Ted Mark
A Hard Day's Knight
Product ID: ppbk-tm-01#73-508 - 1966 - 60 cent cover price - white cover
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Ace - 1958-04
Product ID: ace1958-04dThree girls on FC are Jeanne Carmen, Laura Raymond & Sara Dolley - they split 4 pgs w/ several pics of each. Joan Castle has 4 pgs inc CF, exotic dancer Judy Mason has 4 pgs and Nicki Gibson has 2 pgs. Articles about Polynesia, The Barbizon Hotel for women in New York, Louis Armstrong and the William Demond Taylor murder. A 6 pg feature on female impersonators and fiction by Ted Mark 'I'll Kill You In My Dreams'. Bright & glossy, a few stresses and small bump at bottom of spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1959-08
Product ID: ace1959-08dCovergirl Betty Serrano also has 3 pgs and Susan Woods has BC + 3 pgs. Shirley Quimby (as Corey Stevens), Jeri Osaki, Nancy Owens and Coreen Amsterdam each have 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of Beach Beauties, articles about W.C. Fields and the Great Bunion Derby of 1928 and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Care and Selection of a Mistress'. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses, small number '30' writtten on top right corner of cover.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1959-12
Product ID: ace1959-12dDoris Gohlke has FC + 4 pgs. Dawn DeMille (aka Dawn Danielle), Jacqueline Petit and Mary Rogers each have 3 pgs and Karen (aka Cara) Dodge has 2 pgs. Gloria de Winter on inside FC, Shirley Skates has a nice full pg pic and Maria Stinger has a couple of pics. Articles about William Saroyan and ribald phonograph records plus Ted Mark fiction 'Sex Is a Green Horse'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, small number '30' written on top right corner of cover - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Ace - 1960-02
Product ID: ace1960-02dTerry Higgins has FC + 4 pgs, Dane Arden has BC + 4 pgs and Brigitte Bardot has 4 pgs. Sharon Richardson & Jane Averly each have 3 pgs. Plus a 7 pg 1960 calendar w/ Shirley Skates full pg color pin-up and single pics of Ann Austin, Sheika Moser & Lee Southern. Article about great Impostors and foods that are aphrodisiacs plus Ted Mark fiction 'The Abominable Snow Job'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bit of light rubbing near spine, small number '30' written near top edge of cover - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1960-06
Product ID: ace1960-06dFrench model Leila Jazy has FC + 4 pgs, Jamie O'Neill also has 4 pgs. Marie Odile, Janice (aka Jan) Lee and Ursula Lorenz each have 3 pgs. Allyson Sanborn and Gwen Hooven each have 2 pgs. Article on movie director Eric Von Stroheim. Ted Mark fiction 'The Curse of Fatherhood'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and just a touch of color flaking at top of spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1960-08
Mag switches from a stapled spine to a squarebound, glued spine thru the issue of 9/69. Covergirl Karen Lynn also has 2 pgs. Cindy Cole has 3 pgs, Windy March, Laura Stevens & Carol Kelly each have 2 pgs. Plus 3 pgs of French strippers, 2 pgs of an anonymous model by Russ Meyer that might be Eve Meyer and Sabrina has nice full pg pin-up on inside FC. Articles about 'The Love Life of the Devil', mob lawyer William Fallon and Cassie Chadwick - The Queen of the Con Men. Ted Mark satire 'Bachelor's Dictionary', Con Sellers fiction 'Every Fourth Night'. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, light crease along right edge of cover near bottom. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, small bumps along top edge and top of spine.
Ace - 1960-12
Product ID: ace1960-12dCovergirl Aniza Poda also has a small pic on BC + 3 pgs. Donna Noble has 4 pgs, Kitty Randall and Eva Bruce each have 3 pgs. Carol Haynes & Judy Lee each have 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction 'The Eighth Deadly Sin'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small bump near bottom of spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1961-06
Product ID: ace1961-06eHelle Wingsoe (aka Annette Casir) has FC and BC. Eve Adam, Sherry Everett, Yuki Tani and Corky Conway each have 3 pgs. Yvonne Odin & Mary Caryl each have 2 pgs and Eve Eden is on the inside FC. An article about London - the naughtiest city in the world and Ted Mark fiction 'The Colonel's Lady'. Some normal wear, a bit of light color flaking along right edge of cover - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1961-08
Product ID: ace1961-08dJan Becker has FC + 4 pgs - she is also Covergirl of Follies 5/64. Pat Langly has 4 pgs, Toni Meade & Gigi La Mont each have 3 pgs and Daniela Paiva has 2 pgs. Articles about Hollywood fan magazines, Gamblers Anonymous, and the con man of the Confederacy - John T. Pickett. Ted Mark fiction 'A Matter of Breeding'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE condition except that this was apparently set on top of a spiral notebook as it has a string of 1/8" long brown hash marks running the length of the spine 1/4" apart on the BC.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1961-12
Product ID: ace1961-12eCovergirl is Lise Olesen. Abby Lee, Jill St. Marie and Lili Ellis (underwater) each have 3 pgs. Evie Smith, Jean Williams (NOT the early 50s swimsuit model), Brenda Hollis and Nancy Lewis each have 2 pgs. An article about the Trujillos of the Dominican Republic and Ted Mark fiction 'The Correspondence Course'. Bright & glossy, some wear on staples - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1962-04
Product ID: ace1962-04dSuzanne Rainier has FC + 2 pgs - she is also Covergirl of Follies 11/62. Laurie Dunn and Nadia Lias each have 3 pgs. Diane Roberts, Marilyn Supry, Joanne (Jo Ann) O'Neil and Sandra de Auteuil each have 2 pgs - Sandra is the Covergirl for 5/64. An article about the private lives of public figures and Ted Mark fiction 'Lost Inhibitions'. Bright & glossy, lightly read w/ a couple of tiny color flakes near top of spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1962-06
Product ID: ace1962-06dAlma Corelli has FC + 2 pgs. Carol Hill has 3 pgs as Sonya Romny and Linda German also has 3 pg. Marsha Jordan, Jo Ann Wagner and Renee Rogers each have 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of Vegas showgirls and articles about the Marquis de Sade and comedienne Belle Barth. Ted Mark fiction 'Her Husband's Best Friend'. Very bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1962-08
Product ID: ace1962-08dEvana Lange has FC + 2 pgs. Laine Carlin (aka Honey Harmon), Rusty Taylor and Yvonne de Rosia each have 3 pgs, Elke Sommer, Lorna Dru and Sue McDonald each have 2 pgs. A feature on film orgies, articles about British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Russian beatnicks and comidienne Pearl Williams plus Ted Mark fiction 'Aphrodisiac'. Bright & glossy, light vertical crease along most of spine, small bump at bottom of spine and arrival date written on FC - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1963-01
Product ID: ace1963-01eFrancie Mann has FC + 3 pgs. Paula Angeles (Angelus) and Annette Amber each have 4 pgs, Vivianne Borg has 3 pgs and Nina Coral has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction 'Pay The Girl Two Dollars'. Bright and glossy, a bit of rubbing and light color flaking along spine - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1963-03
Product ID: ace1963-03dTimmy Shawn has 4 pgs, Dolores Duke & Anita McCrea each have 3 pgs, Angela Webster has 2 pgs. A 4 pg feature on English models inc Covergirl Sandra Brennan and 4 pgs of Girls of Finland. Ted Mark fiction 'Grandma and the Hipsters', a feature on Jackie Gleason and an article about famous stage-door Johnnies. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1963-05
Product ID: ace1963-05eTaffy West has FC + 3 pgs and Irmgarde Eicke has the BC + 3 pgs. Audrey Tarra has 4 pgs, Bonnie Jean Wells is on the inside FC + 3 pgs. Pooh Blair has 3 pgs, Joanne Duncan has 2 pgs and Charlene Mathias shares 2 pgs w/ her sister Rita. A 3 pg article about Beverly Aadland w/ pics plus articles about our amorous founding fathers and actress Jenny Love. Ted Mark fiction 'Sharpest Blade in the West'. Bright & glossy, bump at bottom of spine and some light 'ripples' along bottom edge but no H2O marks - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Ace - 1963-07
Lita Cervon has FC + 4 pgs. Nina Leeds & Joanne LeClaire each have 4 pgs, Doris Sanders & Barbara Wayne each have 3 pgs and Jacqueline Viala has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction 'Dreams Can Tell a Lie'. Have 2 copies - both are very bright & glossy. One has a tiny bumps at top & bottom of spine and a bit of wear around staples, the other has a light scuff on BC and arrival date written on FC. Same price, your choice.
Ace - 1963-11
Product ID: ace1963-11dTommie Sawyer has FC + 4 pgs. Maria Martini has 4 pgs, Kim Knowles & Tammy Yale each have 3 pgs and Cathy Crofoot has a nice full pg pic. An article about Panama City, Panama and Ted Mark fiction 'The Girl in the Freudian Slip'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1964-03
Product ID: ace1964-03eVivian Greg has FC + 4 pgs, Coleen O'brien has the BC + 3 pgs. Susan Norman has 4 pgs, Lynn Tracey has 3 pgs and Ziva Rodann has 2 pgs. Plus the 1964 Beauty Calendar and Ted Mark humor ' Songs to Sneer By'. Some normal wear along spine, a 2" tear on right edge of FC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1964-07
Product ID: ace1964-07eGina Millan has FC + 4 pgs. Monique Malterre (Covergirl of Follies 8/63) and Laurie Keeling (aka Paula Cummings) each have 3 pgs, Gay Robbins has 2 pgs and Janey Reynolds is on the inside BC as 'Ginny Cutrone'. Plus a 3 pg review of the nudie movie 'Surftide 777' and a Ted Mark article Strike While the Temper Is Hot'. Bright & glossy, a bit of mormal wear, small price sticker in upper right corner of FC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1965-01
Product ID: ace1965-01dNancy Lyon has FC + 4 pgs, Angela Jones has the inside FC + 4 pgs and Maria Hurst & Gwen Ford each have 4 pgs. Articles about the Sex Underground, Why Disco is Ruining Jazz! and Terry (author of 'Candy') Southern. Ted Mark fiction 'The Secretarial Position'. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1966-01
Product ID: ace1966-10dDennie (aka Denien) Novak has FC + 4 pgs and Cathy Verse has the inside FC + 4 pgs. Francine Brock & Connie McCartney each have 3 pgs, Kitty Lynn has 2 pgs. Articles about art forgeries and Miami (sin city) Florida. Ted Mark fiction 'Sex, Psychology & Chicken Soup'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Ace - 1966-03
Product ID: ace1966-03eSilvia Sorrente has FC + 4 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 4 pgs. Merry Murray & Lis Helgesen each have 3 pgs and Mickey Jines has 2 pgs as 'Maggie Smith'. Dana Craig is on the inside FC and Lupe Lopez is on the BC as 'Sandra Montez'. An article about hypnosis and fiction by Con Sellers 'For the Love of a Redheaded woman' and Ted Mark 'A Pool For Miss Roundheels'. This one has been read a bit - normal wear, some scuffing on cover and small creases on top edge of BC - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1966-05
Product ID: ace1966-05dJean Jones has FC + 4 pgs. Shannon Mackaye & Rima Potter each have 4 pgs, Olivia Kaye has 3 pgs and Meg Sanderson has 2 pgs. A 4 pg feature on Vegas nudie shows, an article about Bisexuals - America's Growing Problem and Ted Mark fiction 'The Year the Blue Sox Blew the Pennant'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - 1968-07
Product ID: ace1968-07dKristine Jensen has FC + 3 pgs. Anne (aka Angela) Webster, Eve Houston and Kathy Price each have 4 pgs. Nell Shannon & Lydia each have 3 pgs. Articles about W.C. Fields and Bangkok. Ted Mark fiction 'The Colonel's Lady'. Bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear, small date stamp in top right corner of BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Ace - Annual 1968
Product ID: ace-ann.04d#4 - Charlotte Stewart has 4 pgs as 'Cheri Stevens', Bobbie Shaw (Covergirl of Gala 3/66) has 4 pgs, Susan (Suzanne) Baxter & Doris Divine split 4 pgs, Licia Alvarez and Pamela Morris each have 2 pgs. Ginny, Jane & Margo go camping - 5 pgs. A feature on Soho's Strip Palace featuring Gina Miillan. Ted Mark fiction 'A Secretary Is Not A Toy'. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Bachelor - 1962-12
Product ID: bach1962-12fv4 #2 - Covergirl Jean Felucier also has 2 pgs. Barbara Todd and exotic dancer Electra each have 4 pgs. Pam Kelly and Karen Cool each have 3 pgs, Victoria Roberts and Sally Larimer have 2 pgs each. June Palmer on inside FC. Article about Cleopatra and actresses who have played her inc Liz Taylor. Ted Mark fiction 'A Secretary Is Not a Toy'. FC and first pg stained, Good.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Bachelor - 1964-06
v5 #3 - Bunny Bacon has FC + 1 pg. Myrna Taylor, Ginger mMeadows and Eve Marlow each have 4 pgs, Loretta Newman & Kara Williams each have 3 pgs and Suzie Rice has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction "Man's Best Friend" and an article about 'Key Clubs'.
Bachelor - 1964-10
v5 #5 - Jamie Hilton & Margo Travers each have 4 pgs, Sheila Winters has 3 pgs. Inside BC is a great pin-up of Mamie van Doren in a bath tub. Ted Mark fiction 'The Immoral Redhead' and satire 'Voter's Dictionary'. Two clean creases on FC but bright & shiny - VG/VG+
Bachelor - 1965-06
Product ID: bach1965-06dv6 #3 - Stacey Walker has a nice FC + 5 pg feature w/ dark hair as 'Liz Trainor'. Jo Ann Belcher has inside FC + 4 pgs, Maggie Smith has 3 pgs (Looks like Mickey Jines to me), Gina Chase also has 3 pgs. Kellie Everts & Sheika Moser each have 1 pic. Topless swimsuits and Ted Mark fiction 'Shaved by the Belle'. 1 pg has been neatly razored out but is present and OK, small tear on top edge BC o/w book VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Bachelor - 1966-02
Product ID: bach1966-02bv7 #1 - Margo Sweet has nice FC + 4 pgs. Judy Vaughn has 4 pgs, Jan Black & Dolly Sherry each have 3 pgs. Single pics of Lorna Maitland, Babette Bardot & Kellie Everts. Ted Mark fiction ' A Most Spectacular Freudian Monster Dream'. Beautiful, barely touched, Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Bachelor - 1967-02
Product ID: bach1967-02ev8 #1 - Cleo Simmons has sexy FC + a full pg pic. Nell Shannon has 4 pgs, Donna Allen & Linda Thurston each have 3 pgs. Sally Hayden on BC looks like Lorraine Burnett to me. Feature on nudie movies with pics of Mamie van Doren & Lorna Maitland. Bachelor's Choice - 12 previous CFs w/ 1 pic each. Article about the book 'Story of O'. Fiction by Ted Mark 'Aphrodisiac' and Con Sellers 'Scent of Mourning'. Avg wear, VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Bachelor - 1968-06
Product ID: bach1968-06dv9 #3 - Covergirl Jana Keene also has inside FC + 4 pgs - looks an awful lot like Diane Curtis to me. Misty Power & Mara Sparks each have 4 pgs, Simmer Lee & Liz Hukkanen each have 3 pgs, Candy Palms has 2 pgs. Also a big 5 pg feature on the 'No Bra' look w/ lots of pics. Lorna Maitland on BC. Ted Mark fiction 'The Great Nympho Love Lottery'. Articles about rock band 'The Doors', Andy Warhol and vintage autos. Strong VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Bachelor - 1969-10
Product ID: bach1969-10cv10 #5 - Chris Mathis, Eve Ehlers, Claudia Butler & Pat Lawry each have 4 pgs. Dolly Sherry has 2 pgs. A big 6 pg feature on Scandinavian Girls. Ted Mark fiction 'The Year The Blue Sox Blew The Pennant'. Article about antiquated sex laws. Sharp, glossy Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Carnival - 1962-09
v10 #3 - Formerly 'Picture Scope'. Gloria Dawn has FC + 4 pgs, Karla Olson ha 3 pgs, Vivian Borg & Linvi Vassa each have 2 pgs. Plus Carnival in Rio and Ted Mark fiction 'The Man Who Couldn't' and more! VG copy is bright & glossy, light stress line along spine, minor scuffing. Good copy is well handled, some scuffing, small piece off top corner of BC near spine.
Carnival - 1962-11
v10 #4 - Covergirl Adele Chretin also has 3 pgs. Dolly Burden has 4 pgs and the Galle Twins - Babette & Nicole - have 4 pgs. Marya Linero has 2 pgs and E.C. Stacey (aka Ecstasy) is on inside BC. Plus the Miami Beach Artists and Models Ball and Ted Mark fiction 'Valor and Lingerie'. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, very minor stresses, arrival date '9/4' on cover. Good+ copy is actually very nice but has light bug chew on bottom right corner.
Carnival - 1966-02
Product ID: carn1966-02dv13 #1 - Penny Singleton has FC + 4 pgs inc CF (she is also the CF of TOPPER 1/70). Monica Jordan & Monique Malterre each have 4 pgs, Carla Kent has 3 pgs and Stacey Walker has 2 pgs as 'Liz Trainor'. Ted Mark fiction 'Most Seductive Book oft the Month'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Carnival - 1967-08
v14 #3 - Dany English has sexy FC + 4 pgs. Anita Anderson has 4 pgs, Karen O'Sullivan has 3 pgs, Judi Scott has 2 pgs and Sheika Moser has very nice fulll pg color pin-up. An article about newspaper The East Village Other and Ted Mark fiction ' No Good End'. Fine copy is very bright & glossy, has very clean white cover. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, small spot on right edge of FC. VG copy has some minor rubbing, small bump at top of spine.
Cheri - 1979-02
Covergirl is Carolyn Evans (she is also on BC) and Liv has 9 pgs inc CF. Jill Monro has 5 pgs, Charline has 7 pgs, Fanny has 6 pgs w/ a pool table and Paola has 5 pgs. A very familiar looking girl who was in 8/78 as 'Windjammer' has 6 pgs. Also a 4 pg feature on bodypainting at the Pondersa Sun Club and Ted Mark fiction 'Won't You Eat My Valentine?'. Plus 'Moon Child' a 1 pg color comic by Nicola Cuti and 'Stalemate' a 1 pg color comic by Mary Sativa.
Cheri - 1979-06
Gymnast Shay Whitney has 5 pgs and 2 girls in a sauna share 8 pgs inc CF - they are also in 8/80 but diff pics. Mike Ranger and Jolanda van Amersfoort have 6 pgs. Lisa & Gigi have 8 pgs in a hot tub, Anna has 8 pgs, Terry & Elayne P. each have 6 pgs and Christy has 5 pgs. Plus 'Moon Child' a 1 pg color comic by Nicola Cuti, 'Bad Penny' a 1 pg color comic by Mary Sativa and Ted Mark Fiction 'The Man From O.R.G.Y.s Last Case'.
Cheri - 1985-12
Cassandra Leigh has giant 13 pg pictorial inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Karen Kelly has BC + 5 pgs as 'Katya' and Joni Flynn has 5 pgs. HOTM Tami & Lynn each have 7 pgs, Rachel has 6 pgs and Dana & Denise share 7 pgs. A big 12 pg feature on the Stripper of the Year contest from the Junction in NY and 8 pgs on the Ms. Nude World Pgeant from Naked City. Plus An 8 pg movie review of 'Corporate Assets' and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Man From ORGY Bounces Back' part 1, part 2 in 1/86.
Cheri - 1986-01
Covergirl Suzi also has 7 pgs and Nina has 13 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF - this is the last issue to have a 3 pg foldout CF. HOTM Holly Ryan (also in 9/86 & 11/86) has 7 pgs, Carole Anne Stevenson has 6 pgs as 'Toni'. Andrea has BC + 6 pgs, Amanda has 6 pgs and girlfriends Brenda & Stacy share 6 pgs. A big 10 pg feature on the Miss Nude Galaxy contest from the Ponderosa Sun Club and the Miss Nude Canada contest. An 8 pg feature on the AFAA Erotic Film Awards and Ted Mark fiction 'The Man From ORGY Bounces Back' - Part 2, part 1 was in 12/85.
Eros - 1978-01
Elke Sommer has nice FC + 6 great pages. Kelly Nichols has 6 pgs w/ girlfriend in shower and a 'Cabaret' pictorial featuring 6 diff girls. A 4 pg feature on artist Vincent Melilli. Fiction by Ted Mark 'Do Me Robert...Redford...Redford,...Redford'. Articles about The Night of the Long Knives and other Nazi depravities and Plato's Retreat in NY. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear. Good copy has been well read and handled - multiple creases, some spine wear.
Escapade - 1965-08
v10 #5 - Hannah Moore has FC, inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Kay Stearn has 5 pgs and Susanna Barnes has 3 pgs. A good article about silent slapstick films and a feature on the Lipizzaner stallions. Plus Ted Mark satire 'The Celluloid Tower of Babble' and a visit to the Univ. of Texas. VG++ copy is very clean and bright, lightly read. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses and small 1/2" tear on right edgee of 1st page.
Escapade - 1969-05
Product ID: escp1969-05dv14 #5 - Cindy Neal has sexy FC + 3 pgs and Ann Daye has 2 pgs. Francesca Rosano, Rosalie Easton and Pier Gentil (aka Gee Gentle) each have 3 pgs and Astride has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction 'The Celluloid Tower of Babble', an article about Bimini and another about comedian David Steinberg. Bright & glossy, clean white cover, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
HQ - 1964-02
Product ID: hq1964-02ev1 #4 - Formerly titled Harlequin. Susanne Chester has FC + 3 pgs, Mollie (aka Molly) Peters has big 8 pg pictorial inc 3 pg foldout CF and Adele Castles (FC of #3) has 4 pgs. Plus England's Sultry 7 - a 4 pg feature w/ a full pg color pic + 1 smaller of June Palmer (as Marianne Motley) and 1 pic of Margaret Middleton (called Christine Johnstone). An article about Prince Filippo Orsini and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Square and the Sex Triangle'. Light wear, CF is loose, nice VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
HQ - 1964-08
Product ID: hq1964-08gv1 #3 - Janne (aka Jan, Janis) Lee has FC, inside FC + 4 pgs. Priscilla Lord has 8 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF and Myriam Michelson (Marian Michaels?) has 4 pgs. Plus an article about Tallulah Bankhead and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Rake Who Wouldn't Take NO For an Answer'. Book has H2O marks in bottom right corner and upper left corner, no stuck pgs - Fair/Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
HQ - 1964-10
Product ID: hq1964-10gv1 #4 - Good issue features 4 pgs of Marli Renfro, 4 pgs of Mickey Jines inc 2 full pg color pics and a big 9 pg feature of Lisa Price inc 3 pg foldout CF. Articles about Dr. Edward O. Thorpe (pioneer of card counting at blackjack) and Isometrics. Fiction by Ian Fleming 'Risico' (reprinted from 'For Your eyes Only') and Ted Mark 'His Seductive Power of Suggestion'. Some H2O marks along top edge & spine - Fiar/Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
HQ - 1964-12
v1 #5 - Covergirl is Sara Ann McCarthy (CF in 2/65 issue), tropical beauty Mi-Ti has a big 9 pg pictorial inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Felice Noelle has 4 pgs, and a pool party w/ Peggy Bascum. An article about jazz pianist Horace Silver and fiction by Erskine Caldwell - an excerpt from 'Calexico' and Ted Mark 'A Slight Case of Transference'. VG copy has normal wear, no serious defects. Good copy has a few very light water marks upper right corner, Fair copy has more.
Male - 1979-11
Product ID: male1979-11dv1 #5 - FC of girl wearing boxing gloves. Alice has 7 pgs inc CF, Sandy & Monica share 7 pgs, Dora Delamr has 6 pgs, Lucy and Eve have 5 pgs each. Article about Violence in Sports and another about Howard Cosell. Ted Mark fiction 'Gum Job'. Avg Wear, VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Scamp - 1958-09
v2 #2 - Good issue has Debra Paget FC in daring showgirl costume plus 4 pgs. Zeva Rodann, Judy Bamber, Dana Darby, Madeline Morgan and Charlene Burkhardt each have 2 pgs. Features on Cheesecake photography (lots of pics) and European starlets inc Sabrina, Sophia Loren, Greta Thyssen, Elsa Martinelli and more. Plus a feature on blondes w/ a very nice full pg color pic of Tania Velia. An article about Arthur Rimbaud and Ted Mark fiction 'The Girls of the Zamboanga'. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, light rubbing and few small stresses along spine. Good copy has light H2O marks in lower left corner throughout, rusty staples, no stuck pgs.
Scamp - 1959-07
Product ID: scamp1959-07ev3 #1 - Agnes Laurent has FC + 3 pgs. Lela Ballad has 4 pgs, Laura Vickers has 2 pgs. Plus 6 pgs of the 'Sultriest Sunbathers of 1959' and Debra Dean on the BC. Ted Mark satire 'The Language of Love', an article about comedian Robert Benchley and 2 full pg cartoons by 'JSP' (sure looks like Bill Ward). Bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses, couple of color flakes along right edge, bottom right corner soft - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Scamp - 1959-09
v3 #1 - Laya Raki has FC, BC + 4 pgs. Nicki Gibson has 3 pgs. Beth Bradley (is Rosa Dolmai aka Eve Eden) has 2 pgs, Sandi Silver, Susan Darby and Gia Rossi each have 2 pgs. Ted Mark article 'How to be a Great Lover'. Plus articles about author Philip Wylie, Hollywood legend Marshall (Mickey) Neilan and WWII hero David (The Phantom Major) Stirling. FINE- copy has extremely clean white cover, very light ripple on BC from stacking. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, very clean, small date stamp and clean crease on bottom left corner of BC. VG copy has some stresses and light spine wear, 1 pg torn out but present. Good copy has been heavily red and handled, multiple creases, scuffing, some writing on cover.
Scamp - 1959-11
Product ID: scam1959-11gv3 #3 - Another good issue full of popular models. Beverly Scott has FC + 2 pgs, Aleane (aka Bambi) Hamilton has BC + 4 pgs, Colette Berne also has 4 pgs. Eve Meyer has 3 pgs in 'Operation Dames', Ellie Montgomery has 3 pgs, Ann Peters has 2 pgs (by Russ Meyer) and Rosa Dolmai has a 1 pg color pin-up. Also an article about Civil War General Daniel E. Sickles by Ted Mark and even more girls! Has some light H2O marks along spine and in both right corners, no stuck pgs, normal wear but is OK.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Scamp - 1960-01
v3 #4 - Lari Laine (Playboy Playmate of May, 1958) has interesting FC in space costume plus BC and 4 pgs. Gigi Frost also has 4 pgs. Pat Shane has 3 pgs, Kathy Wood, Nikki Joye (w/ a rifle) & Mary Marchand each have 2 pgs Fiction by Ted Mark 'Caught in a Zipper' and Connie Sellers 'Jail Bait'. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, has scuff on top 1" of spine. VG copy has some light spine stresses, a bit of rubbing, the number '30' writtten on cover. Good copy has some spine stresses, rubbing along spine, some small light H2O spots near top staple.
Scamp - 1960-03
Product ID: scamp1960-03dv3 #5 - Bunny Bacon in a crossword puzzle on FC + 3 pgs. Inez Pinchot & La Wana Chilton each have 4 pgs, Taffy Skylar has 3 pgs and Joanie Webb & Ann Atmar each have 2 pgs. Plus the Top 10 Exotics for 1960 and a pic of Anita Ekberg in Rome's Trevi Fountain on the inside BC. Bill Ward has 2 full pg B&W cartoons and 1 full pg color cartoon. Ted Mark fiction 'The Hussy Who shocked Paris'. Bright, glossy red cover has the number '30' nearly written, very light clean crease on bottom corner of BC and last 2 pgs - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Scamp - 1960-07
v4 #1 - Donna Buttons & Linda Reynolds share FC, BC, and 4 pgs in 'Bachelor Girls Cruise' Feature. Judy Crowder and Hope Hathaway each have 3 pgs. Sylvia Bourbeau has 4 pgs and Gail Williams & Gloria Love (is Glenda Graham) each have 2 pgs. Plus Paris Showgirls and girls in bottles. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Passion Pool' and Connie Sellers ' Lover's Bait'. FINE- copy has extremely clean white cover, TINY nick on spine and small spot in bottom right corner. VG+ copy is clean and bright, has number '30' written on cover, a bit of light spine wear.Good copy has light H2O mark in upper left corner of BC.
Scamp - 1960-09
v4 #2 - Betty MacGowan (aka Magowan) has nice close-up FC + 2 pgs. E.C. Stacy (aka Ecstasy) has 3 pgs, Ramona Rogers (aka Jean Nieto) also has 3 pgs, Mary Wheeler has 4 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of girls in bathtubs, and a feature on the most banned movie ever made - the West German flick 'Unser Wunderland Bei Nacht' - Our Wonderland At Night. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Girl in the Freudian Slip' and Connie Sellers 'The Naked Truth'. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read - very nice! VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, small bumps on upper right corner and bottom of spine.
Scamp - 1961-01
Product ID: scamp1961-01ev4 #4 - Pamela Morris (is Wynn Landis?) FC in front of a real medieval castle with moat + 3 interior pgs. Lisa Varga and Hedy Young share 3 pgs, Gigi Farrell has 3 pgs, Lacey Kelly & Judy Taylor each have 2 pgs. Fiction by Ted Mark 'Prescription for Passion' and Connie Sellers 'An Oriental Affair'. Bright & glossy, very lightly read but some minor chipping along edges and a few color flakes - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Scamp - 1961-03
Product ID: scamp1961-03fv4 #5 - Sharon Wiley has FC + 2 pgs, Patty Conley has 3 pgs and Babe McDowell (aka Babe McDonald) has BC + 3 pgs. Rhoda Blume & Patty Haley each have 3 pgs. Plus features on Beach Beauties, exotic dancers and lots more. Articles about 'The Salon Kitty' in 1930s Berlin and the delinquent sons of rich fathers. Ted Mark fiction 'He Who Must Fight'. Have 2 copies. One copy has been fairly well read and handled but no serious defects, has small price sticker on FC. Other copy not as well handled but has vertical crease along spine and some chipping along edges. Same price - your choice
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
Scamp - 1963-02
v6 #3 - Now on a Quarterly publication schedule. Gail Conti has FC + 3 pgs, Donna Noble has 4 pgs, Janice (aka Jan, Janne) Lee has 3 pgs. Also Carol Riva has 2 pgs and Sheika Moser has 2 pgs as 'Aniza Roda'. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Executive Position' and Connie Sellers 'Every Fourth Night', plus an article about Frank Harris (author of 'My Secret Life'). VG+ copy is bright & glossy, 2 small color flakes near top of spine, bump at bottom of spine. Good copy is fairly well read and handled, some rubbing & scuffing, '40 C' written on cover.
Swank - 1964-05
v11 #2 - Covergirl Angel Webster also has 5 pgs. June Palmer has big 8 pg feature inc fabulous 3 pg color foldout - really nice. Trish O'Brien has 4 pgs. Articles about Count Basie and society scandals. Plus a Ted Mark short story 'The Crabgrass is Always Greener' and a short story by Orrie Hitt 'The Town Square'. VG copy has some spine stresses & clean split on top 1" of spine o/w sharp & glossy! Fair copy has H2O damage along top edge and chunk out of top, center of FC but color CF OK.
Swank - 1966-08
Product ID: swan1966-08fGill (Gillian) Evans has nice FC + 5 pgs. There is a British model named Gillian Evans who was Covergirl of FLING 11/70 w/ pictorial and also appeared in ALL MAN 11/70 but this girl looks more like Teri Martine - anybody know?. Patricia Moran has 9 pgs inc CF, Milllie Simpson has 6 pgs. Plus a pictorial tour of Hong Kong, an article about Lee Marvin and fiction by Ted Mark 'The Group'. Light H2O top right corner, vertical creases on FC - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Swank - 1966-11
Product ID: swan1966-11gDonna Marlow has FC + 7 pgs, Fay Richards has 9 pgs inc CF and Cynthia Gray has 6 pgs. Also French Dancers, an article about actress Jeanne Moreau, 'Using LSD' by Isaac Asimov and Ted Mark fiction 'The Man Who Wouldn't Take No'. Heavy H2O marks top right & bottom left corners, no stuck pgs chunk off at bottom of spine - Fair.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
Swank - Special 1965
Product ID: swan-spec1965dSheila King has 7 pgs inc CF, Lisa Petersen has 5 pgs (she also appeared in Cavalier, Gent, Rogue and other mags). Cindy Smith - The Girl from O.R.G.Y. has 5 pgs. Plus Jonni Dale (aka Frankie Young) has 4 pgs, features on African ballet and Paris in the Nude, a movie review of 'The Sexpert' and Ted Mark fiction "A Slight Case of Transference". Bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Spectacular 1966
Jackie Danielle has close-up FC + 9 big pgs inc CF. Stephanie King has 6 pgs and Francoise Melle has 7 pgs. A feature on 40+ Girls has a full pg pic of Vicki Kennedy + smaller pics of Margaret Middleton and Jutka Goz. Plus England's Nude Witch Cult, 9 pgs of B&W comic strips and Ted Mark fiction "A Slight Case of Adultery". VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some light rubbing along spine. VG copy has some normal wear, small price sticker in bottom right corner.