Susan Walters-p
Busty Redhead with long curly hair. Appeared in numerous magazines from about 1969 thru the mid 70s and had a different name almost every time.
Susan Walters is from Knight 6/69 and in addition to being one of her earlier appearances this is one of the few names that makes any sense.
Appeared in Fling 1/71 as Sue Walker and again in 5/71, but this time as 'Aviva Malamuth'. Was Covergirl w/ 6 pgs for Climax 5/69 - as 'Carmen D' Amato'. Became 'Jill Van Floet' in Duke 12/70 and 'Hattie Norha' in Rogue 8/70.
40RTY PLUS - v01.2
Product ID: modvd-40rty-v1.2Spring, 1972 - Eros Pub. Uschi Digard has 4 pgs as 'Diane Evans' and BC (in black corset with nylons and garters, knee high boots, red leather gloves and a big whip) + 1 pg as 'Usehi'. Roxanne Brewer has 6 pgs as 'Roxanne Lee', Patti Wayne has big 9 pg feature, Susan Walters has 8 pgs, Dee Wilson and Jamie West each have 6 pgs, Danielle Dawson has 5 pgs as 'Carol Denny' and Margaret Middleton has 2 pgs. Also a very nice full pg illustration that must be Bill Ward but is signed 'Satana'.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 996
Price: $9.95
Adam - v13 #03
Product ID: adam-v13.03b3/69 - Covergirl Sharon Cook also has 2 pgs. Niki Stewart has 6 pgs inc CF, Lydia Jason has BC, inside FC + 5 pgs. Susan Walters has 4 pgs (was Aviva Malamuth in FLING mags). Kitty Mason and Lois Easley each have 4 pgs. Plus a movie review of 'That Wonderful November' w/ Gina Lollabrigida - 2 pgs, 'Street Scene' by Harlan Ellison & Keith Laumer and an article on pre-Castro Cuba. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, small, almost invisible date stamp in upper left corner - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Dapper - 1974-04
Another issue of wall to wall babes with made up names. Francine Trellis has 7 pgs inc CF, Syrette has 5 pgs, a set of twins - Vicki & Val have 4 pgs (the Collinson Twins?), Susan Walters has 3 pgs as 'Lois Vulpone' and 9 more girls.
Dude - 1970-09
Product ID: dude1970-09dCovergirl also has 6 pgs. Michelle Trosello has 6 pgs inc CF. Susan Walters has 3 pgs as 'Stephanie', Britt-Marie has 4 pgs and Linda Snow has 2 pgs. Plus Jane Dolinger in Paris and an article about Edgar Cayce. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Knight - v07.02
(6/69) - Lynn Breeden (was in 11/67) FC in clear plastic raincoat and umbrella. Mamie Van Doren has 5 classic pages. Anne Besant, Bobbie Helms, Lorne Mitchell & Susan Walters have 4 pgs each. Cara (aka Carol) Peters has 3 pgs and Uschi is on BC - you can't see her face, she is standing with her back to you, wearing a pair of white lace panties and unfastening her bra in front. Fiction by Raymond Friday Locke 'River Inn Interlude'. Article about C.B.N. - chemical-biological-nuclear warfare. VG+ copy has slightly soft bottom right corner.
Rex - Special Edition - v1 #2
Product ID: rex-speced-v1.2Giant squarebound volume is 2 separate issues of REX bound together - over 200 pgs! Original covers & contents pgs not included so it's impossible to tell which issues these are but they are early 70s vintage - the 2nd mag is #10 from 1970. Susan Walters (billed as Fay Olsen) has full pg pics on inside covers. First mag contains a 7 pg feature on Rosalind from Rex #26 and 4 pgs of Marianne Meitz. Also a long article titled 'Down Mammary Lane' w/ 6 pgs of Sophia Loren plus half or full pg pics a dozen other well known (mostly European) actresses and 2 pgs of Erica Gavin. Sean Connery as James Bond has a 4 pg fashion feature. Interviews w/ sci-fi author Ray Bradbury, film director Norman Jewison and Tom Stafford from NASA. Articles about Luarel & Hardy and Russian spies who defected. Second mag (Rex #10) is full of girls. Heidy has 10 pgs; Conchita, Patricia, Kim and Penny (Mallet?) each have 6 pgs and Elisabetta has 5 pgs. Also 4 pgs of the Erotic Art of Mihaly von Zichy and an 8 pg article on the Erotic History of Strip Tease w/ some pics. Pictorial features on sky diving, a Black Sea Holiday, volcanoes and guerilla warfare in Malaysia. Articles about Spanish boxer Urtain and how to master the wine list. Mag has a small 1/2" tear on edge of BC and a clean crease on upper corner BC but is very bright & glossy - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Twilight #9
Product ID: modvd-twi9Summer, 1969 by Health Knowledge Inc. (Acme) - Big 72 pg issue features a very early appearance of Joyce Gibson - she has 7 pgs as 'Fran Collins'. Susan Walters also has 7 pgs as 'Natalie Ellison'. The girl on FC is also on the BC. Lila Jenkins has 8 pgs, Maude MacIntyre has 6 pgs, Margo Masters has 6 pgs, Barbara has 4 pgs, a diff Lila Jenkins has 4 pgs, Diane Swanson has 5 pgs, Annette has 6 pgs plus an anonymous CF.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 998
Price: $9.95