Paige Summers-p
Busty blonde model from the mid - late 90s. Was US Penthouse Pet of the Month 8/96 and Pet of the Year for 1998.
High Society - 1995-12
Product ID: hsoc1995-12dStacy Moran has FC + 12 pgs inc CF as 'Shauna Harris'. Paige Summers has 8 pgs solo. An 8 pg feature 'Lesbomania' w/ Paige Summers, Jordan St. James, Tonisha (Mills?) and Elizabeth. Rachelle Arnott (Penthouse Pet of 1/97) has 8 pgs as 'Suzie'. Lisa & Danielle each have 8 pgs. Julie Ashton & boyfriend Conrad have 8 pgs and Monica has 10 pgs w/ boyfriend Nigel. Alyssa Milano has 6 pgs, Liz Hurley has 4 pgs and Bobbie Brown has 2 pgs. An article about more American psychos. VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Penthouse - 1998-01
Pet of the Year Paige Summers has FC + 13 pg pictorial. Eva Major has 15 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Leslie Glass as Indian maiden has 15 pgs w/ Wolf. Lexus, Adara Michaels and Dyanna (Lauren?) share 15 pgs. Mag contains giant 8 pg poster - one side is POY Paige Summers, other side is previous POY Elizabeth Ann Hilden. Interview w/ NFL Quaterback Jeff George. Feature articles on the 24 hours of Le Mans, Women in the Military and rock band Bush. Penthouse Comix - Click 2 by Milo Manara, Episode 12 - 6 pgs. Sorayama has a 2 pg illo. Fine+ copy has poster still attached!