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Connie (Con) Sellers

Ace - 1958-10

Ace - 1958-10

Product ID: ace1958-10e
Covergirl Mabel Rae also has 3 pgs. Madeline Petit, Shirley Hauser and Kim Cole each have 2 pgs - Shirley also on BC? Plus 4 pgs of Beach Queens w/ nice full pg color pic of Balze Starr, a feature on the Art Students League Ball w/ 2 pics of queen Abbe Lane and Wanda Barbour on inside BC. An article about Ben Hecht and fiction by Connie Sellers 'Seduction in the Orient'. This one has been handled quite a bit. Subscription crease in middle of book, bump along bottom edge, some wear on BC - Good+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Ace - 1960-04

Ace - 1960-04

Product ID: ace1960-04d
Covergirls are supposed sisters Sammy & Jeannie Lynne - Sammy (the brunette) is Alicyn Sanborn - they also have the BC + 4 pgs. Dion Garrett & Sheika Moser each have 4 pgs, Patty McMains & Audrey Wyatt each have 3 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of strippers, Carole Wynters has 2 pgs and Janice (aka Jan) Lee has 4 pics on inside BC. Articles w/ pics about Cecil B. DeMille and the Can-Can. Connie Sellers fiction ' Survival'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, tiny bump on bottom right corner - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Ace - 1960-08

Ace - 1960-08

Mag switches from a stapled spine to a squarebound, glued spine thru the issue of 9/69. Covergirl Karen Lynn also has 2 pgs. Cindy Cole has 3 pgs, Windy March, Laura Stevens & Carol Kelly each have 2 pgs. Plus 3 pgs of French strippers, 2 pgs of an anonymous model by Russ Meyer that might be Eve Meyer and Sabrina has nice full pg pin-up on inside FC. Articles about  'The Love Life of the Devil', mob lawyer William Fallon and Cassie Chadwick - The Queen of the Con Men. Ted Mark satire 'Bachelor's Dictionary', Con Sellers fiction 'Every Fourth Night'. VG++ copy is bright & glossy, light crease along right edge of cover near bottom. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, small bumps along top edge and top of spine.

  • Quantity:

Ace - 1961-04

Ace - 1961-04

Product ID: ace1961-04d
Yvette Morrow has FC, BC + 5 pgs and Marli Renfro has 3 pgs. Tinker Bell, Helen Wood and Hawaiian model Malia Olandag each have 2 pgs. Terry Higgins & Jeanmarie Lussier each have 1 pic. Articles about comedian Bob Newhart and the island of St. Lucia. Fiction by Connie Sellers ' Death is a Voyeur'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Ace - 1966-03

Ace - 1966-03

Product ID: ace1966-03e
Silvia Sorrente has FC + 4 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 4 pgs. Merry Murray & Lis Helgesen each have 3 pgs and Mickey Jines has 2 pgs as 'Maggie Smith'. Dana Craig is on the inside FC and Lupe Lopez is on the BC as 'Sandra Montez'. An article about hypnosis and fiction by Con Sellers 'For the Love of a Redheaded woman' and Ted Mark 'A Pool For Miss Roundheels'. This one has been read a bit - normal wear, some scuffing on cover and small creases on top edge of BC - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Ace-High #08

Ace-High #08

Product ID: ace-high.08d
Winter-spring issue 1969-1970. Liz Foreman is the CF. Barbie Dahl has 4 pgs, Frances (Bunny?) Bacon also has 4 pgs. Kathy Gordon, Karleen Brady and Maureen Christie each have 3 pgs. Anne Besant, Mara Moder, Wanda Breck, Paulette Richardson and Robby James each have 2 pgs.  'Orgy of the Dead' movie review and Con Sellers fiction 'Scent of Mourning'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and a bumpp at bottom of spine - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v04 #03

Adam - v04 #03

Product ID: adam-v04.03e
1960 - Covergirl is Laura Vickers, Jean Rainey is CF. Freddie Robbins has 3 pgs, Jan Lee & Betty Peters share 4 pgs and Andre de Dienes has 6 pgs of photos. An article about Roman circuses, an interview by Connie Sellers 'Don't Call Them Strippers', and fiction by Richard E. Geis 'Blood Duel' and Richard Sargent 'Marshmallow'. Clean & bright,  a few stresses - VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v04 #05

Adam - v04 #05

Product ID: adam-v04.05e
1960 - Covergirl is Sandra Giles, Centerfold is Anne Vila. Jean Jani has 5 pgs and Laura Stevens has 3 pgs. A feature on a Hollywood party has 2 pics each of June Wilkinson and Mamie Van Doren and 1 each of Ziva Rodann and Tuesday Weld. A good article about playing cards w/ pics and fiction by Connie Sellers 'Night of the Hunted'. A bit of spine wear but bright & glossy - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v04 #12

Adam - v04 #12

1960 - Covergirl is Gina Miro, CF is Jill St. Marie. Patti McMains has 5 pgs, Cha Ladres and Lee Le Mire each have 4 pgs. Plus Con Sellers fiction 'Part Of A Man', an article about the Can Can and Bill Ward has a 1/2 pg B&W cartoon. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, tiny bumps at top & bottom of spine. VG copy has a bit of spine wear, some light scuffing and a clean crease in upper right corner - still nice.

  • Quantity:

Adam - v05 #08

Adam - v05 #08

Product ID: adam-v05.08d
1961 - Eve Bello has FC + 4 pgs, Jean Jani is CF. Buni (aka Bunny) Bacon has BC + 4 pgs, Marli Renfro has 3 pgs. Also a 4 pg review of the nudie movie 'The Wide Open Spaces', an article about William Somerset Maugham and another on drugs in sports 'Doped to Win'. Connie Sellers fiction 'Snake'. Bright & glossy, some stresses - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v06 #12

Adam - v06 #12

1962 - Covergirl is is Donna Jordan, Tammy Saunders is CF. Lupe Lopez has BC + 2 pgs, Angie Evans inside FC + 4 pgs, Joann - model turned photographer - has 4 pgs, Gloria Dawn has 3 pgs. Plus a feature on Baltimore's 'Block' w/ full pg pic of Blaze Starr, Con Sellers fiction 'Alien Bride', Bill Ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon and lots more. Some normal wear, no serious defects - VG

  • Quantity:

Adam - v07 #08

Adam - v07 #08

Product ID: adam-v07.08f
1963 - Covergirl is Desda Morris, CF is Timmy Shawn. Jayne Mansfield has nice 4 pg feature - her strip scene from 'The Vegas Story', Danielle Dupres has 4 pgs, Sheila Merit has 3 pgs and Ann Walker has 2 pgs. Plus articles about Casanova & race driver Bobby Hogue, Con Sellers fiction 'Nobody Ever Slips' and Bill Ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon. Well read & handled but no serious flaws - Good+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam - v08 #07

Adam - v08 #07

1964 - Mamie van Doren has great FC in a showgirl costume + 2 pgs - pics of her nude bath scene from 'Three Nuts and a Bolt'. Dee Dee Smith has 6 pgs inc CF and Karen O'Sullivan has inside FC + 3 pgs. Plus fiction by Con Sellers 'Die Rich' and Richard L. Sargent 'Woman From Another Life', Althea Currier begins monthly letters column. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some stresses.

  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #01

Adam Bedside Reader #01

Product ID: adam-bdrd.01e
1959 - First issue features Colette Berne FC + BC by Russ Meyer. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Richard E. Geis 'The Fight Game' and Connie Sellers 'Ward Boy' and 'God With a .44'. Juli Redding has 1 pic. Small nick on edge of FC, a bit of normal wear - nice VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #03

Adam Bedside Reader #03

Product ID: adam-bdrd.03d
1960 - Micki Moteef FC + BC by Ron Vogel. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 23 stories including fiction by Ray Bradbury 'The Dragon', Richard E. Geis 'Love Me - Love My Cat', Connie Sellers 'Run The Frightened Ruins' and Richard L Sargent 'Loyalty Of A Redhead'. Vivian Maledy has 1 large pic. Bright & glossy, light vertical crease along spine and a 2" tear along edge of 1 interior pg, still nice - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #04

Adam Bedside Reader #04

1960 - Sharon Wiley FC + BC. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Richard E. Geis 'Then You Want a Woman', Connie Sellers 'The Executioner' and Richard L. Sargent 'Man Addict'. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, a bit of light scuffing along top edge of BC. VG copy is bright & glossy, some spine stresses and light 'rubbing' along spine on BC. Small date stamp near spine

  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #05

Adam Bedside Reader #05

Product ID: adam-bdrd.05e
1960 - Margie Davis FC & BC by Ron Vogel. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 22 stories including fiction by Richard E. Geis 'The Thing From Below', Connie Sellers 'Affair Of Honor' and Richard L. Sargent 'A Case Of Lust'. Betty Harmon (aka Kathy Colby) has nice full pg pic on inside BC - she was the Covergirl of FURY 3/62. One copy is very bright & glossy w/ some small neat writing on cover and a nick along bottom edge of BC. Second copyhas been read a bit but is still very solid. A light vertical crease along spine, some thumb marks and light 'rubbing' along spne on BC. Same price, your choice.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #06

Adam Bedside Reader #06

Product ID: adam-bdrd.06d
1961 - Covergirl (front & back) is Marge Moran. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Earle Schell 'The Freedom Fighters' and Connie Sellers 'Line Drive'. Bill ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon. Bright & glossy, a light vertical crease along spine on BC and a clean crease in upper left corner of BC - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #15

Adam Bedside Reader #15

Product ID: adam-bdrd.15d
1964 - Carol Baughman FC. Contents now listed on BC. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 25 stories including fiction by E. A. Ebeling Jr 'Piranha' Georgie Starbuck Galbraith 'Bluebeard Inventories His Closet' and Con Sellers 'Variable' plus articles by Paul Brock 'Drunk Drivers Dragnet' and Richard L. Sargent 'Coin Collectors Reap Huge Profits'. Bill Ward has 5 different 1/4 - 1/3 pg B&W cartoons and Lynn Harrison has a 1/2 pg B&W cartoon. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - Sharp VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #16

Adam Bedside Reader #16

Product ID: adam-bdrd.16e
1964 - Vicky Kennedy has full pg pic on inside BC. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 26 stories including fiction by Con Sellers 'A Woman Is A Sometime Thing' Paul Brock 'Virgins Once More' and Richard L. Sargent 'Priestess Of Kalganos'. Bill Ward and Lynn Harrison each have 2 1/4 - 1/3 pg B&W cartoons. Very bright & glossy, some spine stresses and small bump at bottom of spine - VG


Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #20

Adam Bedside Reader #20

Product ID: adam-bdrd.20e
1965 - Kellie Everts has nice FC + small pic on BC eating a banana. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 22 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Clomp, Clomp', Paul Brock 'India's Sundown Nudes' and Con Sellers 'How to Win The Fight'. Bill Ward has a 1/3 pg B&W cartoon. Bright & glossy, spine stresses, clean crease on bottom right corner and another much smaller crease on top left corner of BC. Small 1/2" x 1" piece out of pg 17/18 - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #23

Adam Bedside Reader #23

Product ID: adam-bdrd.23f
1966 - Vicky Rein has nice FC + small pic on BC, Janey Reynolds has a large 1 1/2pg pic. Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 22 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Sharlene', Con Sellers 'A Walk In The Mountains' and W.E. Sprague 'Scapegoat'. Bright & glossy, some very light, almost invisible H2O marks along bottom edge, no stuck pages, last page of book is detached - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Bedside Reader #27

Adam Bedside Reader #27

Product ID: adam-bdrd.27d
2/67 - Covergirl is Rodica, Elba Serrano on BC (contents have been moved back inside the mag). Big 100 pg squarebound mag has 20 stories including fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'Hymie Raises Beautiful Camellias', Con Sellers 'A Dark And Silver Cord', Jack Ritchie 'Exit Point',  Georgie Starbuck Galbraith 'Will She Or Won't She' and W. E. Sprague 'Soldier Of Misfortune' plus an article by Paul Brock 'Britain's Big Boom In Bigamy'. Very bright & glossy, Nearly new but some 'rubbing' on BC - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Special Edition - 1964

Adam Special Edition - 1964

Product ID: adam-spec1964
The Permanent Adam - The Man's Desert Island Companion. Has FC Illo by Bill Ward - guy in a raft floats up to desert island with typical Ward girl standing on beach. This 300 pg volume contains 3 issues of Adam Bedside Reader minus the front covers - #13, 14 & 15. Highlights include:

#13 - Mag has 25 stories including fiction by Con Sellers 'Carry a Big Cat', W.E. Sprague 'Escape From Paradise' and Richard Sargent 'Party Gambits' plus 2 articles by Paul Brock 'Men vs. Women' and 'You May Live Forever'. Bill Ward has 2 1/3 pg B&W cartoons.

#14 - Mag has 25 stories including fiction by Cordwainer Bird 'Man on the Juice Wagon' and Richard L. Sargent 'Nice Girl - Paradox of Virtue'. Bill Ward has 3 1/3 pg B&W cartoons.

#15 - mag has 25 stories including fiction by E. A. Ebeling Jr 'Piranha', Georgie Starbuck Galbraith 'Bluebeard Inventories His Closet' and Con Sellers 'Variable' plus articles by Paul Brock 'Drunk Drivers Dragnet' and Richard L. Sargent 'Coin Collectors Reap Huge Profits'. Bill Ward has 5 different 1/4 - 1/3 pg B&W cartoons and Lynn Harrison has a 1/2 pg B&W cartoon.

Covers are kind of rough, Mag has a piece out at top left corner of cover and spine, spine is rough. Interior of mag in nice shape - great reading copy.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Yearbook 1964

Adam Yearbook 1964

Product ID: adam-yrbk1964d
Loaded with girls - lots of familiar faces! Covergirl Gina Powers also has 2 pgs. Timmy Shawn and Lori Zymet (aka Paula Cummings - was Covegirl of Beauty Bazaar v1 #2) each have 6 pgs. Joanne LeClair has 5 pgs inc 3 pg color foldout on the inside FC and Nina Leeds also has 5 pgs. Ann Walker, Connie Hudson and Ashley Deane each have 4 pgs, Penny Miller has 3 pgs. Marli Renfro, Brenda Roberts and Mitsuoko each have 2 pgs. Plus fiction by Richard L. Sargent 'Cuban Hellcat' and Connie Sellers 'Soldier', an article by Paul Brock 'Coastline of Forbidden Hoards' about Africa's Skeleton Coast. Pictorial features on the Pink Pusycat school for strippers and Mexicali, Mexico. Bill Ward has 3 B&W cartoons each prox 1/ 4 pg. Bright & glossy, a few stresses, small bump on top right corner plus a small tear and thin spot at bottom of spine. 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Adam Yearbook 1965

Adam Yearbook 1965

Dee Dee Smith has FC + 8 pgs inc 3 pg color foldout on the inside FC. Miss Germany and Ivy Gentry each have 6 pgs. Jackie (Jacqueline) de Witt, Sandra Lee, Yvonne Coriell, Dana Von Eyck and Kim Kimberly each have 4 pgs. Plus fiction by Cordwainer Bird 'Walk The High Steel' & Con Sellers 'House Percentage' and an article by Paul Brock 'Moll Dips and Live Cannons' about pickpockets. Bright & glossy, light crease on upper left corner of BC - nice VG+

  • Quantity:

Bachelor - 1967-02

Bachelor - 1967-02

Product ID: bach1967-02e
v8 #1 - Cleo Simmons has sexy FC + a full pg pic. Nell Shannon has 4 pgs, Donna Allen & Linda Thurston each have 3 pgs. Sally Hayden on BC looks like Lorraine Burnett to me. Feature on nudie movies with pics of Mamie van Doren & Lorna Maitland. Bachelor's Choice - 12 previous CFs w/ 1 pic each. Article about the book 'Story of O'. Fiction by Ted Mark 'Aphrodisiac' and Con Sellers 'Scent of Mourning'. Avg wear, VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Best For Men #24

Best For Men #24

Product ID: befm.24d
v4 #6 - 12/65 - Bond Girl Molly Peters has super sexy FC + 3 pgs. Blaze Starr has a nice 4 pg feature. Review of Japanese nudie movie 'The Glamorous Ghost' and a feature on movie bathing scenes. Con Sellers fiction 'Playmate for Pay'. Lightly read, minor scuffing near spine, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Best For Men #31

Best For Men #31

Product ID: befm.31d
v6 #1 - 2/67 - British actress Sally Douglas has very nice close-up FC + 4 pgs. Angela Verdi also has 4 pgs and Lisa Dawn has 3 pgs. A review of Japanese nudie movie 'Cave of Lust', a feature on the California grape festival and Con Sellers fiction 'By the Numbers'. Bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner, light 1" crease on upper corner of BC - Strong VG+ 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Broadside - v1 #1

Broadside - v1 #1

Product ID: broadside-v1.1d
(1965 - AAA) - Margo Sweet has nice 6 pg pictorial inc CF by Ron Vogel. Pandora Adms has 4 pgs, Dolores Hart has 2. Fiction by Con Sellers 'But Yesterday Was Green and Soft'. Articles about Hypnotism - pro & con. Light wear - sharp VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
  • Quantity:

Caper - 1958-03

Caper - 1958-03

Product ID: capr1958-03e
v2 #1 - Blond Covergirl in bullseye of dartboard looks very familiar. So does CF wearing a tie. Audrey Vogel, wife of photog, Ron, has 2 pgs and Mona Miller also has 2 pgs. TV Queens Sandra Giles and Lisa davis each have a page,  A full pg color illo by Jack Leynnwood and an article about prospecting for gold plus humor by Connie (Con) Sellers 'Monsters Mauled My Bones'. White cover is very clean and bright. Mag has clean 2" tear on BC and last page from bottom going up, about 1/2" in from spine - hardly noticeable, a few light stresses and a small bump on bottom right corner - VG.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Caper - 1960-03

Caper - 1960-03

v6 #2 - Covergirl is Carol Hill, Sharon Lee has 5 pgs inc CF. Patti O'Connell (aka Pat Conley) on inside FC + 4 pgs and French actress Agnes Laurent has 3 pgs of pics + short article. Articles w/ pics about Tahiti and vintage cars. Connie (Con) Sellers fiction 'A Matter of Genes'. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, some minor stresses. VG copy has some normal wear, 1" split at bottom of spine. Good copy has been well read and handled tiny piece out of left edge of BC near top, price written on cover in pencil.

  • Quantity:

Caper - 1973-07

Caper - 1973-07

Product ID: capr1973-07d
v16 #3 - Mag has fully transitioned to a Boob Mag - the tag line 'Home of the "E" Cup' added to Cover. Marie Queen has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Chrissie'. Ursula (aka Katja) has a nice 5 pg pictorial as 'Diana', Lois Harman has a 6 pg feature as 'Jolie Harris', Dee Howard has 4 pgs as 'Barbie'. Plus Gael has 6 pgs, Maretta has 5 pgs, Paula has 4 pgs, Kelly has 3 pgs and 3 girlfriends share 5 pgs. Also an article on Beate Uhse - the world's largest porno store - in Germany, an article by Con Sellers 'Some of My Best Friends Are Whores' and a 2 pg color comic strip "Maidenhead" by Greg Theakston. Clean & bright, some minor spine stresses and tiny bump on bottom right corner - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Caper - 1974-03

Caper - 1974-03

Product ID: capr1974-03e
v17 #2 - Laura Lynnwood has 6 stunning pgs as Effie Taylor from TN! Rosemary Sheen has 4 pgs inc CF. Lee Jennings has 8 pgs and Marsha has 6 pgs. Black model Dawn Howard, Annie Warner and Rosie each have 5 pgs. A big 8 pg feature on the 1973 Miss Nude World contest, 6 pgs on Munich 'The Sin Capitol of the World' and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Honeymoon's Over'. A bit of normal wear, corner creases - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Carnival - 1965-11

Carnival - 1965-11

Product ID: carn1965-11d
v12 #4 - Covergirl Chris Williams also has 4 pgs, Vicki Rein has 4 pgs inc CF as 'Millie Shane'. Kathy Cousins has 4 pgs, Doris Divine has 3 pgs. Plus an article about showbiz tycoon Billy Rose and Con Sellers fiction 'And Pary For Rain'. Bright & glossy, small (less than 1/2") split at top of spine, light clean crease on bottom corner BC - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Cavalier - 1974-01

Cavalier - 1974-01

Ann Kristine has 5 pgs inc CF, Hilde Alexandra has 4 pgs as 'Heidi', Vickie also has 4 pgs. Anne Libert and Black model Daisy have 3 pages each. Plus 'Guzzi's Girls' - 4 pgs of artwork by George Guzzi, articles about the world series of poker and sports mogul Nick Mileti. Fiction by Con Sellers 'A Holiday Kind of Woman'.  Vaughn Bode "Deadbone Erotica" 3 pgs in color. VG+ copy is very clean and bright. VG copy has small tear in top left corner, a bit of spine wear.

  • Quantity:

Cloud 9 - v2 #3

Cloud 9 - v2 #3

Product ID: cloud9-v2.3a
(1966 - AAA) - Mag is all black models. Candy Foster has FC + 8 pgs inc CF (is this Mia Coco?), Sally Mason, Alice Barns, Joyce Wilson and Lori Jordan each have 6 pgs, Doris Shaw and Paula Young have 4 pgs each. Also 3 2-girl sets inc one w/ 2 girls wearing boxing gloves and drawn-on beards - weird! Con Sellers fiction 'A Devil Named Cora'. Beautiful untouched copy - NEW! FINE++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Cloud 9 - v3 #2

Cloud 9 - v3 #2

Product ID: cloud9-v3.2b
(1966 - AAA) - The mag w/ all black models! Suzie Adams FC + 6 pgs inc CF w/ a cigar. Pamela Roberts and Anna Young have 6 pgs each. Plus a couple of 2-girl sets and 3 girls playing football! Articles about Haiti and Black Singers w/ pics. Con Sellers fiction 'The Last Kill'. Few stress lines at spine but very bright & glossy - FINE/FINE+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Escapade - 1959-10

Escapade - 1959-10

Product ID: escp1959-10e
v4 #2 - Covergirl is Marley Sanderson. Rene La Salle has a big 7 pg feature inc CF. Shannon Colby has the inside FC + 2 pgs, Junior Stewart has 4 pgs and a pictorial of Fire Island Beach Chicks. Articles about Casey Stengle, Jazz musician Tony Scott and Paris' Olympia Press. Plus a Connie Sellers short story 'Walk A Certain Way' and a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Escapade - 1961-04

Escapade - 1961-04

Product ID: escp1961-04d
v6 #3 - Features Miss Copenhagen, Helle Wingsoe (aka Annette Casir) on inside FC + 4 pgs. Anne has 6 pgs inc CF, Carol Lynn has 4 pgs and Paulette Nelson has 3 pgs on a trampoline. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Flash Flood', a 1 pg column by Jack Kerouac, Cliff diving in Mexico and a visit to Rice Univ.

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Escapade - 1973-02

Escapade - 1973-02

Product ID: escp1973-02d
v17 #2 - Lots of familiar faces in this one. Angie Carr has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Eileen Dunn also has 6 pgs and girlfriends Eve & Melody share 6 pgs. Cory Mitchell and Gloria Jordan each have 4 pgs. Plus an article about Mardi Gras in New Orleans by Con Sellers and 'Connie Lingus' a 2 pg color comic strip by Bruce Jones. Also articles about live sex shows and incest. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and light, clean crease on bottom corner of BC and last 2 pgs - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Fling Festival - v 1

Fling Festival - v 1

1959 - 1st full size issue. Covergirl is Judy Bamber. Jean Jani has 6 pgs inc CF, Melody Ward has 4 pgs, Bonnie Logan (as Jan) has 3 pgs and Jackie Miller has 4 pgs. Article about Ivan the Terrible, a 4 pg feature on French Comic Books and Connie Sellers fiction 'The Ultimate Gift'. FINE+ copy is absolutely gorgeous - looks like I just bought it new this afternoon. Fair copy has H2O spots and some mildew, pgs NOT stuck.

  • Quantity:

Hi-Life - 1960-01

Hi-Life - 1960-01

Product ID: hili1960-01f
v2 #3 - Nice FC of Terry Higgins in a red bathing suit. Melody Ward has a big 7 pg feature, Kim Athas has 4 pgs, Pat von Burkhardt has 3 pgs, plus a full pg color pin-up of Maria Stinger. Articles on Russian female(?) athletes, dime novels and the French Foreign Legion. Connie Sellers fiction 'My Brother's Keeper'. Well read and handled, scuffing and creases - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Hi-Life - 1960-03

Hi-Life - 1960-03

Product ID: hili1960-03d
v2 #4 - Covergirl is Paula Page. Ann Atmar on inside FC + 4 pgs, Chris Starling has a big 8 pg feature, Janet Stevens has 4 pgs and Nancy O'Neill has 3 pgs. Good article about muzzle loading rifles with lots of pics. Connie Sellers fiction 'The Tender Touch'. Bright & shiny, light rubbing along spine, minor writing in upper left corner - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Hi-Life - 1961-03

Hi-Life - 1961-03

Product ID: hili1961-03c
v3 #4 - Joy Gibson has FC + nice 8 pg feature (she was also in GENT 4/60). Barbara Barrett has 4 pgs (she was Covergirl of Sir Knight v1 #2) and Judy Crowder has 2 pgs. Also a feature on counterfeit guns. Connie Sellers fiction 'The Wind Blows Cold'. TINY nick at top of spine but beautiful, bright glossy Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Jaguar - 1967-01

Jaguar - 1967-01

v2 #7 - Loads of girls w/ BS names but some familiiar faces. Mandy Lou Darvis has FC + 4 pgs, Danish actress Lotte Tarp has 8 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF as 'Greta'. Lili D'Orsay has 6 pgs. Aude (from issue of 11/66) and Felicia each have 4 pgs and Betsy Barr has 3 pgs. Author of the issue is Truman Capote, a feature article on Steve McQueen plus 5 pgs of Jaguar Bond comics (4 in color) and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Moving Finger'.

  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #054

Men's Digest #054

Product ID: medi.054d
v10 #1 - 10/64 - Nice FC of Sexy blond in black dress on bright yellow background. Pat Wiles has 3 pgs, Carol also has 3 pgs and June Palmer has 1 pic. Fiction by Robert Bloch 'Red Moon Rising', Con Sellers 'Passion Thief' and Richard E. Geis 'The Ultimate Act Of Love'. Bill Ward has 1 full pg B&W cartoon, a review of nudie movie 'Orgy At Lil's Place', topless bathing suits and more. Bright & shiny, a few stresses and slightly soft bottom right corner - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #055

Men's Digest #055

Product ID: medi.055d
v10 #2 - 1/65 - French film star Mylene Demongeot has nice close-up FC on a rocky sea-shore + 4 pgs. Ilyne has 3 pgs, Diana & Dion split 3 pgs, Sheika Moser has 1 pic. Bill Ward has a full pg B&W cartoon. Women of Japan and fiction by Con Sellers 'Master Seducer'. Very bright & glossy, minor spine stresses - VG++

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #073

Men's Digest #073

v12 #3 - 12/66 - Good issue! Gillian (The World of Harrison Marks) Evans has FC + 4 pgs, Elsa Martinelli and Mary Wheeler each have 4 pgs, Susan Owens has 3 pgs. Fiction by Con Sellers 'Imprisoned Passions' and Richard E. Geis 'Gambling Nymph', Plus an interview w/ Mickey Spillane, features on Sex in Movies and Karate and an article about the angel of murder Anna Marie Hahn. Very bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner, tiny bump on upper right corner - FINE

  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #075

Men's Digest #075

Product ID: medi.075d
v12 #5 - 2/67 - Special 'Fanny Watchers' Issue features lots of anonymous models. Ann Dixon has 2 pgs, Jayne Mansfield has 1 large pic. Plus a 2 pg feature on a bottomless swimsuit. Part 2 of a series on Lee Harvey Oswald, fiction by Con Sellers 'Sensual Experiments' and a B&W BC illo by Bill Ward. Bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner, lightly read - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #079

Men's Digest #079

v12 #9 - 6/67 - Stacy Walker has excellent close-up FC + 4 pgs. Kellie Everts has 3 pgs as Betsy Brown and Linda Dawson also has 3 pgs. A feature on the Shepley Court Nudist Hotel and fiction by Con Sellers 'Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor spine stresses, tiny nick on top edge - VG+

  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #080

Men's Digest #080

Product ID: medi.080d
v12 #10 - 7/67 - Hanna Moore has FC + 4 pgs, Susanne Anderson has 3 pgs and Kitten also has 3 pgs. Features on a nudist convention and motorcycle polo. Part 1 of a series on the book "CANDY". A movie review of 'Morianna' and an article by Con Sellers 'The Business of Wife Swapping'. Some light rubbing on FC, small bump at bottom of spine and small crease on upper corner of BC - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #082

Men's Digest #082

v12 #12 - 9/67 - German fashion model Elfi Estell has FC + 4 pgs inc CF. Kelli Everts has 3 pgs and Marijean Giles (Stacey Walker?) also has 3 pgs. A feature on saunas and  part 3 of a series on the book "CANDY". A movie review of 'The Slave' w/ Christine Weilland an article by Con Sellers 'Case of the Bizarre Rapists'. Fine copy is bright & glossy, has small date stamp in upper left corner. VG copy has some 'rubbing' along spine, small thin spot on top edge and about half of the interior pgs weree printed on paper that was wrinkled.

  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #084

Men's Digest #084

Product ID: medi.084d
v13 #2 - 11/67 - Covergirl also has 4 pgs - is IDed as both Laura Tyler (contents pg) and Jane Smith in pictorial feature. Tatiana Teran has 3 pgs and Lydia Farrell also has 3 pgs as 'Terri Ann'. A movie reivew of P.P.S. - Prostitutes Protective Society. Plus a long feature on nudists, part 5 of a series on the book 'CANDY' and fiction by Con Sellers ' Stud Service'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small creases on top edge BC - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #088

Men's Digest #088

Product ID: medi.088c
v13 #6 - 3/68 - Covergirl Reya Montoya also has 4 pgs, Karen Karleen & Marlene Bentley each have 3 pgs. A movie reivew of 'Valley of the Dolls' and an article about witchcraft. Plus a long feature on the nudist city of Hyeres, France, part 9 of a series on the book 'CANDY' and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Right Place - The Right Time'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #100

Men's Digest #100

Product ID: medi.100c
v14 #6 - 3/69 - Loads of great features! Covergirl Skippy Rich also has 4 pgs, Barbara Kockritz has 3 pgs (as Barbara Lockridge - same photo set as Fling 1/71 FC w/ croquet mallet) and Melodie Contino has 3 pgs. Articles w/ pics about Diana Dors (3 pgs), Sue (Lolita) Lyon (2 pgs), Marilyn Monroe (2 pgs) and Viva Superstar & Andy Warhol (3 pgs). Also the last 3 days of Lee Harvey Oswald, 8 pg comix, movie review of 'Poor Cow', fiction by Con Sellers 'Better Than Whiskey' and lots more. Bright & glossy, lightly read - Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #101

Men's Digest #101

Product ID: medi.101e
v14 #7 - 4/69 - Karen de Angelis has sexy FC in black bodystocking + 4 pgs. Elsa Martinelli has nice full pg B&W pic + short article, Linda Sands & Wendy Butler each have 3 pgs. Robert Crumb 'The King of the Underground Comix' has 2 pgs inc short Interview & comix. The Beatles Yellow Submarine' and Fanny Hill Part 6. Fiction by Con Sellers 'More, More, More!' Small clean creases bottom corner FC, light scuffing, normal wear - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #102

Men's Digest #102

Product ID: medi.102e
v14 #8 - 5/69 - Covergirl Brenda Suydam also has 4 pgs, Geri Dean & Lee each have 3 pgs. Article 'How To Make Or Steal An Atomic Bomb' - No shit. Also 'Murder From Outer Space', Underground Comix, John Lennon & Yoko Ono and Fanny Hill Part 8. Plus Sex & Sadism in the movies, modern witchcraft and fiction by Con Sellers 'Listen, Listen!'. Bright & glossy, small nick on top edge BC + last several pgs - VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #103

Men's Digest #103

Product ID: medi.103d
v14 #9 - 6/69 - Covergirl Maria Lease also has 4 pgs. Yvonne Stephan has 4 pgs (she is also in #109), Linda Ahuna has 3 pgs and Gaby Baron & Amy Klaus play strip roulette. Plus 3 pgs of tassle twirlers and a yacht party. The usual sensational stories inc "The Doors - A Study In Outrage", Myra Breckenridge and Fanny Hill Part 9. Lenny Bruce and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Last Episode'. Bright & glossy, clean, light crease in bottom right corner, minor 'rubbing' near spine on BC - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Men's Digest #109

Men's Digest #109

v15 #3 - 12/69 - Unusual illustrated wraparound covers and long 8 pg feature on Swedish Sex comics. Another big 8 pg feature on The Miss Nude America Contest. Blaze Starr & Yvonne Stephan (she is also in #103) each have 3 pgs. An article abour female Viet Cong, a movie review of 'The Devil in Velvet' (the Marquis de Sade) and fiction by Con Sellers 'The Deadly Female'. Good copy has some color flaking along spine, clean crease across bottom of cover, small water spot along top edge.

  • Quantity:

Mr - 1959-08

Mr - 1959-08

Product ID: mr1959-08f
Covergirl Jeanne Carmen also has 4 pgs. Also a nice 4 pg feature on Diana Dors. Plus Tony Lavelli - musician and ex-Harlem globetrotter, Havana night life and fiction by Connie (Con) Sellers 'No Wenching For Sam'. Bright & glossy but unusual 'rippled' spine - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1962-01

Mr - 1962-01

Product ID: mr1962-01e
Covergirl Mimi Harris also has 6 pgs inc CF. Articles about bullfighter Miguel Angel, crazy liquor laws and wife swapping. Connie (Con) Sellers fiction 'A Long Cold Blade At Mardi Gras'. White cover is clean and birght, thin spot on spine - VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1962-03

Mr - 1962-03

Covergirl Iris Bristol also has 6 pgs inc CF. Feature article on a bargain tour of Spain - 60 days for $273.42. Connie (Con) Sellers fiction 'The Neighbor's Wife'. VG+ copy gas a bit of normal wear. VG copy a bit more wear, spine stresses.

  • Quantity:

Mr - 1962-07

Mr - 1962-07

Covergirl Vangie Johns also has 6 pgs inc CF. Feature article on the Island of Santa Maria and another article about The Gaslight Clubs. Con Sellers fiction 'Episode in Room 21'. VG copy has some normal wear. Good copy is heavily read, has soft bottom right corner, some spine wear.

  • Quantity:

Mr - 1963-01

Mr - 1963-01

Product ID: mr1963-01f
Covergirl Karrie Dean also has 6 pgs inc CF. Also a 4 pg feature on The Winter Festival of Tenerife (Canary Islands). An article on bullfighting and fiction by Connie (Con) Sellers 'No Harp - No Shamrock'. Well read and handled - small tears, creases, no H2O or tape - about Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1963-05

Mr - 1963-05

Product ID: mr1963-05f
Covergirl Shirlee Bryant (is actually Shirley Quimby) has 1 pg. Jacqueline Dupon has 6 pgs inc CF. Articles about pornography and 'When Heroin Was 50 cents a Bottle' - long before modern drug laws. Connie (Con) Sellers fiction 'Incubus'. Well read, nick along top & bottom edges of BC, FC is nice - Good

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1963-09

Mr - 1963-09

Product ID: mr1963-09f
Covergirl Rusty Allen (aka Rusty Fisher - Playboy Playmate of 4/56) has 6 pgs inc CF. Features about the sinful virgins of Madrid, great jazz singers and swap clubs. Con Sellers fiction ' Whipsaw'. Well read, creases, spine wear, small tear on top edge of cover - Good 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1964-09

Mr - 1964-09

Product ID: mr1964-09d
v9 #1 - Mag has new format - now w/ a 3 pg color foldout CF and a separate 2 pg color foldout. Carla Kent has FC + 8 pgs inc 3 pg CF and Tracy Stevens has 6 pgs w/ a 2 pg foldout. Con Sellers fiction ' Homecoming'. Articles about 'The Myth of Wall Street' and 'What They Don't Tell You About Hawaii'. Strong VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1965-05

Mr - 1965-05

Product ID: mr1965-05d
Sherry Sheppard (looks familiar) has FC + 8 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Ann Peters has 5 pgs inc a 2 pg foldout. Bobbie Brewster has 2 pgs. Con Sellers fiction 'Death For Dessert' and an article about The hazards of air travel. Sharp, glossy VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1965-06

Mr - 1965-06

Product ID: mr1965-06d
Ulee Deiker has nice foldout FC + 5 pgs inc another 2 pg color foldout. Penny Bello has 8 pgs inc a 3 pg color CF and Terry Marshall has 2 pgs. Con Sellers fiction 'Better Him Than Me'.  Articles about Bill Cosby and a new process to filter beer. Dime size chunk off bottom of spine on BC still very nice VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Mr - 1965-07

Mr - 1965-07

Colette Berne has sexy close-up foldout FC + 8 big pgs inc 3 pg color CF!. The making of Carroll Baker - article w/ full pg pic. Sherrie Everett has 5 pgs inc a 2 pg color foldout. Con Sellers fiction 'Outcast' and an article 'What  They Don't Tell You About Tokyo'. Beautiful, nearly new copy with full cover gloss - strong FINE

  • Quantity:

Mr - 1966-01

Mr - 1966-01

Product ID: mr1966-01d
Lili Shan (aka Vicki Rein) has foldout FC + 8 pgs inc 3 pg foldout CF. Baroness Ingeborg von Hohenlohe has 5 pgs inc 2 pg foldout. Ursula Andress has 3 pgs and Lubi Lopez has 2 pgs. Con Sellers fiction 'The Bawdy Bath'. Article about Scotch whiskey. Clean bright white cover, VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Nugget - 1974-08

Nugget - 1974-08

Product ID: nugg1974-08d
Judy Kilpatrick has FC + 6 pgs inc CF. Bernadette, Domino Wilde & Beth Harley each have 4 pgs. Erika, Eva Niemann & Lotta Grandberg each have 3 pgs. Judy & boyfriend John have 4 pgs. Articles about baseball player Bob Feller and gold smuggling. Con Sellers fiction 'Carry a Big Cat'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #12

Rascal #12

Product ID: rasc.12d
v2 #6 - 3/65 - Leila - the Belly Dancer in James Bond movie 'From Russia With Love' - has FC, BC + 2 pgs. Jean Harlow has 2 pgs of pics, Kim Novak has 3 pgs. Plus Barbara has 4 pgs inc CF, Gaby Rougier (is Covergirl of Scene 12/63) and Bluebell each have 3 pgs. Fiction by Robert Bloch 'The Pin' and Con Sellers 'Variable'. Glossy black cover with a few light stresses near spine and on top edge BC - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #13

Rascal #13

v3 #1 - 5/65 - Elke Sommer has a super sexy close-up FC on a sky blue background + 4 big pgs. Margaret-Rose Keil has 2 pgs, Annie Gorassini has 3 pgs, Philomene Toulouse & Franca Polesello each have 2 pgs. Plus a review of the nudie movie 'The Skin Game' and fiction by Con Sellers 'Liason of Lust'. VG++ copy is very bright & glossy, a couple of light stresses. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, has small nick at bottom of spine & light crease in upper right corner of cover and several pgs.

  • Quantity:

Rascal #14

Rascal #14

v3 #2 - 7/65 - Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore in James Bond movie 'Goldfinger') has exceptionally nice FC + 3 pgs. A big feature on photographer Ed Alexander w/ 9 pgs of pics. Fiction by Arthur C. Clarke 'Cosmic Casanova' and Con Sellers 'Algerian Interlude'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, a tiny bump on upper right corner - VG++

  • Quantity:

Rascal #15

Rascal #15

Product ID: rasc.15d
v3 #3 - 9/65 - Carroll Baker has close-up FC (profile) and 4 pgs. Mickey Jines (as Mickey Janis) has 3 pgs and Betty Magowan also has 3 pgs. Feature on Italian film stars w/ individual pics of Sophia Loren and many others. Fiction by Arthur C. Clarke 'Superiority' and Con Sellers ' Trigger Treat'. Very bright & glossy, clean crease on bottom right corner of cover - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #18

Rascal #18

Product ID: rasc.18d
v3 #6 - 3/66 - Outstanding facial super close-up of Sophia Loren + 4 interior pgs. Special Topless Disco issue features Carol Doda on inside FC + 2 pgs, Oriental go-go dancer Tosha McDonald has 4 pgs, Judy Keen 'The Golden Girl' has 3 pgs and Debbie Green also has 3 pgs. June Palmer has 1/2 pg pic. Fiction by Con Sellers 'Showdown At Sunup'. Bright, shiny, tight & flat this is a nice copy but has small nick on spine and small date stamp on Sopohia's forehead - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #19

Rascal #19

v4 #1 - 5/66 - Good issue is loaded with babes, some w/ no names. Ann Wilson has BC + 3 pgs, Ann Walker & Debbie Du Lacey each have 3 pgs. An article on James Bond's babes and fiction by Arthur C. Clarke 'Expedition To Earth' and Con Sellers 'Chicken-Hearted Lover'. VG++ copy is sharp and glossy, small bump at top of spine and small date stamp on top edge of cover. VG copy has normal wear, a bit of pencil writing in upper left corner.

  • Quantity:

Rascal #23

Rascal #23

Product ID: rasc.23.d
v4 #5 - 1/67 - Special Topless Issue has features on CA. topless clubs - The Candy Cat, Pussycat A Go-Go and The Shanty. Good article about Tarzan and fiction by Earle Schell 'Moment Of Passion' and Con Sellers 'Sleepless Lover'. A few stresses and light rubbing along spine, a couple of small chips on bottom edge of cover - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #24

Rascal #24

Product ID: rasc.24c
v4 #6 - 3/67 - Interesting FC photo of Gabrielle Walsh w/ a giant 3' inflatable beer bottle. Hilda Beck has a 4 pg pictorial. Articles about Superman and the nude sculptures in Vigeland Park in Oslo plus fiction by Con Sellers 'Point of Law'. Bright yellow cover, nealy new, gorgeous Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #26

Rascal #26

Product ID: rasc.26c
v5 #2 - 7/67 - Bright purple cover w/ a girl in an hourglass. Vivian Warren has 4 pgs, Dawn Grayson & Anastasia Anakias each have 3 pgs. Feature on the Girls of Broadway inc 3 pics of Carol Doda. Articles about Conan the Barbarian and the African Room in Manhattan. Also a review of the nudie movie 'French Honeymoon' and fiction by Con Sellers 'A Place in the Mansion'. Extremely bright & glossy, a couple of very light stresses, small date stamp in upper left corner - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #28

Rascal #28

Product ID: rasc.28c
v5 #4 - 11/67 - Special Around The World Issue has features on hot spots spanning the globe. Included are So-Ho, The Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris, a couple in a cage from Berlin, Tanya the bellydancer and Burlesque in Tokyo. Black model Pam Drummond has 3 pgs. Fiction by Con Sellers 'Sergeant's Showdown'. Very bright & glossy, lightly read, small date stamp in upper left corner - FINE

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #34

Rascal #34

Product ID: rasc.34d
v6 #4 - 11/68 - Hannah Moore has sexy FC + 4 pgs. Kim Dale & Felecia Russell each have 3 pgs, Tondra Wells has 2 pgs. A feature on Europe's leading starlets - 9 diff girls inc Barbara Valentin. Articles about Faye Dunaway (w/ pics), Witchcraft and You, The History of Erotica - Flagellation and Valerie Solanis - The girl who tried to kill Andy Warhol. Fiction by Con Sellers 'Arizpe'. Bright & glossy, small date stamp in upper left corner and a bit of light wear along top edge - VG+

Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Rascal #36

Rascal #36

Product ID: rasc.36d
v6 #6 - 3/69 - Covergirl Norma Vanden also has 4 pgs. Cindy Neal & Sybil Tag each have 3 pgs, Sue Layton has 2 pgs. Interview w/ Carol Doda has 2 pics. Nudie movie review of 'Kitten In The Cage' and a feature on the musical "Hair". Fiction by Con Sellers 'The Connoisseur'. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses and small date stamp in upper left corner - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1959-01

Scamp - 1959-01

Product ID: scamp1959-01d
v2 #4 - Sharon Bujese has FC + 4 pgs. Jacque Pruner (aka Jacquelyn Prescott - Playboy Playmate for 9/57) has nice 4 pg feature. Melody Ward has 2 pgs, Janet Johnson & Rhonda Danfield each have 2 pgs and Marlene Walters has 3 pgs. A 4 pg feature on Glamour girls w/ pics of Mansfield, Bardot, Tina Louise, etc. Plus Girls in Bathtubs and lots more. Fiction by Connie Sellers ' Age of Passion'. Bright & glossy, very clean, TINY bump on bottom right corner - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1960-01

Scamp - 1960-01

v3 #4 - Lari Laine (Playboy Playmate of May, 1958) has interesting FC in space costume plus BC and 4 pgs. Gigi Frost also has 4 pgs. Pat Shane has 3 pgs, Kathy Wood, Nikki Joye (w/ a rifle) & Mary Marchand each have 2 pgs Fiction by Ted Mark 'Caught in a Zipper' and Connie Sellers 'Jail Bait'. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, has scuff on top 1" of spine. VG copy has some light spine stresses, a bit of rubbing, the number '30' writtten on cover. Good copy has some spine stresses, rubbing along spine, some small light H2O spots near top staple.

  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1960-07

Scamp - 1960-07

v4 #1 - Donna Buttons & Linda Reynolds share FC, BC, and 4 pgs in 'Bachelor Girls Cruise' Feature. Judy Crowder and Hope Hathaway each have 3 pgs. Sylvia Bourbeau has 4 pgs and Gail Williams & Gloria Love (is Glenda Graham) each have 2 pgs. Plus Paris Showgirls and girls in bottles. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Passion Pool' and Connie Sellers ' Lover's Bait'. FINE- copy has extremely clean white cover, TINY nick on spine and small spot in bottom right corner. VG+ copy is clean and bright, has number '30' written on cover, a bit of light spine wear.Good copy has light H2O mark in upper left corner of BC.

  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1960-09

Scamp - 1960-09

v4 #2 - Betty MacGowan (aka Magowan) has nice close-up FC + 2 pgs. E.C. Stacy (aka Ecstasy) has 3 pgs, Ramona Rogers (aka Jean Nieto) also has 3 pgs, Mary Wheeler has 4 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of girls in bathtubs, and a feature on the most banned movie ever made - the West German flick 'Unser Wunderland Bei Nacht' - Our Wonderland At Night. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Girl in the Freudian Slip' and Connie Sellers 'The Naked Truth'. FINE copy is very bright & glossy, lightly read - very nice! VG+ copy is very bright & glossy, small bumps on upper right corner and bottom of spine.

  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1963-02

Scamp - 1963-02

v6 #3 - Now on a Quarterly publication schedule. Gail Conti has FC + 3 pgs, Donna Noble has 4 pgs, Janice (aka Jan, Janne) Lee has 3 pgs. Also Carol Riva has 2 pgs and Sheika Moser has 2 pgs as 'Aniza Roda'. Fiction by Ted Mark 'The Executive Position' and Connie Sellers 'Every Fourth Night', plus an article about Frank Harris (author of 'My Secret Life'). VG+ copy is bright & glossy, 2 small color flakes near top of spine, bump at bottom of spine. Good copy is fairly well read and handled, some rubbing & scuffing, '40 C' written on cover.

  • Quantity:

Scamp - 1963-09

Scamp - 1963-09

Product ID: scamp1963-09d
v7 #1 - Dawn Shannon has nice FC on the beach + 2 pgs. Connie Hudson  has 4 pgs, Barbara Lyman & Toni Meade each have 3 pgs. Jean Bradley & Carol Haynes (she is also in Gent 1/65) each have 2 pgs. An article about Confederate con man John T. Pickett and fiction by Connie Sellers 'Death Walks With a Wiggle'. Bright & glossy, lightly read, small bumps at top & bottom of spine - VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
  • Quantity:

Sir - 1965-11

Sir - 1965-11

Karen Joy has foldout FC + 4 pgs, Tonya Carina has 8 pgs inc 3 pg CF and Dyane Rylands has 6 pgs w/ a 2 pg foldout. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Moment Of Truth'. Plus articles about Navy Bombers, actor Anthony Quinn and the sex life of the Beatles. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, a bit of light rubbing along spine. Good copy has 1" split and bump at bottom of spine, date pencilled in upper left corner, some light H2O marks along bottom edge.

  • Quantity:

Sir - 1967-04

Sir - 1967-04

Cathy Crofoot has FC + 5 pgs as a blond! Cee Cee Collins has 6 pgs inc CF, Janet Allen has 3 pgs and a 3-girl pajama party w/ Terry Higgins, Judy Collins & Annette Scott. A feature on the Dodge Charger, articles about bullfighting and UFOs and fiction by Con Sellers 'Hardhead'. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, lightly read, a couple of minor stresses. VG copy is bright & glossy, some light rubbing along spine, small crease on bottom right corner of several interior pgs and a 1" tear on edge of CF.

  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v1.10

Sir Knight - v1.10

1959 - The New 'Sir Knight' according to FC. Covergirl Joan Webb also has 3 pgs, Ann Atmar has 3 pgs and Aliscyn (sic) Sanborn is CF. Lynn Hayward & Kay McNamara each have 4 pgs, Luana Chilton & Marge Martin each have 2 pgs, Pat Gregory on inside BC. Plus a feature on the Follies Bergere and fiction by Earle Schell 'Beach Party' and Connie Sellers ' All Night Long'. VG copy has some scuffing on covers, minor writing. Fair copy is heavily read and handled, loose CF was re-attached with tape that has dried out and stained pages.

  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v2.01

Sir Knight - v2.01

Product ID: sirk-v2.01e
1960 - Diane Webber has nice FC, Elaine Jones has 5 pgs inc CF. Tanya Murietta has inside FC + 4 pgs, Japanese stripper K. Miname has 4 pgs and Terry Higgins has 3 pgs. Fiction by Connie Sellers 'Gods Grow Green' and articles about Francois Blanc who built the casino in Monte Carlo and Edward Henry - the father of fingerpriting. Clean, shiny copy with normal wear - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v2.03

Sir Knight - v2.03

1960 - Beverly Hills has FC + 4 big pgs, Virginia Rogers is CF. Jean Coleman has 4 pgs, Marge Davis has 5 pgs and Palva Itano is on inside BC. Plus a feature on Minsky in Paris and fiction by Connie Sellers 'Terror of the Bid Muddy'. VG++ copy is very bright and glossy, very lightly read. Good copy has been heavily read but has no serious defects.

  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v2.07

Sir Knight - v2.07

1961 - Glenda Graham has nice FC, Virginia Gordon has 5 big pgs, Mimi Harris has 4 pgs. Dena Scott is CF, Japanese stripper Rose Yuki has 4 pgs and a feature on Frankfort strip clubs. Also fiction by  Earle Schell  'Armstrong & Son' and Connie Sellers 'On Dark and Lonely Nights', Bullfighting, and a 1 pg article about Maila Nurmi, TVs Vampira. Good copy has multiple creases on cover.

  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v2.08

Sir Knight - v2.08

1961 - Dore Orlando has nice close-up FC, Jayne Mansfield has inside FC + 4 pg feature about the film 'Too Hot to Handle'. Tanya Murietta is CF, Danice Danielle has 3 pgs. Joy Sheldon on BC + 4 pgs, Lorca has 3 pgs. An article about Terri O'Mason - the 'Cupcake Girl' w/ 1 pg pic and Virginia Bell on inside BC. Connnie Sellers fiction 'Seat Down Front'. VG+ copy is very bright & glossy but has clean vertical crease thru cover and tiny bump on botttom right corner. VG copy has some rubbing and a bit of spine wear.    

  • Quantity:

Sir Knight - v2.11

Sir Knight - v2.11

1961 - Covergirl is Carol Anne Shipps. Janis (aka Jan) Lee has 4 pgs inc CF, June Murdock has 3 pgs and Donnie Ronson has 2 pgs. Also a 4 pg feature on an Artists & Models Ball w/ pics of Mamie van Doren & Bonnie Logan, Tania Velia on inside BC. Also an article about New Orleans 'Cliptown USA'' by Connie Sellers. Arrival date written on cover, minor stresses but bright & glossy - VG+

  • Quantity:

Spice - v1 #4

Spice - v1 #4

Product ID: vpn-spice-v1.4e
1959 by Tri-S Pubs. - Good mag! Covergirl Mary Ann Arras also has 4 pgs, Brenda Graham has BC + 5 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up. Jody Nelson has 5 pgs, Mary Wheeler has 4 pgs, Jeannie Mack has 3 pgs inc a full pg color pin-up and Alicyn Sanborn & Lynn Arden each have 2 pgs. Also fiction by Con Sellers 'Kill Hard Kill Fast'. Normal wear but still bright & glossy - VG

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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