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James Bond

The magazines in this category are primarily articles about James Bond and the author Ian Fleming, or the actors who portrayed the character - Sean Connery, Roger Moore, etc. For pictorial features on the many women who starred in the films see listings under Bond Girls.

Bachelor - 1966-12

Bachelor - 1966-12

Product ID: bach1966-12c
v7 #6 - Features Jackie Dewitt FC + 4 pgs. Mary Barrett has 4 pgs, Brandy Robertson, Shirley Curtis & Eileen Franklin each have 3 pgs. Articles about James Bond, Hong Kong, wine and Sgt. Barry Sadler. Richard L. Sargent fiction 'The Gimmick That got Marcia'. Light scuffing on BC near spine but o/w glossy, sharp, Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Cavalcade - 1967-09

Cavalcade - 1967-09

v6 #9 - Sandy Davalos has 6 pgs, Ivy Gentry has 6 pgs inc CF (this is a reprint of 11/64), Stephanie Riggs has 5 pgs and Bonnie MacAllen, Caroline DiBarbi & Linda Conrad have 4 pgs each. Article about Sean Connery & James Bond w/ a few pics and a feature on UFOs. Sharp VG+.

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Escapade - 1966-02

Escapade - 1966-02

v11 #2 - Super Sexy Mamie Van Doren FC - wrapped as Xmas present + 6 more pgs inc CF! Maggie Wallace and Sherry each have 4 pgs - Maggie is a reprint of her feature in 2/63. Articles on James Bond, The Marquis de Sade, model trains, Windjammer Caribbean cruises and Sherry Wine from Spain. Also an Interview w/ Roger Vadim. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small date stamp near spine. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses amd small sticker in upper left corner of FC.

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Gallery - 1985-07

Product ID: gall1985-07b
Covergirl Karen Kelly also has 6 pgs as 'Arienne'. Girl Next Door Lisa has 6 pgs. Pia Snow (aka Michelle Bauer) has 10 big pgs inc CF. Plus the Girl Next Door Review - 1/2 pg each of previous 12. Interview w/ British comic Benny Hill. Also 4 pgs of Richard Corben artwork and an article on James Bond (A View to a Kill). Barely touched Fine+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Genesis - 1973-08

v1 #1 This issue, plus the next 7 (thru 3/74), has 2 separate full color 3 page foldouts. Jo Jo Marks is Covergirl w/ 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Judy McKenzie has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout. Teresa Prizer has 6 pgs. Interview with Roger Moore - the new 007. Features on Club Genesis in N.Y. City, the Ford model A roadster, hot air balloons and Negril, Jamaica. Articles about Ernest Hemingway and the rock band Exile.

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Genesis - 1982-07

Helle Linnebjerg has 11 pgs inc CF as 'Pia Horvath'. Lindy Benson has 8 pgs as 'Pearl', Lindsay Neil has 7 pgs as 'Antoinette'. Plus a 7 pg portfolio by photographer J. Steven Hicks. Photo-Interview w/ actress Audrey Landers. Also a 20th Anniversary of Dr. No James Bond Trivia Quiz.

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Modern Man - 1964-12

Good issue has features on Ladies of the World's Fair, The Bluebelle Grils of Paris' Lido, Jennie Lee protests topless swimsuits, Sean Connery as James Bond.

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Mr - 1965-08

Mr - 1965-08

Product ID: mr1965-08d
Dartland Delroy has foldout FC + 2 pgs (she was also in 2/65). Kay Bennett has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Marianne Linz has 5 pgs inc a 2 pg foldout. Article about James Bond w/ full pg pic of Sean Connery. Bright & glossy - Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Rex - Special Edition - v1 #2

Rex - Special Edition - v1 #2

Product ID: rex-speced-v1.2
Giant squarebound volume is 2 separate issues of REX bound together - over 200 pgs! Original covers & contents pgs not included so it's impossible to tell which issues these are but they are early 70s vintage - the 2nd mag is #10 from 1970. Susan Walters (billed as Fay Olsen) has full pg pics on inside covers. First mag contains a 7 pg feature on Rosalind from Rex #26 and 4 pgs of Marianne Meitz. Also a long article titled 'Down Mammary Lane' w/ 6 pgs of Sophia Loren plus half or full pg pics a dozen other well known (mostly European) actresses and 2 pgs of Erica Gavin. Sean Connery as James Bond has a 4 pg fashion feature. Interviews w/ sci-fi author Ray Bradbury, film director Norman Jewison and Tom Stafford from NASA. Articles about Luarel & Hardy and Russian spies who defected. Second mag (Rex #10) is full of girls. Heidy has 10 pgs; Conchita, Patricia, Kim and Penny (Mallet?) each have 6 pgs and Elisabetta has 5 pgs. Also 4 pgs of the Erotic Art of Mihaly von Zichy and an 8 pg article on the Erotic History of Strip Tease w/ some pics. Pictorial features on sky diving, a Black Sea Holiday, volcanoes and guerilla warfare in Malaysia. Articles about Spanish boxer Urtain and how to master the wine list. Mag has a small 1/2" tear on edge of BC and a clean crease on upper corner BC but is very bright & glossy - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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Rogue - 1961-02

Rogue - 1961-02

Product ID: rogu1961-02f
Marjorie Friend has 5 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Also a 5 pg feature on the film 'Naked Island' by Bunny Yeager. Harlan Ellison fiction 'Do-It-Yourself'' and an article about author Ian Fleming by William F. Nolan. Lenny Bruce has a 1 pg colujmn and a feature on the Virgin Islands. Fairly well read but no serious defects, small chip off top of spine on BC - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Saga - 1965-10

Saga - 1965-10

Product ID: saga1965-10d
FC photo of flintlock pistol draped w/ a pearl necklace and surrounded by pieces of eight. Feature on the Girls of the New York World's Fair. Article about Sean Connery as James Bond w/ pics. Nice shape - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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