38-26-34 - v11.2
Product ID: modvd-38-26-v11.2(1973) - Killer issue has Nika Movenka FC + 6 pgs inc a 2 pg CF as 'Brenda', Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Francine', Arlene Bell has 4 pgs as 'Karla', Maya Singh has 4 pgs as 'Indira', Billie Jo Wellman has 4 pgs as 'Lola', Katrina Lane has 4 pgs. Plus single pgs of Vicki Kennedy, Linda Soren, Lois Harman, Linda Shaw, and Jacqueline Morse has nice full pg color BC.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
38-26-34 - v13.4
Product ID: modvd-38-26-13.4(1976) - Juanita has FC + 4 pgs. Yum Yum has BC + 6 pgs inc CF as 'Carolyn', Sylvia McFarland has 4 pgs as 'Honey', Marilyn Davis has 4 pgs as 'Diane', Candy Samples has 2 pgs as 'Nadine', Janey Reynolds and Karla Klein each have a full pg pic. Plus Terry, Black model Geraldine, and Gaye each have 4 pgs.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #9.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #9.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
40+ - #1
Product ID: modvd-40+-#11962 - Outstanding 68 page digest size mag from Selbee & Associates. Honey Bee Has FC, BC and 26 pgs inc the CF. Lorraine Burnett has 8 pgs & Ann Austin has 5 pgs. Black model Tanya has 11 pages, Diane Kaye has 8 pgs and Eleanor Ames has 6 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
40+ - #3
Product ID: modvd-40+-#31963 - Outstanding 68 page digest size mag from Selbee & Associates. Bonnie Logan has FC + 9 pgs, Brenda de Nault has 16 pgs inc CF. Elaine Reynolds has BC + 8 pgs, Brandy Michaels has 11 pgs, Busty Brown has 3 pgs and Ann Austin has 2 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
40+ - #4
Product ID: modvd-40+-#41963 - Outstanding 68 page digest size mag from Selbee & Associates. Margaret Middleton has FC + 13 pgs, Virginia Bell has 8 pgs inc CF. Tina Cruz has 11 pgs, Helga Swenson & Cup Cake Cassidy each have 7 pgs, Renee Duval & Barry Cole each have 6 pgs and Debby Laine has 5 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v01.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v1.1This appears to be a British reprint. Says 'Special International Issue' on cover. Undated, it is labelled the 'Spring' Issue. Publication credits say it is published by Pictorial Productions in Britain but the cover price is in US dollars. Features FC and huge 10 pg feature on Roni Bell (stage name given is Barbara Bell). Uschi Digard has 8 pgs - most with her boyfreind (same guy as the Sherri series of books). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has BC + 6 pgs as 'Donna Murray', Dean Ackerlund has 5 pgs as 'Selma'. Plus features on French girls, British girls and lots more.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v01.2
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v1.2Spring, 1972 - Eros Pub. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs as 'Diane Evans' and BC (in black corset with nylons and garters, knee high boots, red leather gloves and a big whip) + 1 pg as 'Usehi'. Roxanne Brewer has 6 pgs as 'Roxanne Lee', Patti Wayne has big 9 pg feature, Susan Walters has 8 pgs, Dee Wilson and Jamie West each have 6 pgs, Danielle Dawson has 5 pgs as 'Carol Denny' and Margaret Middleton has 2 pgs. Also a very nice full pg illustration that must be Bill Ward but is signed 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v03.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v3.1(1972) - Big 72 pg issue with 8 in color. Laura Lynnwood (as 'Amanda') has close-up FC + big 10 pg feature. Candy Samples has 11 pgs w/ boyfriend, Ann Ali has nice 8 pg pictorial as 'Kitten'. Bill Ward very detailed full pg illo as 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v03.4
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v3.4(Fall, 1973) - Mary Wells Has FC + 4 pgs - is Melissa in v5 #4. Heather Collins has nice 9 pg pictorial, Julie Robins has 3 pgs - is Gwendoline in D-Cup v5 #2. Several other familiar faces and a nice full pg illo by Bill Ward as 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
40RTY PLUS - v10.1
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v10.1(Winter 1978 - 79) - First? oversize issue - still by Maverick Pub. Co. - is a good one! Candy Samples has nice close-up FC + 6 pgs as 'Nancy', Roberta Pedon has BC + 6 pgs as 'Charity', Lisa de Leeuw has 8 pg feature as 'Sandra', Bobbi Hall has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Suzy Q' and Pepper Trecher has 6 pgs as 'Chancy'. Bill Ward - one small illo.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95
Product ID: modvd-40rty-spec(1973 - No volume number) - entire mag is misc. pics, lots of full pg photos. Star Murphy has 3 full pg pics (2 color) + 5 others, Ann Ali also has 3 full pg pics (2 color) + 5 others. Rosinna Revelle has 3 full pg pics, Sue Walters has 2 full pg pics, Candy Samples has 10 pics total inc 1 full pg. Toby Wenig on BC. Loads of other top models as well.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.11981 - Great first issue of this title spotlights Kitten Natividad. Entire mag is all Kitten and includes 14 pgs of pics w/ 2 guys (for more of this see 'Hot Stripper') plus 10 pgs of pics from a pool party w/ Candy Samples & Uschi Digard (includes a few pics w/ John Holmes and a few w/ Angel Cash). Remainder of mag is Kitten solo including a nice color CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #2
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.21981 - Entire mag (except for 6 pgs of girl/girl photos) is Nika Movenka as 'Layla'. Lots of nice full pg photos and 8 pgs in color. Great Stuff!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #3
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.31981 - Entire mag features Roberta Pedon as 'Robin'. Includes 4 pgs of pool party pics w/ Nika Movenka & Rosalie Strauss. Lots of full pg pics and 8 pgs in color. Fantastic!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 982
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #4
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.41982 - Loretta (The Mystery Girl) has FC + 36 pgs. Mag also features BC + 10 pgs of pics from Uschi's lawn party w/ Uschi Digard, Toby Wenig, Jimmi Shine and a 4th girl.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V2 #1
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.11982 - Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
This was reprinted as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 but with a different cover and ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This was reprinted as BUSTY VIXENS v1 #1 but with a different cover and ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V2 #2
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.21982 - Entire mag is Uschi Digard w/ 8 pgs in color including a 2 pg CF. Mostly Uschi solo there are also a few pgs w/ other girls & guys inc 3 pgs w/ Candy Samples and 1 pg w/ Angel Cash.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Big Bust Vixen - V2 #3
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v2.31982 - Entire mag is Yum Yum as 'Mona'. Mostly solo pics but also w/ a variety of partners inc 2 diff. girls. 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Big Busty #2
Product ID: modvd-bb.2-di1979 by ABC Pubs, The Netherlands. Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, with 2 pg CF and the entire book is Uschi. Lots of full pg, full nudes. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Big Busty #6
Product ID: modvd-bb.6-di1980 - American (English only) edition of popular series from The Netherlands. Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, with 2 pg CF and the entire book is Roberta Pedon as 'Robin'. Lots of full pg, full nudes. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Big Busty #7
Product ID: modvd-bb.7-di1980 by ABC Pubs, The Netherlands. Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, with 2 pg CF and the entire book is Joyce Spaeth. Lots of full pg, full nudes. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Big Busty #9
Product ID: modvd-bb.9-diNo date or Pub. listed but is early 80s, text in English, French and German so probably same as #2 (ABC Pubs, The Netherlands). Digest size mag is 48 pgs, all color, and the entire book features Roxanne Brewer. Lots of full pg photos. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Big Juicy Jugs - v3.4
Product ID: modvd-bjj-v3.41977 - 56 pgs, 8 color. Covergirl is Nancy Mann. Loaded w/ top models including full pg pics of Roxanne Brewer, Katrina Lane, Janice Hurst, Roberta Pedon, Joyce Spaeth, Elaine Collins, Linda Gordon, Lois Harmon, Bobbi Hall and Cheri Pineger (aka Julia Winger) has 2 pgs. Also pics of Julie Williams, Uschi Digard (2 pics), Mia Coco, Suzanne Pritchard (3 pics), Yum Yum, Sylvia McFarland and Joyce Spaeth (3 pics). Plus many others you'll probably recognize
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Big Juicy Jugs - v5.2
Product ID: modvd-bjj-v5.2(1980 - AAE) - Another big 64 pg issue loaded w/ your favorite girls. Roberta Pedon has a full pg pic + 1 more, Uschi Digard also has a full pg pic (scarce beaver shot) + 1 more, Suzanne Pritchard has 2 full pg pics, Margaret Middleton has a full pg + 2 more, Janice Ormes has a full pg color pic, Lois Harman full pg color pin-up on BC and lots more.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v01.3
Product ID: modvd-blb-v3.1(1972) Good issue - Joyce Gibson has 6 pgs as 'Sandra', Joan Brinkman has 4 pgs as 'Zita' and Anne Ali has BC + 8 pgs w/ short curly hair as 'Maria'. Plus Covergirl Wanda has 4 pgs, Ellen Silverman has 7 pgs as 'Vera' is also Covergirl of v4 #3, Justina & Vicky have 6 pgs each and Raye has 4.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v03.1
Product ID: movdvd-blb-v3.1(1973) - Great close-up FC w/ frequently used photo of Joan Brinkman leaning against a bumper pool table w/ cue stick. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs w/ a motorcycle as 'Cathy', Toby Wenig has 5 pgs in cowboy hat w/ 6 gun and Bonnie Locke Has 4 pggs as 'Carla'. Jamie has color BC. Plus lots of familiar faces and quite a few full pg pics inc Joy Woods, Lois Harman, Regina Anderer, Nika Movenka, Julie Williams and more! Another rare file copy with embossed seal in upper right corner.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v03.4
Product ID: modvd-blb-v3.4(1974) - Great Issue! Roberta Pedon has FC + 6 pgs inc 3 full pg color pics. Carol Doda has 4 pgs, a blonde Janice Ormes has 4 pgs as 'Nancy', Rosalie Strauss has 4 pgs as 'Wanda', Penny Ellington has 5 pgs as 'Cybil' and Roxanne Brewer has 4 pgs as 'Vivian' . Plus full pg pics of Margaret Middleton, Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell, Bonnie Locke on the BC and even more girls you'll recognize.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v04.3
Product ID: modvd-blb-v4.3(1975) - Another great issue starts w/ busty blond covergirl Ellen Silverman (she is also in v1 #3). Roberta Pedon has 5 pgs as 'Monica', Joyce Gibson has 4 pgs as 'Tanya', Sylvia McFarland has 4 ps as 'Louise', Christine de Schaeffer has 4 pgs as 'Bonnie', Julia Winger (aka Cherie Pinegar) has 4 pgs as 'Dottie, Hannah Griffin has 2 pgs as 'Linda', Covergirl from v3 #2 has 4 pgs as 'Bettina', Toby Wenig on BC plus several more familiar faces!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Block Busters - v06.2
Product ID: modvd-blb-v6.2(1976) - Darla Hood has FC + 2 pgs. Terry Jackman has BC + 4 pgs. Penny Ellington has 4 pgs, Karen Brown also has 4 pgs (no CF but 2 full pg color pics), Tina Friedman has 4 pgs as 'Wilma', Julie Hanson (also in v7 #3) has 4 pgs as 'Tillie', Black model Elaine Collins has 4 pgs w/ an afro (as 'Cindy'). Roberta Pedon has 1 full pg pic.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #10.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This issue was reprinted as Kingsize International (UK Edition) v1 #10.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Breasty Annette #4
Product ID: modvd-bran.4Winter, 1973 issue by Marquis Pub Co. Slick 48 pg mag is all Laura Lynnwood and features 8 pgs of color and lots of great full pg photos. Must have if you love Laura!!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Buf - 1982-01
Product ID: modvd-buf1982-01Outstanding issue of this popular big bust title features Roberta Pedon on the FC + a 32 pg portfolio of pics with many full pg and lots of color inc a classic 2 pg CF. For this book only we provide just the Roberta Pics - FC + 32 pgs - the rest of the mag is basically text and ads.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 985
Price: $9.95
Bust Queens Special #1
Product ID: modvd-bqs-v1.11991 - AAE (PN). Giant 68 pg, all color special Has Busty Belle FC + 1/2 book and Chessie Moore BC + other 1/2 book.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Busty Vixens - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-bvix-1.1(1986) - This is a reprint of Big Bust Vixen v2 #1 with a different cover and ads. Entire mag is Candy Samples. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc a 2 pg CF. Most of mag is Candy solo but she has 5 pgs w/ John Holmes, 5 pgs w/ Luis the Midget and 3 pgs w/ Uschi Digard.
As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Candy & Uschi - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-canusc-v1.11978 - AAE (PN). Fantastic 48 pg issue is all Candy & Uschi and has 16 pgs of gorgeous color. Extremely high quality pics in this issue!! This was reprinted as 'Whoppers' V2 #2 but with a different cover. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy & Uschi - V4 #4
Product ID: modvd-canusc-v4.4(1981 - Eros Pub. Co. - 2nd printing) -Candy Samples and Uschi Digard both on FC, but no other pics together. Really nice issue has a 20 pgs feature on Uschi. All solo pics inc several pgs in a rubber suit, 4 pgs of bondage pics (tied up) and several pgs as dominant w/ black corset, gloves, whip. Candy has BC + 22 pgs inc 9 pgs of bondage pics in a collar and chains.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Candy - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.11977 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners inc 4 pgs w/ Uschi. Lots of full pg pics and 6 pgs in color. Some hardcore. Incredible!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - V1 #2
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.21977 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 8pgs in color. Dynamite!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - V1 #3
Product ID: modvd-candy-v1.31978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 44 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 6 pgs in color. Fantastic!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Candy - v4 #4
Product ID: modvd-candy-v4.4(Spring, 1978 - Maverick Pub. Co.) - Entire mag is Candy, some solo pics but mostly w/ a variety of partners. One 4 pg set is bondage pics w/ another girl - from same photo shoot as 'Blonds in Bondage'. There is also a 5 pg set of Candy in chains. 2 separate sets of Candy w/ male slaves - whips & chains, etc. and a short 2 pg set of Candy & Laura Lynnwood w/ a male slave.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Candy Samples - Autobiography of Pt1
Product ID: modvd-csauto.11978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners. Lots of full pg pics and 16 magnificent pgs in color inc a killer 2 pg CF. Spectacular!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Candy Samples - Autobiography of Pt2
Product ID: modvd-csauto.21978 by Profile Pubs. Entire 48 pg mag is all Candy Samples. Solo & w/ partners Lots of full pg pics and 16 pgs in color inc a 2 pg CF w/ Mike Ranger. Incredible!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 991
Price: $9.95
Candy Samples Collection
Product ID: modvd-cscoll5 Entire Magazines as shown above - Autobiography Parts 1 & 2 plus Candy v1, 2 and 3 - on 1 CD. An incredible collection of 243 Images bargain priced.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $39.95
Cleavage #3
Product ID: modvd-cleav.31973 from Phenix Pubs.Ltd. Nice 64 pg issue w/ 5 long pictorials. Joan Nelson has BC + 13 pgs inc 4 full pg color pics as 'Joan O'Neil'. Harriet Geller has 11 pgs as 'Harriet Mills', Antoinette Lacey has 13 pgs (is covergirl?), Vicki Morgan has 12 pgs and Sylvia Thoms has 11 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Diane - V1 #6
Product ID: modvd-diane-v1.6(1973 - Commodore Pub. Co.) - An All Uschi Special! 48 pg mag features a very tanned Uschi w/ blond hair. Mostly solo pics, lots of outdoor scenes inc about 10 pgs around a pool w/ a blond, bearded guy name George (he also appears in More Sherri v2 #1) and 2 other girls. Mag is missing 2 pgs (pgs 37 - 40) that have been razored out at spine.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Femina - v4 #1
Product ID: modvd-fem-v4.19-10-11/72 by AAE. Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color has 7 different pictorials but I don't recognize a single one of these girls and there are no IDs. Also a feature article on the 'Erotic Art of Maillol'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Foxette - v1.1
Product ID: modvd-fox-v1.11978 from T&T Pubs. Big 64 pg mag (12 in color inc covers & CF) is ALL solo Linda Gordon as 'Sandra Keller' - except for 5 pgs of other girls and a 2 pg feature on the Fiat X 1/9. Color CF is Linda sitting on the hood of a red Fiat X 1/9 with lots of soap suds and a sponge.
Mag has serious water damage to bottom right corner. Is basically confined to about a 2" wide x 3" tall strip going up the right edge from the bottom. Surprisingly does not affect too many photos that badly. Because of this you will receive 2 sets of scans. One set is each page AS IS with no modification - showing water damage and all. The second set has cropped out most/all of the water damage with minimal impact on photos.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Mag has serious water damage to bottom right corner. Is basically confined to about a 2" wide x 3" tall strip going up the right edge from the bottom. Surprisingly does not affect too many photos that badly. Because of this you will receive 2 sets of scans. One set is each page AS IS with no modification - showing water damage and all. The second set has cropped out most/all of the water damage with minimal impact on photos.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Hanging Breasts - v8 #2
Product ID: modvd-hgbr-v8.2(1989) - AAE - PN Slick is 44 pgs of nothing but The Arabian Treasure Chest -Nikki King. Features 8 pgs of full color and loads of full pg pics. The mag used for scanning had a thin spot on FC where price tag was removed.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 1000
Price: $9.95
Hot Stripper
Product ID: modvd-hstp1979 by Holly Pubs (PN). Unusual 40 pg mag is all color and features Kitten Natiividad w/ various partners. Most of book iis simulated sex w/ Kitten and 2 guys in a nightclub. Also has 4 pgs of pics of Kitten w/ Uschi, Candy Samples, Angel Cash and others.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 1000
Price: $9.95
Jackpot - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-jack-v1.11972 - AAE (PN). Mag is 64 big pgs (4 pgs of ads) of just Joyce Gibson w/ 8 pgs of color inc a stunning 2 pg Centerfold!! Very rare and possibly the best book on Joyce ever!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 978
Price: $9.95
Jugs Of Joy - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-jugojoy(1976 - AAE) - Big 56 pg issue is a fabulous collection of Joyce Spaeth. Many really nice full pg photos and 8 pgs of color pics. Entire mag is all Joyce in solo action.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V3.1
Product ID: modvd-king3.1(1-2-3/72) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Roxanne Brewer has 1/2 FC, Michelle Angelo also has a small pic. Janice Ormes has BC + several full pg pics and others, Lillian Parker has a 2 pg CF, Joan Brinkman has 2 full pg pics + 1 more. Shirley Bowman has a full pg pic + 1 more. Lots of other familiar faces too.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V3.3
Product ID: modvd-king3.3(7-8-9/72) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Lorraine Burnette has 1/2 FC, Joan Brinkman has 2 pg CF (The Bride pics). Brat Anderson has 2 full pg pics + others, Dean Ackerlund and Lillian Parker each have 2 full pg pics. Full pg pics of Rosina Revelle, Paula Page, Virginia Bell & Harriet Geller. Lots more.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V4.3
Product ID: modvd-king4.3(4-5-6/73 - same as v4 #2) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Nika Movenka has 2/3 FC + 2 full pg pics and 4 others. Lois Harmon and Shirley Bowman also have pics on FC - Lois has 5 more throughout book. Toby Wenig on BC + 1 full pg color pic (same as BC). Uschi Digard and Arlene Bell have full pg color pics, Laura Lynnwood and Billie Jo Wellman have full pg pics. Lots of familiar faces.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V5.3
Product ID: modvd-king5.3(7-8-9/74) - Big 64 pg issue with 8in color. Rosalie Strauss has FC + 1 full pg pic. Penny Ellington has 4 full pg pics and a couple of others, Danielle Dawson has 2 full pg pics and 5 more. Terry Jackman has 2 full pg color pics + 1 more. Roxanne Brewer has a full pg color pic + 2 more, Joan Brinkman has 2 full pg pics. Roberta Pedon, Nika Movenka & Ann Ali have full pg pics. Lots of other familiar faces in this one.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V6.1
Product ID: modvd-king6.1(1-2-3/75) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Good issue is loaded w/ familir faces, lots of full pg pics. Carol Charter has 2 full pg pics + 3 others, Toby Wenig has 2 full pg pics (1 color) + 5 others, Christine de Schaeffer has small pic on FC + 2 full pg pics (1 color) + 2 others, Shirley Bowman and Loretta - The Mystery Girl each have 2 full pg pics. Arlene Bell and Laura Lynnwood have full pg pics + others, Sylvia McFarland also has a full pg pic. Multiple pics of Dean Ackerlund, Heather (also has small pic on FC), Rosalie Strauss, Harriet Geller, Darla Hood and lots more!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Kingsize - V6.3
Product ID: modvd-king6.3(7-8-9/75) - Big 64 pg issue with 8 in color. Joyce Gibson has 2/3 FC. Clyda has 3 full pg pics (1 color) and others. Dyanne Thorne has 2 full pg pics + 6 others. Nika Movenka, Billie Jo Wellman and Heather each have 2 full pg pics (1 color) and others. Black model Debbie McGuire has 2 full pg pics and 5 others, Julia Winger has a full pg pic + 5 others, Lisa Matthews has a handful of pics, Candy Samples has 3 and Bonnie Locke has the BC.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - UK Ed - v1.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-UK1.3(1978) - This mag is a reprint of the American Edition v3 #4 w/ minor changes as listed below. Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. All solo pics, approximately 110 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-1.1(1975) - Fantastic first issue is 64 pgs of Roberta Pedon as 'Robin'. All solo Roberta, Approximately 150 photos, many 4 to a page, with 8 pgs in color - all full pg pics.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-1.2(7-8-9/75) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Nika Movenka as 'Betty'. All solo pics, approximately 150 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF in platinum blond wig. Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-1.3(1975) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Toby Wenig (aka Michelle Weiner) as 'Rhonda'. All solo pics, approximately 135 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v1.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n-1.4(1976) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Monica (aka Carla). Mostly solo pics, approximately 135 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v2.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-2.1(1976) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Laura Lynnwood as 'Adelle'. All solo pics, approximately 107 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v2.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-2.2(1976) - Entire 64 pg mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Ellen Silverman as 'Angela'. Mostly solo pics, approximately 120 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v2.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-2.3(1976) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Terry (Teresa) Jackman as 'Cynthia'. All solo pics (except for about 6 w/ other girls), approximately 105 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v2.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n-2.4(1977) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Star Murphy as 'Maureen'. All solo pics, approximately 95 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v3.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-3.11977 by Red Lion Pub Co. (PN) Big 56 pg issue is all Yum Yum as 'Denise'. On covers and for about 1/2 the mag she has black hair and for other half the more familiar blond hair. 1 set w/ another girl. A few dildo insertions.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v3.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-3.2(1977) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Denise DeLand as 'Vanessa'. Mostly solo pics (4 pgs w/ boyfriend and 4 pgs w/ another girl), approximately 85 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc a 4 pg detachable poster.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v3.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-3.31977 - Milk special Featuring "Mona's Fabulous Squirting Jugs" - Mona is Angel Cash. Big 56 pg issue w/ 8 in color. About 1/2 book solo, other half w/ various partners.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v3.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n-3.4(1978) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. All solo pics, approximately 110 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
This was reprinted in the UK as v1 #3 with the following changes. The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
This was reprinted in the UK as v1 #3 with the following changes. The picture on pg 4 of the American edition is now the FC and there is a different pic that does not appear in the American Edition on pg 4. The pub credits on page 2 are different. The 2 pgs of ads are different from the American Edition. The Back cover is blank - the American Edition has a full page photo on the BC. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v4.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-4.1(1978) - Marie Valois has FC + 30 pgs inc a color CF. Remainder of mag is misc pics inc Roberta Pedon (1 full pg pic and another 2/3 pg pic), Vicki Kennedy (1 full pg pic and another 1/2 pg pic), Alice Friedland & Loretta The Mystery Girl (each has full pg pic). Plus single pics of Nika Movenka, Rene Bond, Hannah Griffin, Terry Jackman, Doreen Courier and more.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v4.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-4.2(1978) - Entire mag, cover to cover, except for 2 pgs of ads and a full page pic of Hannah Griffin on the BC, is Candy Samples. All solo pics, approximately 85 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v4.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-4.3(1978) - Entire mag, cover to cover (except 2 pgs of ads and a BC photo of Lori Groneman) is Hannah Griffin (aka Hannah Viek) as 'Ursula'. All solo pics (except for 1 pic w/ boyfriend), approximately 115 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 999
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v4.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n4.4(1979) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Lori Groneman; Keli Stewart has BC. All solo pics, approximately 80 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v5.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-5.1(1979) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Keli Stewart as 'Irene', Seka has BC. All solo pics, approximately 75 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 995
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v5.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-5.21979 - AAE (PN). Big 56 pg issue is ALL Seka, all solo, except for a Sue Nero BC. Lots of full pg photos and 8 pgs of color inc 2 pg CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v5.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-5.3(1979) - Entire mag, cover to cover (3 pgs of ads), is Sue Nero as 'Cole', Roberta Pedon on BC. All solo pics, many full pg, approximately 55 in all w/ 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 1000
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v5.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n-5.4(1980) - Entire mag, cover to cover (2 pgs of ads), is Roberta Pedon as 'Robin O'Hare'. All solo pics, approximately 65 in all w/ lots of full pg pics and 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v7.1
Product ID: modvd-k&n-7.11981 - AAE (PN). Entire 48 pg mag is Mary Waters (as Melissa Ann) inc 8 pgs in color. Lots of full pg pics and great quality. Awesome! This mag was reprinted in 1987 as More Than A Handful v1 #2. The reprint has a different cover, inside FC and 3 pgs of ads. As a special bonus if you order either book we will include the 2nd cover & ad pgs (and therefore a whole 2nd book) at no charge.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v7.2
Product ID: modvd-k&n-7.21981 by AAE (PN) features Auburn Blake as 'Phyllis'. 48 pgs, all Auburn, all solo w/ 8 pgs of color. Very Nice!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 1000
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v7.3
Product ID: modvd-k&n-7.3(1982) - Entire mag, cover to cover (3 pgs of ads), is Uschi Digard. Nearly all solo pics, many full pg, approximately 100 in all w/ 8 pgs of color.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Knockers & Nipples - v8.4
Product ID: modvd-k&n-8.4(1983) - Entire mag, cover to cover (except 2 pgs of ads and 4 pgs of misc pics), is Bobbie Hall as 'Carla'. Mostly solo pics but about 10 pgs w/ Candy Samples, Uschi Digard & Angel Cash plus BC w/ Denise Deland. 8 pgs of color inc an excellent CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
More Sherri - V2 #1
Product ID: modvd-mosherri-v2.1(Spring, 1971 - RNS Pubs.) - Big 64 pg issue is all Uschi Digard. Mostly solo pics w/ lots of full pg photos. Last 20 pgs or so are supposed to be scenes from a movie and include other people - mostly 2 different guys, one at a time.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Night & Day Supermamas
Product ID: modvd-nidasuma-1.1v1 #1 - Spring 1974 is giant 100 pg issue loaded with your favorite girls! Beginning w/ Roberta Pedon FC in a pink nightie + 10 pgs of pics it also has a 9 pg feature on Roxanne Brewer inc a killer color CF. Mag finishes w/ 10 pgs of Uschi Digard as 'Ushi Winston'. In between are Carol Charter, Elaine Everette, Rosalie Strauss, Jamie Lynn and several other familiar faces. Classic!!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 989
Price: $9.95
Party Girls - V2 #3
Product ID: modvd-pargl-v2.31974 - Big 64 pg issue is ALL Terry Jackman (as 'Melanie'). Lots of full page photos, 8 pgs of color. Entire mag is Terry solo except for 2 separate 6 pg pictorials w/ girlfriend Marcia (in one they are both wearing blond wigs).
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Roberta Pedon Collection
Product ID: modvd-rpcoll6 magazines as shown - Big Bust Vixen v1 #3, Big Busty #6, Buf 1/82, Robin #1 and Sam #1 & 2 - all on 1 CD. An outstanding selection of 310 Images including over 100 full pg color pics.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $49.95
Robin - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-robin-v1.11974 (PN). Big 64 pg issue is ALL Roberta Pedon (no ads!). Great photos, lots of full pg pics and 8 pgs of color. Super Issue!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 982
Price: $9.95
Roxanne #1
Product ID: modvd-roxanne.1No date - ca 1976 by Golden State News (GSN). Entire 48 pg mag is all Roxanne Brewer solo. Lots of full pg pics plus 8 pgs in 'Electra Color'!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Sam - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-sam-v1.1No date but is late 1973 or early 1974 - No pub listed. Giant 64 pg issue is the first of several mags featuring Roberta Pedon. Whole book (except 2 pgs) is Roberta with tons of great pics inc many full pg and 8 pgs of color. Rare mag - Simply Outstanding!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 981
Price: $9.95
Sam - V1 #2 (Best of)
Product ID: modvd-sam-v1.21974 by Gallery Press Inc. Obvious follow-up to Sam #1 is again, all Roberta Pedon. This one is 48 pgs but half the book - 24 pgs - is in color! Over 40 full pg pics! Magnificent!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 984
Price: $9.95
Seka - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-seka-v1.1Any Way You Want Her. 1983 AAE (PN) Great 48pg mag is All solo Seka with 8 pgs of color. Front cover says 'Over 150 Photos' - Killer!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Seven Days of Sheri
Product ID: modvd-sheri-v1.2V1 #2 (10/69) by Marquis Pub. Big 64 pg issue is all Uschi! Lots of full pg pics and full nudes plus 8 pgs of color inc 2 pg CF.This is very early Uschi and classic material!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 992
Price: $9.95
Sheena - V1 #1
Product ID: modvd-sheena-1.1No Date - ca. 1978 - by Golden State News (GSN). Incredible book is only 32 pgs but is all Sylvia McFarland in blazing 'Electra Color'. Mostly full page photos, this one will knock your socks off!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 990
Price: $9.95
Sheri One More Time
Product ID: modvd-sheri-v1.4V1 #4 (1972 - is called Winter, 1973 issue) by Marquis Pubs. Another in this fantastic series of all Uschi books. This one has 48 pgs (4 pgs of ads) all solo Uschi with 8 color pgs inc a stunning 2 pg nude CF. Fabulous!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Product ID: modvd-swing1969 from Foto-Form Pubs. Is 32 pgs in Vivid 'Spectracolor'. Full page spread leg pin-ups. Covergirl is Dee Howard, Lillian Parker has 1 pg. Has a 2 pg article on topless bars/restaurants.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
The Big Ones #2
Product ID: modvd-tbo.2No date - mid 70s from GSN. Karen Brown has FC + 13 pgs as 'Suzanne Starr'. Roberta Pedon has BC + 13 pgs (2 in color) as 'Simone'. Geneva Lombardi has 11 pgs as 'Lori', Polly has 13 pgs, Abby has 6 pgs and Doreen has 5 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Tit Bangers - v1 #1
Product ID: modvd-titbangers-v1.1(1980 - AAE) - Big 64 pg mag w/ 16 in color! Mag starts w/ a 10 pg feature on Candy Samples inc pics w/ John Holmes. Then Candy & Uschi Digard take on black stud Johnny Keyes. Uschi has 11 pgs of solo pics and 4 more w/ Candy. Finale is another 3-way w/ Candy, Uschi & Johnny Keyes. VERY RARE
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95
Tit Queen Keisha
Product ID: modvd-tqkeisha1992 by AAE (PN). Special 32 pg issue is all color, all Keisha - Great stuff!
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Tits #1
Product ID: modvd-tits.1(No Date - c. 1975 - GSN) - Roberta Pedon has small pic on FC + inside FC + 6 pgs as 'Sam'. Elaine Everette has huge 17 pg feature. Vera (also has small pic on FC) has BC + 21 pgs.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95
Top Heavy #1
Product ID: modvd-topheavy.1(1972 - Phenix Pubs. Ltd.) - Fantastic Issue! Loaded w/ full pg photos, this is not the same old material that has been recycled 100 times. Most of this material I have not seen anywhere else. A Really outstanding magazine!
Teri Martine (as Terry Martini) has very nice FC + huge 14 pg pictorial. Uschi Digard has BC + 16 pgs! Michelle Angelo has a huge 14 pg feature (as 'Michelle Stoupman'). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has a killer 16 pg pictorial inc a dynamite CF on a white rug in front of a fireplace.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Teri Martine (as Terry Martini) has very nice FC + huge 14 pg pictorial. Uschi Digard has BC + 16 pgs! Michelle Angelo has a huge 14 pg feature (as 'Michelle Stoupman'). Carol Charter (aka Yvette Connor) has a killer 16 pg pictorial inc a dynamite CF on a white rug in front of a fireplace.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 993
Price: $9.95
Two Girls From Paris
Product ID: modvd-tgfpSept-Oct issue 1974 by Gallery Press is a big 64 pg issue featuring Sylvia McFarland and another unknown model named Mala. Sylvia has 1/2 FC + 31 pgs inc CF and BC too! Lots of great full pg pics. Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 994
Price: $9.95