Angel - Angela Bell-p
Platinum blond model w/ blue eyes appeared in numerous PN titles from the early - mid 60s. One photo of her seated and wearing a black sweater was used on the BC of BABE v1 #4 and LATE DATE v1 #2. she was also Covergirl of LATE SHOW v1 #1.
Usually billed as just Angel or Angela, The name Angela Bell is from Tonight v2 #2 and may be correct or not.
Ace - 1967-01
Product ID: ace1967-01dLisa Lindbergh (Lisbeth Lindeborg?) has FC + 3 pgs. Dolly Sherry & Toni Webster each have 4 pgs, Annabelle Forrester has 3 pgs and Sandra Nelson has 2 pgs. Miki Moto & Angel McCarthy (is Angela Bell) share 2 pgs. A 4 pg feature on the adult comic 'Barbarella' and articles on censorship and crazy liquor laws. Bright & glossy, a few minor stresses, small clean crease on bottom right corner of FC - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Cocktail - v3 #1
(1962 - AAA) - Kim Cole has 8 pgs inc CF, Angela Bell has 4 pgs as 'Angel', Beatrice (looks like Brigette to me) Baum has 5 pgs, Nicky Tines (aka Mickey Jines) has 2 pgs. A feature on Club Mayol in Paris and an article about Champagne. Also fiction by E.A Ebeling Jr 'The Petticoat President'. Gorgeous copy, barely touched w/ full cover gloss - FINE+. Second copy has thin spot near top edge, nick on spine at top staple, spine split from bottom staple to bottom edge, missing quite a few pgs inc the entire CF feature. Angela Bell & Beatrice Baum intact.