Lillian Parker-p
Big busted raven haired beauty from the late 60s to early 70s. Appeared in Cabaret Queens Quarterly #22 and Gem 3/70. Frequently appeared as Adrianne Stout as in Fling 7/72, Gent 8/72, Mr. 4/69
and The Swinger 8/70 (Centerfold)but also appeared under a variety of other names such as Maria Mueller (Swank 4/70)or Mrs. Walter Jackson (Topper 3/71). Frequently reprinted until the late 70s (Man's Delight 1/78, Man's Pleasure 7/77). Also appeared in numerous PN type slicks - often anonymously.
Gem - 1983-08
v24 #5 - Patty Murphy has FC + monster 18 pg feature inc CF as 'Dahlia'. Candy Samples has thumbnail on FC + 6 fantastic pages, Lillian Parker (as Adrianne Stout) also has 6 pgs. Black beauty Nicki Lee has 6 pgs and Helen Schmidt has 5 pgs as 'Dyan'. Very bright & glossy, basically new w/ minor stress along right edge from stacking - FINE+
Kingsize - V3.1
Product ID: modvd-king3.1(1-2-3/72) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Roxanne Brewer has 1/2 FC, Michelle Angelo also has a small pic. Janice Ormes has BC + several full pg pics and others, Lillian Parker has a 2 pg CF, Joan Brinkman has 2 full pg pics + 1 more. Shirley Bowman has a full pg pic + 1 more. Lots of other familiar faces too.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Modern Man - Special #55
Product ID: modm-spec.55dYearbook of Queens - Mid-Summer 1969. Another big 88 pg issue. Joyce Gibson has both covers - same pic. Betty Marr has a 2 pg color foldout on heavy stock paper. Susan Smyth has 5 pgs, Penny Stewart, Suzy Conway (is Jullie Holden??), Janett Kanter, Anastasia West, Angela Deneuve, Madelene Lantz, Pat O'Neal and Ginger Meadows each have 4 pgs. Karla Korine (is Karla Klein), Phyllis Rossback and Lorna Carroll each have 3 pgs. Michelle Nelson, Jill Barger, Joelle, Lillian Parker, Kerstin Hansen, Dorinda Clark (is Michelle Brentford), Robin Healy, Ann Lanier, Roxanne Lee, Vicky West, Bambi Allen, Jane Rayan, Vivi Kraik, Wendy Hollister and Linda Mason each have 2 pgs. Gene Gillian, Candy Carter and Maya Zell each have a full pg color pin-up. Extremely bright & glossy, a few 'thumb' marks, covers have veritcal stress lines about 1/4" inch in from spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $60.00
Mr - Wall Calendar 1970
Product ID: mr-wcal1970Covergirl is June Harris. Calendar is 12 full color 2 pg (11 1/2" x 17") photos w/ wire spiral at top. Girls only have single names but Alicyn Sanborn is month of June as 'Alicia' and Lillian Parker (aka Adrienne Stout) is month of September as 'Adrienne'. You'll probably recognize a few more of these familiar faces. Photos are very high quality on slick paper - great stuff! Has a few stresses along fold line and TINY corner bumps - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00