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Adam Book of Adult Stag Humor

Adam Book of Adult Stag Humor

Product ID: adam-staghum.1
1964 - Big 100 pg squarebound volume features a great Bill Ward Color FC + 7 full pg illos - all very detailed - excellent stuff. Also has 8 pgs of antique French postcards. Book is loaded w/ jokes, songs, limericks, cartoons and lots more. Cover is bright & glossy, light creases in bottom right corner, BC is a bit worn - overall VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
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Adam Book of Adult Stag Humor #2

Adam Book of Adult Stag Humor #2

Product ID: adam-staghum.2e
1965 - 100 page squarebound volume is loaded w/ jokes, cartoons, photos, stories and all kinds of funny stuff. A nice 6 pg feature on antique French photographs. Bill Ward has 6 very detailed full page cartoons and another 2 page illo - great stuff! Heinrich Kley has an 8 pg portfolio of 20 drawings featuring 'TV You Didn't See'. Multiple verticle stess lines perpendicular to spine, some 'thumb' marks but still fairly bright & glossy - decent VG 

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Adam Sextra Laughs #1

Adam Sextra Laughs #1

Product ID: adam-sexlgh.1
1968 - Great selection of jokes, limericks, cartoons and other funny stuff. Contains 7 B&W cartoons by Bill Ward - smallest is 1/4 pg, largest is 2/3 pg - others in between. Lynn Harrison has 3 prox. 1/2 pg B&W cartoons A bit worn but not damaged, center pgs are detached - Good.

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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Adam Stag Humor #5

Adam Stag Humor #5

Product ID: adm-staghum.5
1970 Edition. 100 pages of funny stuff. Covers are cartoons by Bruce Day. Schroeder has 5 full pg illos + 5 more slighly smaller. 'I Rode With the Hell's Angels' - a 9 pg story w/ illos by Jill Merriweather. A feature on sex in advertising and 'The Adventures of Acidman' - a 6 pg B&W comic strip by William Rotsler. Basically in pretty nice shape although white covers show some soiling - VG/VG+

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
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