Jeani Mack-p
Busty model w/ reddish brown hair was very popular in the late 50s - early 60s. Was Covergirl of MR. 9/62 and CF of Sir Knight v2 #9. Also appeared in numerous early PN mags, often anonymously.
Adam Calendar - 1961
Folds open to double page size (17" high x 11" wide) - 1 double size page/month except FC & Dec are single page size. Great line-up of popular models in order (Jan thru Dec.) - Jeanne Mack, Carol Castle, Tanya Murietta, Donna Hunter, Beverly Hills, Eileen Maxwell, Daurene Dare, Ginger Gibson, Sheika Moser, Janis (Jan) Lee, Virginia Gordon and Sue Darby. Extremely bright & glossy this one is nearly new except for a light scratch on the cover and a few light 'thumb' marks.
Hi-Life - 1960-07
v2 #6 - Laura Stevens has FC + 4 pgs. Nancy Roberts has a big 8 pg feature, Jeani Mack has 4 pgs and Sharon Smith has 2 pgs. Also an article about Grand Prix auto racing at Watkins Glen. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, small bump at top of spine. VG copy has some scuffing and small nick on top edge.
Mr - 1962-09
Product ID: mr1962-09eCovergirl Jeanne Mack (is Jeani Mack) also has 6 pgs inc CF. Also a 4 pg feature on belly dancers and an article about the Island of Madeira. Normal wear, white cover is pretty clean - VG
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Plush - v2.3
Product ID: plush-v2.3incNo date - 1960? - Good issue! Covergirl is Marla English. June Wilkinson has 4 pgs. Colette Berne, Julie Gibson and Jana Davi each have 5 pgs. Anne-Marie Kolb has 4 pgs and Jeannie Mack is on the inside of both covers. Bright & glossy, small clean crease on bottom corner of BC and last few pgs. Mag is missing pgs 25 - 30 but allpictorials intact - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Showboat - v1 #3
Product ID: showboat-v1.3b(1963 - AAA) - Jenny (aka Jeannie) Mack has 6 pgs on the beach. Carol Hill has 4 pgs as 'Stella Mark', Freddie Robbins has 4 pgs and Gee Whiz has 4 pgs as 'Holly Farmer', Cathy Dahl has nice color CF. Also a feature on showgirls w/ Sonic Sonya (aka Sonia Bravo) and Abbey Leigh (aka Abbe Lee). Nice Single pics of Vicki Dougan, Jean Harlow and Zsa Zsa Gabor. Gorgeous copy, barely touched w/ full cover gloss - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Sir Knight - v2.09
1961 - Covergirl is Cindy Tyler. Virginia Bell has 3 big pgs, Jeani Mack has 4 pgs inc CF, Karlin Olsen has 2 pgs and Marilyn Monroe has a nice full pg close-up on inside BC. Article about Havelock Ellis and a feature on photographer Peter Gowland. Fiction by Richard E. Geis 'Double Edged Trianlge' and Richard L. Sargent 'The Last Two to Die'. VG+ copy very bright & glossy - lightly read. VG copy has some rubbing along spine and some spine wear.
Spice - v1 #4
Product ID: vpn-spice-v1.4e1959 by Tri-S Pubs. - Good mag! Covergirl Mary Ann Arras also has 4 pgs, Brenda Graham has BC + 5 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jody Nelson has 5 pgs, Mary Wheeler has 4 pgs, Jeannie Mack has 3 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up and Alicyn Sanborn & Lynn Arden each have 2 pgs. Also fiction by Con Sellers 'Kill Hard Kill Fast'. Normal wear but still bright & glossy - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00