Bunny Allen-p
Nicely built Brunette with short hair was frequent Covergirl/Centerfold from late 70s to early 80s. Appeared in dozens of mags usually anonymously or with a completely made-up name, although several different mags have her under the single name 'Lana'.
The name Bunny Allen is from Nymphet 1/76 which is the earliest appearance I've yet found and one of the few to use what might actually be a real name.
Cover appearances include AFFAIR 2/78, ALL MAN 9/79, CANDID 4/78 and SWINGLE 3/78. Centerfolds include the ALL MAN & CANDID listed plus DEBONAIR 3/80, MANS DELIGHT 8/78 and MANS PLEASURE 4/78.
Cheri - 1978-08
Product ID: cheri1978-08cBunny Allen has very nice 10 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Lorna Brooke'. Nona Hendryx has 6 pgs (no nudity), April Thornton has 5 pgs, Ilah Davies also has 5 pgs and Cherry Bomb has 4 pgs w/ rock band 'The Young Ones'. A very familiar looking girl on a boat has 6 pgs - she is also in 2/79. Plus the 3rd Annual Blowjob contest and 7 pgs of winner Kathy Monroe. Mickey & Sue Leblovic - publishers of the LA Star newspaper - have 5 pgs, Jane & Jim Knight have 5 pgs and Bob & Diane have 5 pgs. An Interview w/ Jaye P. Morgan of TVs Gong Show. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Climax - 1978-10
v24 #10 - Covergirl is Bunny Allen. Hannah Griffin & girlfriend share 8 pgs inc CF. Plus 8 more girls w/ only 1 name. Barely touched, Fine+
Dude - 1978-09
Product ID: dude1978-09dValerie Clark has FC + 6 pgs inc CF, Linda Gordon has 7 pgs (as Lorrie) and Bunny Allen has 6 pgs as 'Leticia'. Vicki has 6 pgs, Jo Anne Springer and Susy each have 5 pgs. Lisa and boyfriend Tony have 4 pgs w/ a bunch of oranges. Also single pics of Roberta Pedon, Yum Yum, Arlene Bell, Penny Ellington, Dean Ackerlund, Marilyn Brown and others. Plus 'Glenn & Carol at Niagara Falls' a 4 pg B&W comic strip. Very bright & glossy, a couple of light stresses along right edge - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Eros - 1979-10
Can you believe a whole magazine full of women and not a single name in the entire book. Covergirl is Carolyn Evans. Bunny Allen has 5 pgs. An anonymous blonde has 8 pgs inc CF w/ a bowl of fruit and a banana. The girl on the BC (Bobbie Barnes?) also has 6 pgs and is featured in the Eros Posterbook as 'Jane'. Article on nuclear fallout. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Gallery - 1977-12
v5 #13 - Anonymous Covergirl is Bunny Allen w/ 5 pgs. Sheila Lean has 9 pgs inc CF. Carrie Nelson (Penthouse Pet of 1/78) has 6 pgs as Girl Next Door Ann Y. Karel has 7 pgs. Int w/ Gene Simmons of rock band Kiss and a 2nd Int. w/ Hal Needham (stuntman, director, race driver). Articles about weather shock (climate change is NOT so new!) and the international power brokers who have Jimmy Carter in their pocket.
Gallery - 1979-12
v7 #13 - Big holiday Issue comes with 16 pg detachable calendar for 1980. Girl Next Door Judyannah M has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg double foldout CF. A portfolio by photographer Siwar Ohlsson inc Covergirl who looks like Bunny Allen (again). Int. w/ Cardinal George McLain of the ULC. Articles about the chemical industry and pulp magazines. Tetra - sci-fi comic.
High Society - 1977-12
FC + 7 pgs of 4 girls - Shelley, Grace, Mary & Jennifer - who are billed as virgins. The Lusty Ladies of Bourbon Street are 5 she-males who have 6 pgs inc CF + a 16 pg detachable Calendar for 1978. Jill & Jenny Butterworth have an 8 pg catfight, Justine Jackson has 8 pgs and Bunny Allen has 5 pgs as 'Monica Carlo'. Plus 3 girls have 8 pgs w/ a janitor and an anonymous couple (a girl & fortune teller) has 7 pgs.
Nugget - 1979-10
Product ID: nugg1979-10dLots of familiar faces in this one. Covergirl Bunny Allen also has 5 pgs as 'Carrie', Jolene has 6 pgs inc CF. Carrie Nelson (Penthouse Pet of 1/78) has 5 pgs as 'Lisa', Cindy has 5 pgs and girlfriends Serena (not that one) & Lydia share 6 pgs. Issue has 2 separate catfights plus Mango Motel a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat and Smiley and the Lesbians go to Mars - a 1 pg color comic strip both by Otis Sweat. Very bright & glossy, small corner bumps on right side - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Nugget - 1980-06
Product ID: nugg1980-06bTerri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 4 pgs as 'Joni' and Bunny Allen has 5 pgs as 'Terri'. Lillian has 6 pgs inc CF and Diana has 6 pgs. Kim Soong & Theresa each have 5 pgs. Girlfriends Toni & Joni share 6 pgs. Plus a 6 pg amputee portfolio by R.H. Dee and Uncle Oatie - a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched, about NEW!
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Nugget - 1983-11
Sheri Martin has 6 pgs inc CF, Bunny Allen has 5 pgs as 'Rose'. Valentina has 6 pgs, Barbie has 4 pgs and girlfriends Joyce & Nila share 3 pgs. Annie Owens (aka Little Oral Annie) and Shelly Tell have a 4 pg catfight. An anonymous couple has 5 pgs and Haley Tiresius has 5 pgs. Plus a Long Jean Silver Interview w/ full pg pic and Swamp Bitch - a 1 pg color comic strip by Otis Sweat. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Nugget - Annual 1980
Product ID: nugg-ann1980cLots of familiar faces in this one. Covergirl Bunny Allen also has 3 pgs as 'Carrie' (10/79 less last 2 pgs). Tammy HIll has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Patty' (source unknown - 12/79?). Francie James as 'Goldie' (8/79), Gina (8/79 less FC) & Jolene (10/79) each have 6 pgs. Carrie Nelson (Penthouse Pet of 1/78) has 4 pgs as 'Lisa' (10/79 less last pg). Cindy (10/79 less 1st pg) and Eve (8/79) each have 4 pgs. Brigitte Lahaie and her slave Doris (is Veronique Maugarski) have 5 pgs (8/79 - pics from same photo shoot as Club International 7/82) and Mike Ranger and a girlfriend Linda have 5 pgs (8/79). Plus Mango Motel a 4 pg B&W comic strip by Otis Sweat. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Pub - 1979-04
v3 #1 - April Fool's issue has FC of girl wearing bunny ears and tail. Another issue w/ 5 pictorials of girls w/ ridiculous names. Bunny Allen has 7 pgs, Tarri Micas has 6 pgs. A group of topless joggers share 8 pgs inc CF and an unknown Black model also has 8 pgs. Bill Ward 1/4 pg B&W cartoon, Don Lomax has 3 pgs "Assis" color comix. BC is ad for the San Clemente Express Card w/ big pic of young Richard Nixon (remember this IS the April Fool's issue). Extremely bright & glossy - like new, but has a couple of fingerprints on BC from smeared ink - FINE
Stag - 1978-06
v29 #6 - Jackque Iverson has FC w/ bottle of champagne + 8 pgs, Ava Talbot has 7 pgs. Bunny Allen has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Brooks Poole'. Tina Muwell & Liz Boyer share 6 pgs - (1 is Debbie Hatfield aka Virginia Winter) - same photo shoot as Brute 6/76. Articles about Craps, Leroy (Nicky) Barnes - the Sultan of Smack and the FNJ Roadster. Fine copy is bright & glossy, lightly read.
Swank - 1977-12
Tina Atchison has 10 pgs inc CF - she is Covergirl and CF of Nugget 4/78 as 'Susan'. Bunny Allen has 8 pgs as 'Diane', 2 girls and Santa share 9 pgs. Bernice Carlson has 5 pgs and girlfriends Jodie & Janet share 5 pgs - 1 is Christine de Schaeffer. Article about mass murderers. Olivia de Berardinis art - 3 diff 1/2 pg illos. Bright & glossy, a bit of spine wear - VG+