Gaby Ryke-p
Busty model with short hair (usually red or brunette) popular all during the 60s. Was Covergirl of Modern Man 8/63 and numerous PN slicks - French Frills v2 #5, Late Date v1 #2, Nightcap v2 #4, Spree #37.
Ace - 1965-03
Product ID: ace1965-03dCovergirl is Debbie Jones. Dawn Wells & Dolores Dawson each have 4 pgs, Gaby Ryke & Rosemary Robinson each have 3 pgs. and Jill Darling has 2 pgs. Plus a nice 5 pg calendar for 1965 featuring a 'Dazzling Dozen'. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Connoisseur's World - 1964-04
v1 #1 Issue visits Mexico w/ numerous features throughout the book. Also features 3 girls - Edie (aka Edy) Williams, Lynn Marlowe (on FC) and Kathy Crofoot (has a very nice CF) - w/ pics throughout as well - in a pool, at the beach, on a boat, etc. Much of the photography by Tom Kelley of Marilyn Monroe Calendar fame. Also a 5 pg featre on a Connoisseur's Birthday Party w/ several girls inc Gabby (Gaby Ryke). Plus fiction by Ray Bradbury 'Massinello Pietro'. VG+ copy is bright & glossy, Fair copy has light H2O marks, not brittle.
Follies - 1965-02
Product ID: foll1965-02d(v9.1) - Good issue w/ lots of popular models. Gaby Ryke has CF as 'Myrna Taylor', Vivianne Borg has nice 4 pg feature. Peggy Lynn and June Summers each have 3 pgs. Maria Stinger and Winnie (aka Brenda) Graham each have 2 pgs, Margaret (Maggie) Middleton as 'Peggy Law', Sandy Hagen and Arlene Hunter each have 1 pg. Tanya Tiari, Sylvia White, Linda Maya, Carrie Richards, Cindy Taylor and Joanne La Bonar each have 2 pgs. A 6 pg feature on showgirls and dozens of other modesl Very bright & glossy, a few minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Midnight - v3 #4
Product ID: Midnight - v3 #4a(1964 - AAA) - Carol Hill (as 'Marlene Engels') has excellent full color BC + 6 pg feature w/ a dragster. Gaby Ryke has 4 pgs as 'Elaine Atherton'. Some other familiar faces in this one as well. Beautiful untouched copy - NEW! FINE++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $35.00
Modern Man - 1963-08
Gaby Ryke has FC + 3 pgs, Brigitte Bardot has 3 pgs, Judy Treadway color CF and 'Satan in High Heels' movie review w/ Meg Myles & Sabrina.
Vue - 1969-07
Product ID: vue1969-07dGaby Ryke close-up FC + 4 pgs (as 'Gaby Goodwin'), Blaze Starr has 4 pgs, Bambi Allen has 4 pgs, Susannah York 4 pg article about w/ pics. Feature articles on Artists & Models Ball in LA, swamp buggy racing, buffalo round-up in Montana, body painting and a solid gold bathtub in Japan. Bright, glossy VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00