Joan Nelson-p
Busty brunette model popular during the mid 70s. Nearly all of her appearances are very similar w/ the same shoulder length hair in a kind of 'flip' sytle. Many also include a telephone.
The name Joan Nelson was used in THE SWINGER 7/73 - she is Covergirl and CF w/ a big 11 pg feature.
Cleavage #3
Product ID: modvd-cleav.31973 from Phenix Pubs.Ltd. Nice 64 pg issue w/ 5 long pictorials. Joan Nelson has BC + 13 pgs inc 4 full pg color pics as 'Joan O'Neil'. Harriet Geller has 11 pgs as 'Harriet Mills', Antoinette Lacey has 13 pgs (is covergirl?), Vicki Morgan has 12 pgs and Sylvia Thoms has 11 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Climax - 1973-11
v19 #11 - Loaded with familiar faces! Liz has FC + 7 pgs. Marsha Wright has 8 pgs inc CF. Joan Nelson has 7 pgs as 'Bonnie', Denise Taylor (aka Nancy Beldner) has 5 pgs as 'Cindy', Angela Lake has 3 pgs. Debbie Cecil has 8 pgs - she is Covergirl & CF of Night & Day 8/73 and also in Cavalcade 8/73. Burt Reynolds - The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing!! Great issue in basically NEW condition with a small bump on bottom right corner.
King Size
Product ID: modvd-fdks1-daDigest size, No date (late 70s), from Intex-Nederland B.V. This one says 'Candy' in the top right corner of the FC and has 64 pgs, 14 in color. All full pg photos except for 2 double page pics. Is absolutely loaded with busty babes Galore! Dean Ackerlund has excellent color FC + 11 full pg pics. Janice Hurst has 10 pgs, Toni Sands has BC + 9 pgs inc CF. Joan Nelson has 4 pgs, Ellen Saunders also has 4 pgs, Katrina Lane has 3 pgs with dark hair and 3 more in the blonde wig. Wendy Smith (aka Geraldine) and Sherry Newman each have 2 pgs, plus lots of other familiar faces in this one.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95