Jacqueline Brooks-p
Very popular dark haired model from the early to mid 80s. Star of Adult film 'Centerspread Girls' from Harold Lime, appeared in dozens of mags, frequent CF inc Chic & Hustler.
Adam - 1982-05
Covergirls are Ann & Laurie - they were in 4/82. Danielle Martin has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Elsa'. Jacqueline Brooks has 4 pgs as 'Robin', Dana has BC + 4 pgs - she is FC of 6/82. Wendy O. Williams and the Plasmatics - article w/ pics. 'Fanta' 5 pg B&W comic strip. Fine copy is very bright & glossy, a couple of nearly invisible spine stresses.
BUF - 1982-03
Full of familiar faces. Covergirl Bodil also has 8 pgs inc CF. Harriet Geller has 6 pgs as 'Ruth', Jacqueline Brooks also has 6 pgs as 'Gina'. Gloria Banks has 7 pgs as 'Marie' (she is also in Gem 4/83), bronze beauty Stella Tandy has 8 pgs as 'Oona' and Roberta Pedon has inside FC - full page ad for 8mm movie. Very bright & glossy, nearly new, very minor spine stress - FINE+
Cavalier - 1981-08
Nancy has FC + 7 pgs, Angela has 9 pgs inc CF. Jacqueline Brooks has 7 pgs as 'Delores Lord, Madelina has 7 pgs. Feature on WWII Airplane Nose Pin-Up Art. Articles about Charlie Chan and 'Carnies'. Don Lomax - 4 pgs color comix. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched! Good copy has large crease on bottom right corner of FC, some spine stresses and chunk off bottom left corner of BC.
Cheri - 1981-11
Covergirl Bobbi (is Jacqueline Brooks) shares 8 pgs w/ girlfriend Billie. Debbie Boyland has 6 pgs as 'Tara', Laurie Smith has 6 pgs as 'Trixie'. Claire & Bella each have 6 pgs, Stevie & Virginia each have 5 pgs. This issue has a 16 pg calendar for 1982. Calendar covergirl is Jackie Jones and includes half page pics of Gerry Reeves, Little Oral Annie, Anna Ventura, Sian Adey Jones, Helle Linnebjurg and Seka and 6 others. Plus bodypainting, female boxers and lots more.
Chic - 1981-08
Lani has 10 pgs inc CF. Jacqueline Brooks has 8 pgs as 'Mai', Cleo has 6 pgs. Articles about Insurance Rip-Offs and the strange disappearance of Marcia Moore.
Chic - 1981-12
Billie has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Jacqueline Brooks ha 8 pgs and more people w/ no names. Interview w/ Terry Galanoy - author of 'The Credit Card Trap'. Article about 'Killer Kids'.
Gallery - 1982-05
Covergirl Nina also has 9 pgs inc CF (is Nina Carter?). Girl Next Door Cynthia L has 5 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 5 pgs as 'Robin' and Charlotte Morris has 4 pgs. Articles about bodybuilder Dr. Franco Columbu and Joe Coors of the Colorado brewing dynasty, A feature on Detective Paperbacks.and Isaac Asimov - The Asimov Challenge.
Game - 1982-02
Covergirl Gloria has 7 pgs in the issue of 4/83. Loni Sanders has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Jean'. Jacqueline Brooks has 6 pgs as 'Theresa'. Lara Anders and 2 girlfriends share 7 pgs. Plus Tessa Hewitt has 7 pgs as 'Fiona', Gabrielle Freeman has 6 pgs as 'Belinda', and Mary Jo has 5 pgs. Wally Wood has 2 pgs of 'Cannon' comics, Gil Elvgren has 1 pg w/ 5 playing cards. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy - barely touched! VG+ copy is bright & glossy, top right corner is slightly soft.
Game - 1982-12
Jacqueline Brooks has 8 pgs inc CF. Karen Mifflin has 7 pgs as a French maid. A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 6 pgs and more girls w/ no names. Alberto Vargas has a 1/2 pg illo. FINE copy is bright & glossy, a few minor stresses. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, top right corner soft
Game - 1983-07
Product ID: game1983-07cGood Issue! Tami Roche has great FC + 5 pgs. Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Brooke'. Joanne Latham has 6 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 4 pgs and 60s TV star Diane McBain has 2 pgs. Plus 12 diff girls each have full pg pics inc Sylvia McFarland & Tripp Skippington. Article about Underground comix. Very bright & glossy, small stress near spine - FINE/FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Genesis - 1982-04
Rachel Ashley has FC + 11 pgs inc CF as 'Angela Curtis Beech'. Jo Peace has 8 pgs as 'Cinnamon', Jacqueline Brooks has 7 pgs as 'Joy'. Photo-Interview w/ actress Jamie Lee Curtis. Article about college baseball.
High Society - 1981-07
Nastassia Kinski has FC + 6 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 7 pgs inc CF as an Indian 'Painted Fox'. Gloria Leonard has 5 pgs. Annie Ample interviews Captain Sticky and shares 7 pgs in a lingerie store w/ Wendy Wilson and another girlfriend. Plus a 10 pg Tarzan & Jane Pictorial (guy is Randy West and Jane looks like Wendy Wilson again) and the Temple of Venus in Seattle w/ Sharon Kane. Also 3 girls and 2 guys in a diner have 7 pgs.
Hustler - 1981-11
Copper Penny (as Samantha the Devil Woman) has FC w/ a giant snake + 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF. Pauline has 8 pgs, girlfriends Rose & Louise share 8 pgs and a Soldier & Squaw pictorial 8 pgs - is Jacqueline Brooks. Articles about elderly abuse and sports bookie J.D. Clovis. Honey Hooker comic strip.
Hustler - 1982-01
Covergirl Angel also has 20 pgs inc both sides of a detachable 8 pg poster. Laurie Noel has 8 pgs as 'Shannon', and girlfriends Paulette & Tamarra share 8 pgs on a flying carpet. A 10 pg office party pictorial features Bridgitte Monet, Barbara Peckinpaugh and Jacqueline Brooks. Annual Guide to mens mags by Gerard Damiano. Article about country singer Marty Robbins. Honey Hooker comic strip.
Nugget - 1983-07
Product ID: nugg1983-07cJacqueline Brooks has FC + 4 pgs as 'Fatima' and Britt Erickson has 6 pgs inc CF as 'Suzanne'. Long Jean Silver has 5 pgs, Sara has 3 pgs, a girl and her snake have 5 pgs and girlfriends Lanie & Rosanne share 6 pgs. Plus catfights, oil wrestling and bondage pics. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched but has a bit of looseness around staples - FINE
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Nugget - 1986-07
Product ID: nugg1986-07bTammi McAndrus has FC + 6 pgs inc CF as 'Darlene'. Jacqueline Lorians and Jacqueline Brooks share 5 pgs as 'Helga & Karen'. Athena Star and Susan Hart have 6 pgs w/ Tom Byron. Michelle has 5 pgs and Dee Dee (was in 3/86 & 5/86) has 4 pgs w/ boyfriend. Black model Suede has 4 pgs w/ a female slave and Mistress Ann Murray has 3 pgs w/ a male slave. Helga (was in 3/86) and male slave have 5 pgs. Plus a 4 pg B&W catfight comic strip and Amputee Corner - 6 pgs of artwork bt R.H. Dee. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Oui - 1986-04
Sexy blond Vicky in red lingerie has FC + huge 11 pg pictorial inc CF. Jacqueline Brooks has 8 pgs as 'Sherry' (she is also in 1/86 as 'Vivian'). Barbi (aka Janet Barber) has 8 pgs as 'Lori', Gail has 7 pgs and girlfriends Marilyn & Lisa share 7 pgs. Long pictorial of female boxers and a feature on the Coral heads of Cozumel - nice!
Partner - 1982-03
Sasha has FC + 7 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has BC + 8 pgs inc CF as 'Angelina'. A porn party at Plato's w/ 4 pgs of Cintrice. Bobbie Barnes has 6 pgs as 'Polly', Cathy has 7 pgs and Fat Frieda has 5 pgs.
Partner - 1983-02
Product ID: part1983-02bTipi Rocks has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Brooke' and Maria Berggren has 8 pgs as 'Frankie'. Angie Lyn has 8 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 6 pgs and Tina also has 6 pgs. A feature on the Detroit Hellfire Club and 'Shooty Beagle' a 3 pg color comic strip. Beautiful Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Partner - 1983-12
Shauna Grant has 8 pgs inc a 4 pg foldout CF as 'Mimi'. The FC is a 3 pg foldout w/ Jacqueline Brooks & girlfriend - a 3 pg pic and a 2 pg pic. Clair Quentin has 5 pgs as 'Lisa' (this is a B&W reprint of 7/79 less last 2 pgs). Michelle Bauer & girlfriend have 3 pgs (partial reprint of 3/81). Trixie has 3 pgs (partial reprint of 6/81) and Arlene Bell has a nice pic. Wings has 9 pgs and Shebang has 8 pgs. Theresa (aka Porky) & boyfriend have 8 pgs
Partner - 1985-09
Product ID: part1985-09Covergirl is Carol Needham and Gloria has 7 pgs inc CF (reprint of 8/82). Rabia Roche has 6 pgs (reprint of 7/80 less last pg). Jacqueline Brooks has 3 pgs as 'Nina' - partial reprint of 6/81. Chrissie Beauchamp has 3 pgs as 'Scotti' - partial reprint of 2/84. Cherry Ross has 2 pgs - same as 7/79. Marlene has 7 pgs (reprint 0f 5/81). Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Partner - 1987-09
Product ID: part1987-09Covergirl is Tracy Neve, Lana has 11 pgs inc CF. Jacqueline Brooks has 11 pgs as 'Jody' - pics from same photo shoot as Game 2/82. Mavis has 11 pgs and Tiffany has 10 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Penthouse - 1982-01
Victoria Lynn Johnson (Pet of the Year 1978) is Covergirl. Julie Perrein (is Julia Perrin) has 19 pgs inc CF. Also, 2 girls have a 14 pg pictorial - one is Jacqueline Brooks. Plus a 10 pg feature on artist Paul Wunderlich. Interview w/ NY cop - Robert Leuci (subject of movie 'Prince of the City'). Feature articles on Religious Con Men, Billy Milligan - the man w/ 24 personalities, The Politics of Cancer - Part 9 - The Cancer Insurance Scam and 'The Dangerous Myth of Creationism' by Isaac Asimov. Sweet Chastity 6 pg comic strip.
Mag also contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster of Pet of the Year Danielle Deneux.
Mag also contains a giant 8 pg detachable poster of Pet of the Year Danielle Deneux.
Sir - 1983-06
Product ID: sir1983-06bCovergirls are a pair of Jackies - Jacqueline Lorians and Jacqueline Brooks. Olivia has 9 pgs inc a 2 1/2 pg CF and Marla has 3 pgs. Jacqueline Lorians as 'Marie' shares 6 pgs w girlfriend Kelly (NOT J. Brooks), Myrna & Regina (one is Jill Russo) have 5 pgs (same photo set as Man To Man 3/81), Basically new , a couple of very minor stresses - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Velvet - Foxes # 01
(9/82) - Great mag is squarebound, 100 pgs of cover to cover (except 4 pgs ads) pics - mostly full page or double page, 10 photo sets in all. Covergirl is Sian Adey-Jones. Nancy Suiter has excellent 8 pg feature as Dory, Anna Ventura has the inside BC + 10 pgs as 'Pamela', Lorie Armbrust & girlfriend Yolanda share the inside FC + 10 pgs. Jacqueline Brooks has 8 pgs as 'Gabrielle', Cora Mia has 10 pgs (she is billed as Kari Burton in Penthouse 3/81 and was CF of Hustler 12/78). Barbara Peckinpaugh (aka Susanna Britton) has 8 pgs as 'Domonique'. Plus a 3-girl set in a shower (1 is Mei Ling?), a couple of 2-girl sets and Zaile has 6 pgs. FINE++ copy is NEW, unread! FINE copy is basically new but has light vertical stress line about 1/4" in from spine from cover being opened.
Velvet - Foxes # 05
Product ID: velv-fox.05b(5-6/83) - Great mag is squarebound, 100 pgs of nearly all pics - mostly full page or double page. 11 photo sets in all including several familiar faces. Cindy Nelson has inside BC + 8 pgs as 'Patti', Jacqueline Brooks has 8 pgs as 'Miki'. Mei Ling has 6 pgs as 'Toyomi' and girlfriends Lorna & Debbie share 6 pgs - 1 is Sylvia Wright. Plus Kataryn has 10 pgs, Josie, Randi, Anna Lee, Mizanne and Charma each have 8 pgs and girlfriends Linda & Chris share 8 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, basically new, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Velvet Talks - Special #3
Product ID: velv-talk-spec.03a1984 - Open Women - Nearly entire mag is pics - 14 different features. Amber Lynn has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Madelyn', Julia Parton has 6 pgs as 'Sally' + 6 more in sauna w/ girlfriend, Kristara Barrington has 7 pgs, and Danielle Martin has 6 as 'Mona'. Debi Diamond has 6 pgs, (anonymously), Jacqueline Brooks has 5 pgs as 'Miki', Shana Ross has 5 pgs as 'Caroline'. Josie has 5 pgs, Mizanne & Kathy each ave 4 pgs, girlfriends Ruth & Jenni have 5 pgs. NEW, unread copy - FINE++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00