Kandi Barbour-p
#0274 - Water & Spice With Everything Nice
Product ID: 8mm-swed.0274s1979 - Stars Mike Ranger and a brunette. Kandi Barbour Box cover (same as #270 & 275). Super 8.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
#0275 - Tall & Short
Product ID: 8mm-swed.0275s1979 - A couple + Luis, the Midget. Kandi Barbour Box cover (same as #270 & 274). Super 8.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
1980 - Private Lives
Product ID: gall-spec1980ple20 Erotic True Experiences features stories w/ pics and illos. Big squarebound issue is 132 pgs. Kandi Barbour has 4 pics on 3 pgs, Keli Stewart, Marilyn Hammond & Lisa de Leeuw each have a 1 pg pic. Some normal wear but no serious defects - VG
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $10.00
1984-01 - The Pleasure Book
Covergirl Susie-Ann Watkins also has 2 pgs as 'Sylvie Roulet'. Susan Kohler & Greta Meyer each have big 10 pg pictorials and Susanne Henrik (aka Veronica Waters) has 3 pgs as 'Suzanne Killian'. Also Dynamic Duos - 5 diff 2-girl sets (2 pg each) inc Kandi Barbour & Shauna Grant w/ diff girlfriends. Bright & glossy but some light soiling along spine and rubbing on covers.
Adam Film World - v07.12
Product ID: adfiwo-v07.12d9/80 - FC has scenes from 'Bad Girl' starring Aimee Leigh and 'Nanci Blue' starring Kandi Barbour. Also reviews of both. A 5 pg article about Britt Ekland w/ pics, Interview w/ Candida Royalle, Serena in 2 pgs of pics from 'The First Convertible' and a Japanese film 'Sensual Sanctuary' w/ nuns in a convent - 4 pgs. Plus reviews of 'October Silk' - 6 pgs, 'National Lampoon's Frat House' - 4 pgs and 'F' - 4 pgs. Bright & glossy, minor spine stresses and small bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Australia - Exclusive #1
Product ID: aust-excl.1bNo Date - late 70s? A4 size w/ heavy stock covers. Kandi Barbour has 3 pgs (all color) as 'Fiona'. Angela has 5 pgs inc CF (pretty sure she was a CF in CLUB mag) and Francis Flanagan has 3 pgs. Very bright & glossy, nearly new - FINE+.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Blue Vanities #276
Product ID: vid-blvan2761996 - 2 hrs. Loops from the 70s & 80s -looks like all Swedish Erotica material. John Holmes, Jamie Gillis, Desiree Cousteau, Seka all have multiple scenes plus Kandi Barbour, Juliet Anderson (aka Aunt peg) and lots more.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Cheri - 1979-12
Kandi Barbour has 8 pgs as 'Virginia' w/ girlfriend Adelaine and Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 5 pgs as 'Oli'. A big 14 pg feature on the Miss Nude Galaxy Pageant from the Ponderosa Sun Club plus nude sky divers, mud wrestling and body painting. Hilda has 5 pgs and Cherry Bomb visits disco queen Gloria Gaynor.
Chic - 1979-11
Laurie Smith as 'Jennifer' has FC (eating watermelon) + 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Kandi Barbour & Paul Baressi have 8 pgs. A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 8 pgs and some poor girl w/ no name has 6 pgs. Articles about How Big Oil has Uncle Sam by the Balls, Millard Farmer (lawyer against the death penalty) and dirt track racing.
Club - Best of # 007
1979 - Regular size squarebound issue w/ 100 pgs. Model Directory #2 'featuring more than 100 women'. Pretty much 1 full pg pic for each girl. Many top models inc Kandi Barbour partial FC + 2 pgs from her pictorial of 4/79. Nancy Suiter has 1 pg. FINE copy is bright & glossy, very lightly read. VG copy has been handled a bit, some normal wear but no serious defects.
Dude - 1980-05
Product ID: dude1980-05bMisty has 6 pgs inc CF, Kandi Barbour has 6 pgs as 'Victoria'. Angel Cash has 5 pgs as 'Patsy'. Babs (shaving) and Ann O'Hara each have 5 pgs, Mae has 4 pgs. Article about detective doctors - medical examiners. Also 'Glenn & Carol At Niagara Falls' - a 4 pg B&W comic strip and 'Smiley & The Lesbians Go To Mars' a 1 pg color comic strip by Otis Sweat. TINY bump on bottom right corner otherwise NEW - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Easyriders - 1979-04
Product ID: eard1979-04dIssue #70 - Kandi Barbour has FC + 4 pgs. Bright & shiny, lightly read - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Gallery - 1979-04
v7 #5 - Covergirl & Girl Next Door Suzan L has 6 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. Sexy Kandi Barbour has 6 great pgs (as Judy Warren), Veronique Maugarski has 4 pgs as 'Heidi Renk'. Plus a 7 pg feature on 'Nocturna, Dracula's Granddaughter' starring Nai Bonet. Int. w/ Flo Kennedy. Articles about IRS audits, The Kent State Massacre and our crumbling highway bridges. Tetra - Sci-fi comic. Light wear, VG+
Genesis - 1979-07
Helle Kjaer has 13 pgs inc CF as 'Vanessa Devlin'. Kandi Barbour has 10 pgs as 'Colleen', Jessica Farr has 8 pgs and Pilar Ferrano has 7 pgs. Interview w/ legendary rocker Jerry Lee Lewis. A feature on Elvis impersonators and an article about baseball player Ross Grimsley.
High Society - 1982-06
Covergirl Chrissy also has 9 pgs inc CF. Kandi Barbour has 7 pgs, Annie Ample also has 7 pgs. Rachel Ashley has 7 pgs as French maid 'Michelle' and Cara Lott has 6 pgs w/ Rick Cassidy(?). Bridget & Elke each have 5 pgs and a pair of anonymous girls share 9 pgs. Article about camera man/director Larry Revene.
Knave - 1983-11
Product ID: knav1983-11cGreat Issue w/ Cover to Cover Porn Stars! Anna Ventura has FC + 3 pgs, Danielle Martin has 7 pgs inc CF. Kandi Barbour, Serena, Susanna Britton (aka Barbara Peckinpaugh) and Sylvia Benedict (as 'Ullie') each have 5 pgs. Leslie Bovee has 4 pgs plus a 4 pg comparison of Sue Nero & Lisa de Leeuw. Lee Carroll has 4 pgs w/ Kevin James, Mai Lin has 3 pgs w/ Ron Jeremy, Tawny Pearl & Cheri Champagne each have 4 pgs w/ unknown actors. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, minor stress on BC - FINE/FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Nugget - 1981-04
Product ID: nugg1981-04bCovergirl is Sian Adey-Jones. Sandy (pretty sure this is Tina Louise) and boyfriend Mike (Ranger) have 6 pgs inc CF. Kandi Barbour shares 4 pgs w/ blond girlfriend Julie and Margaret Wallace has 6 pgs as 'Carmen', Janie and a pair of female hockey players each have 5 pgs. Valerie & Lynn (Parkes?) each have 4 pgs. Louise & Marla catfight part 2 - 6 pgs. Nancy Suiter on BC in ad for 8mm movie. An article about the 'Profits of Doom' inc Howard Ruff. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Oui, Oui, Pussy
Product ID: vid-ouioui1990The French Connection - 1990 from Home Ent. Plus - 1 hr. Has Kandi Barbour box covers (front & back) but NOT in film. Unusual flick is series of unconnected scenes all of which take place in a very large, very old French cemetary. All European cast? w/ French dialog.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Partner - 1980-01
Margot Kidder has FC + 4 pgs. TV star Phyllis Davis has 4 pgs and Elizabeth Ray has 2 pgs. Lana has 7 pgs inc CF & Kandi Barbour has 3 pgs. Randy & Faye have 8 pgs, Lizzie has 7 pgs and Miriam has 4 pgs. Interview w/ Kenneth Anger (author of Hollywood Babylon).
Partner - 1980-03
Covergirl Missy Moore also has 7 pgs. Kandi Barbour has a nice 6 pg pictorial, Seka has 8 pgs. Senta Folde (aka Ming-May Ford) has 7 pgs in CF, Tara Alexander (86 man gang bang) has 3 pgs. Girlfriends Rowena & Jane share 5 pgs, Mary Hays & Katy Kaylan each have 3 pgs. Good 4 pg feature on celebrity nudes has full pg of Ursula Andress plus pics of Barbara Bouchet, Anita Ekberg, Britt Ekland, Carroll Baker & Charlotte Rampling. Plus a 3 pg feature on the San Francisco Hooker's Ball.
Partner - Sex Stars v1
1981 - GREAT ISSUE!!!! Tanya (Charlie's Angels) Roberts has FC + 3 pgs. Ali McGraw has 5 pgs inc CF. Dyan Cannon and Sally Struthers each have 5 pgs . Brigitte Bardot, Shirley MacLane and Sophia Loren each have 3 pgs. Joanne Latham has 4 pgs. Tami Roche and Kandi Barbour each have 6 pgs. Carol Doda and Ken Stabler have 5 pgs. Lots more! For complete listings click on photo to see contents page. These are all extremely bright & glossy, basically NEW copies with very minor flaws from handling. FINE copy has a bit of light rubbing on spine.
Pub - 1983-02
v6 #8 - Covergirl Britt Erickson has big 9 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Bridgette'. Kandi Barbour has nice 5 pg set. Feature on Celeb Sex Symbols w/ 1 pg each (2 pics) of Bo Derek, Joan Collins, Barbie Benton, Maude Adams, Margaux Hemingway. Mag has 1983 calendar w/ nearly full pg pics of Kandi, Seka, Michelle Bauer, Laurie Armbrust, Cookie Conrad and 7 more CF girls. Also several 2-girl sets and loads of other babes. Very bright & glossy, light stress lines from stacking - FINE
Rejects # 003
1979 - Big 100 pg edition is virtually all pics w/ 14 diff pictorials including Kandi Barbour who has 8 outstanding pages inc CF as 'Candy'. Mag also has 1 pg bios of the featured photographers - James Baes, Clive McLean, Suze Randall & Matti Klatt. FINE copy is Very bright & glossy, barely touched. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few stresses.
Sir - 1981-06
Product ID: sir1981-06cCovergirl Britt also has 6 pgs, Cynthia has 5 pgs inc CF. Kandi Barbour has 6 pgs as 'Corinna', Jill Russo has 5 pgs as 'Randy'. Dawn has 6 pgs, Safra has 5 pgs and Missy has 4 pgs. Plus a 5 pg movie review of 'Games Women Play'. Basically new, some faint vertical white lines on cover (from the printing process) and a bit of rubbing near spine - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Stag - 1980-04
Product ID: stag1980-04bv31 #4 has Lisa de Leeuw FC + big 9 pg pictorial inc CF. Karine Gambier has 5 pgs as 'Ingrid'. Kandi Barbour begins monthly 'Letters' column as Nora - has 4 small pics. Plus 2 pgs on Tara Alexander (83 man gang bang at Plato's), a features on the Premiere Party for the movie 'Ecstasy Girls' and an Interview w/ pics of Madam Susan Kenton. Articles on getting laid in LA, traffic radar and copy who kill. Super sharp, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Stag - 1981-02
v32 #2 - FC has Marilyn Hammond sucking a spiral shaped lollipop - same photo shoot as Knave 3/80. Bar Barella has 9 pgs inc CF. Polly has 5 pgs. Kandi Barbour Letters column now has 1 full pg photo + smaller pics. Movie review of 'Olympic Fever' starring Seka and Serena. Pittsburgh's Casino Royalle featuring Sausay London, Stag's Angels Mac & Mandy (Cody Nicole & Terry Pepper) in Santa Fe - 7 pgs and an Interview w/ country music's Glaser Brothers. FINE copy is bright & glossy, lightly read. VG copy has soft corner at bottom of spine, some wear along bottom edge.
Stag - 1981-03
v32 #3 - is loaded! Veri Knotty has 11 pgs inc CF w/ female sailor. Candy Samples & Sylvia Wright share 7 pgs w/ Stag's Angels Mandy (Terry Pepper) Connie & Ellen. Kandi Barbour (as Nora) has Letters Column w/ 1 full pg pic and several smaller ones. Vanessa del Rio Interview w/ 3 pgs pics - nice! Sue Nero also has 3 pgs. The Cutthroats (rock band) w/ Gina Harlow. FINE++ copy is NEW! FINE+ copy has small stress near spine.
Stag - 1981-10
Product ID: stag1981-10cv32 #10 - Stag Angel Tanya has FC + 8 pgs inc CF. Michelle Bauer shares 7 pages w/ girlfriend. Stag's Angels Mandy (Terry Pepper), Tanya & Robin in San Diego - 7 pgs and also at Gilleys Bar - 5 pgs. An Interview w/ porn producer Svetlana w/ lots of pics. A 3 pg feature on Boobs has a full pg pc of Yum Yum plus 2 more, 2 pics of Roxanne Brewer and others. Kandi Barbour Letters column w/ pics. Long feature on body painting. Mag contains a 16 pg 'Screw' mini-mag at center of book. Complete with bonus insert still attached. Light scuffing on BC o/w new - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Stag - 1982-11
Product ID: stag1982-11av33 #11 - Tipi Rocks has FC + 7 pgs inc CF as 'Wendy'. Rachel Ashley has 7 pgs w/ a rifle, Copper Penny & Kevin James have 6 pgs. Kandi Barbour has 2 pgs w/ contest winner plus 1 more full pg pic w/ letters col. Also Miss Nude Canada Contest, an article on Poker and an Interview w/ Arnold Schwarzenegger inc a full pg pic as Conan. Another absolutely new copy - FINE++
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Stag - 1983-08
v34 #8 - Kandi Barbour has FC + 4 pg Interview w/ pics and usual letters column. Candy Samples has 6 pgs, Jacqueline Lorians also has 6 pgs as 'Tammy'. A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 7 pgs inc CF, Randy West & girlfriend (Barbara Peckinpaugh?) have 6 pgs and The Mr. Nude Trucker contest from Naked City, IN. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg color cartoon. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Stag - Erotic Series - v3 #4
Product ID: stag-ersr-v3.4c7-8/82 - 'Porn Stars' - Excellent FC of Danielle Martin. Kandi Barbour has 7 pg Interview w/ pics, Long Jean Silver has 7 pgs as a pirate w/ a captive sailor. Plus Mistress Candace and her slave girl, an 8 pg feature on Loop Queens with some nice pics and a movie review of 'Luscious'. Also an Interview w/ Fred Lincoln, a profile of camera man Larry Revene and the 1981 adult film critics awards. Tiny corner bumps, beautiful shiny black cover - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - 1979-08
Kandi Barbour has FC + 10 exceptional pages inc CF as 'Darla'. Helle Kjaer has 8 pgs as 'Kim Green', Karole Kent has 7 pgs and girlfriends Jan & Jill share 5 pgs. Interview w/ porn star Marlene Willoughby. An article 'The Cancer Cover Up' about radiation hazards, a feature on the Baja 1000 and The Mants' - 3 pg color comic strip by Bob Aull. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, basically NEW w/ a TINY bump on top left corner of BC. FINE copy is bright & glossy, lightly read.
Swank - 1980-02
Kandi Barbour returns w/ 11 fantastic pages inc CF as 'Darla'. Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 7 pgs as 'Randi', girlfriends Lissette & Barrie share 7 pgs and Dusty has 5 pgs (she had 9 pgs in 11/79 as Charlene 'Charlie' Blake). Interview w/ Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione and 'The Mants' - 3 pg color comic strip by Bob Aull. Magazine is in great condition, appears new, 1/4" split at top of spine - FINE+. Fine copy is bright & glossy, minor stress eaar spine
Swank - Best Of - 1981, Winter
Product ID: swan-bo-v02.01bv2 #1 - Kandi Barbour has 8 gorgeous pgs inc CF as 'Darla' - same as 8/79. Gina Kirkendall, Cheryl (Covergirl of 10/79) and girlfriends Lisette & Barrie each have 6 pgs. R.J. Fair and Trish Dupont (CF of 10/79) each have 5 pgs. An Interview w/ basketball star Bob McAdoo and an article about corruption on Capitol Hill. Extremely bright & glossy, very clean white cover, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $25.00
Swank - Erotic Series - v03.03
Product ID: swan-ersr1982-03b1982-03 - 'Super Girls'. Another good issue that is nearly all pics featuring a bunch of girls with only 1 name. Kandi Barbour partial FC + 7 pgs. Angie Lyn (the girl on the cover wearing red shades) has 5 pgs as 'Randi'. Debra Lee Johnson has 7 pgs as 'Janus'. Wendy (the girl on the cover w/ a wrench) has 7 pgs, Sheila and Angie each have 7 pgs, Girlfriends Diane & Elaine share 7 pgs and Jenny has 5 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Female Fantasies - v2.2
Product ID: swan-femfan-v2.2c1981-03. Mag is 1/2 stories and letters w/ illustrations and 1/2 pictorial features. Kandi Barbour has FC only. Loni Sanders has 7 pgs (the cowgirl in blonde wig photo set) and Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 7 pgs as 'Sally'. Joni Flynn and girlfriend share 7 pgs and girlfriends Vikki & Lorraine have 7 pgs. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Swank - Gold Press - v01.05
Product ID: swan-gopr-v0.05b1982-11 - "Centerspread Girls". Mag has 10 diff girls who only have 1 name. Muffin has 6 pgs inc CF. Mei Ling (aka Jenny Kim) and girlfriend share 10 pgs in a sauna, Kandi Barbour has 8 pgs, Nicole Black has 6 pgs as 'PJ'. Serena (NOT that one) has 8 pgs, Debbie (was Covergirl & CF of Stag 10/81), Cathy, Laura and Angie each have 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Swank - Special - v04.01
1/80 - "Sensual Women". Mag is basically all pics of 12 girls with only single names - several familiar faces in this one. Covergirl is Joanne Latham, Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has BC + 10 pgs as 'Helene'. Kandi Barbour has 8 pgs as 'Darla' and Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 10 pgs as 'Lauren'. Loretta & Connie each have 10 pgs, Francie James and Janice each have 8 pgs, Sonja, Mercedes, Samantha and girlfriends Francoise & Mimi each have 6 pgs.
Very bright & glossy, minor stresses on spine and corners - VG++
Very bright & glossy, minor stresses on spine and corners - VG++
Swank - Wall Calendar 1981
Product ID: swan-wcal19818 1/2" x 11" w/ 28 pgs - a 1 pg photo & 1 pg datepad for 13 months (12/80 thru 12/81) plus covers. Laurie Smith has FC + Sept. Other girls featured are Kandi Barbour, Nancy Suiter, Valerie Clark and Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley. Very bright & glossy, nearly new - FINE/FINE+
Number in Stock: 3
Price: $15.00