Bunny Bacon-p
Cute model w/ dark hair (generally short) appeared in numerous mags from the late 50s to late 60s. Looks very similar to Lorna Drew but is not quite as busty. First name spelled with just about any variation you can think of.
Was in Modern Man 11/59, CAPER 9/60 (a photo set w/ 2 mannequins that was reprinted in a number of other mags), ROGUE 9/61 (CF as Barbara Bacon), SCAMP 3/60 (FC + more), THE BOUNDER #1 (1962) - CF appearance and MAN TO MAN 3/68 - another CF app. A second popular photo set of her w/ a real lion also appeared in several diff mags. Was also in dozens of PN slicks, often nameless or with just a first name.
Adam - v05 #08
Product ID: adam-v05.08d1961 - Eve Bello has FC + 4 pgs, Jean Jani is CF. Buni (aka Bunny) Bacon has BC + 4 pgs, Marli Renfro has 3 pgs. Also a 4 pg review of the nudie movie 'The Wide Open Spaces', an article about William Somerset Maugham and another on drugs in sports 'Doped to Win'. Connie Sellers fiction 'Snake'. Bright & glossy, some stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Bachelor - 1964-06
v5 #3 - Bunny Bacon has FC + 1 pg. Myrna Taylor, Ginger mMeadows and Eve Marlow each have 4 pgs, Loretta Newman & Kara Williams each have 3 pgs and Suzie Rice has 2 pgs. Ted Mark fiction "Man's Best Friend" and an article about 'Key Clubs'.
Black Nylons - v2 #2
Product ID: modvd-bkny22Summer, 1967 - Great 72 pg mag is loaded w/ familiar faces and top models of the 60s. Teri Martine has color covers - 2 diff pics. Pat (aka Jackie) Parker - Covergirl of Affair v1 #2 - has 8 pgs, Christine Carter (aka Gina Graham) also has 8 pgs. Maria Clarence & Pat Powell each have 6 pgs, Cindy Tyler & Brandi Baron each have 5 pgsBKNY22. Michelle Maurey has 3 pgs, Vicki Kennedy & Bunni Bacon each have 2 pgs. Plus a couple of other girls and an anonymous color CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Bounder (The) - v1 #1
Product ID: bounder-v1.1c(1962 - AE) - Rare first issue of a scarce title. Quite a bit about Las Vegas inc a feature on Vegas showgirls. An article about poker. Bunny Bacon has 6 pgs inc a nice color CF. Kathy Sharpe has 7 pgs. Lightly read, bright & glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Caper - 1960-09
v6 #5 - Lacey Kelly on inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Buni (aka Bunny) Bacon has 4 pgs w/ a couple of mannequins, Mary Wheeler also has 4 pgs. Plus the Girls of Las Vegas and an article about fight doctor Dr. Samuel Swetnick.
FINE copy is bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy has a bit of normal wear, no serious defects. Good copy has vertical crease about 3" in from right edge, price written on cover in pencil, spine is split from middle of book to bottom and a piece about 2" long x 1/4" wide is missing from bottom.
FINE copy is bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy has a bit of normal wear, no serious defects. Good copy has vertical crease about 3" in from right edge, price written on cover in pencil, spine is split from middle of book to bottom and a piece about 2" long x 1/4" wide is missing from bottom.
Flame - v1 #8
Product ID: flame-v1.8c(No date - c. 1961 - AE) - Covergirl Gail also has 4 pgs, Carol Lewis has big 9 pg feature (is Bunny Bacon?, Joan Bradley (is Jean Bradley in Scamp 9/63) has 6 pgs. Nice color CF. Very light wear, bright & glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Modern Man - 1959-11
Product ID: modm1959-11dTerry Higgins has Covers + 5 pgs, Silvan Pampanini has 4 pgs and Texas Guinan has 3. Also Jane Small color CF and 3 pgs of Bunny Bacon as Blind Date. Few tiny water spots URC but sharp, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Rake - 1962 -04
Product ID: rake1962-04dv1 #2 published bimonthly by Model Books Inc. Bunni Bacon has 3 pgs w/ a bunch of mannequins, Mimi Harris also has 3 pgs, as does Kim Svenson and Suzelle Guerber. Also a feature on the girls of the Folies Bergere and an article on Ferrari Autos. Bright, white FC has a couple of small ink smudges - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Rogue - 1961-09
Product ID: rogu1961-09dFC of girl in bikini is same girl on cover of 9/62. Barbara (aka Bunny) Bacon has nice 6 pg feature inc 3 pg color foldout. Sylvia has 3 pgs and 3 pgs on 'The Opposite Sex Club' by Bunny Yeager. Robert Bloch has a 1 pg article, Another Article about Budapest and a feature on Paris at Night. Bright & glossy, a few minor stesses, small bump on top right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Scamp - 1960-03
Product ID: scamp1960-03dv3 #5 - Bunny Bacon in a crossword puzzle on FC + 3 pgs. Inez Pinchot & La Wana Chilton each have 4 pgs, Taffy Skylar has 3 pgs and Joanie Webb & Ann Atmar each have 2 pgs. Plus the Top 10 Exotics for 1960 and a pic of Anita Ekberg in Rome's Trevi Fountain on the inside BC. Bill Ward has 2 full pg B&W cartoons and 1 full pg color cartoon. Ted Mark fiction 'The Hussy Who shocked Paris'. Bright, glossy red cover has the number '30' nearly written, very light clean crease on bottom corner of BC and last 2 pgs - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - 1960-09
Product ID: swan1960-09fv7 #4 - Buni (Bunny) Bacon has great FC in skin tight black bodysuit + inside BC and 5 pgs. Dion Garrett also has 5 pgs, Helena Wingfield has 4 pgs. Plus Nelson Algren fiction 'A Bottle of Milk for Mother' and an article about bourbon whiskey. Well read & handled but complete & solid - Good.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
The Vagabond #3
Product ID: vaga1961-1e(Spring, 1961 - Polo Pub Co.) - Very nice FC of Diane Webber on a sailboat. June Wilkinson has 5 pgs of pics by Russ Meyer. Bunny Bacon has 6 pgs as 'Annetta Sargo'. Good articles on Nassau (Bahamas) Speed Week, Lawrence of Arabia and the Canary Islands. Avg wear but white cover is clean and bright - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Tonight - v2 #1
(1962 - AAA) - Giant 80 pg issue with over a dozen different girls. Covergirl was also on FC of Cocktail v2 #4. Cory Storm has 8 pgs, Bunny Bacon has 5 pgs - pics from the set w/ 2 mannequins. Melody Simpson has 3 pgs. More familiar faces but no names. Richard E. Geis short story "Beach Riot".