William Saroyan
Ace - 1959-12
Product ID: ace1959-12dDoris Gohlke has FC + 4 pgs. Dawn DeMille (aka Dawn Danielle), Jacqueline Petit and Mary Rogers each have 3 pgs and Karen (aka Cara) Dodge has 2 pgs. Gloria de Winter on inside FC, Shirley Skates has a nice full pg pic and Maria Stinger has a couple of pics. Articles about William Saroyan and ribald phonograph records plus Ted Mark fiction 'Sex Is a Green Horse'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, small number '30' written on top right corner of cover - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Cavalier - 1963-05
Sara Summers has a big 9 pg feature inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Special 'Paris' Issue has a Front Cover painting + 3 pgs of other paintings by French artist Jean-Gabriel Domergue. Also 6 pg pictorial features on 'The Young Man's Paris' & St. Tropez. Articles about actor Robert Morse, actress Jean Seberg and the Place Pigalle. A William Saroyan short story 'Last Night' and Mark Twain's 'Letter From The Earth'. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read, has what appears to be a date stamp on top left corner of FC (Hard to see). Good copy has some normal wear and 'rippling' on covers from moisture but no stains or stuck pgs.
Escapade - 1957-07
v2 #9 - Another good issue full of girls. Jill St. John has FC + 2 pgs. Dana Craig is the CF and Sophia Loren also has 2 pgs. Plus fiction by William Saroyan 'A Favor for a Friend', an article about Vodka and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood.
Escapade - 1958-04
v3 #3 - Lili St Cyr has 5 fabulous pgs inc CF - all in color! Pat Parker has 2 pgs as 'Domino'. Pictorial features on London, The Lido in Paris, Greenwich Village, and skydiving. Fiction by Thomas Wolfe 'April, Late April' and William Saroyan 'Harry' plus an article about Bullfights being fixed.
Escapade - 1959-02
v3 #8 - Classic FC of Carol Hill sitting on a conga drum against a blue sky. She also has a very nice 4 pg pictorial. Donalda Jordan is on the inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Features on Paris and an anonymous 'Snow Girl'. Plus an article about boxer Floyd Patterson and a William Saroyan short story 'Hello Out There'. Escapade visits the Univ. of Texas.
Gallery - 1973-01
Covergirl is Rebecca Shaw, Sheila Ryan has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Big 12 pg feature on The Girls of Bluebeard starring Richard Burton has 1 pg ea Raquel Welch, Virni Lisi and Karin Schubert and 2 pgs ea. Joey Heatherton & Sybil Danning. Interview w/ former UN Secretary General U Thant. Robert Bloch fiction 'How Crime Flies' and William Saroyan 'A Good Old Country Girl For Charley'. Articles about author Gay Talese, race driver Emerson Fittipaldi, Elton John, Charlie Chan, Cheech & Chong and B.B. King.
Hi-Life - 1958-03
Product ID: hili1958-03ev1 #1 has a nice 3 pg feature on Kim Novak w/ 8 pics. Lois Collins on FC + 4 pgs, Didi Roberts has 2 pgs (she is also in 3/59). Fiction by William Saroyan 'Earth, Day, Night, Self' and Guy de Maupassant 'Madame Teller's Excursion'. Articles on Jazz and Bullfighting plus 1 pg of jokes by Art Paul. Slight wear, very glossy, nice VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Nugget - 1956-05
v1 #3 - Diana Dors FC in mink bikini + Inside FC, inside BC + 3 pgs. Fiction by William Saroyan 'A Glass of Water', William F. Nolan 'The Beautiful Doll Caper' and Anton Chekov 'The Boa-Constrictor and the Rabbit'. Feature article about London and another about skiing.
Nugget - 1963-06
Sharon Lee has 4 pgs inc CF on a yacht, Baby Doll Lesley (dancer at Paris' Crazy Horse Saloon) has 5 pgs. William Saroyan article 'The Art of Superior Inferiority' plus articles about Americans love of automobiles, gay rights crusader Randolfe Wicker and sleazy paperbacks. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some light rubbing along spine and bump on upper right corner.
Rogue - 1963-04
Product ID: rogu1963-04bMarian Robinson has 5 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF and Dani Dior has 3 pgs. A 3 pg feature on the 'new' waitress and the sci-fi 'Girls of Planet Earth' have 2 pgs. Plus an Ian Fleming article 'Dr. Lobo of Macau', William Saroyan fiction 'Decision on the 19,131st Day', Rogue's Mother Goose and a 1 pg column by Robert Bloch. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Rogue - 1963-06
Product ID: rogu1963-06cDonna Hannebury has 5 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Nice 5 pg feature on French poster artist M. Brenot w/ lots of pics and a bizarre 5 pg feature 'Supergal Comics' w/ photos of a topless model in a comic book background. An article on movie director John Huston, an Interview w/ author Joseph (Catch-22) Heller, William Saroyan fiction 'My Back to the World' and a 1 pg column by Robert Bloch. Very bright & glossy, clean white cover, a couple of very minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Rogue - 1964-01
Product ID: rogu1964-01dJazz Spectacular Issue with several articles and features inc one on John Coltrane, another on jazz musicians and dope. Nina Forrest has 9 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Lori Shea has 3 pgs and Jocelyn has 2 pgs. Also an article about Tijuana, Mexico by William Saroyan. Bright & glossy, some minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Rogue - 1964-08
Gabrielle Monique (really) has 6 pgs inc 3 pg color foldout CF. Kathy Crofoot has 5 pgs and an article about June Wilkinson w/ some pics. An article about the SNCC - Student Nonbviolent Coordinating Committee and another article about beer around the world. Plus a 3 pg pictorial feature on artist/sculptor Richard Hunt and fiction by William Saroyan 'The California Cap and the New York Hat'. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, some minor stresses near bottom of spine on BC. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and minor corner bumps. VG copy has some spine stresses and bump on top right corner.
Scamp - 1957-11
v1 #4 - Dolores Reed has FC + 2 pgs. Sheila Patrick has 4 pgs inc color CF. Arlene Stevens, Sheila Rudy, Barbara Barrett and Chris Starr each have 2 pgs inc full pg color Pin-ups on glossy paper. Tamar Benamy has 3 pgs, inside BC is Jean Jani. Also fiction by William Saroyan 'Trio', Paris showgirls and an article about Burlesque w/ pics of Judy Murray. Plus a 3 pg feature on the new Winchester .458 elephant gun with Laura Raymond. Good copy has light H2O marks in lower left corner throughout, rusty staples, no stuck pgs.