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Maria Stinger-p

Black Nylons - v1 #10

Black Nylons - v1 #10

Product ID: blknyl-v1.10c
(No date - c. 1964 - Sampson Pub. - GSN) - Outstanding FC of Margaret Middleton in black lingerie and hose. BC is mirror image without printing. Maria Stinger has 6 pgs as 'Marlena Guibert', Linda Pearls from Babe v1 #4 has 5 pgs + inside BC. Maureen Frawley (very young June Palmer?) has 5 pgs, Tina Sherwood has 6 pgs inc CF and several more girls you'll probalby recognize. Incredibly bright, glossy almost new copy has very light ripple from stacking (no water marks or damage) along top edge - not bad at all - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
  • Quantity:

Caper - 1956-12

Caper - 1956-12

v1 #3 - Has nice FC of Judy Bamber in a gold dress holding a glass of champagne. Maria Stinger holiday CF in red stocking cap and teddy - by Bunny Yeager. Joyce Miles has 2 pgs, Gay Dawn has 4 pgs. Article about auto designer Frank Kurtis. FINE copy is clean & bright, very lightly read, a couple of minor stresses. Have 2 copies in VG+ grade, both clean and bright. One has very minor color flaking in bottom right corner and a bit of spine wear, the other has a light crease on bottom right corner and a couple of tiny nicks on BC - your choice, same price. VG copy is clean and bright with light crease on bottom right corner and 3 sets of staple holes - one set near the center of each edge about 1/4" in from edge.

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Caper - 1958-11

Caper - 1958-11

Product ID: capr1958-11e
v3 #1 - FC of Lee Wilson in the mouth of a tuba. Shirley Kilpatrick and Maria Stinger each have 2 pgs. Caper's All girl Jazz Band is a 6 pg feature w/ 16 different girls inc Lili St. Cyr, Yvette Vickers and Barbara Nichols, to name a few. Caper's All Girl Government has 12 diff girls inc Bettie Page, Dane Arden, Jean Jani and 9 more famous faces. Plus fiction by Earle Schell 'The Phrygian Gap', an article about Hamburg after dark - nude mud wrestling in 1958!! and an article about the Kamikaze attack on the battleship Mississippi. Clean yellow cover has 2" horizontal tear from spine toward middle of book below the top staple - hard to see, looks like a slight wrinkle in the paper, it also extends about 2" on the BC. Some spine wear and stresses, a bit of minor soiling and color flaing along edge of BC and small faint date stamp on BC - Good+.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Escapade - 1956-02

Escapade - 1956-02

v1 #5 - Has FC illo of a Can-Can dancer bending over and showing her derriere. Marla English on BC + 2 pgs, Sheree North has 2 pgs and Maria Stinger has 3 pgs in a swimming pool. Also fiction by Somerset Maugham 'The Escape' and Henry Miller 'Mademoiselle Claude' plus humor by William Nolan 'Wheels are Rounder than Heels'

  • Quantity:

Escapade's Choicest - 1956 Fall

Escapade's Choicest - 1956 Fall

Lots of great stuff from the first year of this popular title. Diane Webber shares FC w/ Dorie Stevens? Candy Barr has a color CF w/ a bunch of roses. Maria Stinger has 3 pgs, Marla English has 2 pgs, Lili St. Cyr has a full pg color pin-up. Plus fiction by Erskine Caldwell ' Medicine Man' and Somerset Maugham 'The Escape' and a full pg color painting by Fritz Willis. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor spine wear and small nick near center of spine. Fair copy has light H2O marks and some warp but is not brittle, no stuck pgs.

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Follies - 1965-02

Follies - 1965-02

Product ID: foll1965-02d
(v9.1) - Good issue w/ lots of popular models. Gaby Ryke has CF as 'Myrna Taylor', Vivianne Borg has nice 4 pg feature. Peggy Lynn and June Summers each have 3 pgs. Maria Stinger and Winnie (aka Brenda) Graham each have 2 pgs, Margaret (Maggie) Middleton as 'Peggy Law', Sandy Hagen and Arlene Hunter each have 1 pg. Tanya Tiari, Sylvia White, Linda Maya, Carrie Richards, Cindy Taylor and Joanne La Bonar each have 2 pgs. A 6 pg feature on showgirls and dozens of other modesl Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Frolic - 1954-04

Frolic - 1954-04

Product ID: frol1954-04d
Maria Stinger Hot FC + 2 pgs, Mara Lynn is CF. Loaded w/ faves - Marjorie Vann, Betty Tunnel, Phyllis Applegate, Rina Sorba, Lynn Jones and Zay Gates each have 2 pgs. Eden Hartford, Barbara Freking and Jean Smyle each have 1 pg. Plus dozens of other models inc many big names. Bright & glossy, some minor spine stresses - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Frolic - 1956-12

Frolic - 1956-12

Covergirl Paulette Nelson also has 2 pgs, Denise La Mont is the CF. Maria Stinger and Jessica Rogers each have 3 pgs. Lydia Jean, Terri Carr and Georgette Parker each have 2 pgs. Bettie Page, Randy Scott, Yvonne Fredericks, Ginny Gaylor have nice full pg pin-ups. Plus dozens of other top models. Have 2 copies. One is bright & glossy, lightly read, a few minor spine stresses but has roughly quarter size H2O marks on upper right corner. Second copy has been read a bit, some normal wear and rubbing on cover. Both about VG - same price your choice.         

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Glamor Parade - 1957-12

Glamor Parade - 1957-12

Product ID: glampard1957-12c
v2 #3 - Judy Bamber has great FC + 1 pg, Maria Stinger has 4 pgs inc color CF. Elliot Lor, Goldie Gipson, Jewell Shelton & Rose Marie each have 2 pgs. Loads of other favorites inc Diane Webber, Joanne Arnold, Jane Easton, Busty Brown and 1 pic of Bettie Page w/ Temprest Storm. Very bright & glossy, barely touched copy has light stress oncorner of BC - Fine/Fine+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
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Glamour Girls: Then & Now - #03

Glamour Girls: Then & Now - #03

Product ID: ggtn-03
8/94 - Maria Stinger (The Marilyn Monroe of Miami Beach) FC, BC + nice feature article with lots of pics. Plus 'The 50 Sexiest TV Performances of All Time' and articles about Barbara Eden, Dane Arden & Terry Higgins. 20 pgs

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Glamour Girls: Then & Now - Best Of #1

Glamour Girls: Then & Now - Best Of #1

Product ID: ggtn-bo.01
1995 - Bettie Page color FC + 2 pgs. Reprints the best articles from the first 5 issues - Irish McCalla - from #1 has an 11 pg article w/ 5 pages of pix inc 4 full pg photos plus an extensive list of mag apps and film credits, Maria Stinger - has 8 pgs inc 3 full pg pics, Angelyne - has 6 pgs inc 2 full pg pics, Cynthia Myers - (Playboy Playmate 12/68) has a big 16 pg feature article w/ 7 full page pix and Bunny Yeager has 2 pgs. 60 pgs. New, but upper left corner slightly soft.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Hi-Life - 1960-01

Hi-Life - 1960-01

Product ID: hili1960-01f
v2 #3 - Nice FC of Terry Higgins in a red bathing suit. Melody Ward has a big 7 pg feature, Kim Athas has 4 pgs, Pat von Burkhardt has 3 pgs, plus a full pg color pin-up of Maria Stinger. Articles on Russian female(?) athletes, dime novels and the French Foreign Legion. Connie Sellers fiction 'My Brother's Keeper'. Well read and handled, scuffing and creases - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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High - 1957-08

High - 1957-08

Product ID: high1957-08f
v1 #2 - Title changed from 'HI'. Nice Maria Stinger FC by Bunny Yeager, Lonnie Young has 6 pgs w/ her snakes, Nona van Tosh has 5 pgs. Kay Douglas & Carolyn Wynn each have 4 pgs and Jayne Hacklin has 3 pgs. Features on body painting and co-ed wrestling plus 5 pgs of pics by Weegee. 'I Take Thee Daisy' - a book condensation by Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong and The Only Time Dempsey was K.O.d - article w/ pics. Harold Robbins fiction 'Never Too Old'. 2 copies - both Good. #1 has some soiling and foxing, not too bad and #2 is better overall but has 3/4 FC. Your choice for 20.00 - please specify which you prefer in order.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Hit Show - 1957-03

Hit Show - 1957-03

Product ID: hitsh1957-03d
v1 #1 contains "108 Uncensored Smash Pictures of Pin Up Beauties". Covergirl is Susi Petersen. Zahra Norbo (future Playboy Playmate of 3/58) has partial FC + 3 pgs, Maria Stinger has a nice B&W CF, Lili Lamont has 4 pgs, Sharon Knight has 3, Dixie Evans, Marilyn Maher, Corrie (aka Carrie) Radison (future Playboy Playmate of 6/57) and Camille each have 2 pgs. Loaded w/ your faves inc Vickie Palmer, Alice Denham, Elliot Lor, Eve Bartok and many more. Some scuffing on cover, a few tiny chips on edges of BC but still bright & shiny - about VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Photo - 1953-12

Photo - 1953-12

Product ID: photo1953-12d
Good issue w/ lots of top models. Maria Stinger has 7 pgs, Mara Corday on inside BC + 5 pgs, Joy Niven on inside FC + 6 pgs, Linda Lombard has 6 pgs, Lili St. Cyr also has 6 pgs, Rita Moreno has 5 pgs, Nejla Ates also has 5 pgs, Eve Meyer color BC, lots more! Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Pose - 1959-08

Pose - 1959-08

v3 #11 - has killer Laya Raki FC in black lace teddy. As usual, full of your favorite girls. Maria Stinger has great CF in leapord bikini w/ 2 live Cheetahs. Dawn Richards has 3 pgs underwater, Carole Baker has 4 pgs. Virginia Lee and Laurie Matthews each have 3 pgs, Gwen Caldwell and Vickie Marlowe each have 2 pgs. Plus Vicki Dougan, Nickie Gibson, Eva Lynd, Iris Bristol, Alice Denham, Cheryl Kubert and the list goes on. Also a 5 pg feature on Havana nightlife. Normal wear but still bright & glossy, price written on cover - VG

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Rogue - 1958-04

Rogue - 1958-04

Maria Stinger FC + 5 pgs inc CF! Famous Full pg pic of Jayne Mansfield falling out of her low cut gown and pics of Tempest Storm, Patti Waggin and Delores del Raye. Robert Bloch fiction "Last Ruse of Summer". Rogue of Distinction is John Huston. Sharp VG+

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Rogue - 1958-07

Rogue - 1958-07

Product ID: rogu1958-07f
Maria Stinger FC by Bunny Yeager. Joan Bradshaw dynamite 5 pg pictorial inc CF - diff. than 1957. Long feature on models has pics of Dane Arden, Diane Webber, Betty Brosmer. M. Castle and others. Robert Bloch 'A Man's Best Friend Is His Motor'. and Rogue of Distinction, Mickey Rooney. Normal wear, Good.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity: