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Jack Kerouac

Escapade - 1959-06

Escapade - 1959-06

v3 #10 - Brigitte Bardot has unusual wrap-around FC that is close up of her kissing Alain Delon. Also an article w/ pics inc a beautiful full pg color portrait. Brigitte Baum is on the inside FC + 6 great pgs inc CF. (Diana) Carol Baker & Marilyn Wesley have 4 pgs of beach shots by Russ Meyer and Karen has 2 pgs.. Also a short story by Earle Schell 'Mousetrap' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac. Article on credit cards and a visit to the Univ. of Minnesota. VG++ copy has gorgeous glossy FC, small tear at top of spine on back - first glance is awesome!!

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Escapade - 1959-10

Escapade - 1959-10

Product ID: escp1959-10e
v4 #2 - Covergirl is Marley Sanderson. Rene La Salle has a big 7 pg feature inc CF. Shannon Colby has the inside FC + 2 pgs, Junior Stewart has 4 pgs and a pictorial of Fire Island Beach Chicks. Articles about Casey Stengle, Jazz musician Tony Scott and Paris' Olympia Press. Plus a Connie Sellers short story 'Walk A Certain Way' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
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Escapade - 1959-12

Escapade - 1959-12

v5 #1 - Millicent Rand has FC + 2 pgs. Very nice 5 pg pictorial of Sheika Moser inc a color CF by Keith Bernard. Freddie Robbins has 4 pgs and the Croft Twins (Leila & Valerie) have 3 pgs. Also a 2 pg photo of Pat Conley by Frank Bez. An article about Alaska - the last frontier, Escapade visits the Univ. of Miami and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac.

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Escapade - 1960-02

Escapade - 1960-02

v5 #2 - Lynn Chandler has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Eve Eden on inside FC + 4 pgs. Claire Gordon has 2 pgs. A short story by P.G. Wodehouse 'From a Detective's Notebook' plus a 1 pg article by Jack Kerouac. Escapade visits the Univ. Of Hawaii and articles about Billie Holiday, Colt Pistols and Packard autos. Mag has an unusual 32 page, 5 1/2" x 7" cartoon booklet at center of magazine. VG copy has no booklet.

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Escapade - 1960-04

Escapade - 1960-04

Product ID: escp1960-04d
v5 #3 - Covergirl Beverly Bennett also has 4 pgs. Betty Magowan has nice full pg pin-up on inside FC + 5 pgs inc CF. Joan Bradley has 4 pgs. A short story by Jack Ritchie 'Fly By Night' and Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column on Berlin. Escapde visits Ohio State Univ. and articles about Hockey bad boy Lou Fortunato and New Orleans' Storyville.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
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Escapade - 1960-06

Escapade - 1960-06

Product ID: escp1960-06e
v5 #4 - Has a great full pg pin-up of Julie Newmar on inside FC - she also has a 3 pg feature. Monica March has 5 pgs inc CF and Janice Sable has 2 pgs. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column, Escapade visits McGill Univ and a good feature on the Grand Canyon. Plus an article about the Decline & Fall of Greenwich Village.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
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Escapade - 1960-08

Escapade - 1960-08

v5 #5 - Covergirl is Nadine Ducas. German actress Barbara Valentin has a 3 pg feature, Carole (=Sunny?) Dean has 4 pgs and Geri Marmor has 6 pgs inc CF. Also a short story by Isaac Asimov 'Let's Get Together' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac. Escapade visits the Univ of Michigan and a feature on the 1960 Olympics in Rome.

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Escapade - 1960-10

Escapade - 1960-10

v5 #6 - Perennial favorite Pat Sheehan has another FC. Marli Renfro has 6 big pgs inc CF and Laura Vickers has 3 pgs. Features on the Formula One at Sebring, St. Tropez and 2 pgs of French postcards. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column.

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Escapade - 1960-12

Escapade - 1960-12

v6 #1 - Dondi Penn has FC + 4 pgs, Joy Laine on inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Highlight of issue is 4 pg pictorial of Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on Star Trek) partially reproduced in Celebrity Skin & Celebrity Sleuth. A 3 pg feature on the show that shocked Paris 'Songs of Bilitis' w/ Nadine Tallier. The Big Bear Motorcycle Race and college humor mags. Also a short story by Terry Southern 'Guy Grand's Magic', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac and Escapade visits the Univ. of Washington.

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Escapade - 1961-04

Escapade - 1961-04

Product ID: escp1961-04d
v6 #3 - Features Miss Copenhagen, Helle Wingsoe (aka Annette Casir) on inside FC + 4 pgs. Anne has 6 pgs inc CF, Carol Lynn has 4 pgs and Paulette Nelson has 3 pgs on a trampoline. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Flash Flood', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac, Cliff diving in Mexico and a visit to Rice Univ.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
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Escapade - 1967-01

Escapade - 1967-01

v12 #1 - Features Wende Wagner (The Green Hornet's Gal Friday)  FC + 4 pgs. Lucky Wynn has 5 pgs inc CF. Mamie Van Doren has 1 pg. Also a 5 pg pictorial on a party in London w/ several pics of  Nicky Stevens. A very long feature on UFOs, another about photographer Ed Alexander and Escapade climbs the Matterhorn. Jack Kerouac has a 1 pg column. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has a light vertical stress across cover about 2" in from right edge and small bump at top of spine. VG copy has some rubbing along spine on both covers and small writing at top of FC.

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Nugget - 1959-08

Nugget - 1959-08

Issue #25 has long feature on the 10 best girls from previous issues inc June Blair, Fay Spain, Vikki Dougan, Cheryl Kubert, Elsa Martinelli and 5 others. Darby Donnelly on inside BC. Jack Kerouac fiction 'The Electrocution'.

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Oui - 1973-01

Anne Jones has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF (w/ boyfriend). Grete has 6 pgs, plus an 8 pg portfolio by photographer Richard Fegley 'Space Odyssey' and 4 pgs on painter Clovis Trouille. Interview w/ King Hussein of Jordan. 'Before the Road' by Jack Kerouac. Articles about Requiem Associates (Suicide, Inc.), French actor Jean-Louis Trintignant, Lisbon, Portugal and the first air ace of the Vietnam War. Alain Aslan has a full pg pin-up painting. Mag contains a very nice 26 pg Datebook Calendar for 1973 w/ 12 full pg photos.

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Swank - 1961-03

Swank - 1961-03

v8 #1 - has unusual FC that is a silhouette of Lola Breen - also 3 interior pgs of pics. Marya Bruno has 4 pgs, plus a movie review of 'Girl Fever'. Jack Kerouac 'I Dreamed in my Sleep', Earl Schell fiction 'Run of Luck', and an article by James T. Farrell. Features on folk music, stereo '61 and 'New Wave' cinema. Good copy has been well read and handled but no serious defects - tight & solid. Fair copy has water marks bottom right corner, no stuck pgs.

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