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A Penthouse Index

Product ID: pent-index-new
Researched and written by Bob Chatham and orginally published (by me) in 1995. The first - and to my knowledge, only - comprehensive index to this magazine.

Covers all American issues from the first one, dated September, 1969 thru June, 1995 - the first 25 years plus a few more.

Also includes most Penthouse flats including 'Girls of Penthouse' and the calendars.

This index lists all models, Penthouse Pets, authors, pictorials, fiction, major cartoons and satire, interviews, etc.

Also includes separate listings - in both alpha and chrono order - for all Covergirls, Pets of the Month and Pets of the Year.

Large volume is full size 8 1/2" x11", 120 pages long with 2 columns of entries/page (186). Also has heavy duty spiral binding for stay-flat reference and heavy gauge clear plastic cover.

I offered these briefly back in late 1995 and sold about 50 copies. Of those 1 ended up at Penthouse headquarters. They objected to the photograph which was used as the front cover. That photograph was a collage of various issues of Penthouse wth the first issue being front and center. Rather than argue with their legal department I ceased and desisted. For 12 years I have moved and cursed 4 very large boxes containing 400 copies of this index. I have contemplated burning them for heat but that is too great a waste. So, reluctantly, I am offering these for sale - 12 years late without the offensive cover. But the good news is all the information is still good and they are half price.

Hope there are still a few Penthouse fans out there!!

Number in Stock: 299
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1969-09

v1 #1 - Actually this is the first American Edition as noted on the FC - the first issue was published in 1965 in England. Evelyn Treacher FC + big 9 pg pictorial inc CF. Plus a nice feature on the Raymond Revuebar in London, an Interview w/ Clay Shaw and Oh, Wicked Wanda - a 2 pg story w/ full pg illo. Nice clean copies w/ minor wear.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1969-10

Product ID: pent1969-10e
v1 #2 - Good issue features Kelly McQueen FC + big 9 pg pictorial inc CF. Long 8 pg review of the Russ Meyer movie 'Vixen' starring Erika Gavin. A 6 pg feature on The London Penthouse Key Club. Interview w/ John & Yoko Ono plus Oh, Wicked Wanda - a 2 pg story w/ full pg illo. Clean shiny copy has soft bottom right corner, VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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Penthouse - 1969-11

v1 #3 features Ulla Lindstrom FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Amber Dean-Smith (the 5th British Pet of the Month and 1st Pet of the Year) has 5 pgs. Interview w/ Piere Cardin and Oh, Wicked Wanda - a 2 pg story w/ full pg illo. Clean, bright & glossy. VG+. Also have a Fine copy w/ light water mark on BC and last pg. - call it Good. Another copy w/ cartoon torn out but pg replaced, taped spine, other normal wear = fair

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Penthouse - 1969-12

v1 #4 has Janet Pearce FC + bg 9 pg pictorial inc CF. Marilu Tolo has a 6 pg feature. Article "Did James Earl Ray Really Kill Dr. MLK." Interview w/ Otto von Hapsburg, the last of the dynasty. Oh, Wicked Wanda - a 2 pg story w/ full pg illo.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-01

v1 #5 - Covergirl Katherine Mannering also has 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ Black Nationalist Roy Innis and a long pictorial feature on Las Vegas - lots of showgirls! An article about the memoirs of Frank Harris and Oh Wicked Wanda - a 2 pg story w/ 1 pg illo.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-02

Product ID: pent1970-02e
Tamara Santerra has 9 pgs inc CF, Miss Holland 1968 - Ada Grootenboer has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Dt. Paul Niehans - inventor of cellular therapy. 'Now Dig This' a speech by Eldridge Cleaver. Feature article on The Caribbean. Brian Forbes 4 pgs cartoons 'Knights in Armor'. OH, Wicked Wanda - 1 pg illo + 2 pg story

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1970-05

Benedikte Andersen FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Magda Konopka has 5 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Michel Gyarmathy - artistic director of the 'Folies Bergere'. A literary dialogue w/ Joseph Heller (author of Catch-22). A 6 pg movie review of 'Philosophy in the Boudoir'. Articles about genetic engineering, Crime and inflation and Witchcraft & Sex. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story. Good copy has some light H2O marks in bottom left corner.

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Penthouse - 1970-06

Britt (aka Christina) Lindberg has FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ author/writer Patrick McCormick , 5 pg movie review of 'Satyricon' by Gianluigi Polidoro. 'The Tender Trap' - 7 pgs of cartoons by Italian artist Biassoni. Article about obscene phone calls and new devices to trace. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story. Good copy has some light H2O marks.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-07

Polly Anne Pendleton FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Annalisa Hoffman has 7 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Psychologist Professor H. J. Eysenck. Arthur C. Clarke hunor 'Coming Distractions'. Articles about cameras, computer age cults and roller derby. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story. Good copy has some light H2O marks.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-08

Francoise Pascal FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ Congressman Allard Lowenstein. 'Women's Lib' - a debate. 'My Pioneer Days in Underground Films' by Walter Gutman, a feature on female porn writers, an 8 pg movie review of 'Leo The Last' and a short 2 pg feature on Dune Buggys. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story. Good copy has some light H2O marks.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-09

Tina McDowell FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Penthouse Symposium on Writing. Garson Kanin fiction 'He Wished Her Dead'. 'Is Big Brother Watching You?' - article. 6 pg movie review of Russ Meyers' 'Beyond the Valley of the Dolls'. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-10

Heidi Mann FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Adrienne Delorme has 7 pg pictorial. Interview w/ author Kingsley Ames. Article about higher education as a business. OH, Wicked Wanda 1 pg illo + 2 pg story. Good copy has some light H2O marks.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1970-11

Product ID: pent1970-11f
Franca Petrov FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Jimmy Jean Nesbitt has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Senator Harold Hughes. Article about Libertarianism. Brian Forbes 4 pgs cartoons 'Flag-Elation'. Gahan Wilson has a full pg cartoon ad with monsters. Very scarce issue is well read, some splits on spine and a few small pieces of tape - Good.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1971-04

Product ID: pent1971-04e
Judy Jones (Covergirl & CF of 8/71) has FC. Jacqui Simmons-Jude has 9 pgs inc CF. Big 11 pg pictorial feature on the Girls of Ibiza. Interview w/ Danish sexologists Inge & Sten Hegeler. Isaac Asimov article 'A Tourists View of the Moon'. Article about collecting Banned Books. Book in nice shape but has 2" piece of tape on inside BC - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1971-05

Product ID: pent1971-05d
Billie Rainbird FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Pet of the Year Play-Off - 8 pgs w/ 7 different girls. Interview w/ inventor Bill Lear. Robert Bloch fiction 'The Oracle', movie review of 'Von Richthofen & Brown'. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1971-06

Product ID: pent1971-06d
Josee Troyat FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ J. I. Rodale - founder of 'Prevention' magazine. Movie review of 'Checkmate to the Queen' w/ Rossana Schiaffino & Haydee Politoff. Penthouse Casebook - 'Sex Fears' - Part 1 of a series of Dr. Albert Ellis. Articles about airline hijacking and Irish prostitutes. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1971-07

Product ID: pent1971-07e
Vida Farthing FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg - Nobel Prize winning chemist who discovered Plutonium. Movie Review of 'Roseland'. Penthouse guide to Stereo - multiple articles. Also an article about the Danger of Data Banks and a feature on the Corvette Stingray. Minor wear - VG

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1971-08

Judy Jones FC + 9 pgs inc CF. German model Barbara Klingered has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Congressman Paul McCloskey - running for President against Nixon. Harlan Ellison fiction 'Erotophobia'.

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Penthouse - 1971-09

Pet of the Year Stephanie McLean FC + 10 pgs. Miss Holland Maureen Renzen has 9 pg pictorial inc CF. Interview w/ feminist Germaine Greer. Penthouse Casebook - Part 2 'Ego'. Brian Forbes 5 pg cartoons 'Cop Out'. Articles about the CIA and solitary confinement. Small piece off top edge BC - VG

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Penthouse - 1971-10

Helen Caunt FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Lee Gardener has 10 pg pictorial in Africa. Interview w/ Charles Schultz - creator of 'Peanuts' comic strip. Mag has a 6 pg preview insert of the new magazine 'Penthouse forum'

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Penthouse - 1971-11

Lynette Asquith FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ musician Artie Shaw. Movie review of Andy Warhol's 'Pork'. Penthouse Casebook - Part 3 'Ego & The Male'. What's new in HI-Fi - multiple articles. Also articles about White Collar Crime (insurance fraud) and vasectomies.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1971-12

Lynn Partington FC + 9 pgs inc CF. Brandy Lee (2nd Pet of the year from British Edition) has 6 pg pictorial. Mag also contains a bound-in 12 pg calendar for 1972. Interview w/ John J. Riccardo - President of Chrysler. Tony Escott 5 pgs cartoons 'Satanic Santa'. Articles about Washington's Sinecure Sickness, Corporate Corpulency (BIG is NOT good), Pyschoanalysis and the bawdy truth about the Civil War.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1972-01

Patricia Barrett (aka Cherokee) FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Sissy Ott has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ comedian Flip Wilson. 'The Sportsman - 5 pgs cartoons by Paul Psorakis. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 1 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about professional fund raising and pipe smoking.

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Penthouse - 1972-02

Product ID: pent1972-02d
Susan Shaw has FC + 6 pgs as 'Karen McCook'. Carole Augustine has 11 pgs inc CF (she is also the CF in OUI 5/74 and Covergirl of OUI 4/75). Interview w/ Nicholas Johnson of the FCC. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 2 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about Nuclear Blackmail and Automotove Safety - Driver's License Requirements. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1972-06

Product ID: pent1972-06f
Nevenka Dundek FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Pet of the year Play-Off w/ 2 pgs each of Cassandra Harrington, Vida Farthing and Tina McDowell. Feature on The Penthouse Adriatic on the Island of Krk, Jugoslavia w/ 7 pgs of pics. Interview w/ author Anthony ('Clockwork Orange') Burgess. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 6 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about jazz musician Miles Davis. Some light H2O marks on bottom right corner - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $5.00
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Penthouse - 1972-07

Lesley Harrison FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Brooke Mills has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Donald Barr - Headmaster at N.Y. Dalton School. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 7 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about the Presidential Commission on Obscenity, Syphilis, acupuncture and a special section on Stereo equipemnt.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1972-08

Marian Maylam FC + 11 pgs inc CF. 'Kamera Sutra' 7 pg pictorial. Interview w/ unconventional cleric Al Carmines. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 8 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about Henry Kissinger. First ad for Penthouse posters & jigsaw puzzles.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1972-09

Pet of the Year Tina McDowell FC + 11 pgs. Isobel Garcia Orobiyi has 11 pgs inc CF. Also a 12 pg pictorial of 2 girls. Interview w/ The Happy Hooker - Xaviera Hollander. Gore Vidal - an interlude from 'An Evening With Richard Nixon' w/ an illo by Ralph Steadman. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 9 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about actor Robert Mitchum.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1972-10

Product ID: pent1972-10d
Janet Dunphy FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Re Debris has 9 pg pictorial. Interview w/ movie director Melvin Van Peebles. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 10 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about the Rolling Stones 1972 tour of the US (Exile on Main St.) and the Mandan Indians. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1972-11

Product ID: pent1972-11d
Angela Adams FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Carrie Shusmith has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ actor Burt Reynolds. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 11 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about stereo systems and Mysticism and a 2 pg feature on the Maserati Bora (only $24,800).

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1973-01

Maggi Burton FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Susan Backlinie has 6 pg pictorial w/ a real lion. Interview w/ movie director Otto Preminger. Movie review of 'The Cheerleaders'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 13 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about country music star Merle Haggard, primal therapy and yoga. Nice VG+

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-02

Karen Sather FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Carla Cassidy has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Marjoe Gortner. Huge, 12 pg Movie review of 'Flesh Gordon'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 14 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about American Indians before Europeans arrival.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-03

Product ID: pent1973-03d
Avril Lund FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Celeste has 10 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Geraldo Rivera. Huge, 11 pg Movie review of 'Master of Love'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 15 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about Timothy Leary in exile, features on vintage erotic postcards and the Mercedes C-111 w/ a rotary engine plus a damn good 'Letter From an Indignant Taxpayer'. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1973-04

Product ID: pent1973-04d
Leslie Leah Burrow FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Joanna Danielli has 10 pg pictorial. Interview w/ The Reverend Jesse Jackson. Brian Forbes 5 pgs cartoons 'Valet of the Dolls'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 16 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about airline hijackers in Cuban jail. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1973-05

Sandi Greco FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Linda Diane has 10 pg pictorial and Beth Alison Williams has 8 pgs w/ her horse. Interview w/ actor George C. Scott. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 17 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about Sheriff Harry Buckles of Carter County, TN and the Jensen Interceptor III

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-06

Product ID: pent1973-06d
Pet of the Year Play-Off issue has individual pics of 5 girls on FC + each has 2 pgs of pics inside. Paula Francis 11 pgs inc CF. Photographer Dudley Gray has a big 10 pg feature. Interview w/ film maker Alejandro Jodorowsky. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 18 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about the CIA and heroin in SE Asia and 1930s gangster John Dillinger. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1973-07

Product ID: pent1973-07d
Cindy McDee FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Mikki Dessa has 10 pg pictorial - some pics w/ Bo Hopkins from movie 'White Lightning'. Gayle Davis has an 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ American Indian activist Vernon Bellecourt. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 19 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Marco Vassi fiction 'The Kingdom of Come'. Article about the Psychological Stress Evaluator and a 2 pg feature on Jaguar XJ-12. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1973-08

Product ID: pent1973-08d
Lane Jackson Coyle FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Anne Kaurin has 6 pg pictorial, Carol & Laura share 10 pgs. Interview w/ philanthropist Stewart Mott. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 20 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about terrorist groups and a short feature on the Toyota RV-2. Sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1973-09

Anneka De Lorenzo FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Pet of the Year Runner-Up Billie Deane has 9 pg pictorial. Musician Isaac Hayes has 13 pg pictorial w/ several girls. Interview w/ Dr. John C. Lilly. First appearance of Oh, Wicked Wanda comic strip by Frederic Mullally & Ron Embleton - 7 pgs, full color. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 21 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about the energy crisis and freak diets plus a short feature on the Ferrari Daytona.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-10

Product ID: pent1973-10d
Pet of the Year Patricia Barrett FC + 12 pgs. Francis Cannon has 11 pgs inc CF. Juliana van Troost has a 10 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Dr. Thomas Szasz. Ray Bradbury fiction 'Have I Got a Chocolate Bar For You'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 22 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about the Vietnam Amnesty. OH Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1973-11

Product ID: pent1973-11c
Carol on FC. Debbie Griffin has 11 pgs inc CF. Venus has 10 pg pictorial. Also a 6 pg pictorial 'The American Dream' has a full pg pic of Uschi Digard and a fat guy. This entire pictorial was issued as a calendar for 1974. Interview w/ NY Cops Dave Greenberg & Bob Hantz (Batman & Robin) - inspiration for the movie 'Supercops'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 23 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Zero government - article about the libertarians. A 5 pg feature and first appearance of Balloon Head comics by Art Cumings. OH Wicked Wanda - 6 pg comic strip. Bright, glossy - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1973-12

Marlene Appelt has FC + 10 pgs as 'Helga Schiller'. Sandy Robertson has 13 pgs inc CF. Tracey Sullivan has 8 pg pictorial. Mag also contains a 20 pg detachable calendar for 1974 featuring 12 CFs from 9/72 - 8/73. Interview w/ Groucho Marx. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 24 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about computer crime - The Equity Funding Corp. Scandal and the Great American Sex Boom. Oh Wicked Wanda - 6 pg comic strip. Sharp VG+

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-01

Claudia Arena FC + 11 pgs inc CF. Paula Kite has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Dr. Ernest Dichter. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 25 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about Sleazy Judges and Bob Fosse plus a short feature on the Mustang II. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 7 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-02

Beatrice Vogler FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Cheyenne has 8 pg pictorial, Monique Bernadin has 6 pgs. Interview w/ author Jimmy Breslin. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 26 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Articles about film maker John Milios and Para Psychology. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 8 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-03

Marie Ekorre FC + 13 pgs inc CF (she is also CF of OUI 8/73 and has 5 pgs in OUI 5/82). Sarah Crutchfield has 6 pg pictorial, Suzanna Hayes has 7 pgs. Interview w/ musician Eubie Blake. Peter Benchley humor 'God's Country' and fiction by Marco Vassi 'Circus of Jade'. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part27 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. Article about . Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 6 pgs.

This issue also begins a regular monthly feature on Vietnam Veterans that later becomes the Vietnam Veterans Advisor, and in one form or another is still running thru the end of 1989.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-04

Product ID: pent1974-04d
Elaine Lowny FC + 8 pgs. Nancy Sebastian has 13 pgs inc CF, Yaffa Levan has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ comedian Jonathan Winters. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 28 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. The Vietnam Veteran - the Unsung Heroes. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 8 pgs. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1974-05

Product ID: pent1974-05c
Brandee Howard FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Jessica Len has 8 pg pictorial, Shawn Day has 6 pgs. Interview w/ Daredevil Evel Kneivel. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 29 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. The Vietnam Veteran and drug addiction - article about. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 8 pgs. About Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1974-06

Pet of the Year Play-Off issue has individual pics of 5 girls on FC + each has 2 pgs of pics inside. Alicia Justin has 13 pgs inc CF. Deborah Clearbranch has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Muhammad Ali. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 30 of a series that continues through the issue 7/74. The Vietnam Veteran and the unemployment problem - article about. Also an article on the Failure of the Press. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 6 pgs.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-07

Product ID: pent1974-07d
Brigitte Maier has FC + 7 pgs. Barbie Lewis has 13 pgs inc CF, Carole Cameron has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ author James Purdy. The Penthouse Sex Index - A New Dictionary - Part 31, the final installment of a series that began in the issue 1/72. The Vietnam Veteran - article about Vets in Prison. Article about Richard Nixon and Organized Crime. Oh Wicked Wanda comic strip 1 pg.

This issue came with a 12 page tear-out bar guide between pgs 56 and 57. Just like the ones in Playboy Magazines. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1974-08

Treeka Delight FC + 6 pgs. Stacey Cameron has 13 pgs inc CF, Kathy Moore has 10 pg Pictorial. Interview w/ Roman Polanski. The Vietnam Veteran and 'Bad Papers' - article about. Article about how the political system has failed. Tony Escott cartoons - 5 pgs 'Con Games' - prison humor. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-09

Janice Kane FC + 13 pgs. inc CF, Babetta has 9 pg pictorial. Also a 6 pg article/pictorial 'Blazing Saddles' with girls on motorcycles. Interview w/ Rock singer Alice Cooper. The Vietnam Veteran - Losing the Paper War - the VA. Article about Independent Truckers. The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano - Book condensation Part 1. Oh Wicked Wanda 6 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-10

Laura Bennett Doone FC + 13 pgs. inc CF, Pet of the Year Avril Lund has 8 pgs, Karen Dermer has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ race driver Sam Posey. The Vietnam Veteran - POWs - article about . Articles about the supposed gas shortage and VP Gerald Ford. The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano - Book condensation Part 2. Also an excerpt from Emmanuelle 2. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Sharp VG+

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-11

Jane Sommers FC + 7 pgs. Sharon Longworth has 13 pgs inc CF, Lavinia Douglas has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ basketball star Walt Frazier. The Vietnam Veteran and the GI Bill - article about. Article about Conservation 'The Last Days of Earth'. The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano - Book condensation Part 3. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1974-12

Joyce Gibson has 10 pgs in hot tub w/ 2 guys. Kathy Green has FC + 13 pgs inc CF, Terri Saunders has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ The Who's Pete Townshend. Mag contains 16 pg detachable calendar for 1975. The Vietnam Vet - coming Home High. Going Broke - article about the recession/inflation. An article about Judge Justin Ravitz and a feature on tape decks. Oh Wicked Wanda 6 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-01

Annette Kirkwood FC + 7 pgs, Juliet Morris has 13 pgs inc CF, Jennifer Welch has 7 pg pictorial. Interview w/ CIA officer Victor Marchetti. The Vietnam Veteran fiction 'Polyorifice Enterprises'. Oh Wicked Wanda 6 pg comic strip. VG+

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-03

Susan Ryder FC + 15 pgs inc CF, Birgit Sandstrom has 6 pg pictorial, Sarah & Julia share 8 pgs. Interview w/ author Studs Terkel. Articles about Rancho La Costa and how the Japs & Arabs are buying America. The Vietnam Veteran - reader survey regarding Amnesty. Oh Wicked Wanda 1 pg comic strip. VG

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-04

Product ID: pent1975-04d
Judy Clayton FC + 10 pgs. Signe Berger has 13 pgs inc CF, Pia Sorenson has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Gore Vidal. 'Lee Harvey Oswald Was Innocent' article w/ full pg illo by Alex Ebel. 'Baby Al Capone's' - Article about marijuana smuggling. Pissing cartoons by Caulos - 5 pgs. The Vietnam Veteran - Back in the World. Oh Wicked Wanda 1 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1975-05

Christine Burke has FC + 13 pgs inc CF as 'Ava Gallay', Octavia Corriell has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ E. Howard Hunt. Article about CIA Hit Men - 1st in a series about 'The Intelligence Community'. Article about the history of beer. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - 1st installment of a monthly feature that runs thru 1989. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-06

Product ID: pent1975-06d
Wendy Blodgett FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Pet of the Year Play-Off features 2 pgs each of 4 diff girls. 2 anonymous girls share 9 pg pictorial. Interview w/ movie director John Schlesinger. Article about Henry Kissinger's Secret Empire - The Intelligence Community. Bill Lee cartoons - 5 pgs on Baseball, feature about custom buses for country music stars. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - monthly column. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Sharp VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-07

Jane Hargrave FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Cecilia (Sissy) Stanley has 6 pg pictorial, 2 Anonymous girls share 9 pgs. Interview w/ Cesar Chavez. 'The Spy Among Us' - how the Intelligence Community Violates Citizens rights. 'Starvation 1975' by Anne & Raul Ehrlich. 'My First Lover' by Marilyn Chambers. Features on the Porsche Carrera and stereo equipment. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - monthly column. Oh Wicked Wanda 6 pg comic strip. VG

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-08

Lisa Gomez FC. Marguerite Cordier 13 pgs inc CF. Feature on photographer Gernot Plitz. Interview w/ country music star Johnny Cash. 'Murder By Proxy' - Political Assassinations by the CIA. The Oswald-FBI Cover-UP article w/ full pg illo by Alex Ebel. Movie review of 'Snatched'. The Vietnam Veteran - The Destruction of a Human Being - the Ed Downing story. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-09

Product ID: pent1975-09d
FC + Michelle Stevens 13 pgs inc CF, Lisa Gomez (FC of 8/75) has 7 pg pictorial. Interview w/ boxer Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter. The CIA's secret war in Loas. 'Diary of a Pop Tart' by groupie Cherry Vanilla. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - monthly column. Oh Wicked Wanda 6 pg comic strip. Sharp VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1975-10

Pet of the Year Anneka De Lorenzo has FC + 11 pgs. Anne Peters has 13 pgs inc CF, Melanie Sutherland has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Mrs Hortensia Bussi de Allende - widow of the Chilean President. Also 'Project Chile' - article about the CIA engineered coup in 1973. Articles about the Apollo Theatre in Harlem and the VW Scirocco. The Vietnam Veteran - fiction 'Firefight' - the battle of Suoi Cut. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1975-11

Product ID: pent1975-11d
Bonnie Dee FC + 13 pgs inc CF, Debbie Young has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Israeli Diplomat Matti Golan. 'The NSA' America's $10B Frankenstein. The Battle of Lame Deer - Indians vs. Gov't & Big Business - Coal Under the Reservation. Article about Gold. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - monthly column. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1975-12

Product ID: pent1975-12d
Susan Wade FC + 13 pgs inc CF, Stephanie & Paula share 6 pgs. Mag has 16 pg detachable calendar for 1976. Interview w/ Comedians Bob & Ray. Articles about 'The Phoenix Murders' - the CIA in Vietmnam and prison wardens. Bill Lee cartoons - 5 pgs on Xmas. Article about Scotch whiskey. The Vietnam Veterans Adviser - monthly column. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1976-01

Laure Favie FC + 13 pgs inc CF, Lindsay Freeman has 7 pg pictorial as 'Baby Breese', Eva Carson has 9 pgs. Interview w/ actor Oliver Reed. Articles about Nelson Rockefeller, The Heroin Wars in Fort Apache, the Bronx, McDonald's restaurants, stereo equipment and American Whiskey. Mischa Richter cartoons - 5 pgs 'The Office Party'. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

Mag originally came with a 48 pg detachable preview copy of 'Penthouse Forum'. These are usually missing.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1976-03

Priscilla Barnes FC + 13 pgs inc CF as Joann Witty. Arla Terrell has a 9 pg pictorial, 3 girls share 11 pgs. Interview w/ Gene (Star Trek) Roddenberry. Article about the Concorde supersonic jet. Fiction 'The Vietnamization of Lt. Hargrove'. OH Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1976-04

Product ID: pent1976-04d
Georgina Crown has FC + 10 pgs, Sandy Bernadou has 13 pgs inc CF. Melanie Sutherland (as 'Terri' has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend Clarence. Interview w/ punk musician Patti Smith. Article 'The End of the American Dream'. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1976-05

Product ID: pent1976-05d
Sonny Smith FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ Tom Hayden. The Attack on the USS Liberty during the 6 day war of 1967. Article about 'The Unholy Alliance' between big business and the Nazis during WW2. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1976-06

Product ID: pent1976-06c
Pet of the Year Play-Off issue has individual pics of 5 girls on FC + each has 2 pgs of pics inside. Anna Grimwood has 13 pgs inc CF, Chelsea Eriksen has 8 pg pictorial. Interview w/ LA district attorney Vincent Bugliosi. 'Conspiracy of Silence' article regarding the attack on the USS Liberty during 6 day war of 1967. Articles about Sun Myung Moon and 'The Vote Business' - why elections are nothing but BS. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Bright, glossy FINE

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1976-09

Product ID: pent1976-09d
Dawn Shaw FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Sienna Welles and Derna Wylde each has a 10 pg pictorial. Alos a 6 pg movie review of 'Through the Looking Glass'. Interview w/ Margo St. James - founder of COYOTE. 'Watergate on the Wabash' article about International Invetigators. Also articles about Insurance Company Spies, EST, American wine and a feature on the Porsche 924. OH Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1976-11

Product ID: pent19876-11d
Pet of the Year Laura Doone FC + 13 pgs. Carolyn Patsis has 13 pgs inc CF. Also a 10 pg pictorial of 2 girls and a snake. Interview w/ country music star Merle Haggard. Articles about Jimmy Carter, Jay Rockefeller, How the IRS screws singles and digital wristwatches. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1976-12

Product ID: pent1976-12d
Jane Hargrave (British Pet of the Year) FC + 13 pgs. Adrian King has 13 pgs inc CF. Melanie Richards has 6 pg pictorial and Molly McCreading and boyfriend have 10 pgs. Mag contains a 16 pg detachable calendar for 1977. Interview w/ author Alex 'Roots' Haley. Article about America's Secret Police Network - the LEIU - Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit. Also articles about 'Mao's Poisoned Legacy', Cognac and stereo equipment. Fiction by John Irving 'The Curs of the Upper Class'. Bill Lee cartoons - 5 pgs of 'Toys for Degenerate Children'. Oh Wicked Wanda 2 pg comic strip. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
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Penthouse - 1977-05

Valerie Rae Clark FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Sydney Bradford has 10 pg pictorial, Rebecca has 6 pgs. Interview w/ Marvin Miller - head of the Baseball Players Association (Union). Articles about President Carter's Vietnam Amnesty, Europe on the Skids and a feature on Martin Scorsese's musical 'New York, New York'. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1977-06

Cheryl Ain FC only. Dominique Maure has 13 pgs inc CF. Francis Cannon (10/73 CF) has 5 pg pictorial. Pet of the Year Play-Off - 5 girls each have 2 pgs. Interview w/ author James Phelan 'Howard Hughes - The Hidden Years'. Article about the Pentagon's Deadly Pets - animals as weapons. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

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Penthouse - 1977-07

Product ID: pent1977-07d
Blondie FC only. Christine Davray has 13 pgs inc CF. Lynn Donahue has 11 pg pictorial, Cynthia Miles has 10 pgs. Articles about Mercenaries in Rhodesia, The IRA and Bill Baxley (Attorney General of Alabama). Also a State by State summary of drug laws concerning marijuana. The Fiat 124 Sport Spider. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1977-08

Margaret Stockton FC only. Barbara Corser has 13 pgs inc CF (she is also Covergirl of OUI 12/75). Karen Dermer has 10 pg pictorial as 'Rebecca Davenport', Jasmine Elliott has 6 pgs. Also a long 10 pg pictorial 'Beauties in Bondage' about the new James Bond movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me'. Articles about Police/Political Corruption, The Copley Press and the CIA, Rodeo and 'Is Man Born to Kill?'. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

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Penthouse - 1978-05

Product ID: pent1978-05d
Danielle Guerra FC only. Angela Hyer has 13 pgs inc CF. Brie Phillips has 10 pg pictorial, Juliene Schuster also has 10 pgs and Debi Evans has 6 pgs. Interview w/ ex-CIA agent/author Frank Snepp. Articles about the Phildelphia Police, the failure of the American judicial system and the out of control tax system. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1978-07

Product ID: pent1978-07d
Barbara Ann FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Debbie Adams has 10 pg pictorial, Marita has 6 pgs. Interview w/ Reverend Chad Varah - founder of the suicide prevention group The Samaratans. Articles about the assassination of Orlando Letelier, the petro-industrial complex, hamburger chains (Yuck!) and the Bahamas. The Porsche 928. Oh Wicked Wanda 2 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1978-09

Product ID: pent1978-09d
Felicity Buirski has FC + 13 pgs inc CF as 'Kate Simmons'. Nancy Conway has 11 pg pictorial, Pet of the Year Runner-Up Susanne Saxon has 10 pgs. Interview w/ West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Darrell McGraw about the UMW strike. Bitter Harvest - the Destruction of the American Farmer - Part 1 of a series. Articles about childhood training for the Olympics and Amtrak. Bill Lee - 6 pgs cartoons - the Un-American Medical Assoc. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1978-10

Product ID: pent1978-10d
Special Science and the future Issue. Rita Tellone FC only. Veronique de Valdene has 13 pgs inc CF. Jane Hargrave (CF of 12/75 and British Pet of the Year for 1976) has 12 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Dr. Robert Jastrow (NASA). Fiction by Anthony Burgess '1985'. Articles about Science Fiction, robots, 'Cosmic Censorship' - the great government UFO cover-up, the space program. Also an 8 pg preview of 'Omni' magazine. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1978-11

Product ID: pent1978-11d
Carrie Nelson has FC + part of a 12 pg Lingerie pictorial w/ 2 other girls (she was Covergirl & CF of 1/78). Malia Redford has 13 pgs inc CF. Pet of the year Dominique Maure has 16 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Robert Shelton - Imperial Wizard of the KKK. Bitter Harvest - Part 2 'Betrayed in Washington'. Articles about Marijuana as big business, the execution of jounalist Charles Horman in Chile, cameras and single malt Scotch. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1978-12

Product ID: pent1978-12d
Amber Ramsey has 13 pgs inc CF. Julia Edwards has 12 pg pictorial as 'Julie Young'. Mag contains 16 pg detachable calendar for 1979 w/ one page of each of 12 CFs from 9/77 - 8/78. Interview w/ Fidel Castro. Articles about the killing of Italian politician Aldo Moro, film maker Earl Owensby, mood drugs and stereo equipment. Bill Lee cartoons - 6 pgs on Xmas. The Ferrari 512 Boxer. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1979-01

Product ID: pent1979-01d
Victoria Lynn Johnson FC only. Dusty Jackson has 13 pgs inc CF. Rebecca York has 10 pgs (anonymously), Charlotte & Emily have 12 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Mtabudo Joshua Nkomo of Rhodesia. Articles about the last days of Rhodesia, the German Psychiatric Holocaust and tape decks. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+
Mag contains 8 pg detachable poster of Pet of the Year Dominique Maure.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Penthouse - 1979-02

Susan Waide FC + 10 pgs. Pamela Rhodes has 13 pgs inc CF. has pg pictorial. Interview w/ Billy Carter (the President's brother). Articles about the new populism in politics (Obviously it didn't last!), the Shah of Iran and future weapons. Datsun 280ZX. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-04

Jeannie Butler FC + 15 pgs. Concetta (aka Isabella) Ardigo has 13 pgs inc CF. Ginger Barton has 6 pg pictorial. Interview w/ Stephan Jones (Guyana survivor and son of Jim Jones). Articles about the Tax Revolt, the future of movie special effects and Superbikes. Excalibur auto. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-05

Carrie Nelson has FC only as 'Lynda Clark' (is CF in 6/79). Brieanna Bujold has 13 pgs inc CF, Natalia Farris has 10 pg pictorial, Kelly Nichols (as 'Marianne Walters') has 13 pgs. Interview w/ Baseball superstar Pete Rose. Bill Lee cartoons - 5 pgs on baseball. Feature article about Hobos, article about musician Billy Joel and 'Last Tango With Brando' by his ex-wife. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-06

Carrie Nelson has 13 pgs inc CF as 'Lynda Clark'. Jeannie Anderson has 10 pg pictorial, Alana Wilson also has 10 pgs. Pet of the Year Play-Off issue with 4 girls - each has 1/4 FC + 2 pgs. Interview with Swiss Banker/author Paul Erdman. Articles about 'The White Hand' - CIA killers in Central Ameerica, children in jail, country music star Tom T. Hall and the Rat invasion of our cities. OH Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-07

Product ID: pent1979-07d
Disco Star Donna Summer FC and Interview. Jaycee West has 13 pgs inc CF, Lillian & Dorothy share 10 pgs. Long feature on the making of the tennis movie 'Racquet' w/ several Penthouse Pets. Feature article '25 Myths of the Energy Crisis' w/ 2 pg illo by Ralph Steadman. Bill Lee cartoons - 6 pgs 'Mexican Crude'. Also articles about Adnan Khashoggi, stock car heroes and a feature on stereo tower systems. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1979-08

Product ID: pent1979-08e
Diane Weber (not the same as Marguerite Empey) FC + 13 pgs inc CF. Sally Whitstable has 10 pg pictorial, Circe Stathakos has 6 pgs, plus Helle Kjaer & Jannie Nielsen share 10 pgs by a swimming pool. Interview w/ Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi & The Ayatollah Khomeini. Articles about ISG (International Security Group), Agent orange and Jimmy Carter's perversions of Justice. Also a feature on the making of the movie 'Apocalypse Now'. Oh Wicked Wnda 8 pg comic strip. VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1979-09

Giant 10th Anniversary Issue features a beautiful Joanne Latham FC + huge 18 pg pictorial inc CF. Shawn Carney & boyfriend have 10 pgs 'Swinging In the Grain'. A retrospective of previous Pets of the year w/ 2 pgs for each one from 1970 - 1978. Also has a gigantic pictorial feature on 'Disco'. Interview w/ Willie Nelson. Articles about California Governor Jerry Brown, Woodstock, Los Angeles, and the 'Great Cancer Fraud' w/ a 2 pg illo by Ralph Steadman. Oh Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-11

Pet of the Year Cheryl Rixon FC + 12 pgs. Danielle Ginibre has huge 19 pg feature inc CF. Interview w/ Soviet Dissident Edward Kuznetsov. 'Sigmund Freud' 10 pg feature by Ralph Steadman. Articles about the Panama Canal sellout, alternative cancer therapies, the 55 mph speed limit (a bad, bad joke) and the Zebra murders in SF. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1979-12

Product ID: pent1979-12e
Joanne Latham has nice close-up FC in white fur hat. Judi Gibbs has 19 pgs inc CF. Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 10 pg catfight/pictorial w/ Misty Knight. Debora Zullo (POY Runner-Up) has 12 pgs. The Secret Life of Adolph Hitler. Interview w/ actor Michael Douglas. Articles about how to beat inflation, tennis pro Guillermo Villas and 'The Sleazing of America' w/ a 2 pg illo by Ralph Steadman. Mag is missing calendar. VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1980-02

Debbie Harry (aka Blondie) has FC + article w/ full pg pic. Lindsay Ekert has 19 pgs inc CF. Helle Kjaer has 10 pgs as Kathi Janson. Interview w/ actor Lee Marvin. Article about radar detectors. Oh Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1980-07

Product ID: pent1980-07e
Pet of the Year Play-Off issue with 4 girls - each has 1/4 FC + 2 pgs. Current Pet of the Year, Cheryl Rixon has 4 pgs plus a separate 10 pg pictorial. Samantha Faye has a huge 19 pg pictorial inc CF. Feature articles on the US military 'Unready and Willing', Part 5 of a series on the Suppression of cancer therapies, Russia's plan to take over the Middle East, the latest in turntables for your stereo system and the Moscow Olympics. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Minor wear, VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Penthouse - 1980-09

Product ID: pent1980-09d
Big Anniversary Issue has Delia Cosner FC + 19 pgs inc CF. Lalla Dean has an 8 pg pictorial as 'Sondra Lambrey'. Tammy Hill & Danielle Deneux in rubber suits share 12 pgs. Interview w/ country music star Tammy Wynette. Feature articles on Presidential Theft, Cattle Mutilations, baseball player Dave Parker and 'Boxing As Political Theater' about the Tate-Coetzee fight in South Africa with a 1 1/2 pg illo by Ralph Steadman. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip. Bright, shiny VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Penthouse - 1980-10

2 Girls in bikinis on a beach FC + 10 pg pictorial. Kristen Knutsen has 19 pgs inc CF. Long feature on Marilyn Monroe's lost sex films has 10 pgs of pics - Are they real? Interview w/ actor Marty Feldman. Articles about David Rockefeller (An American Disaster) - Part 1, 'The American Dream' by Studs Terkel, Cambodian genocide and martial artist Chuck Norris. Also features on the 20 worst college football teams and the Long Beach, CA Grand Prix. Oh Wicked Wanda - 2 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1980-11

Michelle Bauer has 10 pg pictorial w/ another girl. Pet of the Year Isabella Ardigo (was CF 4/79) has FC + 15 pgs. Betsy Dobson has 19 pgs inc CF. Articles about Koko - the talking ape, NSA spying (back in 1980!), Presidential Candidate Ed Clark and country singer George Jones. Oh Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip.

  • Quantity:

Penthouse - 1980-12

Product ID: pent1980-12d
Giant Holiday Issue with Ava Monet FC + 19 pgs inc CF. Pet of the Year Runner-Up Kate Simmons has a 10 pg pictorial. Porn star Marlene Willoughby (in a scarce magazine feature) has very nice 10 pg pictorial. Mag also contains 16 pg detachable calendar for 1981. Interview w/ actor Robert Redford. Feature articles on David Rockefeller (Part 2), Art Thieves, The Selling of America, TV Evangelists and Past Lives Therapy. Also Cartoons by Revilo - 6 pgs of Sick Xmas and Oh Wicked Wanda - 8 pg comic strip. Strong VG+

Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
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