Lindsay Freeman-p
Gained notoriety w/ appearances in Penthouse 1/76 & Hustler 10/76 as 'Baby Breese'. Very young looking model w/ long straight brown hair. Was also Covergirl of KNIGHT 11/77.
Later she had a boob job, changed her hair to blonde and became Alexandra Day. Please see additional listings under that name.
Penthouse - 1976-01
Laure Favie FC + 13 pgs inc CF, Lindsay Freeman has 7 pg pictorial as 'Baby Breese', Eva Carson has 9 pgs. Interview w/ actor Oliver Reed. Articles about Nelson Rockefeller, The Heroin Wars in Fort Apache, the Bronx, McDonald's restaurants, stereo equipment and American Whiskey. Mischa Richter cartoons - 5 pgs 'The Office Party'. Oh Wicked Wanda 8 pg comic strip.
Mag originally came with a 48 pg detachable preview copy of 'Penthouse Forum'. These are usually missing.