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Tina Louise-p

Glamourous redhead who initially won fame on Broadway as Apassionata Von Climax in "Lil' Abner" and went on to star in numerous films and TV shows from the 50s to the 90s. Perhaps best remembered as 'Ginger' on the 1960s TV hit show Gilligan's Island.

#313 - Peter Basch's Glamour Photography

#313 - Peter Basch's Glamour Photography

Product ID: fawc.313
(1956) - 144 pgs of pics and advice from one of the masters. Has 11 chapters - 7 as listed on cover plus Dance, International Glamour, Editorial Glamour and Commercial Nudes. Longest chaper is 28 pgs of figure studies. Many stars & celebs - way too many to list, highlights include Jayne Mansfield - 3 pgs, multiple pics/pgs of Kim Novak, Anita Ekberg, Tina Louise, Barbara Nichols, Marian Stafford, Lilly Christine has a full pg pic, Lori Rogers has 8 pgs. 1st printing from 1956 is bright & glossy, a bit of 'rubbing' on BC, 2 small date stapms on FC - about FINE. 3rd printing from 1958 has some normal wear, a couple of light creases , a bit of color flaking near spine - VG

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#350 - Peter Basch's Photo Studies

#350 - Peter Basch's Photo Studies

Product ID: fawc.350d
(1957) - 144 pgs + covers containing hundreds of pics. Many Hollywood stars & celebs inc great Tina Louise color FC + interior pics. Separate chapters as noted on cover, the longest is 24 pgs of figure models. Anita Ekberg, Julie Newmar, Kim Novak & Zahra Norbo have multiple pgs/pics + far too many others to list. Covers a bit rough - some scuffing & soiling, crease on lower corner of BC, interior in good shape.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Argentina - Dinamit

Argentina - Dinamit

Product ID: arge-dinam
Spanish language mag from Argentina. No date but seems to be from the 1950s. B&W on newsprint type paper w/ color wraparound covers. Similar to a 1950s American digest size joke book but full size. Covergirl is Lynn Jones - this same photo also appeared in Scamp 5/57 and was the CF of Follies 1/56. Tina Louise has full pg pic on inside FC, Lili St. Cyr full pg pic in Indian headdress on inside BC. Tania Velia has a page and Bunny Yeager as model also has 1 pg w/ 3 pics. Dolores Rowden CF, Marion Caroon & Laura Kavanaugh each have 2 pgs plus Bill Ward has 4 cartoons on 1 pg. Writing in upper left corner of cover and small price stamp. Upper left corner is soft, tiny nick on edge of BC but overall clean and bright - VG 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Dude - 1957-09

Dude - 1957-09

v2 #1 - Good issue has a 3 pg feature on Sophia Loren, 3 pgs of Paulette Nelson (Miss USA) on a trampoline, 4 pgs of Miss Dude, Sheryl Parks and 3 pgs of Marsha Howard. Also a feature on an art sudent's ball with pics of queen Tina Louise. Wally Wood has a full pg cartoon plus a 1/2 pg illustration with a story. Fair copy has H2O marks in upper left corner, lots of spine damage. No stuck pages, very readable. 

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Escapade - 1956-09

Escapade - 1956-09

says v1 #11 on contents pg but is misnumbered - 8/56 was #11, this is #12. Covergirl is Diane Webber? Candy Barr is CF and Tina Louise has very nice 4 pg feature, Paulette Nelson, Miss USA, has 2 pgs. Plus an article about the Folies Bergere.

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Fond Memories - R

Product ID: fondm-r
1994 - 28 pgs. Magazine check list 'R' - w/ pics from Rhapsody #1 - 1961. Good article about Tina Louise w/ nice full pg photo. NEW!

Number in Stock: 26
Price: $5.00
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HI - 1957-05

HI - 1957-05

Product ID: hi1957-05e
(The Tall Magazine For Men) - v1 #1. Very unusual publication is only 4 1/2" wide but 11" tall - meant to fit in the inside pocket of a sport coat. That format holds thru issue #6 dated 4/58. Begining w/ issue of June, 1958 issues are regular size 8 1/2" wide x 11" tall. Mag has sexy Tina Louise FC. Marilyn (aka Marlyn) Maher has BC + 7 pgs inc CF, Margo Donnelly has 4 pgs and Kay Douglas has a full pg color pin-up on inside BC. Plus features 'Inside Elvis' - 5 pgs of mostly pics, art student's ball w/ Anita Ekberg, boxing's bloodiest bout - the Tony Galento/Lou Nova bout, breast implant surgery pics and 3 pgs of photos by Weegee. Harold Robbins fiction 'Marja'. A few small chips on edge FC, some very light foxing, VG/VG+ - looks better than it sounds!

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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Jem - 1957-03

Jem - 1957-03

v1 #3 features Diane Webber FC + 8 pgs inc 2 pg color foldout. Other side of foldout is excellent 2 pg color pic of Candy Barr. Eve Meyer has a color BC, Tina Louise has 2 pgs and Ann Newland (aka Anne Neyland) also has 2 pgs. Plus an article about legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt and several full pg color pin-ups. inc Joy (Joyce) Reynolds. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read - has the letter 'D' written on cover in red. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has small date stamp near bottom right corner of FC. Upper right corner of mag has a bit of light warping - apparently from moisture but there are no marks or stains, pgs are white. VG copy is bright & glossy but has a rather heavy duty bump on bottom right corner of mag.  

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Master Photography #1

Master Photography #1

Product ID: mastphot.1e
Summer, 1957 - FC is great color close-up of Tina Louise. Feature article 'Lighting the Nude' w/ 4 pgs of pics by Edgar Brind. Also a feature on fashion photogrpahy and 8 pgs of figure studies by 6 different photographers inc Bunny Yeager, Russ Meyer & Don Ornitz. Several familiar faces in this one inc pics of Diane Webber (by Russ Meyer) & Venetia Stevenson. Clean staple holes but still nice.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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Modern Man - 1957-07

Product ID: modm1957-07d
Tina Louise super sultry FC + 4 pgs. Valerie French has 5 pgs and Brenda Hollis has 4. Light wear, sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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Modern Man - Special #19

Modern Man - Special #19

Product ID: modm-spec.19inc
1960 Yearbook of Queens. Great Issue! Jayne Mansfield has FC + 4 pgs. Tina Louise, June Wilkinson, Tania Velia, Mylene Demongeot, Marissa Allasio, Fay Spain, Beverly Hills, Jody Lawrence and Dawn Richards each have 3 pgs. Shirley Quimby, Glenda Graham, Bambi Hamilton, Virginia de Lee, Lee Sharon, Stella Stevejns, Jill St. John, Joan Bradshaw and Annette Vadim each have 2 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read but has some very faint scratches and the number '75' written n FC. Mag is missing 4 pgs - 3/4 (unknown content), 13/14 & 15/16 - Zsa Zsa Gabor, and 57/58 - Stella Stevens

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Monsieur - 1957-07

Monsieur - 1957-07

v1 #3 - Anonymous covergirl had 4 pgs in 6/57. Greta Thyssen has 4 pgs, Sequin (aka Geri Garner) has  2 pgs and Tina Louise has a 2 pg photo. Eve (not Meyer) has 6 pgs and an anonymous model (Nona Van Tosh?) has 6 pgs inc a 2 pg foldout. Feature on Paris Night clubs. FINE copy is bright & glossy, lightly read w/ light vertical stress line about 1/4" in from spine. VG copy has some normal wear - minor stresses and small corner bumps, a small price sticker in upper right corner of FC. Good copy has been fairly well read and handled, normal wear but no serious defects.

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Nugget - 1957-09

Nugget - 1957-09

Brigitte Bardot inside FC + 3 pgs. Tonia Carrero FC + 5 pgs, Gwen Verdon on inside BC. Also the N.Y. Artists Bacchanal w/ a nice full pg color pic of Queen, Tina Louise. Feature article on The Baleares Islands, another good article about Duke Ellington and how to win at horse racing.

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People Today - 1954-02-24

People Today - 1954-02-24

Product ID: ps-peto1954-02-24
v8 #4 has Mitzi Gaynor FC + 4 pgs. Tina Louise has 1 pg as 'Miss Idaho Potato'. Articles about adultery laws across the country, 50 years of flight, commie agent William Sentner and top basketball rookies. Bright, glossy VG++

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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People Today - 1956-05-02

People Today - 1956-05-02

Product ID: ps-peto1956-05-02
v12 #9 has close-up FC of Kim Novak + 5 pgs. Tina Louise on inside BC + 3 pgs, Sabrina has 2 pgs,, Julie Andrews has 2 pgs and Jayne Mansfield has 1 pg. Articles on the the F-104A fighter plane, author Paddy Chayefsky, nudists and how to tell if your telepathic. Very lightly read, bright, glossy - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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People Today - 1958-01*

People Today - 1958-01*

Product ID: ps-peto1958-01
v15 #1 has Tina Louise FC. Cheryl Kubert has BC + 6 pgs, Judy Bamber has inside BC + 6 pgs, Kim Novak has 4 pgs, Barbara Blen has 3 pgs, dancer DeeDee Wood has 4 pgs, Norma Douglas has 4 pgs plus pics of Mamie Van Doren and Jayne Mansfield. Features on firefighters games and radio DJ Bill Enis. Bright, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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People Today - 1958-09

People Today - 1958-09

Product ID: ps-peto1958-09
v16 #3 has Nicole Maurey FC. Dawn Oney has BC + 2 pgs. Tina Louise has 3 pgs - comparison w/ Jane Russell who has 1 pg. Sophia Loren has 2 pgs. Bright, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Photography For Men #1

Photography For Men #1

1957 - Squarebound mag from The Sterling Group. Tina Louise color FC in sheer nightgown. Dianne Webber has 6 pgs by Russ Meyer, Anita Ekbeg has 4 pgs, Cheryl Kubert has 2 pgs. Lots of nice full pg pics inc Elsa Martinelli, Vivian Maledy, Anne Neyland, Vikki Dougan, Simone Auger, Eva Bartok and many others. Plus 10 pgs of nudes by Peter Basch. Mag has clean staple holes 1/4" from top edge, and bottom 2" of spine is disintegrated - still nice - VG.

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Picture Scope - 1958-11

Picture Scope - 1958-11

Product ID: picscope1958-11d
Tina Louise has sexy FC in white fur stole + 5 pgs. Marlene (aka Marley) Sanderson ha 6 pgs inc a 2 pg color foldout. Lots more girls plus articles on the Place Pigalle in Paris, Havana, Cuba, sponge diving, boxing chimps and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Bright, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Picture Week - 1956-07-17

Picture Week - 1956-07-17

v2 #11 has Tina Louise FC in a red boa + 4 pgs inc CF. Peggy King (from the George Gobel TV show) has BC + 4 pgs, Vikki Dougan has 2 pgs w/ different hair styles plus pics of Jayne Mansfield, Kim Novak, Joan Collins and Chickie James. Feature on the movie 'Moby Dick'. This one is very well read and handled.

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Pose - 1954-11

Pose - 1954-11

Product ID: ps-pose1954-11
v1 #2 has Tina Louise FC + 2 pgs. Eleonora Rossi Drago has BC + 4 pgs inc CF, Kim Novak has 2 pgs, Helene Stanton on inside BC. Features on female wrestlers, Coney Island, violence in movies and polygamy. Avg wear - Good/VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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See - 1957-09

See - 1957-09

Product ID: see1957-09f
Tina Louise has tiny pic on FC + very nice 4 pg feature inc 2 full pg photos. Full pg pic of Jayne Manfield. FC painting of shipwreck survivors on raft. 'Bring 'Em back Alive' the story of Frank Buck, The last voyage of the Lusitania and The Man Who Hated Elvis Presley. Well read, FC has tear in middle. Good filler copy.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Show - 1955-06

Show - 1955-06

Product ID: ps-show1955-06
v3 #10 - Lili St. Cyr has 6 pgs inc CF, Tina Louise has 4 pgs, Mari Aldon has 6 pgs. Feature on foreign stars has 2 pgs each of Denise Darcel, Corinne Calvet and Audrey Hepburn. Pat White has inside FC + 2 pgs, Jean Crain has BC + 1 pg, Janet Leigh has 2 pgs, Terry Moore, Mary Murphy, Debra Paget and Jane Powell each have 1 pg w/ 2 pics. Features on Debbie Reynolds & Eddie Fisher and Red Skelton. Bright, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Show - 1955-12

Show - 1955-12

Product ID: ps-show1955-12
v4 #4 has Camille Williams FC + 5 pgs, Tina Louise has inside FC + 4 pgs, Helen Partello has 6 pgs, Grace Kelly has 5 pgs, Diane Wagner has 5 pgs, Connie Russell has 4 pgs. Janis Paige on BC. A long feature on burlesque w/ 1 pg Lilly Christine, Mamie van Doren has 1 pic. Very lightly read - bright, glossy - Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Show - 1956-08

Show - 1956-08

v4 #12 has sexy Tina Louise FC. Nejla Ates on inside FC + 4 pgs, Mickey Hallet has BC + 6 pgs, Rainier Deigh has inside BC + 6 pgs, Renee Lavalle has 6 pgs, Gina Lollobrigida has 4 pgs, Joi Lansing has 2 pgs and Jayne Mansfield has a nice full pg pic and a 1 pg ad. Feature articles on Havana, Cuba and Texas girls.

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