Gee Whiz-p
Very busty dark haired stripper from the early to mid 60s who appeared in numerous early PN slicks. Sometimes billed as Gee Whiz but more often than not w/ a made-up name or none at all. There are 2 photo sets that were reprinted extensively - in one she is posing with an old lever action rifle and in the other she is with a butter churn.
Dude - 1969-11
Product ID: dude1969-11eCovergirl Linda also has 2 pgs. Girlfriends Ricky & Suzie share 5 pgs inc CF - pretty sure 1 is Vicki Rein. Gee Gentle, Gee Whiz and Liz Lintz each have 4 pgs and Honey Bee has 3 pgs. A feature on the zeppelin Hindenburg and an article about boxing's Negro immortals. Bright & glossy, some spine stresses, top right corner is soft, coupon cut from 1 pg (does not affect anything) - VG
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $15.00
Pix - v2.03
Product ID: pix-v2.03b(1967 Winter) - Big, 100 page, squarebound issue has Outstanding June Palmer FC standing on rocks at seashore + inside FC & 7 pgs. Kellie Evers (aka Everts) has BC + 5 pgs. Chario Stevens (is Charlotte Stewart) has 2 pgs and Gee Whiz has 3 pgs. Fiction by Harlen Ellison 'The Final Push' and Raymond Friday Locke 'Anatomy of a Violent Saturday'. Plus an article about Countess Elizabeth Bathori - 'History's Messiest Vampire', a full page cartoon by Bill Ward + 1 smaller cartoon and loads of girls inc several other familiar faces. Bright, glossy - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
Showboat - v1 #3
Product ID: showboat-v1.3b(1963 - AAA) - Jenny (aka Jeannie) Mack has 6 pgs on the beach. Carol Hill has 4 pgs as 'Stella Mark', Freddie Robbins has 4 pgs and Gee Whiz has 4 pgs as 'Holly Farmer', Cathy Dahl has nice color CF. Also a feature on showgirls w/ Sonic Sonya (aka Sonia Bravo) and Abbey Leigh (aka Abbe Lee). Nice Single pics of Vicki Dougan, Jean Harlow and Zsa Zsa Gabor. Gorgeous copy, barely touched w/ full cover gloss - FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00