Rosa Dolmai-p
Dark haired British bombshell shot to fame in the late 50s. Usually appeared under her own name, but one alias seems to be Beth Bradley. Featured in nearly every pub of the period including FLING #15, FROLIC 12/58, HIT SHOW 1/59, KNAVE 3/59, SCAMP 5/59 and 11/59 plus the issue of 9/59 as Beth Bradley.
After a scandal involving bondage photos, Rosa disappeared to be replaced by a blonde Eve Eden. The blond phase lasted for about 2 years and appearances include ESCAPADE 6/61, GENT 8/61 and HI-LIFE 3/62.
By the time of her appearance in MODERN MAN 6/63 she had returned to her original dark hair but in a shorter style than the 50s. Continued to make scores of appearances in dozens ot titles throughout the 60s including Front Covers of DEBONAIR, 3/68, ESCAPADE 8/63 and TRUE ADVENTURES 2/67.
Appearances as Rosa Dolmai are listed under that name. Appearances as Eve Eden listed separately - please see listings under that name.
Pose - 1959-02
v3 #8 - has great FC of Eve Eden (aka Rosa Dolmai) in a red & white striped bikini. Whole mag is loaded w/ pics of all the big names - over 120 photos. Blaze Starr has 3 pgs, Tempest Storm & Lilly Christine, Vicki Palmer, Nejla Ates, Tana Louise, Marlyn Maher, Lisa Varga, Jacque Pruner & Marla English each have 2 pgs. Plus single pgs of Jayne Mansfield, Lili St. Cyr, Sabrina, Brigitte Bardot, Vicki Dougan, Irma the Body, Taffy O'Neill, Winnie Garrett, Lee Sharon and Julie Newmar. Plus dozens of other models. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses, small bump on bottom right corner - VG+