Vicki Rein-p
Busty blond British model who appeared in numerous mags from about 1965 - 1968. Frequently under the alias Lili or Lilly Shan and easily recognized by her huge pile of long blond hair. Was in Debonair 12/66 (as Vicki James), Jaguar 11/66 (as Lottie Kaufman), Knight 7/67, Mr. 1/66 (as Lili Shan), Pix Fall, 1967 and Topper 6/65 (as Lilly Shan) & 8/65 (as Peggy Phillips)
aka Adele Rein, Vicki Doyle, Vicki Dee and others
aka Adele Rein, Vicki Doyle, Vicki Dee and others
Adam - v09 #09
9/65 - Covergirl is Gigike Zaheb, Vicky Rein has BC + 4 pgs inc CF. Jane Mason has inside FC + 2 pgs - she was CF of CAD 9/66 and WILDCAT 7/65, also Mamie van Doren article on legalized abortion w/ full pg pic of Mamie. Susie James has 4 pgs, Kathy Vers has 2 pgs and a 3 pg review of the Japanese nudie movie 'Gate of Flesh'. Fiction by John Faulkner 'Treasure Hunt' & Edmund Friday Locke 'The Whore That Stopped In Dexter' and Althea Currier Letters Column. FINE copy is extremely bright & glossy, barely touched. Has a small date stamp in upper left corner of FC and what looks like a clean crease on lower corner of BC is actually a wrinkle in the paper itself but is barely noticable. VG copy has been read a bit and has normal signs of wear, small thin spot on BC.
Adam Bedside Reader #23
Product ID: adam-bdrd.23f1966 - Vicky Rein has nice FC + small pic on BC, Janey Reynolds has a large 1 1/2pg pic. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 22 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Sharlene', Con Sellers 'A Walk In The Mountains' and W.E. Sprague 'Scapegoat'. Bright & glossy, some very light, almost invisible H2O marks along bottom edge, no stuck pages, last page of book is detached - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Adam Yearbook 1967
Product ID: adam-yrbk1967cAnother great issue packed w/ girls! Elba Serrano has FC + 6 pgs, Bonnie Clark has 7 pgs inc a 3 pg color foldout on the inside FC. Vivian Grant, Monique du Lac and Isabella Casano each have 5 pgs. Brandy Woods , Louise Lawson and Nanou Maury each have 4 pgs. Barbara Tosh has 3 pgs, Tina Gamwell has 2 pgs and Vicki Rein is on the BC. Plus fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'The Great Spotted Horned Cadillac'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, has a clean 2" tear at top of spine - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Caper - 1969-02
Product ID: capr1969-02cv13 #8 - Lots of girls! Vicki Rein has 3 pgs inc CF as 'Vicki Doyle', Selma Borg, Marlene Belmont, Windy Wales, Roxalind Rosett and Sin each have 3 pgs. A feature on ghoulie movies and 2 pgs of cartoons by Vic Martin 'Inferno' w/ Hell as the theme. Beautiful bright glossy FC, a few light stresses and what looks like a faint date stamp in upper left corner. Another date stamp in margin of BC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Carnival - 1965-11
Product ID: carn1965-11dv12 #4 - Covergirl Chris Williams also has 4 pgs, Vicki Rein has 4 pgs inc CF as 'Millie Shane'. Kathy Cousins has 4 pgs, Doris Divine has 3 pgs. Plus an article about showbiz tycoon Billy Rose and Con Sellers fiction 'And Pary For Rain'. Bright & glossy, small (less than 1/2") split at top of spine, light clean crease on bottom corner BC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Debonair - 1966-12
Product ID: debo1966-12cv3 #13 - Nora Allison has inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Vicki James (aka Vicki Rein) has BC + 4 pgs. Cathy Faye & Coronna Hardie share 4 pgs, Helena Vauratis has 2 pgs. Plus The Adventures of Sam Satan - a 4 pg B&W comic strip and lots more. Very nice, about Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Dude - 1969-11
Product ID: dude1969-11eCovergirl Linda also has 2 pgs. Girlfriends Ricky & Suzie share 5 pgs inc CF - pretty sure 1 is Vicki Rein. Gee Gentle, Gee Whiz and Liz Lintz each have 4 pgs and Honey Bee has 3 pgs. A feature on the zeppelin Hindenburg and an article about boxing's Negro immortals. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses, top right corner is soft, coupon cut from 1 pg (does not affect anything) - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Knight - v06.01
(7/67) Covergirl is Merlene Marrow. Carole Collins, Sharon Church, Susanne Stromberg, Nancy Kennedy and Vicky Rein have 4 pgs each, Sharon is also on BC. Also features on The Girls of the Crazy Horse Saloon (Paris) and London's Windmill theater. Bill Ward has a small 1/4 pg B&W cartoon. Harlan Ellison article 'Goodbye to the Girl of Easy Virtue'. Philip Jose Farmer's 'Blueprint For Free Beer' and Raymond Friday Locke short story 'Rachel Savage'.
Millionaire - 1964-08
v1 #3 has FC of Kitty Bussey on a yacht. Dodie Thompson has 7 pgs inc CF and Paula Angeles (aka Angelus - is Shirley Quimby?) has 3 pgs. Vickie Rein has 2 pgs as 'Ingrid Horstwig'. Vivian Gregg has a nice full pg color Pin-Up plus a couple of pages on the Girls of Australia. Also 1 pg on Pin-Up artist Walt Cook and a full pg illo. Feature articles on Surfing, Mazatlan - the Pearl of the Pacific, Peter Damon - the Cary Grant of Spain, and an African Safari. Fairly well read copy has a few small water spots on BC and is missing CF + 1 pg.
Modern Man - 1966-03
Product ID: modm1966-03dJayne Mansfield has outstanding FC + 2 big pgs. Bonita Dunn is CF, Dolls of the Month Paula King & Vicky James (is Vicki Rein) each have 3 pgs. Articles about How to win in Vegas, the great antique air race, stagecoaches, futuristic autos and sumo wrestling. Bright, shiny, strong VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $75.00
Mr - 1966-01
Product ID: mr1966-01dLili Shan (aka Vicki Rein) has foldout FC + 8 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Baroness Ingeborg von Hohenlohe has 5 pgs inc 2 pg foldout. Ursula Andress has 3 pgs and Lubi Lopez has 2 pgs. Con Sellers fiction 'The Bawdy Bath'. Article about Scotch whiskey. Clean bright white cover, VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Sir - 1966-01
Popular blond model 'Charlie' (aka Charlotte) Stewart has big 8 pg pictoiral inc 3 pg CF. Was covergirl last issue as 'Chario Stevens' w/ 4 pg pictorial. Vicky James (aka Vicky Rein) has 6 pgs inc 2 pg foldout and Ann Meyers (CF Of Nugget 4/63) has 2 pgs. Movie Review of 'The Love Statue', articles about the Koko Shastra (Indian marriage manual), Roger Vadim and his women inc pics of Jane Fonda, and President Sukarno if Indonesia. VG+ copy has a bit of light rubbing along spine, some stresses and a bump on bottom right corner. Good copy has some smudging on cover, light H2O marks along bottom edge small piece out of bottom edge near spine.
Sir Yearbook - 1966 Spring
Product ID: sir-yrbk1966-1dGood issue reprints lots of the best features from the previous year. Virginia Hauser has 1/2 FC + 4 pgs, other half of FC is girl in cowboy hat & boots w/ pistol in holster. Tonya Carina has 5 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Charlie (Charlotte) Stewart (was in 12/65 & 1/66) has 2 pgs, Louise Lawson, Virginia Slay and Vicky James (aka Vicky Rein) each have 4 pgs. Articles on the Sex Life of the Beatles, Hell's Angels in Laconia, NH, President Sukarno of Indonesia, the Koka Shastra & lots more. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses and a couple of light creases on bottom right corner of cover - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Topper - 1965-06
Dodie Thompson has 8 pgs inc CF, Vicki Rein has nice 8 pg feature + pic on BC as 'Lilly Shan'. Nadejda has 6 pgs w/ boyfriend. A big 9 pg feature 'Inside Vegas Dressing Rooms' w/ FC of showgirl Nelida. Bright, glossy copy.
Topper - 1965-08
Product ID: topp1965-08cCarol Doda has 6 excellent pages. A feature on SF strip clubs has 6 pgs inc a couple more of Carol. Claudia Cardinale has 3 pgs and Vicki Rein has 7 pgs as Peggy Phillips. Bright & glossy - FINE, has arrival date '7/3' written in upper right corner.