Kim Novak
#313 - Peter Basch's Glamour Photography
Product ID: fawc.313(1956) - 144 pgs of pics and advice from one of the masters. Has 11 chapters - 7 as listed on cover plus Dance, International Glamour, Editorial Glamour and Commercial Nudes. Longest chaper is 28 pgs of figure studies. Many stars & celebs - way too many to list, highlights include Jayne Mansfield - 3 pgs, multiple pics/pgs of Kim Novak, Anita Ekberg, Tina Louise, Barbara Nichols, Marian Stafford, Lilly Christine has a full pg pic, Lori Rogers has 8 pgs. 1st printing from 1956 is bright & glossy, a bit of 'rubbing' on BC, 2 small date stapms on FC - about FINE. 3rd printing from 1958 has some normal wear, a couple of light creases , a bit of color flaking near spine - VG
Bluebook For Men - 1965-02
Product ID: bluebk1965-02eKim Novak's Naughty nudes - 6 pg feature with lots of pics. Also John Steinbeck's "Surrender, Or We'll Blow You To Hell", UFOs, escape from Berlin and more. FC has pic of Kim Novak + 3 illos, 1 is people in tunnel under the Berlin wall. Book in nice shape but has vertical crease from stacking. ~VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Climax - 1961-10
v9 #1 - Has a mountain climber on FC. Kim Novak has a nice 6 pg feature. Helene Carrol has 5pgs. Articles about the myth of Eliot Ness, Red Chinese soldiers, gambling on baseball, Maurice Wilson (climbed Mt. Everest solo) and Cal Rodgers - he made the first transcontinental airplane flight in 1911. VG copy has normal wear, no serious defects. Good copy - a little more wear, some spine damage. Fair copy has H2O marks but no stuck pgs or brittleness.
Escapade - 1957-03
v2 #6 - Another Pat Sheehan FC? Coreen Rodella has 3 pgs inc CF, Kim Novak has 2 pgs inc a very nice full pg close-up. Dana Craig has 1 pg and Dane Arden has a pic on inside BC. Also Jack Leynnwood has a full pg color illo plus articles on Poker, Bongo Drums and Toots Shore.
Foto-rama - 1959-07
Julie Redding has nice FC, 6 pg feature on zsa Zsa Gabor and her boyfriends. Marilyn Nonroe has 6 pgs w/ Tony Curtis, Kim Novak has 5 pgs, Laya Raki has 6 pgs and Barbara Yang (aka Yung, Young) has 7 pgs. Mag also has nice 2 pg color foldout and articles about Elvis in Germany and David Janssen as detective Richard Diamond.
Glance - 1960-04
v3 #4 - Nice FC of Julie Jacques in bikini at beach. Kim Novak has thumbnail on FC + 4 pg story w/ pics. Lisa Varga has 2 pgs. Elvis Presley has 4 pgs - returning home from Army. Plus sumo wrestlers, movie monsters, Red Chinese Olympic athletes and Hitler's personal photos. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few very minor stresses. Good copy has a few small chips off edges, light spine wear, slightly soft bottom left corner.
Hi-Life - 1958-03
Product ID: hili1958-03ev1 #1 has a nice 3 pg feature on Kim Novak w/ 8 pics. Lois Collins on FC + 4 pgs, Didi Roberts has 2 pgs (she is also in 3/59). Fiction by William Saroyan 'Earth, Day, Night, Self' and Guy de Maupassant 'Madame Teller's Excursion'. Articles on Jazz and Bullfighting plus 1 pg of jokes by Art Paul. Slight wear, very glossy, nice VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Inside - 1958-01*
Product ID: ps-insd1958-01v3 #1 Has Kim Novak FC + 5 pg article about her 'strange sex life' w/ pics. Brigitte Bardot has small pic on FC + 6 pg story w/ pics. Jayne Mansfield has 6 pg story w/ pics, Sophia Loren also has 6 pg story w/ pics, Lana Turner has 4 pgs w/ pics. Plus articles w/ pics about Marlon Brando & Anna Kashfi and Robert Mitchum. Normal wear - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Jem - 1956-11
v1 #1 - Fabulous First Issue features Candy Barr on FC, Betty Brosmer on inside FC + gorgeous 2 pg color foldout. Jayne Mansfield, Kim Novak and Eve Meyer each have 4 pgs inc one beautiful full page color pin-up. Anita Ekberg has 2 full pg color pin-ups, Lili St Cyr and Alice Denham also have full pg color pin-ups. Monique van Vooren has 3 pgs and Joyce Winfield has 2 pgs. FINE+ copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read, almost new. VG copy has been read and handled. Some normal wear but no serious defects. Have 2 copies in Fair condition. One has 3 sets of staple holes - one on each side, a thin spot in middle of right edge of cover, a large bump at bottom of spine. It's kind of rough and is missing 2 pgs - the Betty Brosmer 2 pg color pic and Jayne Mansfield color pin-up on other side. The other copy is actually a little better but has some fairly heavy H2O damage/staining along bottom edge. Worse in front of book, less in back.
Male Life - 1956-08
Product ID: ps-mllf1956-08v5 #4 has Lynn Jones swimsuit FC. Siri on inside FC + 3 pgs, Peggy Ray BC + 5 pgs. Kim Novak 5 pg story w/ pics. Bunny Yeager's hottest pin-ups w/ CF of Bunny, herself + Candy Tint inside BC and pics of Joyce Nizzari, Mara Lindsey, Julie Padilla. Also how to get High paying jobs abroad and the truth about gas turbines. Beautiful copy looks almost new.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Modern Man - 1965-06
Outstanding Mamie van Doren FC + 3 pgs inc 1 full pg color pic. Kim Novak also has 3 pgs and Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti have 3 plus Bonnie Logan has a geat color CF.
News - 1954-12-18
Product ID: ps-news1954-12-18v1 #8 has kim Novak FC + 3 pg story w/ pics. Pics of Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner & Debra Paget, Gina Lollabrigida has a full pg pic. Articles about our war against juvenile crime, Jose Ferrer, the 1955 Fords and wrestling. Well read - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
People Today - 1955-11-16
Product ID: ps-peto1955-11-16v11 #10 has nice Kim Novak FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Former child star Margaret O'Brien has 5 pgs, Roberta Linn has 4 pgs, plus single pics of Barbara Nichols, Marilyn Monroe and Betty Brosmer. Feature articles on mink, escape artist 'The Amazing Randi' and Fort Ross, CA - built by the Russians. Very lightly read - bright & shiny - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
People Today - 1956-05-02
Product ID: ps-peto1956-05-02v12 #9 has close-up FC of Kim Novak + 5 pgs. Tina Louise on inside BC + 3 pgs, Sabrina has 2 pgs,, Julie Andrews has 2 pgs and Jayne Mansfield has 1 pg. Articles on the the F-104A fighter plane, author Paddy Chayefsky, nudists and how to tell if your telepathic. Very lightly read, bright, glossy - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
People Today - 1958-01*
Product ID: ps-peto1958-01v15 #1 has Tina Louise FC. Cheryl Kubert has BC + 6 pgs, Judy Bamber has inside BC + 6 pgs, Kim Novak has 4 pgs, Barbara Blen has 3 pgs, dancer DeeDee Wood has 4 pgs, Norma Douglas has 4 pgs plus pics of Mamie Van Doren and Jayne Mansfield. Features on firefighters games and radio DJ Bill Enis. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Picture Week - 1955-11-08
Product ID: ps-picw1955-11-08v1 #25 has Kim Novak in sheer nightgown FC + 2 pgs, Grace Kelly on inside FC + article, Pat Parker on inside BC + 2 pgs. Article by Harry Belafonte plus features on Boxing champ Archie Moore, Burl ives, Edward R. Murrow and GOG the robot. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Picture Week - 1956-04-24
Product ID: ps-picw1956-04-24v2 #5 has Linda Cristal FC + 2 pgs, Kim Novak has BC + 5 pgs plus 4 pgs on the Ziegfeld Follies of 1956 w/ 1 pic of Siri. Articles about Robert Q. Lewis, dirigibles and circus clowns. Bright, glossy - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Pose - 1954-11
Product ID: ps-pose1954-11v1 #2 has Tina Louise FC + 2 pgs. Eleonora Rossi Drago has BC + 4 pgs inc CF, Kim Novak has 2 pgs, Helene Stanton on inside BC. Features on female wrestlers, Coney Island, violence in movies and polygamy. Avg wear - Good/VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Rascal #12
Product ID: rasc.12dv2 #6 - 3/65 - Leila - the Belly Dancer in James Bond movie 'From Russia With Love' - has FC, BC + 2 pgs. Jean Harlow has 2 pgs of pics, Kim Novak has 3 pgs. Plus Barbara has 4 pgs inc CF, Gaby Rougier (is Covergirl of Scene 12/63) and Bluebell each have 3 pgs. Fiction by Robert Bloch 'The Pin' and Con Sellers 'Variable'. Glossy black cover with a few light stresses near spine and on top edge BC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Show - 1956-08
v4 #12 has sexy Tina Louise FC. Nejla Ates on inside FC + 4 pgs, Mickey Hallet has BC + 6 pgs, Rainier Deigh has inside BC + 6 pgs, Renee Lavalle has 6 pgs, Gina Lollobrigida has 4 pgs, Joi Lansing has 2 pgs and Jayne Mansfield has a nice full pg pic and a 1 pg ad. Feature articles on Havana, Cuba and Texas girls.
Sir - 1956-12
Product ID: sir1956-12fKim Novak has a great close-up FC + 4 pg feature. Blaze Starr has 2 pgs. Articles about the Japanese invasion of Manila, Ancient Corinth - the greatest sin city of all time, Harem girls for sale in Arabia, Lincoln's ghost in the white house and Dave Beck - preident of the teamster's union. Well read and handled, faint store stamp on Kim's shoulder - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Tab - 1954-12
Product ID: tab1954-12fGood issue w/ loads of girls and many top models. Honey Merrill FC + 3 pgs, Trudy Williams has 4 pgs, Jennie Lee also has 4 pgs, Marla English has 5 pgs, June McCall & Dawn Oney have 5 pgs, Kim Novak BC + 2 pgs, single pgs of Terry Moore, Cleo Moore, Debra Paget, Mamie van Doren, Allison Hayes and Sheree North on inside BC. Lots more! FC a bit rough but o/w OK - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00