Pippi Andersson-p
Swedish porno star who made her debut in Suze Randall's 'Studhunters'.
Cheri - 1984-02
Product ID: cheri1984-02cSpecial Arizona issue. Covergirl is Raven De LaCroix and Pippi Andersson has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg CF as 'Britt'. Diane Bentley, Kathy & Mame each have 6 pgs and Honor (was in 7/83) and Rosita each have 5 pgs. A 6 pg movie review of 'The Lost Empire' and an article about kick-boxing. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Cheri - 1986-02
New England Issue. Hyapatia Lee has 9 pgs inc CF and begins monthly Letters column. Pipi Andersson has 7 pgs as 'Mariel', Barbi (not the same as Barbii), HOTM Kelsey, Trixie and Colette each have 6 pgs.
Chic - 1986-11
Product ID: chic1986-11dCovergirls are Gail Thackray & Lisa Spencer - they have a pictorial in Hustler 8/86, Sheena Horne has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Mikki' and Pippi Andersson and boyfriend share 8 pgs. A pair of girls on a float in a pool have 10 pgs and Jaz has 5 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bit of rubbing on BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club - 1984-01
Product ID: club1984-01fMelissa has nice FC in white lingerie - she also has 6 pgs in 3/84. A double dip of Pippi Andersson who has a 6 pg solo feature as 'Harriet' and also a 9 pg pictorial inc CF w/ Blake Palmer. Nikki Randall has 8 pgs as 'Mia' and Seka has 4 pgs w/ the winner of the win-a-date contest. Plus Maria has 6 pgs and a pair of girlfriends share 6 pgs. Article on acid rain, The Lamborghini Countach, The Tether Report and a new monthly feature by Dr. Steven Roles with an article on S&M. Fairly well read and handled but no serious defects - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Club - 1986-02
Product ID: club1986-02eSeka has FC + 4 pgs and Pipi Andersson has 9 pgs inc CF. Erika Lee has 6 pgs as 'Elaine' - she was also in 9/85. Girlfriends Jane & Joanne share 8 pgs, Blake Palmer and 2 girls share 7 pgs. A feature on the SR-71 Blackbird airplane. Bill Ward 4 pg 'Sizzle' comic strip.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Club - Best of # 026
Product ID: club-bo.026c4-5/84 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Jean Clarke & Sylvia Wright have 9 pgs inc CF (1/82), Tina Louise has 7 pgs as 'Karen' (9/77 less pgs 44-45), Monica Thimme has 5 pgs as 'Kerry' (5/76 less 1st pg), Rosemary England has 5 pgs as 'Julie-Anne' (3/77), Cleo has 6 pgs (7/76), Christa has 3 pgs (12/81 only 3 of 7), Jeanette has 5 pgs (10/77 only 5 of 9). Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 4 pgs w/ a guy on a beach (2/81 less pgs 90-91), Juliana & Clarissa have 4 pgs (2/82 less last 2 pgs), 2 girls fencing have 5 pgs (8/77 - 2 pgs are diff), Pippi Andersson & Blake Palmer have 5 pgs (1/84 only 5 of 9) and 2 girls in a van have 6 pgs (10/83 less pg 60). Plus a feature on the Tahitia spa 5 pgs (7/77). Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 030
Product ID: club-bo.030c12/84-1/85 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Amber Lane has partial FC + 6 pgs and Wendy has 9 pgs inc CF - don't know where these pics were originally published but she has 6 pgs from the same photo shoot in 11/83 as 'Cherry'. Nikki Randal has 8 pgs as 'Mia' (1/84), Rowan Moore shares 8 pgs w/ a girlfriend (7/84) and Pipi Andersson & Blair Castle share 8 pgs (5/84). An anonymous Rock Singer has 8 pgs (12/83 - 'Good Golly) and Maria has 6 pgs (1/84). Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club - Best of # 042
Product ID: club-bo.042c4-5/87 - Oversize issue is 84 pgs. Amber Lynn & Keli Stewart share 9 pgs inc CF (1/86), Pippi Andersson has 9 pgs (2/86) and Marilyn Chambers has 7 pgs (4/86). Cynthia Brooks & Rikki Blake have 7 pgs w/ a bunch of guys on a pool table (3/86). A French maid has 8 pgs (1/86), girlfriends Mandy & Tina have 6 pgs in a barn (1/86 - 1 is Gina Powell) and Jane & Joanne have 5 pgs (2/86 less 3 pgs). Plus 3 girls w/ a camera share 8 pgs (3/86). Bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing along spine - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Club Int. - 1983-11
Seka has FC + 6 pgs. Hanna has 10 pgs inc CF. Shirley Ellison has 6 pgs as 'The Gettysburgers'. Pippi Andersson and her chauffer have 8 pgs. Mr. 16 1/4 has 4 pgs.
Gentleman's Companion - 1984-12
Product ID: getlc1984-12bPenny has 8 pgs inc CF. Jacqueline Lorains has an excellent 8 pg feature and Suzie Farrell has 7 pgs as 'Jamie'. Girlfriends Pippi Andersson & Blair Castle share 7 pgs as 'Sharon & Diana'. Plus 2 couples - Jack & Betty and Dan & Mae have 7 pgs - 1 of the girls is Lisa Lake. NEW copy has light stresses on BC from stacking - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - 1985-02
Latisha has 7 pgs inc CF. Sian Adey Jones has 6 pgs as 'Lauren'. Pipi Andersson and girlfriend share 8 pgs on a boat. Bo Derek has 2 pgs and Holly Ryan also has 2 pgs. Emily, Belinda and Darla each have 6 pgs, Cartier has 5 pgs. Peggy & boyfriend Buddy have 8 pgs.
High Society - Best Of #010
Product ID: hsoc-bo.010b1987 - Two-Girl Special. Covergirls Amber Lynn & Ginger Lynn share 8 pgs (3/86 less last 2 pgs).Stacey Donovan & Sandy Summers have 7 pgs inc CF (8/86 less last 2 pgs). Nikki Knights & Krista Lane have 7 pgs (10/86 less 1st pg). Pippi Andersson and girlfriend have 8 pgs (2/85). Michelle Bauer as 'Sheryl' and Gina Carrera as 'Charmaine' have 6 pgs on a motorcycle (8/85). Diana & Denise have 6 pgs (9/86 less last 2 pgs). Sheila & May have 7 pgs (5/85). Plus 2 girls as cats have 7 pgs (1/86). Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
High Society - Best Of #011
Product ID: hsoc-bo.011b1987 - Hot Blondes Special. Gail Force as 'Terese' has 7 pgs inc CF (3/85), Amber Lynn has 6 pgs (12/85). Gail Thackray as 'Gillian' has 6 pgs (9/85, no FC) and Annette Brusewitz as 'Judith' has 5 pgs (5/85). Pipi Andersson and Steve Drake have 8 pgs (1/85). Bonnie (1/85) and Rebecca (8/85) each have 6 pgs. A pair of anonymous girls have 6 pgs (6/86 less 2 pgs). Interview w/ Curtis Sliwa - founder of the Guardian Angels. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Hustler - 1979-02
An anonymous couple shares the FC + 9 pgs. Michelle has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Pippi Anderssson (as 'Lenora') has 9 pgs w/ an Ape-man. Angie Dickinson has 3 pgs pics from the movie "Big Bad Mama" w/ William Shatner. Alex Ebel 2 pg illo. Articles about the Gemstone File (JFK assassination), Captain Crunch (one of the first phone phreaks) and the politics of coal. Honey Hooker comic strip.
Hustler - 1983-10
Julia Parton has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as Madilyn (also in 5/83 w/ Hyapatia Lee), Pia Snow aka Michelle Bauer has 7 pgs, Lois Ayres has 8 pgs as a pirate and Pipi Andersson has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend. Articles about baseball manager Billy Martin and Courtroom Horrors. Honey Hooker comic strip.
Live - 1985-04
Covergirl Cara also has 8 pgs w/ boyfriend. Ginger Lynn has 8 pgs inc CF + a separate 4 pg feature and becomes a regular as of this issue. Christy Canyon shares 8 pgs w/ girlfriend 'Glenda' (is Pipi Andersson). Jessica & Bobby May each have 6 pgs, girlfriends Candy & Joy share 8 pgs. Valerie & Belinda each have 4 pgs plus Louie the Lounge Lizard color comic strip 2 pgs. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, has nearly invisible stress near spine.
Oui - 1985-03
Covergirl is Pipi Andersson. Barbara Peckinpaugh has 7 pgs as 'Maria Lynn'. Tom Byron & Asian model 'Jessica' have 9 pgs inc CF. Tessa has 8 pgs, Ellen, Lucy & Maria Lynn each have 7 pgs, Dianah has 5 pgs and girlfriends Lena & Pammy share 6 pgs.
John Lennon & Yoko Ono have 2 pgs pics, Raquel Welch has 1 pg. Interview w/ Kenneth Anger (author 'Hollywood Babylon'). Charles Bukowski short story 'The Ladies Man of East Hollywood' - Part 2. Articles about the Cresta run, sperm banks and the refund & coupon game.
Penthouse - 1985-01
This one is loaded! Miss America Vanessa Williams FC w/ George Burns + 10 pgs of pics AND a giant 8 pg poster (other side is POY Linda Kenton). Stacy Donovan has 11 pgs w/ another girl (Jeanna Fine?) in a segment titled 'The Locket' from the first Penthouse video 'Girls of Penthouse'. Pipi Andersson - Swedish porno star of 'Studhunters' - has 10 pgs. Rebecca Hill has 17 pgs inc CF. Interview w/ publisher Bob Guccione. Articles about The Blue Angels, football player Mark Gastineau and child sex abuse. Also a feature on classic autos. Sweet Chastity - 6 pg comic strip.
Stag - 1984-05
Product ID: stag1984-05bv35 #5 - Laurie (Lori) Smith & boyfriend share FC + 8 pgs, a pair of anonymous girlfriends have 8 pgs inc CF in the same bath tub Nancy Suiter made famous. Pipi Andersson has 6 pgs as 'Lana', Erica Elson has 6 pgs anonymously, Baby Doe has 5 pgs. Plus a 6 pg movie review of 'G-Strings'. Book has 4 a pg poster - Girls of Swedish Erotica on one side and John Holmes & Desiree Cousteau on the other. Extremely bright & glossy, Barely touched, poster still attached - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - 1984-01
Covergirl Sylvia Benedict also has 6 pgs w/ girlfriend Jane. Erica Elson has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Carlene'. Pippi Andersson has 7 pgs as 'Susan', Lisa DeLeeuw & boyfriend have 6 pgs and Debbie Tays has 6 pgs as 'Pam'. A Movie Review of 'Piggy's' and Bill Ward has a very nice full page color cartoon. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, minor spine stress. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a bit of looseness around the staples and TINY tears at bottom staple.
v 17 - California Blondes
1986 Spring - First stapled issue, prior to this all issues were squarebound w/ glued spines. Another issue of mostly shortened reprints. Covergirl is Elke Kellick. Pippi Andersson has 8 pgs as 'Britt' (2/84). Sherry (4/85 less CF + 1 pg) has 7 pgs. Suzie Farrell (12/83), Jeanette Starion as 'Honey' (6/83 less CF), Susie Mainwaring as 'Claudia' (3/84), Connie (4/84) and and Lina (3/85 - 6 of 11 pgs) each have 6 pgs. Ginger Lynn and girlfriend Nikki share 6 pgs (4/84 less CF). Diane Bentley (6/84), Helle Kjaer as 'Lauren' (3/83 less 2 pgs), Sandy (7/84 less 1 pg), Anita Hunter as 'Martine' (5/84 less last pg) and Valerie Williams as 'Angel' (1/85 less 2 pgs - where she was called Susie) each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Terri, Kim & Cheryl share 7 pgs (same as 8/85 less 1 pg). Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched! - FINE+