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Julie Newmar-p

Gorgeous, 6 foot tall dancer from the 50s and 60s, probably best known for her role as Stupifyin' Jones in Broadway's Li'l Abner. Was Covergril of Modern Man 3/60.

#350 - Peter Basch's Photo Studies

#350 - Peter Basch's Photo Studies

Product ID: fawc.350d
(1957) - 144 pgs + covers containing hundreds of pics. Many Hollywood stars & celebs inc great Tina Louise color FC + interior pics. Separate chapters as noted on cover, the longest is 24 pgs of figure models. Anita Ekberg, Julie Newmar, Kim Novak & Zahra Norbo have multiple pgs/pics + far too many others to list. Covers a bit rough - some scuffing & soiling, crease on lower corner of BC, interior in good shape.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Escapade - 1960-06

Escapade - 1960-06

Product ID: escp1960-06e
v5 #4 - Has a great full pg pin-up of Julie Newmar on inside FC - she also has a 3 pg feature. Monica March has 5 pgs inc CF and Janice Sable has 2 pgs. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column, Escapade visits McGill Univ and a good feature on the Grand Canyon. Plus an article about the Decline & Fall of Greenwich Village.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Follies - 1955-11

Follies - 1955-11

Product ID: foll1955-11e
(v1.1 - 2nd series). Outstanding first issue of this classic title. Barbara Nichols has sexy FC + 2 pgs, Betty Brosmer has 4 pgs inc an outstanding color CF in a zebra striped bikini. Valerie French and Cynthia Books each have 3 pgs and Julie Newmar has 3 pgs as 'Julie Newman'. Anita Ekberg, Rusty Fisher, Simone Silva, Betty MacGowan, Marcia Edgington and Marilyn Hanold each have 2 pgs. Bettie Page has 1 full pg pic. Laurin Lavelle, Carmen Austin, Dottie Sykes, Shelley Smith, Jo Mercer, Yvonne Yvette and Donna Long each have 2 pgs plus lots of other girls! A bit of normal wear, some minor color flaking and a bump on the top right corner but still nice VG. Scarce issue.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

High - 1957-10

High - 1957-10

Product ID: high1957-10e
v1 #3 - Julie Newmar has great 7 pg feature + BC, Jennie Lee has 6 pgs w/ the 'whip stripper', Zahra Norbo has 4 pgs and Anna Marie Frances also has 4 pgs. Features on Rock and Roll in Europe, the Ray Robinson/Carmen Basilio fight and Olga gets sawed in half. Plus the 1958 Pin-Up Ghouls Calendar, 'How I Became Frank Sinatra' by Joe E. Lewis, bar bets and more! Clean crease along spine, some streses, minor color flaking - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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How To Book #26

How To Book #26

Product ID: howto.26d
How To Be a Glamour Photographer (1963) - 128 pgs + covers with loads of tips and technical info plus well over pics, most w/ no ID. Book has nice Carol Hill color FC and includes many popular models inc Vicki Kennedy (2 pgs + a couple of other pics), Julie Newmar, Gina Graham, Eva Lynd and many other familiar faces. Clean & bright, lightly read, a bit of light scuffig in upper right corner and a TINY nick on top edge of BC - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Men's Digest #059

Men's Digest #059

v11 #1 - 10/65 - Now on a monthly publication schedule and full of girls! Covergirl is Italian actress Graziella Granata from the film 'White Voices'. Mamie Van Doren and Julie Newmar each have 2 pg articles w/ pics, Babe McDonald and Dawn Grayson each have 4 pgs. An article about deadly female Marie De Brinvilliers. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, minor stresses near top staple. VG copy has a bit of normal wear, small bump on top right corner, small date stamp on cover. 

  • Quantity:

Modern Man - Special #22

Modern Man - Special #22

Product ID: modm-spec.22inc
1961 Yearbook of Queens - 1961. Another awesome issue! Iris Bristol has both covers - same pic + 2 pgs. Jayne Mandfield has 4 pgs, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor,  Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren, Diana Dors, Brigitte Bardot, June Wilkinson, Sheika Moser, Julie Newmar, Joan Bradshaw and Ziva Rodann each have 3 pgs. Fay Spain, Joan Tabor, Marie Smythe and Beverly Scott each have 2 pgs. Virginia Gordon and Terry Higgins each have 1 pg. Very bright & glossy, a bit of wear on BC. Mag is missing pg 35/36 - Virginia Gordon on 1 side/Terry Higgins on the other.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
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Nugget - 1957-07

Nugget - 1957-07

Elizabeth Rea FC + 3 pgs. Julie Newmar on inside FC + nice 4 pg pictorial. Cheryl Kubert on inside BC. Also a feature article about Las Vegas, another article about Craps and 4 pgs of 'Martine' - a French comic by Herve. Fair copy has H2O marks on FC.

  • Quantity:

Peter Basch's Photo Ideas #1

Peter Basch's Photo Ideas #1

Product ID: peterbasch-phoid.1f
1957 - Although this was published by Whitestone it is a full size magazine and NOT digest size. FC photo of Marian Stafford (Playboy CF of 3/56) in gold bathing suit w/ smaller pics of Julie Newmar & Madelyn Darrow. Mag is loaded w/ dozens of famous models, many w/ only a single pic. Julie Newmar appears throughout the book, Dorothy Rice has 4 pgs, Rosanna Rory has 2 pgs + 1 pic, Kim Novak has 1 full pg pic + 2 others. Zahra Norbo, Rhonda Fleming, Anita Ekberg, Tina Louise and Barbara Nichols all have 2 pics each. Well read but no serious defects - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Photography For Men #3

Photography For Men #3

Product ID: photformen.3d
7/58 - Dozens of popular models, pics by 16 different photographers inc Charles Kell, Earl Leaf and Ed Alexander. Lots of full pg pics. Julie Newmar and Joy Harmon each have 2 pgs, Gigi Reynolds has 4 pgs.Full pg pics of Marla English, Susan Harrison, Cheryl Kubert, Simone Auger, Rita Moreno and others. Bright, glossy - VG++   

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Picture Spotlight - 1959-04

Picture Spotlight - 1959-04

Product ID: picspot1959-04e
Julie Newmar FC + BC, Anita Ekberg on inside BC. Elliot Lor has 4 pgs, Lee Winston (is Lee Wilson?) also has 4 pgs, Diana Dors has nice full pg pic, Evelyn West also has a full pg pic, plus lots of other girls. Normal wear, VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Picture Week - 1956-02-14

Picture Week - 1956-02-14

Product ID: ps-picw1956-02-14
v1 #32 has 4 pg feature on Julie Newmar (called Newmeyer), Rosanna Podesta has 3 pgs as Helen of Troy and Denise Lamont has 5 pgs and Antje Rhee has 3 pgs. Articles about Boxer Floyd Patterson, the Miami Grand Prix and Japanese Kabuki theater. Clean, white cover, nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Rex - 1957-12

Rex - 1957-12

v1 #3 - Outstanding close-up FC of Julie Newmar + 2 interior pgs. Pia Foster has 5 pgs, Lisa Davis has 4 pgs. A feature on New York's 52nd St., a small illustration by Andy Warhol and 8 pgs of cartoons by JulesFeiffer. Fine copy is very bright & glossy, a few light spine stresses. VG+ copies - one has small bump on bottom right corner, date stamp on BC; other has light scuffing, bump on bottom right corner.

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