Paul has 5 pgs and a portfolio by Photog. Peter Flodqvist. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Article about our secret war in Afrcia. Outstanding, Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Gallery - 1980-10

Product ID: gall1980-10b
Toni White has FC + 6 pgs as 'Nikki Kirk '. Girl Next Door Jenna Marie M has 10 pgs inc 4 pg double foldout CF. Amanda Hearn has 5 pgs as 'Loren Chester' (she is also in 4/81) and Viva has 6 pgs. Int. w/ comedian Sid Ceaser and an article about Russian microwave weapons. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Nearly new, Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Gallery - 1980-11

Covergirl and Girl Next Door of the Year Donna Lee Z has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout (she was also in 8/79). Girl Next Door Gini F has 4 pgs, Ursula Buchfellner (Playboy Playmate of 10/79) has 6 pgs as 'Veronique' and Miyako has 5 pgs. Stephen King - 32 pg pullout booklet "The Monkey". Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Article 'Last Chance for Planet Earth - an Environmental No-Progress Report'. Super nice, Fine+

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Gallery - 1980-12

Covergirl Penny Grey (aka Gray) also has 9 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout as 'Bri'. Girl Next Door Carol V has 6 pgs, Gerri Reeves (w/ dark hair) has 5 pgs and Francesca also has 5 pgs. Int. w/ Israeli General Ariel Sharon. Harlan Ellison fiction 'Footsteps'. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Articles about "Perks'"- loopholes for the rich and air pollution.

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Gallery - 1981-01

Covergirl Fia Morrow also has 6 pgs (she also has a pictorial in 2/82). Girl Next Door Darlene B has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Susie (Suzi Griffiths) has 5 pgs (also a pictorial in 10/81). Future Playboy CF Tracy Vaccaro has 3 pics. A portfolio by Photog. Christer Flodqvist. Int. w/ environmental philosopher Joe Meeker. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Irving Wallace fiction - an excerpt from 'The Second Lady'. Gallery's Time Capsule - the Best & Worst of the past 20 years.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1981-02

Covergirl Madleen Kane also has 7 pgs. Girl Next Door Melinda D has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Angie Lyn has 5 pgs as 'Vicki Josephs' and Janni has 6 pgs. Int. w/ entertainer Wayne Newton. Articles about Daivid Berkowitz (the Son of Sam murderer) and water pollution. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge,

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Gallery - 1981-03

Product ID: gall1981-03b
Covergirl Irene 'Midnight Express' Miracle also has 9 pg pictorial. Girl Next Door Denise B has 10 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. JoJo has 5 pgs. A portfolio by Photog. Eugene Finkle w/ a full pg pic of Serena. Int. w/ actor Charlton Heston. Article about occupational diseases. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Barely touched, Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1981-04

Covergirl Toni White also has 10 pgs inc CF (2 pg) as 'Kathy Brown' - she is also Covergirl & CF of 12/81. Girl Next Door Mattie Kay has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Amanda Hearn has 5 pgs as 'Loren Chester' (she was also in 10/80) and Alison Tyrer as 'Allie Arnold' has 5 pgs. Interview w/ actor Paul L. Smith (Bluto in the movie 'Popeye'). Article about exotic weapons brought to you by the good folks at DARPA. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1981-05

Lalla Dean has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Monika'. Girl Next Door Dawn T has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Marina has 5 pgs. A portfolio by Photog Joyce Baronio. Interview w/ Elvis impersonator Dana Mackay. Article about former CIA agent John Paisley. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

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Gallery - 1981-06

Product ID: gall1981-06b
Covergirl Stephanie also has 8 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Janeen C has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Janine Andrews has 5 pgs as 'January'. Int w/ actor Gene Wilder. Harlan Ellison fiction 'Broken Glass'. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Article about a hypothetical nuclear bombing of Denver. Mag comes with bonus 48 pg booklet "The Kahn Report on Sexual Preferences". Fine+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Gallery - 1981-07

Bond Girl (For Your Eyes Only) Kim Mills FC + 5 pgs. Girl Next Door Bonnie W has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Monique has 5 pgs. Girl Next Door Review - 1/2 pg each of previous 12. Int w/ outlaw singer Johnny Paycheck. Articles about America's secret alliance w/ the Nazi SS, porn videocassettes & discs and video equipment. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Olivia artwork - 1/2 pg. Exceptional Fine+

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Gallery - 1981-09

Covergirl Danielle also has 6 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Beverly K has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout (she is also Covergirl & CF in 11/82). Jannie Nielsen as 'Ariana' has 5 pgs and Melanie has 5 pgs. Interview w/ actor Richard Castellano (Clemenza in 'The Godfather'). Articles about how Americans are used as guinea pigs, the Armadillo Club in Austin, Texas and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Mag comes w/ 'The Joy of Touch' a 16 pg booklet insert. Nearly new, Fine+

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Gallery - 1981-10

Covergirl Monica also has 8 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Patti has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout (she was FC & CF of 8/81). Susie (Suzi Griffiths) has 5 pgs (she was also in 1/81 - mag says 2/81 but is wrong). Gina Charles (aka Nina Pickersgill) has 5 pgs as 'Jeannie' - pics from same photo shoot as Mayfair v16 #6. Interview w/ the people's pharmacist Joe Graedon. William F. Nolan fiction "The Train", Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge and an article about the Mob's Bloody war for Atlantic City.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1981-11

Covergirl & Girl Next Door of the Year Mattie Kay also has 9 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF (she was also in 4/81). The Girl Next Door is Twins Shauna & Sheena w/ 4 pgs. Jackie Jones has 5 pgs and Janet Conway also has 5 pgs as  'Smokey'. Articles about High-Level Money (13 of the richest men in America), Omega 7 (Cuban exile terroriss) and collector cars (modern). Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge plus "Readers Gallery" a 16 pg pullout booklet

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Gallery - 1981-12

Product ID: gall1981-12b
Covergirl Toni White has 10 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF as 'Kathy Brown' (she was also FC & CF in 4/81). Girl Next Door Sheree S has 6 pgs. Marina (is Jacqueline Brooks?) has 4 pgs, Marilee has 5 pgs. Int. w Charlene Tilton (Lucy in TV series Dallas). Stephen King - 16 pg pullout booklet "The Jaunt". Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Shiny and nearly new Fine+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $30.00
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Gallery - 1982-01

Carole Ann Stevenson has FC + 5 pgs as 'Moira'. Girl Next Door Karri G has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Marielle has 6 pgs, Helle Kjaer has 4 pgs as Samantha. Int w/ Dr. Stephen Rosen (author of 'Future Facts'). Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Mag comes w/ 16 pg "Readers Gallery" pullout booklet.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1982-03

Covergirl Alice also has 9 pgs inc CF. Girl Next Door Michele R has 6 pgs inc a 2 pg foldout. Kay has 4 pgs, Mary has 5 pgs. Articles about Jack Grimm - Texas oil man who searches for The Titanic, Bigfoot, Noah's Ark, etc. and computer crime. Also 'Over The Barrel' - how big oil is killing free enterprise - part 2. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Beautiful Fine+

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Gallery - 1982-04

Covergirl Graciella Lusso also has 4 pgs as 'Spring'. Girl Next Door Christina G has 7 pgs. Gina Keer has 8 pgs as 'Zilla' and Helena Fairchild has 5 pgs. Int w/ actor Tony Danza (from TV series 'Taxi'). Articles about James Drury (from TV show 'The Virginian'), Boxer Mark Breland and how banks rob you with your own money. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1982-05

Covergirl Nina also has 9 pgs inc CF (is Nina Carter?). Girl Next Door Cynthia L has 5 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 5 pgs as 'Robin' and Charlotte Morris has 4 pgs. Articles about bodybuilder Dr. Franco Columbu and Joe Coors of the Colorado brewing dynasty, A feature on Detective Paperbacks.and Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1982-06

Jody Gibson has FC + 4 pgs. Girl Next Door Evelyn A has 7 pgs, Sylvie has 6 pgs inc CF, Anna has 5 pgs and Heather Locklear has 2 pgs. Articles about the war in el Salvador, Baseball player Lou Pinella and famous building collapses. Also Watergate - 10 years after - where are they now? Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Super nice, Fine+

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Gallery - 1982-07

Covergirl Debbie Tays also has 5 pgs as 'Tammy'. Girl Next Door Kathy R has 5 pgs, Inga Nord has 4 pgs, Pamela Bellwood has 2 pgs. Also the Girl Next Door Review - 1/2 pg each of previous 12. Articles about archaelogist Dr. Wiliam Ryan, minor league baseball and Hill Air Force Base. Harlan Ellison short story "Stuffing". Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Hardly touched. Fine+

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Gallery - 1982-08

Toni White has FC + 6 pgs as 'Charlotte'. Girl Next Door Suzan A has 3 pgs. Linda Hahn has 4 pgs, Wanda also has 4 pgs, and a 7 pg feature 'Honky Tonk Angels' . Articles about musician Charlie Daniels, stock car racing, and author Harry Crews. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

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Gallery - 1982-09

Product ID: gall1982-09b
Covergirl Barbara Schaeffer also has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Anne'. Girl Next Door Karen J has 5 pgs. Yvonne Martin has 5 pgs and girlfriends Lucy & Jessie have 5 pgs. Articles about Litho-Fayne Pridgen - Jimi Hendrix's girlfriend, killer doctors, nuclear power plant construction, car theft and more. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Excellent Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Gallery - 1982-10

Covergirl and Girl Next Door Sherri N also has 7 pgs. Brigitte has 8 pgs inc CF, Linda Ipanema has 5 pgs, Charmagne has 6 pgs and Dot (Covergirl of the 'Girl Next Door' special issue) has 6 pgs. Articles about the fall of organized labort, risk taker David Smith and the 'G' Spot. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Xaviera Hollander fiction. Super sharp FIne+

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1982-11

Covergirl and Girl Next Door of the Year Beverly S (was Beverly K in 9/81) has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Monthly Girl Next Door Janine B has 7 pgs. Mona has 6 pgs, Black model Michelle Wright (she is also in 10/84) has 5 pgs, Susie has 7 pgs. Stephen King 32 pg pullout booklet "The Raft". Clifford Irving article "Borderline High" about drug smuggling on the Texas border w/ a full pg color illo by Howard Chaykin. The Rolling Stones US tour - 5 pgs of pics! Plus the FBI file on JFK (Part 1) and a pro football preview. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

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Gallery - 1982-12

Product ID: gall1982-12b
Covergirl Jeanne also has 7 pgs. Girl Next Door Toni has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Jill Lake has 5 pgs, Patti has 7 pgs. Int. w/ actor Ray Sharkey. Article 'Get the US out of the UN Now!' and the FBI file on JFK - Part 2. Comes with 16 pg bonus pullout calendar - 12 girls named Sally!. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Nearly new, Fine+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
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Gallery - 1983-01

Susan Mechsner (was in the movies 'Stripes' and 'Cheech & Chong's Next Movie') has FC + giant 12 pg pictorial inc 3 pg foldout CF.w/ a huge snake. Girl Next Door Connie M has 9 pgs. The 10 Greatest Girls Next Door - 1 pg each. Hedy has 7 pgs. Candy Samples has 1 pic. Also Xaviera Hollander fiction 'Fangs a Million'. Articles about the PLO and Russia, the movie business and 'Adventures in the Heart of Darkness' - diary of a war correspondent. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

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Gallery - 1983-02

Product ID: gall1983-02b
Lana Burner has FC + 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as Girl Next Door Bridget D. Benniece Roth has 6 pgs, Amanda has 6 pgs, Winnie has 7 pgs. Clifford Irving "She's not Getting Any Older - She's Getting Richer". Articles on sexy matchbooks, phone sex, Boxing referee/actor Jack Lotz and the Bechtel Corp. Isaac Asimove - The Asimov Challenge. Gorgeous, Fine+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Gallery - 1983-04

Product ID: gall1983-04b
Covergirl Harmonie also has 7 pgs. Lynne Margulies (from the movie "The Aftermath" ) has 6 pg feature plus 5 pgs on the making of the movie itself. Girl Next Door Geralynn G has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Sunnie has 5 pgs and a feature on the Girls of Norfolk. Articles about Jerry Garcia.of the Grateful Dead, True Toughness and the 'G' Spot. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Super sharp, Fine+

Number in Stock: 5
Price: $20.00
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Gallery - 1983-05

Product ID: gall1983-05a
Covergirl & Girl Next Door Vicky W has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (she is also GND of the Year w/ FC & CF in 11/83). Shauna Grant has dynamite 8 pg feature as 'Kitty'. Victoria has 5 pgs, the Girls of Hawaii and a big 12 pg portfolio featuring 10 women by Photog Jean Rougeron. Artciles about baseball player Jim Bouton and 'Courtroom Madness' - the Insanity Defense. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Like New! Fine++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
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Gallery - 1983-06

Covergirl Linda James also has 8 pgs as 'Leslie'. Girls Next Door Gay Linn F and Kristi M share 13 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Jeanette Starion has 5 pgs as 'Kerri' (she is also in 7/83, 10/87 & 12/90) and a big 10 pg Guide to nude beaches. Articles about China and 'Tradng With the Enemy' - the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.

  • Quantity:

Gallery - 1983-07

Covergirl Caroline Hallet also has 5 pgs. Girls Next Door Helga H & Cynthia F share 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. The Girl Next Door Review - 1/2 pg each of 12 previous and a big 10 pg feature on the new Swedish Woman. Jeanette Starion has 7 pgs as 'Kerri' (she was also in 6/83 plus 10/87 & 12/90). A review of 'The Blue Book' w/ 1 illo each by Sorayama and Robert Blue. Articles about the top 100 DJs, the Baseball Hall of Fame and the (super-rich) Boys of Texas. Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge. Fine+

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Gallery - 1983-08

Tina Hudson - Bond girl from 'Octopussy' - has FC + 12 pg pictorial. Girl Next Door Bobbie P has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Victoria Young has 5 pgs as 'Dawn', Alexandria Day has 2 pgs. Plus a big 10 pg feature on the Ladies of Spain. Articles about DMG (The Love Pill) and microcomputers. Isaac Asimov last installment of The Asimov Challenge

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Genesis - 1975-06

Marina Jo has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Jill has 6 pgs, Tina has 5 pgs and Linda has 3 pgs. Interview with Richard M. Dixon - presidential look-a-like and comedian. Isaac Asimov's "The Price of Survival" about over population.

  • Quantity:

Genesis - 1975-10

Ann-Charlotte has 10 exceptional pages inc CF (was FC of 9/75). Pam Henderson has 9 pgs as 'Jackie' and Cindy has 5 pgs. Isaac Asimov's 'Lecherous Limericks', Xaviera Hollander's Sex Tips - Part 1. Articles about The Shah of Iran, President Ford and the JFK assassination cover-up and crooked auto repair men.

  • Quantity:

Genesis - 1976-03

Covergirl is Yvonne (she has 7 pgs in 4/76). Ginny has 8 pgs inc CF (this same feature is reprinted in 8/77). Liz (FC of 2/76) has 7 pgs, Melanie Porter as 'Pia' has 6 pgs (this is a reprint of the feature in 2/75 less the first picture in 2/75) and Susanna has 5 pgs. Marilyn Chambers Autobiography Part 2 (of 2). Isaac Asimov short story "Light Verse". Articles about Alabama Gov. George Wallace and snuff films.

  • Quantity:

Genesis - 1977-09

Covergirl is Liz (was also FC of 2/76 and had 7 pgs in 3/76). Wanda has 16 pgs inc CF, Lucy has 8 pgs. Movie review of 'Inside Jennifer Welles'. Isaac Asimov's "Lecherous Limericks". Article about Farrah Fawcett.

  • Quantity:

High Society - 1976-06

Fashion model Anita Russell has FC. Laverne has 7 pgs inc CF, Black model Veronica Diemen has 7 pgs as 'Sheba'. Annie & Myra each have 7 pgs, Nita has 6 pgs and Arleen and a guy in a gorilla costume have 9 pgs. Also 'Little Red Riding Hood' a 9 pg spoof w/ 2girls & an anonymous guy. Plus an article about Muhammad Ali and 'Lecherous Limericks' by Isaac Asimov.

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Knave - 1978-10

Knave - 1978-10

Elise has 9 pgs inc CF, Kelly and her twin? share 8 pgs. Olivia & Mona each have 5 pgs. Plus an Interview w/  actress Susannah York, an Isaac Asimov short story "The Hazing" and 'Around the World' a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Dave Simons. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has a dime size spot on models nose (hard to see) and tiny bump on bottom right corner. Good copy has been well handled, corner creases on both covers, tape remnants on top edge and a small stain on top edge of BC and last couple of pgs.

  • Quantity:

Knave - 1979-01

Knave - 1979-01

Product ID: knav1979-01c
Rachel has FC + 9 pgs incl CF, Hillary has 8 pgs. Nico and an anonymous nurse each have 7 pgs and Paula has 5 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ Isaac Asimov and 'Sweet Gypsy Rose' - 3 pgs of color comix by Don Lomax. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1971-04

Product ID: pent1971-04e
Judy Jones (Covergirl & CF of 8/71) has FC. Jacqui Simmons-Jude has 9 pgs inc CF. Big 11 pg pictorial feature on the Girls of Ibiza. Interview w/ Danish sexologists Inge & Sten Hegeler. Isaac Asimov article 'A Tourists View of the Moon'. Article about collecting Banned Books. Book in nice shape but has 2" piece of tape on inside BC - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1982-01

Victoria Lynn Johnson (Pet of the Year 1978) is Covergirl. Julie Perrein (is Julia Perrin) has 19 pgs inc CF. Also, 2 girls have a 14 pg pictorial - one is Jacqueline Brooks. Plus a 10 pg feature on artist Paul Wunderlich. Interview w/ NY cop - Robert Leuci (subject of movie 'Prince of the City'). Feature articles on Religious Con Men, Billy Milligan - the man w/ 24 personalities, The Politics of Cancer - Part 9 - The Cancer Insurance Scam and 'The Dangerous Myth of Creationism' by Isaac Asimov. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip.
Mag also contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster of Pet of the Year Danielle Deneux.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1983-11

Covergirl Lale Hansen also has 19 pgs inc CF (she also has 10 ps in Australian edition 1/84). Julia Parton has wonderful 10 pg pictorial. Feature on Olivia de Berardinis has 10 pgs of artwork. Interview w/ David Bowie, fiction by Isaac Asimov 'The Robots of Dawn' plus Confessions of Son of Sam and more. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1986-09

Lauren Hutton has FC + big 12 pg feature. Ginger Miller has 17 pgs inc CF (she is also covergirl of 11/86). Bonnie Valence has 10 pgs in black leather and Susan Napoli (CF of 2/86) has 15 pgs w/ boyfriend Sean. Features on windsurfing the Ganges River and artifacts from Hiroshima. Interview w/ Mickey Mantle. Fiction by Isaac Asimov "Foundation and Earth" plus Arthur C. Clark "Sex in he Year 2019". Articles about Mafia financier Michele Sindona and the Franklin National Bank Collapse and DJ Howard Stern. Plus NFL predictions by Danny Sheridan and Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Swank - 1966-11

Swank - 1966-11

Product ID: swan1966-11g
Donna Marlow has FC + 7 pgs, Fay Richards has 9 pgs inc CF and Cynthia Gray has 6 pgs. Also French Dancers, an article about actress Jeanne Moreau, 'Using LSD' by Isaac Asimov and Ted Mark fiction 'The Man Who Wouldn't Take No'. Heavy H2O marks top right & bottom left corners, no stuck pgs chunk off at bottom of spine - Fair.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
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Swank - 1976-11

Swank - 1976-11

FC of a girl in a football helmet ready to hike the ball. Claire Hunter has 7 pgs inc CF (she was also in 9/76), girlfriends Laurel & Natalie share 7 pgs, Judy Martell and Nadia each have 5 pgs. Plus the 1976 NFL forecast and a 5 pg portfolio 'Bound For Stardom' of female stars in poses of submission by Francois Colos. Oliva de Berardinis art - 1 full + 4 diff 1/2pg illos - all B&W. Rowena Morril has 1 full pg color painting. Plus 'Lecherous Limericks' by Isaac Asimov. VG copy is bright & glossy w/ very clean white cover but has some light H2O spots in bottom right corner

  • Quantity:

Swank - Spectacular 1967

Swank - Spectacular 1967

Mickey Jines has FC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Alice Sweet '. Donna Marlow (also appeared in Beau and Nugget) and Maureen Reid each have 6 pgs and Sue Mandrake has 4 pgs. An Article about Catherine Deneuve w/ pics, features on the Island of Sylt and Serge Jacques Top 10 of Paris. Plus an article "Using LSD" by Isaac Asimov. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, clean white cover, some minor stresses along spine.

  • Quantity: