Nika Movenka-p
Very busty and wildly popular model all thru the 70s. A frequent Covergirl and/or CF in US as well as European pubs. Also appeared in numerous PN slicks under a variety of names. Usually has medium length reddish/brown hair but also appeared as a blonde.
38-26-34 - v11.2
Product ID: modvd-38-26-v11.2(1973) - Killer issue has Nika Movenka FC + 6 pgs inc a 2 pg CF as 'Brenda', Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Francine', Arlene Bell has 4 pgs as 'Karla', Maya Singh has 4 pgs as 'Indira', Billie Jo Wellman has 4 pgs as 'Lola', Katrina Lane has 4 pgs. Plus single pgs of Vicki Kennedy, Linda Soren, Lois Harman, Linda Shaw, and Jacqueline Morse has nice full pg color BC.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #2
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.21981 - Entire mag (except for 6 pgs of girl/girl photos) is Nika Movenka as 'Layla'. Lots of nice full pg photos and 8 pgs in color. Great Stuff!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #3
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.31981 - Entire mag features Roberta Pedon as 'Robin'. Includes 4 pgs of pool party pics w/ Nika Movenka & Rosalie Strauss. Lots of full pg pics and 8 pgs in color. Fantastic!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 982
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - v1.2
Product ID: bigbustvixen-v1.2c1981 - Entire mag (except for 6 pgs of girl/girl photos) is Nika Movenka as 'Layla'. Lots of nice full pg photos and 8 pgs in color. Very lightly read, bright & glossy - FINE
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Big Busty - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-fdbbv1No date - ca. mid 70s - by Bookpress B.V. (Holland), a Chick Publication is Digest size with 48 pgs, 32 in color, all but a few are full pg pics. Roberta Pedon has FC + 3 pgs inc CF - all in color. Wendy Smith aka Geraldine has 11 pgs - all full pg, 7 are color. Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs (2 in color), Arlene Bell has 3 full pg color pics, Nika Movenka has 3 full pg pics - 2 in color, Jo-Ann Bergsson has 3 pgs - all full pg color pics, Jamie Lynn has 4 full pg pics. Plus some other familiar faces inc full pg pics of Laura Lynnwood, Danielle Dawson and Roni Bell? in a blonde wig.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Film International - 1975-07
Product ID: filmint1975-07dv1 #4 has Victoria Principal FC in green bikini by pool. Long article about Raquel Welch w/ lots of pics inc 1 full pg color photo in bikini. Actress Louisa Moritz has 1 full pg and another 2/3 pg pic in bikini. Articles w/ pics about Deborah Raffin, Robert Evans and Robert L. Roberts (the director of 'Patty', a movie about Patricia Hearst). Also Starlets of the 70s inc Susan Blakely, Tiffany Bolling & Melanie Griffith. Article about the Sunset Strip w/ pics of Nika Movenka (as Maria Nika) and Liberty West. Marilyn Chambers has full pg color pic + 2 more. Review of 'Rollerball'. Very bright & glossy, minor stresses near spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Fling - 1981-01
v23 #5 (Issue 110) - Cindy Stewart (aka Vicky Harris) has FC. Mary Waters has 5 exceptional pages as 'Dani Fabroso', Jennifer Eccles has 3 pgs as 'Gillian Barbera' and Carrie Lambert also has 3 pgs. Mag contains a 4 pg detachable 1981 Flingirl Calendar w/ 1 pg each Nika Movenka, Katrina Ferguson, Jenene Swenson and Marie La Farge - each of them also has a separate 4 pg feature in addition to the calendar. Plus 2 pgs each of Barbara 'Babsy' Kockritz, Denise Deland and Geri Mandel. An article about 'Agent Orange' and Spain Rodriguez has a 1 pg illo. FINE++ copy is NEW!, unread - just gorgeous! FINE copy is bright & glossy, a couple of very minor spine stresses and TINY bump at top of spine.
King Size
Product ID: modvd-fdksi1-nmDigest size, No date (late70s), No Pub. listed. This one says 'Kingsize International' in the top right corner of the FC and has 60 pgs, 14 in color. All full pg photos except for 2 double pg pics. Is absolutely loaded with busty babes Galore! Nika Movenka on FC. Janice Hurst has 8 pages, Dean Ackerlund has 4 color pgs inc CF, Katrina Lane has 6 pgs with dark hair and 6 more in the blonde wig, Toni Sands has BC + 8 pgs, Marie Queen has 7 pgs. Wendy Smith (aka Geraldine) and Sherry Newman each have 3 pgs, plus some other familiar faces.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
King Size
Product ID: modvd-fdks2-wsDigest size, No date (late 70s), from Intex-Nederland B.V. This one says 'Candy' in the top right corner of the FC and has 64 pgs, 16 in color. All full pg photos except for 2 double page pics. Is absolutely loaded with busty babes Galore! Wendy Smith (aka Geraldine) has excellent color FC + 4 full pg color pics. Katrina Lane with dark hair has 4 color pgs inc CF, Dean Ackerlund is on BC. Laura Lynnwood has 6 pgs, Nika Movenka has 4 pgs, Dawn Harris (aka Heather) has 3 pgs, Rosalie Strauss and Heather Collins each have 2 pgs, Roberta Pedon has 1 pg. Marie Queen has 13 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
King Size
Product ID: ksi-nikamcvrDigest size, No date (late70s), No Pub. listed. This one says 'Kingsize International' in the top right corner of the FC and has 60 pgs, 14 in color. All full pg photos except for 2 double pg pics. Is absolutely loaded with busty babes Galore! Nika Movenka on FC. Janice Hurst has 8 pages, Dean Ackerlund has 4 color pgs inc CF, Katrina Lane has 6 pgs with dark hair and 6 more in the blonde wig, Toni Sands has BC + 8 pgs, Marie Queen has 7 pgs. Wendy Smith (aka Geraldine) and Sherry Newman each have 3 pgs, plus some other familiar faces. Mag has light residue (from post-it note?) on covers - hard to see (look at Nika's left thigh in the photo of the cover) otherwise is basically new. Extremely bright & glossy - FINE+
Please note: this mag is also available on a DVD - see the Great Mags section
Please note: this mag is also available on a DVD - see the Great Mags section
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Kingsize - V4.3
Product ID: modvd-king4.3(4-5-6/73 - same as v4 #2) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Nika Movenka has 2/3 FC + 2 full pg pics and 4 others. Lois Harmon and Shirley Bowman also have pics on FC - Lois has 5 more throughout book. Toby Wenig on BC + 1 full pg color pic (same as BC). Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell have full pg color pics, Laura Lynnwood and Billie Jo Wellman have full pg pics. Lots of familiar faces.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-1.2(7-8-9/75) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Nika Movenka as 'Betty'. All solo pics, approximately 150 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF in platinum blond wig. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.2 (272)
Product ID: knock&nip-v1.2b(7-8-9/75) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Nika Movenka as 'Betty'. All solo pics, approximately 150 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF in platinum blond wig. Lightly handled, beautiful, glossy FINE+
This issue is also available on a CD for only 9.95. Please see the Great Mags on CD category for more information.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00