Trippi Skepington-p
Cute model with reddish hair in trademark braids. Featured on FC of MODERN MAN 4/66 and was CF of ROGUE 11/66 as Stephanie Hallow. Appeared in numerous mags but always w/ a different name. Was CF of Adam v10 #5 as Trippi Skipington.
There is also a model from the same time frame who looks very similar but does not have her hair braids. Billed under a variety of names, Sheila Grayson & Dorinda Bernard seem to be most common, I've been told this is the same girl as Trippi but have no conclusive evidence so I have kept those listings separate. Please see listings under Sheila Grayson for the girl without braids.
Ace - 1973-03
Product ID: ace1973-03eOver a dozen girls w/ no name, only a first name or ridiculous names. Trippi Skepington has 2 pgs as 'Lucille'. Bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear and light rubbing along spine - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Adam - v10 #05
Product ID: adam-v10.05c5/66 - Rena Horton has close-up FC + 6 pgs of pics from movie 'Mud Honey' also starring Lorna Maitland. Trippi Skipington (aka Skepington) has 4 pgs inc CF. French stripper Sophie Rieu has inside FC + 4 pgs, Kim Conway has 4 pgs and Nancy Kovack has BC + 2 pg (was in movie 'The Silencers' w/ Dean Martin). The One Percenters - an article about bikers and Althea Currier letters column. Plus fiction by Earle Schell 'Such Revenges On You Both' & Jack Ritchie 'The Id of Irving' and Part 4 of 'The Satyricon' by Petronius. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Modern Man - 1966-04
Product ID: modm1966-04dTrippi Skepington (That's spelled correctly!) has FC + 3 pgs, Jody Richards is CF. Doll of the Month Donna Marlow has 3 pgs, Rosanna Schiaffino also has 3 pgs and a 3 pg feature w/ 3 girls on a boat - 1 is Nadejda as 'Nancy'. Features on Hollywood hopefuls w/ Pamela Tiffin & Joey Heatherton, tattooed women and topless fashions. Articles about Burlesque - London style, the Salton City 500 boat race and the Spanish foreign legion. Sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00