Jade East-p
Popular Asian model/porn star from the late 80s to early 90s.
Adult Cinema Review - 1993v11.08
Product ID: adulcire-v11.8dv11 #8 - Vida Garman has FC + 8 pgs. Patricia Kennedy and Marilyn Rose share 10 pgs inc CF. Nikki Dial & boyfriend have 12 pgs. Jade East & Rebecca Bardoux each have 2 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Bronco Millie', 'Wild In Motion', 'Anal Woman', 'Shoot to Thrill', 'Tight Pucker' and 'Centerfold'. Bright & glossy, minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Girls Who Gush #3
Product ID: vid-gwg3(2000) - Leisure Time Entertainment (Platinum Pictures #PP021) - 4 hour compilation tape featuring 18 different girls - Donita Dunes (on box cover), Tiffany Million, Sheila Stone, Dominique, Anastasia, Mila, Mariko, Letha Weapons, Bunny Bleu, Veronica Brazil, Claudia Long, Jade East, Lisa, Gabriella, Rebecca Steel, Cory Cox and Cumisha Amado.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Hardcore Spectacular v6
Product ID: vid-hardspec.61995 - Girls Who Finger Bang Themselves to Juicy Cums. This is a 4 hour comp tape from Leisure Time Entertainment containing dozens of scenes featuring many top porn stars. Mimi Miyagi has several scenes - solo & w/ unknown guys. Cumisha Amado, Veronica Brazil and Jade East each have 2 scenes. Plus Rebecca Wilde, Tiffany Towers, Dominique Simone, Tammi Ann and lots more! Mostly solo action, some w/ guys. Tape in great shape in styrofoam tray and full color photo illustrated box. Heather Lee is on box front but is NOT on the tape.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Hot Girls Hot Toys - v1 #1
Product ID: pn-hght-v1.11989 from American Art Enterprises Inc. 32 pgs, all color! Covergirl Jade East has 4 pgs as 'Bette'. Tammie has BC + 4 pgs (she is also in Pussy Poking 2.1 as 'Ann' & Pussy Probing v1.1). Vickie has 4 pgs (she is also Covergirl & CF of Dildo Babes v8.4 as 'Sally', and in Babes & Dildos v1.2 as 'Inga', Dildos & Lace v1.1 as 'June' ). Kim has 4 pgs (she is covergirl of Finger Friggin' v6.2 as 'Maggie'). Randi has 6 pgs (she is also in Dildo Babes 8.4 as 'Jacki). Sally has 4 pgs (she is CF of Teasing & Pleasing v2.1 as 'Kim') and Janey has 4 pgs. Has '300' written on cover o/w new!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Oriental Women - 1993-01
v9 #1 - Covergirl Miko also has 11 pgs inc CF. Pat Ning & Jenka Chou (Covergirls & CF from Spring 1987) share 8 pgs - diff pics, Jade East has 4 pgs as 'Kim'. Tsing has 10 pgs, Neun has 9 pgs, Ling has 7 pgs and Jackie has 5 pgs. A couple of minor stresses, very bright & glossy - VG++
Oriental Women - 2005-12
Product ID: orwo2005-12cCovergirl Katsumi has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend. Jade East has 11 pgs w/ Woody. Plus Lu Lu has 9 pgs, Teala and Mumu each have 8 pgs. Very bright & glossy - lightly read - FIne
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Sex Fantasy Album - v4 #19
Product ID: sexfal-v4.19dThis is an exact reprint of v11 #8 (8/93) but without the first 16 pgs (contents page, mailbag, pub info and 2 movie reviews) and last 16 pgs (ads) - 68 pgs vs 100 pgs in the original. Vida Garman has FC + 8 pgs, Patricia Kennedy & Marilyn Rose share 10 pgs inc CF, Nikki Dial and boyfriend have 12 pgs. Jade East has a 2 pg Interview w/ 2 pics and Rebecca Bardoux has 2 pgs. Movie reviews of 'Anal Woman', 'Shoot to Thrill', 'Tight Pucker' and 'Centerfold'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00