Marian Stafford
Cover Girls Models - 1954-08
v3 #2 - June McCall has FC + 2 pgs, Marian Stafford (future Playboy CF of 3/56) & Lilly Christine each have 4 pgs. Loads of 2 pg features inc Cleo Moore, Gloria Pall, Carolfae Peterson, Lili St. Cyr, Evelyn West & Doris Keith. Anita Ekberg has the BC - ad for 8x10 photos. Extremely bright & glossy, almost new but has faint smudge on cover - Strong VG+
Escapade - 1958-02
v3 #2 - Marian Stafford (Playboy Playmate of 3/56) has 6 pgs inc CF (she is also covergirl?). Singer Julie Wilson has 5 pgs, French stripper Rita Renoir has 4 pgs and Donna Noble has 2 pgs. Also fiction by Robert Bloch 'Edifice Complex' an article by P.G Wodehouse 'Having Fun?' Plus articles on making Scotch whiskey and how to cheat at cards.
People Today - 1956-11
v12 #17 has Marian Stafford FC + 4 pgs, Joyce Miles has 5 pgs, Mara Lane has 4 pgs. Articles on former boxing champ Joe Louis, Dave Brubeck and the 'Sad Truth About Happy Pills'.
Peter Basch's Photo Ideas #1
Product ID: peterbasch-phoid.1f1957 - Although this was published by Whitestone it is a full size magazine and NOT digest size. FC photo of Marian Stafford (Playboy CF of 3/56) in gold bathing suit w/ smaller pics of Julie Newmar & Madelyn Darrow. Mag is loaded w/ dozens of famous models, many w/ only a single pic. Julie Newmar appears throughout the book, Dorothy Rice has 4 pgs, Rosanna Rory has 2 pgs + 1 pic, Kim Novak has 1 full pg pic + 2 others. Zahra Norbo, Rhonda Fleming, Anita Ekberg, Tina Louise and Barbara Nichols all have 2 pics each. Well read but no serious defects - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
The Male Point of View - 1957-06*
Product ID: ps-mpov1957-06v6 #6 has Marlee Sanderson FC, Jayne Hacklin BC + 6 pgs inc CF, Marion Stafford on inside FC and Beth Kirsten on inside BC. Suzanne Petrine has a 2 pg photo. Feature on European glamor girls w/ Vanda, Martine Carole, Joan Collins & Anita Ekberg. Articles on buffalo hunting, mountain climbing, adventure vacations and lumberjack boxing. Lower left corner slightly soft but bright & shiny - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
The Male Point of View - 1957-11*
Product ID: ps-mpov1957-11v7 #5 has Marian Stafford FC, Patsy O'Shea BC, Simone Auger on inside FC and Lauren Lavelle on inside BC + 3 pgs. Pat McCullop has 6 pgs inc CF. Feature articles on Sam Menning and John Carradine. Minor wear - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00