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Tennessee Williams

Dude - 1956-08

Dude - 1956-08

v1 #1 - This classic issue features Brigitte Bardot with 4 memorable pages. Jayne Hacklin has 4 pgs inc a 2 pg foldout CF. Plus a feature on the Vigeland Scupture Park in Oslo, Norway and fiction by Erskine Caldwell 'Bud Perry's First Wife' and Tennessee Williams 'The Field of Blue Children'.

  • Quantity:

Escapade - 1956-04

Escapade - 1956-04

Product ID: escp1956-04e
v1 #7 - Good issue has a nice 3 pg feature on Lili St. Cyr, a Vivian Maledy CF posing as an artist and a 5 pg portfolio of photos by Andre de Diennes. Also fiction by Erskine Caldwell 'Strawberrry Season' and Tennessee Williams 'The Important Thing'.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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