Sheila Grayson-p
She was CF of MODERN MAN 9/66 as Judy Paradise and had FC + CF of MODERN MAN the following month (10/66) as Julie Paradise - it says they are the same in the mag. Also appeared as June Ling in FOLLIES 5/71 and Carol in NIGHT & DAY 3/72 (nice 8 pg feature).
There is also a model from the same time frame who looks very similar but always appeared w/ her hair in braids. She was covergirl w/ pictorial of MODERN MAN 4/66 as Trippi Skepington. She appeared in numerous mags but always under a different name (was CF of ROGUE 11/66 as Stephanie Hallow). I've been told this is the same girl as Sheila Grayson/Dorinda Bernard but have no conclusive evidence so I have kept those listings separate. Please see listings under Trippi Skepington for the girl w/ braids.
Knight Epic
Product ID: knig-spec-epicdv5 #9 (11/66) - Monica Vitti has a 4 pg feature from the film Modesty Blaise, Denien Novak has 4 pgs, Michelle Frazier on BC + 6 pgs, Shaina Stevens has 4 pgs, Tammy Wall and Isa Mayer each have 3 pgs and Sophie Rieu has 2 pgs. Also a Harlan Ellison short story "Ladybug, Ladybug" and an article about Lycanthropy.
v5 #10 (1/67) - Susan Denberg has 2 pgs. French actress Veronique Vendell has BC + 7 pgs. Kathy Crofoot in a 4 pg movie review. Heidi Jensen (Covergirl of 11/66) has 6 pgs, Dominique St. Joseph has 5 pgs and Alexia Hunt has 4 pgs. Harlan Ellison article about teenyboppers. Article on Shakespeare the 'Bawdy Bard'.
v5 #11 (3/67) - Dorinda Bernard (aka Sheila Grayson) has 4 pgs, Terry Graham also has 4 pgs as 'Tisha Graham', Tami Hall has 5 pgs, Tiffany Lund and Ghislaine Valence each have 4. An Interview w/ auto racer Stirling Moss plus a Harlan Ellison article 'His Systematic Castration', a Theodore Sturgeon short story "The Clinic" and Philip Jose Farmer short story "The Blind Rowers".
White covers a little gray - VG+