Jack Leynnwood
Caper - Annual 1960
Product ID: capr-ann1960cfmJune Wilkinson has sexy FC! Melody Ward has 3 pgs. Vicki Champion and Nancy Kirsten each have 5 pgs, Tanya Corette has 4 pgs. Lori Shea, Lois Collins and French actress Michile Simon each have 2 pgs. A 3 pg feature on girls with odd first names inc 1 pic of Tempest Storm. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood, articles about The Irving - London's Naughtiest Nite Spot and gambling - 'How to Beat the House' by Wilbur Clark. Fiction by Nelson Algren 'A Bottle of Milk For Mother'. A bit of normal wear, small bump at bottom of spine - Nice VG, but CF is missing!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Escapade - 1956-11
Product ID: escp1956-11dv2 #2 - Anonymous showgirl on FC. Dane Arden has a 3 pg pictorial and Rhoda also has 3 pgs. Plus a vagguely familiar blond has 6 pgs inc CF. Jack Leynnwood has a full pg color illo. Articles about Absinthe and Storyville in New Orleans. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 4
Price: $25.00
Escapade - 1956-12
v2 #3 - Issue has very unusual Marilyn Monroe double exposure CF/Calendar. Lilith has 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood and an article about band leader Stan Kenton.
Escapade - 1957-01
v2 #4 - Covergirl is Pat Sheehan - future Playboy Playmate of 10/58. Greta Thyssen has nice 3 pg feature by Russ Meyer. Sue Van Orden has 4 pgs inc CF and Margo Strange has 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood and a Shell Scott short story 'Too Many Girls' by Richard Prather.
Escapade - 1957-02
v2 #5 - Covergirl Nikki Gibson also has 4 pgs inc CF. Actress Lori Nelson has 2 pgs, Terry Cintron also has 2 and Diane Webber has a pic on the inside BC. Also Belgian showgirls and sexy valentines. Plus humor by P.G. Wodehouse 'Bring on the Fiends' and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood
Escapade - 1957-03
v2 #6 - Another Pat Sheehan FC? Coreen Rodella has 3 pgs inc CF, Kim Novak has 2 pgs inc a very nice full pg close-up. Dana Craig has 1 pg and Dane Arden has a pic on inside BC. Also Jack Leynnwood has a full pg color illo plus articles on Poker, Bongo Drums and Toots Shore.
Escapade - 1957-06
v2 #8 - Good issue w/ lots of girls. Pat Sheehan has nice color CF in black negligee. Ann Peters, Zahra Norbo and Joan Collins each have 2 pgs. Also a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood, a feature on record album art and a preview of the '57 baseball pennant race (last season before teams moved West). There is also an article on the latest men's fashions w/ 2 pgs of pics of a very young Clint Eastwood all dressed up!
Escapade - 1957-07
v2 #9 - Another good issue full of girls. Jill St. John has FC + 2 pgs. Dana Craig is the CF and Sophia Loren also has 2 pgs. Plus fiction by William Saroyan 'A Favor for a Friend', an article about Vodka and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood.
Escapade - 1957-12
v3 #1 - Now on a bimonthly pub schedule by Bruce Pub. Corp. Brigitte Bardot has 3 pgs of pics, Anita London has 4 pgs, Marion Moore has 6 pgs inc CF, Miss USA Charlene James has 2 pgs and an anonymous cat girl (pretty sure this is Tura Satana) has 4 pgs. Also fiction by Arthur C. Clarke 'Patent Pending' and Nelson Algren 'A Bottle of Milk for Mother' plus an article about Wyatt Earp and a full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood.