Betty Harmon-p
Sort of exotic looking model with medium length reddish-brown hair. Appeared in numerous Parliament News mags and others during the early 60s.
The name Betty Harmon is from Modern Man 11/60 and also Sir 4/63. Was Covergirl of FURY 3/62 (as Laura White) as well as BOUDOIR #1 and WOMEN OF INTRIGUE #2. Has a big 8 pg set in SNAP #6. She also appeared under the names Kathy Colby (Coquette v1 #3 and Touch of Venus v1 #2) and Sue Cole (Spree #18)
The name Betty Harmon is from Modern Man 11/60 and also Sir 4/63. Was Covergirl of FURY 3/62 (as Laura White) as well as BOUDOIR #1 and WOMEN OF INTRIGUE #2. Has a big 8 pg set in SNAP #6. She also appeared under the names Kathy Colby (Coquette v1 #3 and Touch of Venus v1 #2) and Sue Cole (Spree #18)
There is also a girl named Betty Harmon in Wildcat 1/66, but she appears to be a different girl.
Fury - 1962-03
v25 #1 - Has Laura White (aka Betty Harmon) FC + 3 pgs. Jean Summers (is Hope Hathaway) has inside FC + 4 pgs - same feature is in Scene 12/63. Also a 2 pg movie review of 'Something Wild' starring Carroll Baker. Plus a feature about Beirut - a bachelor's paradise and articles about Roman Proske - a wild animal (tiger) trainer and cooking with beer. Plus fiction by Ian Fleming 'The Two Faces of Death'. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, minor wear but the center pages came loose and have been re-attached in w/ 3 small pieces of tape. Good copy has been heavily read w/ numerous small creases and heavy spine wear.
Modern Man - 1960-11
Debbie Lane Covers + 3 pgs. Julie London and Ava Gardner each have 3 pg features. Randy Scott color CF by Tom Kelley. Blind Date is Betty Harmon. Good articles on hockey great Jacques Plante, Parasailing, home-made airplanes and Lotus autos.
Sir - 1963-04
Product ID: sir1963-04dAlicyn Sanborn has 6 pgs inc a 3 pg CF as 'Sammy Lynne', Vreny Bruner has a nice 5 pg feature and Betty Harmon (Covergirl of Gent 2/66) has 4 pgs. Also an article on the new Japanese navy and James Michener fiction "Fo' Dolla'". Bright shiny red cover, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Spree - v1 #18
1960 - Covergirl Brenda Graham is also in a 12 pg pictorial w/ Sue Cole (aka Betty Harmon) on yacht. Sheika Moser has fantastic 7 pg feature inc a color CF!! Mabel Rea has 6 pgs, Dee Dee Candis has 5 pgs and Maxine Gorman, Clara Linn Maxwell & Jan Renfro each have 4 pgs. Plus a 5 pg feature on Japanese burlesque. Mag has normal wear, no serious defects but is missing pg 19/20 - the first page of a feature on auto racing.
Swank - Annual 1962
9th Anniversary Annual. Colette has 6 pgs - she was Covergirl of GENT 2/66 as Peggy Cortez (aka Betty Harmon - Modern Man in 11/60). Ann Atmar has 4 pgs as 'Polly Maguire' and Chris Brondbjerg has 5 pgs (she is also in Caper 3/61). Plus Dion Garrett and Annie Andrews each have 4 pgs and Irene Craft has 3 pgs. Fiction by Robert Bloch "The Unpardonable Crime", Earle Schell "Run of Luck" and Rex Lardner "Vengenace of Omar". Also a good article about comedian Dick Gregory and BC + 3 pgs of cartoons by Bill Wenzel. VG+ copy in nice shape, clean & bright, a bit of normal wear. VG copy has been read a bit, normal wear but no serious defects.