Jill Barger-p
Slim attractive actress/model with reddish brown hair popular from the late 60s to 70s. Was Covergirl of ADAM 9/68 and appeared in mags such as Cabaret Queens #23 & Modern Man Special #55 as well as KNIGHT 4/69 & STAG 12/68.
aka Jill Baiger - this name seems to have been used mostly in Britsh publicationss from the same time frame.
aka Jill Baiger - this name seems to have been used mostly in Britsh publicationss from the same time frame.
Adam - v12 #09
Product ID: adam-v12.09d9/68 - Jill Barger has FC, BC + 5 pgs. Jeri Ballon has inside FC + 6 pgs inc CF Candy Sweet has 4 pgs and Annie Anderson has 2 pgs. Long 8 pg feature on the movei '2001: A Space Odyssey' w/ lots of pics. Very bright & glossy, lightly read w/ clean 1/2" split at bottom of spine and small date stamp in upper left corner - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Knight - v06.12
(4/69) First stapled issue is a winner. June Wilkinson has FC, BC + 4 pgs. Joyce Gibson has 5 pgs, Tina Jason has 7 pgs inc CF, Michelle Trosello and Jill Barger have 4 pgs each, Vicky Braun has 6 pgs. Harlan Ellison short story "Shattered Like A Glass Goblin" and an article about speed (amphetamines). Bright, shiny copies - VG+ copy has light crease down the middle of FC - barely noticeable.
Modern Man - Special #55
Product ID: modm-spec.55dYearbook of Queens - Mid-Summer 1969. Another big 88 pg issue. Joyce Gibson has both covers - same pic. Betty Marr has a 2 pg color foldout on heavy stock paper. Susan Smyth has 5 pgs, Penny Stewart, Suzy Conway (is Jullie Holden??), Janett Kanter, Anastasia West, Angela Deneuve, Madelene Lantz, Pat O'Neal and Ginger Meadows each have 4 pgs. Karla Korine (is Karla Klein), Phyllis Rossback and Lorna Carroll each have 3 pgs. Michelle Nelson, Jill Barger, Joelle, Lillian Parker, Kerstin Hansen, Dorinda Clark (is Michelle Brentford), Robin Healy, Ann Lanier, Roxanne Lee, Vicky West, Bambi Allen, Jane Rayan, Vivi Kraik, Wendy Hollister and Linda Mason each have 2 pgs. Gene Gillian, Candy Carter and Maya Zell each have a full pg color pin-up. Extremely bright & glossy, a few 'thumb' marks, covers have veritcal stress lines about 1/4" inch in from spine - VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $60.00
Stag - 1968-12
Product ID: stag1968-12eSplit screen cover paintings by Mort Kunstler. One is Navy helicopter over Russian subs w/ ships closing in. Other is 2 GIs in doorway of bamboo hut full of native girls. Jill Barger has 2 pgs. Light wear, nick at top of spine - VG/VG+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00