Andre de Dienes
World famous photographer.
#45 - Figure Photo Techniques
Product ID: wstone.45c(1963) - by Andre de Diennes - 112 pgs of incredible pics by the acknowledged master. Dozens and dozens of H'wood stars & top models - way too many to list. Highlights include Yvette Mimieux w/ 2 full pg pics and several others, Judy Crowder w/ a full pic and several others and Anita Ekberg w/ a full pg pic + others. Full pg pics of Jeanne Carmen, Mallia Phillips and Tanya Murietta. Multiple pics of Joan Bradshaw and Arline Hunter + 2 pics of June Wilkinson - 1 w/ a tiger. Extremely bright & glossy, nearly new but has small bump at bottom of spine and a small 'x' in upper right corner - about FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Adam - v04 #03
Product ID: adam-v04.03e1960 - Covergirl is Laura Vickers, Jean Rainey is CF. Freddie Robbins has 3 pgs, Jan Lee & Betty Peters share 4 pgs and Andre de Dienes has 6 pgs of photos. An article about Roman circuses, an interview by Connie Sellers 'Don't Call Them Strippers', and fiction by Richard E. Geis 'Blood Duel' and Richard Sargent 'Marshmallow'. Clean & bright, a few stresses - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Adam - v10 #06
6/66 - Melba Becker (aka Melba Ogle - Playboy Playmate of 7/64) is on both covers - diff pics. Babette Bardot has 5 big pgs. Rita Butler has inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF by Andre de Dienes, Eve Marlowe has 2 pgs. A 4 pg review of the Japanese nudie movie 'Onibaba' (The She Devil) and a feature on Tony's Place in Cannes, France. An article about hillbilly (country) music, Part 5 of 'The Satyricon' by Petronius and Althea Currier letters column. Have 2 copies, both are extremely bright & glossy, barely touched. One has a vertical stress line from stacking on BC about 1/2" in from spine. The other has light spine stresses and some tiny indentations on BC along spine. Same price, your choice.
Cad - 1966-09
Melba Becker (aka Melba Ogle, Playboy Playmate for 7/64) has FC + 3 pgs. Mickey Jines has 4 pgs. of beach shots by Andre de Dienes. Jane Mason has inside FC + 7 pgs inc CF and Margo & Marco - dancers at the Condor Club - have 4 pgs. Articles about 'Berkely: The Continuing Revolution' and Joshua Norton - Emperor of the United States in 1850s San Francisco. Fiction by Harlan Ellison 'Repent Harlequin', Said the Ticktock Man". VG+ copy is very bright & shiny, very minor wear, small date stamp in upper left corner.
Dude - 1965-09
Product ID: dude1965-09dLilly Frobisher (really!) has 4 pics (out of 6) on FC + 8 pgs inc CF, Katherine Hyksos has 5 pgs, 3 pgs of nudes by Andre de Dienes. Article about Woody Allen. Some spine stresses, slightly soft bottom right corner but mostly white cover is clean and bright - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Dude - 1965-11
Product ID: dude1965-11eLili has FC + 6 pgs, Bonni Whitaker has 8 pgs inc CF, 5 pgs of nudes by Andre de Dienes. Also a pictorial feature on New Orleans. Normal wear, a couple of light vertical stresses near spine - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Escapade - 1956-01
v1 #4 - Highlight of issue is a 5 pg portfolio of photos by Andre de Diennes. Anonymous CF is Covergirl from 10/55?. Also Singer Kay Brown has 2 pgs and 2 pgs of illustrations by George Grosz.
Escapade - 1956-04
Product ID: escp1956-04ev1 #7 - Good issue has a nice 3 pg feature on Lili St. Cyr, a Vivian Maledy CF posing as an artist and a 5 pg portfolio of photos by Andre de Diennes. Also fiction by Erskine Caldwell 'Strawberrry Season' and Tennessee Williams 'The Important Thing'.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Figure Photography Annual #02
Product ID: figphann.02gca. 1951. All Andre De Dienes Issue. Wire spiral bound w/ heavy stock covers, 64 pgs + covers. All B&W airbrushed nude figure studies w/ captions concerning the technical aspects of photography. No IDs for models.
Heavy H2O warping and marks - mostly last 1/3 of book, no stuck pgs - Fair?
Heavy H2O warping and marks - mostly last 1/3 of book, no stuck pgs - Fair?
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Figure Photography Quarterly #09
Product ID: figphann.09dca. 1956. Wire spiral bound w/ heavy stock covers, 68 pgs + covers. No IDs for models. Lili St. Cyr has FC & BC - same pic, no text on BC. An outstanding 10 pg feature 'The Story of the Vargas Girl' w/ 2 full pg nudes and numereous smaller pics. Andre de Dienes, Peter Basch, Peter Gowland and Zoltan Glass each have 8 pgs of photos. Plus sections of pics by Philip O. Stearns, Ted Egri, Janet Maas Satz and Paul K. Kufrin. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a vertical scratch about 2" in from right edge of FC - still nice - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $50.00
Figure Quarterly #14
1956. Wire spiral bound w/ heavy stock covers, 68 pgs + covers. Covergirl is Betty Brosmer? Marguerite Empey (aka Diane Webber) has a full pg color pic, Bettie Page has a 1/2 pg pic and Virginia de Lee has 6 pgs of pics by Peter Gowland. A special 10 pg section of outdoor nudes. Andre de Dienes and Peter Basch each have 6 pgs of pics. Plus 6 pg features on Pablo Picasso, George Hukar, Suzanne Valadon and sculptor Hugo Robus. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - nice! VG copy is bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear but nothing serious, 1 pg (43/44) missing from de Dienes section.
Figure Quarterly #33
Product ID: figphann.33dSpring, 1962. Although FC says Annual the publishing credits say twice a year. All Andre de Dienes issue. No IDs for models given but I'm pretty sure Suzanne Baxter and Leigh Sands have at least 5 pgs each and there is a nice full pg color pin-up of a belly dancer. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a small, light water spot on left edge of BC and last 2 pgs - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Gala - 1950-05/06
Product ID: gala1950-0506f(v1.1) Marilyn Monroe FC + 2 pages by Andre De Diennes (His work throughout the book). Norma Eberhardt and Linda Christian each have 4pgs. Honey Merrill, Barbara Nichols and Ruth Roman all have 2pgs. Gregg Sherwood 3pgs. Monica Lewis and Ingrid Bergman have 1 page each. All Exceptional!! Well read, rough edges. Back cover creases, light spine roll but nice Marilyn Monroe FC. Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $100.00
Girls Galore - 1950-12
Product ID: grlgalore1950-12incv1 #1 - Pub every 3 months by Judson Pub. Co. Covergirl Donna Starling also has 2 pgs, Joy Niven has 4 pgs. Mag contains Andre de Diennes "Alphabet of Beauty" - 26 full pg pics (1 for each letter of the alphabet) inc Ingrid Bergman, Barbara Nichols & Gregg Sherwood. Price sticker on FC, 2 pgs missing from de Diennes feature - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Knight - v06.04
(1/68) Christiane Schmidtmer (Germany's Liebesbombe) FC, BC, and 3 sensational pgs. Janet Price has 6 pgs (as Laura Patten), Sharon Church has 4 pgs inc a nice 2 pg color pic. Sylvia Forest (also in 9/68), Sue Fletcher and Pat Barringer each have 4 pgs. Plus 5 pgs of photos by Andre de Diennes, an article about Istanbul, a Harlan Ellison short story "Ernest and the Machine God" and Raymond Friday Locke "The Saga of Lil' Lilly Lord". VG+ copy is bright & glossy, VG copy has some normal wear and a small ink stamp on FC off to the side.
Knight - v07.08
(12/69) - Covergirl is Cheryl De Cinces. Hawaiian model Kim Winters has 7 pgs inc CF. Liz Sims and Jane LaRae have 7 pgs each. Mia Farrow + Dustin Hoffman have 3 pgs('John & Mary' movie review). Andre De Dienes 4 pgs of pics. Harlan Ellison + Roger Zelazny's "Come To Me Not In Winter's White". Superman's Secret Sex Life. Article about Dick (Rowan & Martin) Martin. Raymond Friday Locke has 2 pgs on train travel.
Modern Man - 1955-04
Lorelei, the Mermaid, has FC + 5 pgs. Lynn Lampert IFC Pin-up. Martine Carol has 5 pgs. Andre de Dienes has a 6 pg model folio. Articles on jet boats, fishing for catfish and Firewalkers.
Nugget - 1955-11
V.1 #1 issue features Betty Brosmer as 'Miss Nugget' on FC, both inside covers and 2 feature pgs. Also 6 pgs of great photos by Andre de Dienes and fiction by John Steinbeck, James Joyce and Erskine Caldwell. Light stresses, clean and glossy, Fine. VG+ copy is misbound w/ group of pgs in middle upside down.
Nugget - 1956-10
V1 #5 - Marla English FC, inside FC + 2 pgs. Andre de Diennes has 3 pgs of pics, a 5 pg pictorial of girls in bathtubs. Feature article on Rome w/ pic of Sophia Loren. Bette Biehn inside BC. Article about cockfighting. Nelson Algren fiction 'Lovers, Sec-Fiends, Bugs in Flight'.
Nugget - 1957-03
v2 #2 - Contents page lists Nona van Tosh as covergirl - That is wrong. Covergirl is Simone Auger (has pictorial in 5/57). Nona Van Tosh has a 5 pg pictorial. Andre de Diennes has 3 pgs of pics. Long feature article on Salvadore Dali.
Nugget - 1957-12
Judy Piacenti FC, inside FC + 3 pgs. An anonymous girl underwater - 4 pgs of pics by Andre de Diennes, Hollywood Actors Ball and Adrianna Vianelli on inside BC. Feature article on Marseille, France plus Louis (Satchmo)Armstrong - 5 pgs of drawings by Ben Shahn and 'Clementine' - 3 pgs of cartoons by Jean Bellus.
Nugget - 1964-01
Product ID: nugg1964-01eMelody Powell has 5 pgs inc CF. A feature on French strip Club 'The Sex Appeal' and 4 pgs of pics by Andre de Diennes 'Rock Candy'. Bright & glossy, a bit of normal wear, small bump on bottom right corner - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Photographer's Showplace #4
Product ID: photshow.4dNov, 1957 issue is 76 pgs with an 8 pg feature on Weegee's new book 'Naked Everything' and 9 pgs of pics by Andre de Diennes. Greta Thyssen has 2 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up, Coreen Rodella, Nona van Tosh and Betty Blue each have 2 pgs. Light vertical crease from stacking - about 1/2" in from spine - o/w sharp, glossy VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Show - 1954-08
Product ID: ps-show1954-08v2 #12 has Lee Sharon FC + 2 pgs. Laya Raki on inside FC + 3 pgs. Stephanie Griffin has BC. 7 pgs of models by Andre de Diennes inc Kathy Marlowe. Sophia Loren has 3 pgs, Cindy Robbins also has 3 pgs, Linda Darnell has 2 pgs. Feature articles on Hedy Lamarr, Walt Disney, Ernie Kovacs, Frankie Avalon and more. Clean, bright, white cover - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Show - 1957-09
Product ID: ps-show1957-09v6 #3 has Joy Harmon FC + 2 pgs. Mamie Van Doren has 4 pgs. Long 10 pg feature by Andre de Diennes w/ 3 pgs of Anita Ekberg, Helen Portello on inside BC + 6 pgs, Liliane Montevecchi (from Jery Lewis movie 'Sad Sack') has 4 pgs. Feature on Tennessee Ernie Ford and 'Rock 'n Roll Isn't Dead' by Fats Domino. Very lightly read - bright & glossy - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00