Escapade - 1955-10
v1 #1 - Great first issue of another 50s classic. Anonymous Covergirl is also CF in 1/56. Suzanne is the CF. Fiction by Ray Bradbury "The Mice" & Erskine Caldwell's "Medicine Man". A feature on Pin-up artist Henry Clive and another on bullfighting. An article about Jazz..
Escapade - 1955-11
v1 #2 - Covergirl also has 4 pgs of pics getting ready for bed. An anonymous ballet dancer has 3 pgs. Nice full pg color pin-up by Fritz Willis and an article on How to Beat The House by Wilbur Clark, host of the Desert Inn in Vegas.
Escapade - 1956-01
v1 #4 - Highlight of issue is a 5 pg portfolio of photos by Andre de Diennes. Anonymous CF is Covergirl from 10/55?. Also Singer Kay Brown has 2 pgs and 2 pgs of illustrations by George Grosz.
Escapade - 1956-02
v1 #5 - Has FC illo of a Can-Can dancer bending over and showing her derriere. Marla English on BC + 2 pgs, Sheree North has 2 pgs and Maria Stinger has 3 pgs in a swimming pool. Also fiction by Somerset Maugham 'The Escape' and Henry Miller 'Mademoiselle Claude' plus humor by William Nolan 'Wheels are Rounder than Heels'
Escapade - 1956-03
Product ID: escp1956-03ev1 #6 - Good Issue starts w/ Lili St. Cyr on the inside FC. Bettie Page has 3 pgs, Vivian Maledy has 4 pgs and Ann Baker (TV's Corliss Archer) has 3 pgs. Also an anonymous CF wrapped in white fur. Minor wear, VG
Number in Stock: 4
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1956-04
Product ID: escp1956-04ev1 #7 - Good issue has a nice 3 pg feature on Lili St. Cyr, a Vivian Maledy CF posing as an artist and a 5 pg portfolio of photos by Andre de Diennes. Also fiction by Erskine Caldwell 'Strawberrry Season' and Tennessee Williams 'The Important Thing'.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1956-05
v1 #8 - Unusual FC of blond secretary sitting in the enlarged palm of a man's hand. CF is betty Brosmer?? Nice 3 pg feature on Barbara Nichols and 3 pgs of Mona Miller by Russ Meyer. Plus an interesting 3 pg feature of a nude girl on Sunset Blvd.
Escapade - 1956-06
v1 #9 - Virginia De Lee has FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Betty Blue (future Playboy Playmate of 11/56) has 3 pgs by Russ Meyer. Article about Baseball player Grover Cleveland Alexander and another about band leader Ben Pollack.
Escapade - 1956-07
v1 #9 - Dorie Stevens on FC, BC + 7 pgs inc CF - pic from same photo shoot as Scamp 9/57. Bette Ford - fashion model turned bullfighter has 2 pgs. Part 2 of article about band leader Ben Pollack.
Escapade - 1956-08
Product ID: escp1956-08ev1 #11 - Marguerite Empey (aka Diane Webber) has nice close-up FC plus BC + 4 pgs. Zsa Zsa Gabor has 2 pgs and Kay Martin also has 2 pgs. A nice feature on Meerschaum pipes plus articles about singer Mel Torme and famous Femme Fatales. Avg wear but clean and bright. VG
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $40.00
Escapade - 1956-09
says v1 #11 on contents pg but is misnumbered - 8/56 was #11, this is #12. Covergirl is Diane Webber? Candy Barr is CF and Tina Louise has very nice 4 pg feature, Paulette Nelson, Miss USA, has 2 pgs. Plus an article about the Folies Bergere.
Escapade - 1956-10
v2 #1 - Anniversary Issue has a 2 pg photo of a birthday cake w/ 12 girls (previous Covergirls and CFs) decorating the top, like candles. Models include Bettie Page, Diane Webber, Vivian Maledy and Dorie Stevens. CF of a girl in a hammock. Article about bourbon whiskey and a feature on Pin-up artist Earl MacPherson w/ pics and a full pg color illo of a girl bathing in a washtub.
Escapade - 1956-11
Product ID: escp1956-11dv2 #2 - Anonymous showgirl on FC. Dane Arden has a 3 pg pictorial and Rhoda also has 3 pgs. Plus a vagguely familiar blond has 6 pgs inc CF. Jack Leynnwood has a full pg color illo. Articles about Absinthe and Storyville in New Orleans. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 4
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1956-12
v2 #3 - Issue has very unusual Marilyn Monroe double exposure CF/Calendar. Lilith has 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood and an article about band leader Stan Kenton.
Escapade - 1957-01
v2 #4 - Covergirl is Pat Sheehan - future Playboy Playmate of 10/58. Greta Thyssen has nice 3 pg feature by Russ Meyer. Sue Van Orden has 4 pgs inc CF and Margo Strange has 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood and a Shell Scott short story 'Too Many Girls' by Richard Prather.
Escapade - 1957-02
v2 #5 - Covergirl Nikki Gibson also has 4 pgs inc CF. Actress Lori Nelson has 2 pgs, Terry Cintron also has 2 and Diane Webber has a pic on the inside BC. Also Belgian showgirls and sexy valentines. Plus humor by P.G. Wodehouse 'Bring on the Fiends' and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood
Escapade - 1957-03
v2 #6 - Another Pat Sheehan FC? Coreen Rodella has 3 pgs inc CF, Kim Novak has 2 pgs inc a very nice full pg close-up. Dana Craig has 1 pg and Dane Arden has a pic on inside BC. Also Jack Leynnwood has a full pg color illo plus articles on Poker, Bongo Drums and Toots Shore.
Escapade - 1957-06
v2 #8 - Good issue w/ lots of girls. Pat Sheehan has nice color CF in black negligee. Ann Peters, Zahra Norbo and Joan Collins each have 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood, a feature on record album art and a preview of the '57 baseball pennant race (last season before teams moved West). There is also an article on the latest men's fashions w/ 2 pgs of pics of a very young Clint Eastwood all dressed up!
Escapade - 1957-07
v2 #9 - Another good issue full of girls. Jill St. John has FC + 2 pgs. Dana Craig is the CF and Sophia Loren also has 2 pgs. Plus fiction by William Saroyan 'A Favor for a Friend', an article about Vodka and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood.
Escapade - 1957-12
v3 #1 - Now on a bimonthly pub schedule by Bruce Pub. Corp. Brigitte Bardot has 3 pgs of pics, Anita London has 4 pgs, Marion Moore has 6 pgs inc CF, Miss USA Charlene James has 2 pgs and an anonymous cat girl (pretty sure this is Tura Satana) has 4 pgs. Also fiction by Arthur C. Clarke 'Patent Pending' and Nelson Algren 'A Bottle of Milk for Mother' plus an article about Wyatt Earp and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood.
Escapade - 1958-02
v3 #2 - Marian Stafford (Playboy Playmate of 3/56) has 6 pgs inc CF (she is also covergirl?). Singer Julie Wilson has 5 pgs, French stripper Rita Renoir has 4 pgs and Donna Noble has 2 pgs. Also fiction by Robert Bloch 'Edifice Complex' an article by P.G Wodehouse 'Having Fun?' Plus articles on making Scotch whiskey and how to cheat at cards.
Escapade - 1958-04
v3 #3 - Lili St Cyr has 5 fabulous pgs inc CF - all in color! Pat Parker has 2 pgs as 'Domino'. Pictorial features on London, The Lido in Paris, Greenwich Village, and skydiving. Fiction by Thomas Wolfe 'April, Late April' and William Saroyan 'Harry' plus an article about Bullfights being fixed.
Escapade - 1958-06
Product ID: escp1958-06ev3 #4 - Covergirl is Asia - she has 2 pgs in 8/59. Lisa Varga has 5 pgs inc CF and Valerie French has 4 pgs. Plus 3 pgs of nudes by Frenchman Christian Cambazard. Fiction by Nelson Algren 'The Heroes' and features on Craps, Women's pistols and Mercedes Benz autos.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1958-08
Product ID: escp1958-08ev3 #5 - Lori Shea has Inside FC + 4 pgs by Bunny Yeager. Sandra Edwards has a very nice 4 pg pictorial. Jeanne Francois has 3 pgs and Michile Simon has 2 pgs. A jazz bash at Princeton w/ singer Carol Stevens. Fiction by Ray Bradbury 'The Marriage Mender' and Earle Schell 'Jeanie's Jeans'
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1958-10
v3 #6 - Nancy Kirsten on inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Melody Ward has a very nice 4 pg pictorial. A short Interview w/ Britain's Sabrina - has illo. Sue Ann Langdon and Lois Collins each have 2 pgs. Feature articles on Speed Week in Nassau, Stillman's Gym in NY and Piano player Erroll Gardner.
Escapade - 1958-12
v3 #7 - Covergirl is Jackie Loughery (Miss USA, is in 4/59). Jeanne Gallagher on inside FC + 4 pgs. Photog Mike Tabb has 6 pgs of pics inc CF - models are Lee Collins, Anita Huff and Sara Aman. Belgian beauty Jeanne Fievel has 2 pgs and Singer Pat Suzuki also has 2 pgs.. Also features on Japanese Burlesque and hot-air balloons plus an article about Brandy and a 1 pg column by Phil Silvers. Beginning with this issue Escapade visits a different college campus each month - first up Oklahoma University.
Escapade - 1959-02
v3 #8 - Classic FC of Carol Hill sitting on a conga drum against a blue sky. She also has a very nice 4 pg pictorial. Donalda Jordan is on the inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Features on Paris and an anonymous 'Snow Girl'. Plus an article about boxer Floyd Patterson and a William Saroyan short story 'Hello Out There'. Escapade visits the Univ. of Texas.
Escapade - 1959-06
v3 #10 - Brigitte Bardot has unusual wrap-around FC that is close up of her kissing Alain Delon. Also an article w/ pics inc a beautiful full pg color portrait. Brigitte Baum is on the inside FC + 6 great pgs inc CF. (Diana) Carol Baker & Marilyn Wesley have 4 pgs of beach shots by Russ Meyer and Karen has 2 pgs.. Also a short story by Earle Schell 'Mousetrap' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac. Article on credit cards and a visit to the Univ. of Minnesota. VG++ copy has gorgeous glossy FC, small tear at top of spine on back - first glance is awesome!!
Escapade - 1959-10
Product ID: escp1959-10ev4 #2 - Covergirl is Marley Sanderson. Rene La Salle has a big 7 pg feature inc CF. Shannon Colby has the inside FC + 2 pgs, Junior Stewart has 4 pgs and a pictorial of Fire Island Beach Chicks. Articles about Casey Stengle, Jazz musician Tony Scott and Paris' Olympia Press. Plus a Connie Sellers short story 'Walk A Certain Way' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1959-12
v5 #1 - Millicent Rand has FC + 2 pgs. Very nice 5 pg pictorial of Sheika Moser inc a color CF by Keith Bernard. Freddie Robbins has 4 pgs and the Croft Twins (Leila & Valerie) have 3 pgs. Also a 2 pg photo of Pat Conley by Frank Bez. An article about Alaska - the last frontier, Escapade visits the Univ. of Miami and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac.
Escapade - 1960-02
v5 #2 - Lynn Chandler has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Eve Eden on inside FC + 4 pgs. Claire Gordon has 2 pgs. A short story by P.G. Wodehouse 'From a Detective's Notebook' plus a 1 pg article by Jack Kerouac. Escapade visits the Univ. Of Hawaii and articles about Billie Holiday, Colt Pistols and Packard autos. Mag has an unusual 32 page, 5 1/2" x 7" cartoon booklet at center of magazine. VG copy has no booklet.
Escapade - 1960-04
Product ID: escp1960-04dv5 #3 - Covergirl Beverly Bennett also has 4 pgs. Betty Magowan has nice full pg pin-up on inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Joan Bradley has 4 pgs. A short story by Jack Ritchie 'Fly By Night' and Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column on Berlin. Escapde visits Ohio State Univ. and articles about Hockey bad boy Lou Fortunato and New Orleans' Storyville.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1960-06
Product ID: escp1960-06ev5 #4 - Has a great full pg pin-up of Julie Newmar on inside FC - she also has a 3 pg feature. Monica March has 5 pgs inc CF and Janice Sable has 2 pgs. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column, Escapade visits McGill Univ and a good feature on the Grand Canyon. Plus an article about the Decline & Fall of Greenwich Village.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1960-08
v5 #5 - Covergirl is Nadine Ducas. German actress Barbara Valentin has a 3 pg feature, Carole (=Sunny?) Dean has 4 pgs and Geri Marmor has 6 pgs inc CF. Also a short story by Isaac Asimov 'Let's Get Together' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac. Escapade visits the Univ of Michigan and a feature on the 1960 Olympics in Rome.
Escapade - 1960-10
v5 #6 - Perennial favorite Pat Sheehan has another FC. Marli Renfro has 6 big pgs inc CF and Laura Vickers has 3 pgs. Features on the Formula One at Sebring, St. Tropez and 2 pgs of French postcards. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column.
Escapade - 1960-12
v6 #1 - Dondi Penn has FC + 4 pgs, Joy Laine on inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Highlight of issue is 4 pg pictorial of Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on Star Trek) partially reproduced in Celebrity Skin & Celebrity Sleuth. A 3 pg feature on the show that shocked Paris 'Songs of Bilitis' w/ Nadine Tallier. The Big Bear Motorcycle Race and college humor mags. Also a short story by Terry Southern 'Guy Grand's Magic', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac and Escapade visits the Univ. of Washington.
Escapade - 1961-02
Product ID: escp1961-02dv6 #2 - Suzanne Rainer has FC + 4 pgs. Marilyn Supry on inside FC + nice 6 pg feature inc CF. Sally Douglas has 4 pgs and the Girls of Denmark get 4 pgs too! a Short Story by P.G. Wodehouse 'Roderick, The Runt', a feature on vintage airplanes and Escapde visits Georghia Tech.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1961-04
Product ID: escp1961-04dv6 #3 - Features Miss Copenhagen, Helle Wingsoe (aka Annette Casir) on inside FC + 4 pgs. Anne has 6 pgs inc CF, Carol Lynn has 4 pgs and Paulette Nelson has 3 pgs on a trampoline. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Flash Flood', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac, Cliff diving in Mexico and a visit to Rice Univ.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1961-12
Product ID: escp1961-12dv7 #1 - Cute Redhead Debbie Jones on FC. Carol Hill has 4 pgs, Randy James has 6 pgs inc CF, Lisa Drake has 4 pgs. Jayne Mansfield has 1 full pg color pic in a swimming pool full of Jayne Mansfield hot water bottles. Also features on Sally Rand, the artwork in San Francisco's Domino Club and Winchester rifles - long article w/ pics. Plus camel fights in El Djem, Tunisia!
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1962-04
Product ID: escp1962-04dv7 #3 - Laura Cummings has FC + inside FC - she has pictorial in 6/62. Gigi Havjo has big 8 pg feature inc CF, Peggy Evans has 3 pgs and Lisa has 4 pgs. A feature on the Concours d'Elegance of vintage autos, an article on pipes w/ some nice pics plus an article about Paul Krassner - publisher of 'The Realist'. Escapade visits the Univ. of N. Carolina.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1962-06
Product ID: escp1962-06dv7 #4 - Lisa Crane has FC + inside FC. Laura Cummings (Covergirl of 4/62) has 4 pgs, Sophia (aka Sophie) Dorn has big 8 pg pictorial inc CF. Features on Reno, NV and sports accidents. Plus a visit to Cornell Univ.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1962-08
Product ID: escp1962-08incv7 #5 - Judy Treadway on FC, inside FC + 8 pgs inc CF! Shirley Quimby w/ dark hair has 4 pgs as 'Gabrielle'. Articles about Frank Sinatra, boxer Sonny Liston and blue laws. Plus features on Ruidoso Downs horse track in New Mexico and the Hollywood artists & models ball. Escapade visits Western girls schools. Clean and bright, bump at bottom of spine and a 1/2" strip of light browning (from sunlight) across top edge of cover - VG. Mag is also missing pgs 59-62 - 3 of 4 pgs of Shirley Quimby.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Escapade - 1962-10
Product ID: escp1962-10ev7 #6 - Gill Burns has FC + 2 pgs, Sandy Frost has inside FC + 4 pgs inc CF as 'Dina Frost', Brande Bello also has 4 pgs. Bill Ward has a full pg color cartoon as McCartney. Features on paddleboarding and Fun in Olde New York.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1962-12
v8 #1 - Great Sandra Giles FC. Louisa Rayneau has 8 pgs inc CF, Judy Parker has 4 pgs. A feature on the Millionaire Club in LA and a visit to Tulane Univ. Fine copy is extremely clean, bright & glossy. Has arrival date '9/4' in upper right corner FC. VG copy is also clean and shiny, has large tear on CF but cover is very nice.
Escapade - 1963-04
v8 #3 - Features 3 pgs of Jane Fonda on location in Greece. Melody Powell has 6 pgs inc CF (she was also the CF of Caper 7/63), Kathy Norris has 4 pgs. Also articles about George Lincoln Rockwell, imported cigarettes and Bossa Nova jazz. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, bump on top edge and a bit of spine wear. VG copy has a vertical crease 1/4" from spine wear cover was folded back, '63' written on cover in black marker, a few stresses.
Escapade - 1964-04
v9 #3 - Colette Berne has nice FC. Lisa Burke has inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Molly (Thunderball) Peters has 4 pgs and Gloria has 3 pgs. Also a feature on female folk singers. VG copy is bright and glossy, some spine stresses and light rubbing along spine, CF is detached. Good copy has been heavily read, mag is missing CF.
Escapade - 1964-06
Product ID: escp1964-06dv9 #4 - Danish actress Lotte Tarp has inside FC + big 7 pg feature inc CF holding a cigarettte. Rusty Allen has 4 pgs and June MacLeod has 3 pgs. An article by Rex Lardner 'Blue Pencil Blues' - my war with Editors and another about Europe. Features on the North American Racing Team (Ferrari) and Trinidad. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1965-02
Product ID: escp1965-02dv10 #2 - Sybil Stuart (is this Joan Brinkman? - anybody know?) has inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Jackie (Jacqueline) and Sylvie each have 4 pgs. Have 2 copies, both are bright & glossy - nice VG+. One has a bit of light rubbing along spine and a light bump on top right corner, the other has a few minor stresses and a clean 1/2" split at bottom of spine - Same price, your choice.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1965-08
v10 #5 - Hannah Moore has FC, inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Kay Stearn has 5 pgs and Susanna Barnes has 3 pgs. A good article about silent slapstick films and a feature on the Lipizzaner stallions. Plus Ted Mark satire 'The Celluloid Tower of Babble' and a visit to the Univ. of Texas. VG++ copy is very clean and bright, lightly read. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and small 1/2" tear on right edgee of 1st page.
Escapade - 1966-02
v11 #2 - Super Sexy Mamie Van Doren FC - wrapped as Xmas present + 6 more pgs inc CF! Maggie Wallace and Sherry each have 4 pgs - Maggie is a reprint of her feature in 2/63. Articles on James Bond, The Marquis de Sade, model trains, Windjammer Caribbean cruises and Sherry Wine from Spain. Also an Interview w/ Roger Vadim. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small date stamp near spine. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses amd small sticker in upper left corner of FC.
Escapade - 1966-04
v11 #3 - Stacey Walker has FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Dany Carrel has 4 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 4 pgs as Terry (Teresa). Siegfried & Brunhilde have 4 pgs. An article about Lobsters. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses, CF is detached. VG copy has some normal wear, no serious defects but 2 center pgs are detached.
Escapade - 1967-01
v12 #1 - Features Wende Wagner (The Green Hornet's Gal Friday) FC + 4 pgs. Lucky Wynn has 5 pgs inc CF. Mamie Van Doren has 1 pg. Also a 5 pg pictorial on a party in London w/ several pics of Nicky Stevens. A very long feature on UFOs, another about photographer Ed Alexander and Escapade climbs the Matterhorn. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has a light vertical stress across cover about 2" in from right edge and small bump at top of spine. VG copy has some rubbing along spine on both covers and small writing at top of FC.
Escapade - 1967-07
v12 #4 - Yvonne Eckman (Miss Denmark 1965) has great FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Countess Ellemaia von Vanaselja has 6 pgs. New York issue has a pictorial feature + articles on Times Square, Broadway and Harlem - Then & Now. Also has an article about Aspen, Colorado. 'Fanny Hill' - article about the book plus 9 pgs of excerpts. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and arrival date written near top edge of FC. VG copy has some normal wear but no serious defects.
Escapade - 1967-12
v12 #9 - Good issue! Jane Fonda has FC + 5 pgs. Vicky Mollet has 4 pgs inc CF and Cindy Neal has 5 pgs as 'Donna'. Article about Gov. George Wallace of Alabama (Part 2 - Part 1 was in the Nov. issue). Frank Springer has a full pg color illo + 3 small B&W illos. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and a bit of light rubbing along spine, light bump at top of spine. VG copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses, tiny bump on bottom right corner and a bit of writing near right edge of FC.
Escapade - 1968-03
v13 #2 - 60s sexpot Charo has 2 pgs w/ husband Xavier Cugat. Dorothy Cox has FC + 3 pgs (she is also in Cad 6/68 and Swingle 5/69), Gretl Bauer has 3 pgs inc CF. Evi Relle has 3 pgs. Plus London's Electric Circus, The Triumph Spitfire MK3, Jazz pianist Teddy Wilson and a movie review of Bob Dylan's 1965 British concert tour 'Don't Look Back'. Also Norman Mailer - an article about him plus his short novelette "The Man Who Studied Yoga". VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy is bright & glossy, lightly read but has heavy bump on bottom right corner, small bump at bottom of spine and scuff on top edge of BC. Good copy has rough FC w/ multiple creases and stresses, small 1/2" tear on bottom edge and bump on top right corner.
Escapade - 1968-11
v13 #11 - Lots of familiar faces in this one! Stevey Hanley has 6 pgs inc CF (she is also the CF of Swank 3/68). Gee Gentle has 4 pgs and Dotty Rodney also has 4 pgs (she is Covergirl of Gala 9/70 and was in Gem 11/68). Pam Lewis has 3 pgs (she is also in 12/68 as 'Dot Drake' and 7/69 as 'Tami') and Amy Drewry has 2 pgs. An article about Brandy, a feature on Safaris and 'Psychedelic Erotica' - photos by Giancarlo Botti. Plus a history of the toilet and a 1 pg book review of 'The Naked Ape'. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, very clean white cover, a tiny bump on bottom right corner. VG/VG+ is bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few stresses and small, clean corner creases
Escapade - 1969-05
Product ID: escp1969-05dv14 #5 - Cindy Neal has sexy FC + 3 pgs and Ann Daye has 2 pgs. Francesca Rosano, Rosalie Easton and Pier Gentil (aka Gee Gentle) each have 3 pgs and Astride has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction 'The Celluloid Tower of Babble', an article about Bimini and another about comedian David Steinberg. Bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1969-07
v14 #7 - Janeth Agren has 4 pgs inc CF (she was also CF of Cavalier 7/68), Femi Benussi has 3 pgs (she was CF of Swank 2/69), Kim Pope in rare magazine appearance has 3 pgs and Pam Lewis has 2 pgs as 'Tami' (she is also in 11/68 and 12/68). Articles on the Volkswagen SCX GT, Joey Bishop, lobsters and a book review of 'Portnoy's Complaint'. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, lightly read. VG copy bright & glossy, some stresses and a light clean crease on bottom right corner, also a thin spot on BC (probably from a piece of tape that stuck).
Escapade - 1969-11
v14 #11 - Kellie Everts and Dorothy Haggen each have 3 pgs. Clarice Gillis and Penny each have 2 pgs. Plus a couple of girls w/ no names inc the CF. An interview w/ Lena Nyman the star of 'I am Curious Yellow', a movie review of 'Andrea' starring Dagmar Lassander, and the Joe Namath sex diet. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read, light crease on top right corner, CF is detached.
Escapade - 1969-12
Product ID: escp1969-12dv14 #12 - Snowbunny Rosalie Peters has FC + 3 pgs inc CF. Dorothy Drummond, Penelope Pruitt and Shishi Bonne each have 3 pgs, Marie Ange and Kathy Lynn each have 2 pgs - Kathy made several apps in Adam mags from 1968 - 1969. Plus a feature on Pornography in Denmark and Frank Sinatra Speaks - 2 pgs. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses, light bump at top of spine. VG copy is bright & glossy with some minor spine stresses, some faint H2O marks at bottom of spine on covers & first wrap.
Escapade - 1970-01
v15 #1 - Mamie Van Doren has spectacular FC + 4 pgs inc CF. Also Michelle Angelo has 2 pgs (as Michelle Angele), Margo Sweet & Mardi Locher (aka Marti Lacher) each have 2 pgs and Anna Gael & Donna (Kirsten?) Lamb each have 3 pgs. An article on drugs in sports plus Robert Bloch fiction "Model Wife". Bright & glossy, faint date stamp in upper left corner and small clean crease on top right corner - VG+.
Escapade - 1970-04
No volume number listed - mag has new format. Yvonne Eckman (Miss Denmark 1965) has nice FC in bathtub + 2 pgs. The CF is Greta Gallina Gollee and is holding an aluminum Playboy beer mug - she is also in 11/70 & 2/71. Randi Lind has 3 pgs and Lily Mayne has 2 pgs. An article about the Isle of Levant, movie review of 'Mash', Woody Allen files his income tax, Peter Ustinov article 'Fat Men Make the Best Lovers'. Copy 1 is bright & glossy but has some light scuffing on cover, some light stresses and a 2" tear on edge of BC w/ a small piece missing. Copy 2 is bright & glossy, a bit of light scuffing on cover, light spine wear and small 1/2" split at top of spine, 2 center pages are detached.
Escapade - 1972-10
Product ID: escp1972-10dRisa Powell has a nice 7 pg feature inc CF as 'Donna'. Plus a bunch of girls w/ only 1 name. Molly has 8 pgs, Paula has 5 pgs, Honey has 4 pgs and Sally has 3 pgs. Joyce Gibson has a full pg pic in an ad to subscribe to Escapade. Also a long 8 pg article about spanking and fiction by John Clive 'The Chain' and Jane Clive 'The Leather'. A movie review of 'Easy Way Out'. Bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear, small bump on bottom right corner - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1973-02
Product ID: escp1973-02dv17 #2 - Lots of familiar faces in this one. Angie Carr has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Eileen Dunn also has 6 pgs and girlfriends Eve & Melody share 6 pgs. Cory Mitchell and Gloria Jordan each have 4 pgs. Plus an article about Mardi Gras in New Orleans by Con Sellers and 'Connie Lingus' a 2 pg color comic strip by Bruce Jones. Also articles about live sex shows and incest. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and light, clean crease on bottom corner of BC and last 2 pgs - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1973-07
Product ID: escp1973-07cv17 #4 - Laura Lynnwood has wonderful 8 pg feature inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Jolaine'!! Darlene and Lori each have 6 pgs and Daphne has 5 pgs. Carla has 4 pgs and girlfriends Haddie & Esmeralda share 4 pgs. Plus 'Connie Lingus' a 2 pg color comic strip by Bruce Jones. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Escapade - 1974-04
Product ID: escp1974-04dv18 #4 - Covergirl (Maureen) Flanagan also has 8 pgs inc CF - she is also Covergirl & CF of Genesis 12/73. Carol Connors has wonderful 9 pg feature. Lisl Ernst has 6 pgs and Jana Franklin has 5 pgs. Jodie has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend Duane.A feature on the Maserati Ghbili and Bruce Jones fiction 'October Man'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, small price written near top edge of FC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1975-06
Product ID: escp1975-06eMamie Van Doren has sexy FC + 4 pgs inc CF. Susie has 7 pgs, Lucy has 6 pgs and Candy Samples has a full pg pic. A long article about The 'Finger Family' - America's first porn commune - w/ lots of pics. Article about the Underground Comic 'Amputee Love'. Also 'Tales of Escape' - a 5 pg B&W bondage comic strip by Marshall Rogers and 'Honky Tonkin' - a 2 pg B&W comic by Schenkman. FC is a bit rough - top 1/2 of spine is split, upper left corner has multiple stresses, clean veritcal crease near right edge of cover - remainder of mag in nice shape - G/VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade - 1975-08
Product ID: escp1975-08eAll Amateur Issue! Busty Martine (bottom right photo on FC) has 6 pgs inc CF. Terry Brown (upper left photo on FC) has 5 pgs, BarbaraYarborough (center photo on FC) has 4 pgs. Janice has 4 pgs, Dana has 3 pgs and Annette Haven has 2 pgs. Plus 'Tales of Escape' - a 5 pg B&W comic strip featuring female wrestlers. A bit of normal wear - spine stesses and some light rubbing alng spine - but solid - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Escapade - 1975-10
v18 #11 - Heather Collins has 9 pgs as 'Inga Rose' - this is a reprint of the feature in 4/75 less 1 pg., Denise has 9 pgs inc CF and Pat Ward also has 9 pgs. Brigitte has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend Rick. Eric Stanton has a 4 pgs B&W strip "Ordeal At the Office". VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses. VG copy has some normal wear, spine stresses, but no serious defects.
Escapade - 1976-04
Product ID: escp1976-04dVanessa Del Rio & George Gray have 4 pgs. Black model Yolanda & Helga each have 4 pgs. An article about new editor Jody Maxwell. A feature on antique sexy watches and Libby's Revenge - a 4 pg color bondage comic strip. Bright & glossy, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1977-01
Product ID: escp1977-01dv20 #1 - Big 100 pg issue Loaded w/ one name wonders! Covergirl Candi also has 2 pgs, Jan has 4 pgs inc CF, Sally O'Neil has 4 pgs as 'Meloni' and stripper Liz Renay and her daughter Brenda have 2 pgs. Olga has 4 pgs and Henrietta has 3 pgs. Plus Coed Baths, nude beaches and more! Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, small bump at bottom of spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade - 1977-05
Covergirl is Fawn Faurote, Max has 5 gs inc CF. Charlie Goode (Covergirl & CF of Men Only v42 #4 and US Club 4/77) has 6 pgs as 'Rena' and Brice Emerson has 3 pgs. Felice Carr (CF of US Club 9/76 and Men Only v41 #8) and girlfriend share 4 pgs. Angel has 6 pgs, Bea and Honey each have 4 pgs and a girl who is Covergirl of Nugget 2/76 has 3 pgs. Plus more familiar faces with only 1 name or none at all. Fine copy is bright & glossy, small price written in upper right corner and tiny bump on bottom corner of BC. Fine- copy is bright & glossy, small price written in upper right corner and a couple of minor stresses.
Escapade - 1978-02
v21 #1 - Features 11 diff girls with only 1 name. Covergirl Alice also has 6 pgs inc CF. The one and only Serena has 4 pgs as 'Suzanne', Candy Clark also has 4 pgs as 'Darlene' and Moira has 4 pgs (was Amanda in Dude 5/78). Pam, Sandy, Honey & Tonya each have 4 pgs and Lisa has 3 pgs. Girlfriends Edy & Eve share 5 pgs. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read but has a small bump on top right corner. VG copy has normal wear but no serious defects.
Escapade - 1982-11
Product ID: escp1982-11cv26 #11 - Danielle (not Martin) has 12 pgs inc CF, Michelle Bauer shares 10 pgs w/ a girl friend (Victoria Knoll?). Jennifer has 9 pgs and Lisa de Leeuw has 2 pgs. Monique and boyfriend Eric have 11 pgs. Big 8 pg feature article on Show World Center in NYC and 3 pgs on the NYC Rock Band AMZ. Bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade Annual - 1970
Product ID: escp-ann1970eLots of familiar faces in this one. Verena Wagner has 3 pgs inc CF, Barbara Stephens (CF of Swank 7/68) has 3 pgs, Candy Earle (aka Tasha Stevens) has 3 pgs w/ a bunch of balloons. Rene Seid (aka Renie Said) has 2 pgs and Pam Lewis also has 2 pgs as 'Tami' and lots of other girls too! Also 'The Exhibitions' movie review featuring Sidney Rome and an Interview w/ Lena Nyman - star of I Am Curious Yellow. An Article about John Wayne and another about heroin. Bright & glossy, some stresses and a bit of light spine wear - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade Wall Calendar - 1965
Product ID: escp-wcal1965dPretty sure this is an 'Escapade' Calendar. Is double-page (11 1/2" x 17") size, wire spiral at top - just like Escapade 1964 except that there are no identifying marks on it anywhere. Carol Hill has a very nice double-page pic (same photo as Caper 1/63 CF). Several more familiar faces as well. No envelope, minor wear, VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade Yearbook - 1964
Product ID: escp-yrbk1964dAnother issue chock full of girls. Gill Burns has FC + 3 pgs, Judy Treadway has nice 6 pg feature inc a 2 pg color pic. Louisa Reyneau also has 6 pgs w/ a 2 pg color pic, Shirley Quimby has 4 pgs as 'Gabrielle', Dinah Frost has 4 pgs inc CF and Laura Cummings also has 4 pgs. Brande Bello has 4 pgs and Judy Parker has 3 pgs. A feature on the Hollywood artists & models ball, and an article about pipes. Bright & glossy, Clean white cover, a few minor spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Escapade Yearbook - 1968
Product ID: escp-yrbk1968fEdy Williams has a sexy FC in white bathing suit!! Lina has 5 pgs inc CF, Cathy Crowfoot and Monica Jordan each have 4 pgs and Charlotte Stewart has 4 pgs as 'Chario Stevens'. This one has been fairly well read and handled. Normal wear but no serious defects - Good+/VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Escapade's Choicest - 1956 Fall
Lots of great stuff from the first year of this popular title. Diane Webber shares FC w/ Dorie Stevens? Candy Barr has a color CF w/ a bunch of roses. Maria Stinger has 3 pgs, Marla English has 2 pgs, Lili St. Cyr has a full pg color pin-up. Plus fiction by Erskine Caldwell ' Medicine Man' and Somerset Maugham 'The Escape' and a full pg color painting by Fritz Willis. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor spine wear and small nick near center of spine. Fair copy has light H2O marks and some warp but is not brittle, no stuck pgs.