Bunny Bergman-p
Very busty blond model from late 70s - early 80s, has small rabbit head tattoo on upper thigh. Appeared mainly in PN type slicks but the name "Bunny Bergman" is from FLING magazine.
aka Jodi, Jody English
aka Jodi, Jody English
Fling - Special #03
1982 - D-Cup Contest - Covergirl is Geri Mandel aka Maryanne. Loaded w/ your favorite models. Kitten Natividad has 5 pgs, Bunny Bergman and Liz Nicholson each have 5 pgs. Katrina Ferguson, Patty Marshall, Cindy Stewart (aka Vicki Harris), Valerie Washington and Julie Darrow each have 6 pgs. Toby Wenig (aka Michelle Weiner) and Jackie Orsani each have 3 pgs. Good copy - well read, top right corner soft, small chip off BC.