Loretta - The Mystery Girl (J. Hurst)-p
This is Janice Hurst without the long dark hair and bangs that you usually see. Additional listings under Janice Hurst.
Busty blond w/ medium length dark blonde/light brown hair who was a real regular in PN slicks for several years during the mid 70s. Had the entire issue of Big Bust Vixen v1 #4 to herself as 'Loretta' - that's why that name was chosen. If anyone knows better please fill me in! Was Covergril of 38-26-34 v12 #1, BB&B v4 #2 and Chesty Babes - v1 #1.
Also known as 'Marlene'
Big Bust Vixen - V1 #4
Product ID: modvd-bbvix-v1.41982 - Loretta (The Mystery Girl) has FC + 36 pgs. Mag also features BC + 10 pgs of pics from Uschi's lawn party w/ Uschi Digard, Toby Wenig, Jimmi Shine and a 4th girl.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Please note that this item is a CD - NOT the magazine itself.
Number in Stock: 997
Price: $9.95