Jackie Miller 2-p
Popular redheaded stripper from late 60s - early 70s (not the busty model from late 50s & early 60s who was CF of Fling #1. Was CF in CAVALIER 12/67, FC of KNIGHT 9/68 and appeared in DEBONAIR 12/72.
Adam Yearbook 1971
Product ID: adam-yrbk1971dCindy Barnett has FC + 9 pgs inc 3 pg color foldout inside FC. Chris (aka Christine) Ferguson has 5 pgs, Gee Bernard has 6 pgs (pretty sure this is Gee Gentle), Gina Dair has 4 pgs and Barbara Caron has 6 pgs. Justine and French dancer Villy each have 6 pgs. A feature on LA topless club The Bat Cave w/ pics of Jackie Miller and an article about ginseng. Bright & glossy, lightly read, has a faint vertical stress line at spine and a date stamp in upper left corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Knight - v06.08
Product ID: knig-v06.08d(9/68) Jackie Miller (redheaded stripper from the late 60s - early 70s, not the busty model from late 50s & early 60s who was CF of Fling #1) has FC + 1 pg as part of a 6 pg Zodiac Calendar. A nice 4 pg feature on actress Sharon Tate. Brandy Patrick has 6 pgs. Sylvia Forest (was in 1/68) has inside FC + 4 pgs, Marion Francette the BC + 6 pgs and Roberta Lyle has 4 pgs. Plus The Church of Satan w/ Anton Levay, movie review of 'The Acid Eaters', an article about Karate and Harlan Ellison's "O Ye Of Little Faith". Sharp, VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Knight - v06.09
Product ID: knit1968-11d(11/68) - Edy Williams has gorgeous FC in black lace bra & panties + 1 pg. Jackie Miller has BC + 4 pgs. Carol Newell and Francoise Hansen each have 6 pgs, Bobbie Anderson and Georgia O'Hara each have 4 pgs and Karen Gary has 2 pgs. An article on sex in the Japanese cinema w/ pics and Harlan Ellison fiction "White on White". Sharp VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00