Tara Aire-p
Busty brunette model/porn star from the early 80s.
Ace - 1980-11
Still more girls w/ only 1 name. Covergirl Sadie also has 5 pgs and Tara Aire has 5 pgs inc CF as 'Penny'. Nancy Suiter has 5 pgs w/ girlfriend, Lois has 5 pgs w/ boyfriend Hank, Serena has 4 pgs solo and Sylvia Wright? has 3 pgs. Didi has 4 pgs, Betsy & Suzanne each have 3 pgs and Barbie has 2 pgs. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, barely touched - FINE
Cheri - 1981-03
Little Oral Annie has FC, BC + 11 pages inc a 3 pg foldout CF. There is also a separate 6 pg feature on Triumph Films (female wrestlers, etc) most of which feature Annie. Legendary Jennie Lee has 4 pgs. Tara Aire as 'Dora' and Belinda split 7 pgs - not together. Angelique, Dottie, Lainie and Rhonda each have 6 pgs and June has 5 pgs. An 8 pg lingerie party w/ 6 girls inc Loni Sanders & Rosemary Saneau. Marsha & boyfriend Sam have 6 pgs.
Erotic Film Guide - 1982-06
Product ID: erfg1982-06c(Velvet's) v1 #1 Issue features Lee Carroll FC + 6 pgs, Hillary Summers has outstanding 8 pg pictorial, Veronica Hart has 5 pg Interview w/ pics, Tara Aire also has 5 pgs. Mike Ranger has 8 pgs w/ Irene Cetera (aka Irene Olafson). Long reviews & pictorials of 'Urban Cowgirls', 'Desire For Men', 'Centerspread Girls', 'Undercovers', 'Between the Sheets', 'The Bitch Goddess' and lots more. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Fling - Special #05
Fling's Fantasy (1982) - Yum Yum (Yuma Robertson) has FC in fur coat and black boots + 2 pgs, Jennifer Eccles has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Adrian Gill'. Cindy Stewart (aka Vicki Harris) has 4 pgs, pregnant Crystal Thompson (is Fran Lindstrom, aka Ana Lou) has 4 pgs solo + 2 more w/ girlfriend. Tara Aire has 3 pgs as 'Cookie', Lisa de Leeuw Interview w/ pics inc 2 full color. Plus Mary Waters, Hannah Griffin and girlfriend, tattos for women, milk maids, she-males and lots more. FINE++ copy is extremely bright & glossy, NEW, unread! VG++ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, a bit of light 'rubbing'.
Game - 1981-04
Porn star Tara Aire has FC + 6 pgs as 'Dallas' and an anonymous girl w/ a variety of of suckers has 8 pgs inc CF. Keli Stewart has 6 pgs boxing w/ another girl, Mitzi has 6 pgs and Dot has 5 pgs. Also a 5 pg big boob retrospective w/ pics of 30 popular models inc Roberta Pedon, Uschi Digard, Lane Weldon, Diane Curtis, Ruth Anderson, Janey Reynolds and many other familiar faces. Wally Wood has 3 pgs of comics plus a full pg illo of 'Simone' by Steve Harris. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - barely touched! FINE copy is bright & glossy w/ tiny bump at bottom of spine.
Gent - 1982-05
Roberta Pedon has 5 great pages, all color - very nice feature + a 1 pg ad for 8mm movie. Jeanne Romero has 7 pgs inc CF and Priscilla Daniels has 7 pgs (she was CF of 1/82 and is CF in Fling 7/84 as Perri Palmer). Canadian stripper Lolita (Ramos) has a long Interview w/ 5 pgs of pics and Sodiroulla Turner has 6 pgs as 'Harriet'. Sigrid Bachman, Elaine (Everett) and Tara Aire as 'Debbie Harper' each have 4 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ porn producer Svetlana, an article about Craps and a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Don Lomax. FINE++ copy is extremely bright & glossy, NEW, unread!
Partner - 1983-09
Maura has 7 pgs inc CF. Champagne also has 7 pgs, Sharon Kane & Elizabeth share 5 pgs, Phyllis Davis has 4 pgs (reprint of 1/80), Tara Aire has 2 pgs. Suzie has 5 pgs and Donna has 5 pgs (reprint of 4/80). Plus Shooty Beagle - a 3 pg color comic strip.
Stag - Erotic Series - v4 #2
Product ID: stag-ersr-v4.2b3/83 - Porn Stars - Loni Sanders has sexy FC + 2 pgs. Tara Aire has 7 pgs inc CF w/ boyfriend, Hillary Summers shares 5 pgs in a pool w/ Cody Nicole. Plus a Veronica Hart Interview w/ pics, a feature on the 10 best porn flicks and movie reviews of 'That's Outrageous', 'Puss 'N Boots', 'Consenting Adults' and 'The Widespread Scandals of Lydia Lace'. Extremely bright & glossy, Barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
v 11 - Breast of Cheri - v 5
1983 Fall - Mostly reprints as noted but also some new material featuring 14 busty beauties w/ first names only. Anna Ventura as 'Brandy' (8/81) has a nice 8 pg feature, Debbie Boyland as 'Tara' (11/81) has 6 pgs. Bonnie Sue (1/81), Barbara (9/81) and Eve (12/81) each have 7 pgs. Mishu (4/81 less last pg), Patricia (5/81), Veronica (6/81 less last pg), Sherry (7/81) and Samantha (10/81) each have 6 pgs. New material - Sue-Ann has 7 pgs, Donna has 6 pgs and Dora & Belinda split 7 pgs - 1 is Tara Aire. Very bright & glossy, basically new, barely touched - FINE+
Velvet - 1980-12
Covergirl Jenny also has 4 pgs in the bonus booklet. Tara Aire has inside BC + 10 pgs inc CF as 'Cammie', Yolanda has 6 pgs. Plus a long 10 pg 2-girl set, Kevin James as Santa Claus w/ anonymous girl and a good feature on how to take sexy photos. This issue has bonus 32 pg digest size "Bedside Companion" magazine still attached. FINE++ copy is extremely bright & glossy, NEW, unread!. Fine copy is basically NEW but has a small 1" nick on top edge of BC.
Velvet - 1981-03
Covergirl is Tara Aire. Cowgirl Jesse has inside BC + 10 pgs inc CF - not sure but this looks like Laurie Smith in a platinum blonde wig. Crystal has 9 pgs, a very familiar looking Daphne has 7 pgs and Monica Alexander (wife of photog Ed Alexander) has 7 pgs. Plus a 3 pg feature on rock 'n roll collector Michael Ochs. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE+ copy is basically new w/ a couple of very minor stresses. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few spine stresses and a bit of rubbing on cover.
Velvet - 1984-11
Product ID: velv1984-11aCovergirl Mindy Rae also has 9 pgs w/ another girl and a guy in a bar. Pam Jennings and boyfriend have 8 pgs - pics from same photo shoot as Swank 7/87. A slim blonde (Bunny Bleu?) and her masseur have 10 pgs inc CF. Helene has 6 pgs, girlfriends Anna Ventura & Tara Aire share 6 pgs plus several anonymous couples. Wally Wood has 5 great pages of 'Sally Forth' comix in color and an article about space weapons. Magazine is in great condition, New, unread - absolutely gorgeous! FINE++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Velvet - Boobs & Buns # 04
(1980) - FC of Anna Ventura covered in soap suds, Little Oral Annie has the inside FC + 7 pgs inc CF as 'Bevie'. Denise Deland has 7 pgs as 'Fran', Rosemary Saneau has 7 pgs as 'Toby', Tara Aire has 5 pgs as 'Arlene'. Wendy Wilson? (aka Leslie Winston) has 5 pgs as 'Rhonda', Loni has 8 pgs (she is also in #12 dated 7/82 as Bella). Lois has 6 pgs, Evie has 5 pgs and Marge has the inside BC + 5 pgs. FINE+ copy is basically new, barely touched. FINE copy is basically new but has a small crease on upper left corner of BC.
Video X - 1982-02
v2 #12 - Amber Hunt has FC + 11 pgs inc CF (she was CF of Hustler 11/75). Tara Aire has a 5 pg letters column w/ pics, Tascha has 5 pgs. Good feature on the new Video Vixens w/ 2 pgs each of Danielle Martin, Linda Shaw (called 'Linda Shore'), K.C. Valentine, Cindy Marcus and Sylvia Benedict as 'Buffy'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++