Jay Milo-p
Busty blonde model from the late 80s and early 90s.
First name has been spelled with several variations including Jaye, Jay'E and Jay-E
aka Jane Millon, Jane Million, Jane MiIlow and Jay Millow
First name has been spelled with several variations including Jaye, Jay'E and Jay-E
aka Jane Millon, Jane Million, Jane MiIlow and Jay Millow
Cheri - 1988-06
Debee Ashby has FC + 6 pgs with her Mother. Riva Rose has 8 pgs inc CF. Krista Lane has 6 pgs and Jay Milo has 6 pgs as HOTM Lauren. Lu Varley as 'Desiree', Kay Griffiths as 'Jessica', Amanda Barrington as 'Elaine' and Hyapatia Lee each have 4 pgs. Christina & Lori each have 4 pgs and a feature on the Girls of Kansas.
Cheri - 1988-11
Suzanne Mizzi has FC only. Jay Milo has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Lauren' (HOTM in 6/88) . Blondi, Lorna Mayfield as 'Joey' and Sally Anne Balaam as 'Patty' each have 6 pgs and Andrea Clark as 'Suzie' shares 6 pgs w/ Carla. Amber Lynn has 3 pgs. Plus HOTM Lorelie & Karen each have 6 pgs and Toni has 4 pgs.
Fox - 1994-05
Product ID: fox1994-05dLisa Lipps has solo FC + 7 pgs w/ boyfriend Darren. Girlfriends Busty Brittany (O'Neil) and Jay MIlo share 8 pgs inc CF as 'Josie & Jane'. Tonisha Mill and Trisha each have 7 pgs, Dalton Summers and Amber each have 6 pgs. Plus an Interview w/ director Henri Pachard. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Fox - 1994-11
Product ID: fox1994-11dMimi Miyagi has FC + 6 pgs. Girlfriends Jay Milo and Veronica Brazil share 9 pgs inc CF. Alyssa Alps has 8 pgs, Jennifer has 7 pgs and Zoryna Dreams, Ciera Knight & Saffron each have 6 pgs. Barbie & boyfriend Brad have 7 pgs. Very bright & glossy, some spine stresses and a bit of rubbing on BC - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Gent - 1994-09
Product ID: gent1994-09cSusanne Brecht has FC + 6 pgs and Jaye Milo has 8 big pgs inc CF. Europe Dichan, Brooke Chambers and Olivia Deville each have 6 pgs, Danni Ashe & Valerie Fields share 7 pgs. Mag contains a 32 pg pullout section - Callie Sommers has FC + 7 pgs inc CF and Norma Stitz has 7 pgs. Very bright & glossy, a couple of very minor stresses - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Hustler - 1988-07
Product ID: hust1988-07cJay Milo has 12 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF, Pauline Mason and 2 girlfriends share 10 pgs. Barbii & boyfriend have 8 pgs, the ever popular anonymous has 8 pgs and Louise & Stella have 8 pgs w/ Steve. Articles about Jimmy Swaggart and airwave repression (porn rock). Alex Ebel has a 1 pg illo. FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Hustler Best of # 016
Product ID: hust-bo.016e1989 - Nikki Knights has 8 pgs inc CF (12/88 - 1st 8 pgs only), Jay Milo has 8 pgs (7/88 - 1st 8 pgs only) and Caroline Barker as 'Sara' has 8 pgs (10/88 - 1st 8 pgs only). Yva Dee has 6 pgs (8/88 - 6 pgs only), girlfriends Elena & Carmen share 7 pgs (11/88) and Luann & boyfriend Luke have 7 pgs (12/88). Articles about the market for used human body parts and getting rich from the X-rated goldmine. Very bright & glossy, some stresses and '3.00' pencilled on cover - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
v 33 - Homebodies Special
1989 Fall - Another all reprint issue except for the mysterious Lorraine. Andrea Clark as 'Suzie' and girlfriend Carla share 6 pgs (11/88). Jay Milo as 'Lauren' (6/88) has 6 pgs. Julie (7/88), Karen (11/88), Coreen (10/88) and Lorraine (source unknown) each have 6 pgs. Gwendolyne Gray (2/88), Amy (10/88), Chris (5/88) and Karen (3/88) each have 4 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+