Tipi (Rocks)-p
Attractive brunette model and adult film star from the early to mid 80s. Looks kind of like Julia Parton but with smaller boobs. Last name 'Rocks' is from Adult Cinema Review 2/82.
Appeared in a number of mags frequently as CF but usually with only one name and it's different every time. Was CF of CELEB 12/80 as 'Stephanie', PARTNER 2/83 as 'Brooke' and 'STAG' 11/82 as 'Wendy'.
Best of Genesis - 1983.1
Product ID: gene-bo1983-1bSpring - Girls/Girls - Barbara Peckinpaugh as 'Esme Wynn' (7/81), Barbara Schaeffer as 'Diane Donovan' (11/80), Jewel Shepard as 'Louia Layland' (1/82), Debbie Boyland as 'Rena Latelli' (2/82 less 3 pgs) Helle Kjaer as 'Janey Prine' (3/82), Lindy Benson as 'Pearl' (7/82) and Helle Linnebjerg as 'Pia Horvath' (7/82 less 3 pgs) each have 8 pgs. Tipi Rocks has 6 pgs as 'Francine' (3/82 less 5 pgs). Plus Lisa McDaniel has 10 pgs (1/80), Britta Abele (3/81 less 1 pg) Jennifer Jason (8/81 less 1 pg) and Marisa Velez-Agincourt (7/81 less last 2 pgs) each have 6 pgs. FINE+ copy is very bright & glossy, barely touched.
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Club - 1980-10
Tipi Rocks has FC + 9 pgs inc CF as 'Alexandra'. Sharon Sorrentino has 7 pgs as 'Francoise'. Josephine has 6 pgs and girlfriends Debbie & Liz have 7 pgs in a locker room. Also an 8 pg feature Kate Templeton Special Agent (still after The Nuclearmobile) and 8 pages of 'Club Private Pages' featuring 2 girls and a guy in a sauna. Plus a classic car race, Mayfair Was My Manor by Debbie, an article about rodeo and an Olivia de Berardinis 2 pg illo 'Muscling In'. VG+
Club - 1981-06
Marilyn Chambers has FC + 9 pgs inc CF w/ various friends inc Ron Jeremy and Mike Ranger. Roberta Pedon has 2 small pics, Tipi Rocks has 8 pgs as 'Sheena'. Clarissa has 7 pgs and Annie has 6 pgs. An expose of the drug industry, custom cars and Karl Steiner's Jigsaw examines Voyeurism & Scopophilia.
Club - Best of # 011
Product ID: club-bo.011d1981 - Hot Shots. Oversize issue is 84 pgs all photos, mostly 2 -4 pg pictorials and some CFs. Many top models - Serena, Marilyn Chambers & Fia Morrow each have 2 pgs, Tipi Rocks has 3 pgs. Bright & glossy, a few stresses and a bump on bottom right corner - VG+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $15.00
Club - Best of # 013
Product ID: club-bo.013c1981 - Oversize issue is 100 pgs. Marilyn Chambers has partial FC + 6 pgs (7/80) + letters column w/ pics. Tipi Rocks has 9 pgs as 'Alexandra' (10/80). Micki has 9 pgs inc CF (4/81), Serena has 6 pgs (8/80), Anthea Drummond has 7 pgs (3/80). Loni Sanders & Sylvia Benedict share 6 pgs w/ a guy on a beach (2/81). Girlfriends Dinah & Pippa have 7 pgs (4/81). Olivia de Berardinis has a 2 pg illo 'Dragon Lady' and Jean Glenn Mitchell also has a 2 pg illo. An article about corporate crime and a feature on the Baja 1000 auto race. Bright & glossy, lightly read - FINE
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Game - 1983-07
Product ID: game1983-07cGood Issue! Tami Roche has great FC + 5 pgs. Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs inc CF as 'Brooke'. Joanne Latham has 6 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 4 pgs and 60s TV star Diane McBain has 2 pgs. Plus 12 diff girls each have full pg pics inc Sylvia McFarland & Tripp Skippington. Article about Underground comix. Very bright & glossy, small stress near spine - FINE/FINE+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Genesis - 1982-03
Product ID: gene1982-03cTipi Rocks has FC + 11 sensational pages inc CF as 'Francine'. Helle Kjaer has 8 pgs as 'Janey Prine'. Ingrid Braun has 8 pgs. Photo-Interview w/ actress Barbara Carrera. Article about the top players in the NBA.
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Hustler - 1981-02
Linzi Drew has 10 pgs inc a 3 pg foldout CF as 'Dixie'. Dawn (CF of 11/80) & Tipi Rocks (CF of 12/80) share 10 pgs. Victoria Knoll and her dream lover have 10 pgs. Candy has 5 pgs and Jamie Lyn Bauer (from soap The Young & Restless) has 3 pgs. Articles about William Gaines (the publisher of MAD magazine) and how you are being poisoned by dangerous chemicals everywhere. Honey Hooker comic strip. Bob Bishop has 1 small illo. Good copy has 2 pgs from the Beaver Hunt feature missing.
Hustler Best of # 006
1981 - Loni Sanders as a wood nymph has 8 pgs w/ a satyr (7/80 less last 2 pgs). Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs (12/80 - 1st 7 pgs only) and Sharon Sorrentino as 'Alicia' has 6 pgs (6/80 - 6 pgs only). Dusty has 8 pgs (8/80 - 1st 8 pgs only), Pamela has 7 pgs (10/80 - 1st 7 pgs only), a pair of anonymous girlfriends share 8 pgs (2/80) and the Queen of the Nile has 8 pgs w/ a male slave (8 pgs only). Articles about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe, Nobel prize winning physicist William Shockley and What's Wrong With American Politics. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE
Hustler Best of # 007
Product ID: hust-bo.007c1982 - TV Soap star Jamie Lyn Bauer has 3 pages of nudes (2/81). Jill Russo has 9 pgs as 'Marlene' (4/81 less 3 pg CF) , Tipi (Rocks) and girlfriend Dawn (CF of 11/80) share 8 pgs (2/81 - 8 pgs only) and Jean Clarke as 'Corey' has 8 pgs (8/81). Tana has 6 pgs (5/81 - 1st 6 pgs only as 'Tanya'), Pam has 6 pgs (5/81 - 6 pgs only) and female cop Eileen has 5 pgs (9/81 - 5 pgs only). A guy with a female robot has 8 pgs (5/81) and Allison & boyfriend John have 8 pgs (7/81). Articles on the war in El Salvador and country singer Freddy Fender. Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Oui - 1986-11
Tipi Rocks has big 12 pg pictorial inc CF as 'Courtney'. Sharona has 11 pgs, Michelle has 13 pgs and girlfriends Annie & Bev share 12 pgs. Article on war in Lebanon. Fine++ copy is New, unread, sealed in cellophane.
Partner - 1983-02
Product ID: part1983-02bTipi Rocks has 8 pgs inc CF as 'Brooke' and Maria Berggren has 8 pgs as 'Frankie'. Angie Lyn has 8 pgs, Jacqueline Brooks has 6 pgs and Tina also has 6 pgs. A feature on the Detroit Hellfire Club and 'Shooty Beagle' a 3 pg color comic strip. Beautiful Fine+
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $25.00
Partner - 1988-03
Product ID: part1988-03bDebbie Jordan has 8 pgs inc CF. Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs as 'Brooke' and Angela Blackman has 6 pgs as 'Pam'. Sima has 7 pgs and Gail Force is on the BC. Plus a girl w/ no name has 8 pgs and a pair of anonymous girlfriends share 10 pgs. Bonus 32 pg booklet missing. Heavily read and handled, multiple small creases and stresses, a few dog-eared pgs but nothing really serious - Good
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $10.00
Stag - 1982-11
Product ID: stag1982-11av33 #11 - Tipi Rocks has FC + 7 pgs inc CF as 'Wendy'. Rachel Ashley has 7 pgs w/ a rifle, Copper Penny & Kevin James have 6 pgs. Kandi Barbour has 2 pgs w/ contest winner plus 1 more full pg pic w/ letters col. Also Miss Nude Canada Contest, an article on Poker and an Interview w/ Arnold Schwarzenegger inc a full pg pic as Conan. Another absolutely new copy - FINE++
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00
Swank - Fantasy Series - v1.1
1981-12 - 'Fantasy'. FC is same as Female Fantasies v1 #1 dated Summer, 1980. Lots of girls and several couples, some w/ first names only but mostly anonymous. Covergirl is R. J. Fair. Loni Sanders has 7 pgs, Terri Hannon (aka Dolan) has 7 pgs as 'Sally', Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs as 'Melody' and Joni Flynn shares BC + 7 pgs w/ girlfriend. FINE+ copy is extremely bright & glossy, basically new! Good copy has been heavily read and handled, covers are rough but interior is in nice shape.
Swank - Female Fantasies - v2.3
Product ID: swan-femfan-v2.3b1981-07 (Was there a May issue? Or is this one misnumbered?). Mag is 1/2 stories and letters w/ illustrations and 1/2 pictorial features. Laurie Smith has FC only. Piper Smith (Laurie's sister) has 7 pgs as 'Marla' and Tipi Rocks has 7 pgs as 'Melody'. A pair of anonymous girlfriends share 7 pgs - 1 is Veronica Hart?? Very bright & glossy, barely touched - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $20.00
Swank - Gold Press - v03.07
1985-11 - "Sensuous Girls of Swank". Wall to wall pics. Covergirl is Cynthia Brooks, a very familiar looking busty blonde 'Nena' has 8 pgs inc CF. Loni Sanders has 5 pgs solo in a Rolls Royce plus another 5 pgs w/ girlfriend Sylvia Benedict. Charlene (Charli) Blake has 6 pgs as 'Edwina', Tipi Rocks has 5 pgs as 'Rita', Sophie Miller (aka Debbie Savo) has 4 pgs as 'Cheryl'. Plus Renee has 8 pgs, Lolita has 7 pgs, Sophia also has 7 pgs and Theresa has 6 pgs. Fine copy is very bright and glossy, lightly read.
Swank - Special - v07.01
Product ID: swan-spec-v07.01bWinter, 1983 - "Super Girls". Another issues that's nearly all pics of 9 diff girls with single names. Covergirl is Tipi Rocks. Clair Quentin (aka Cassie Wells) has 8 big pgs as 'Dawn', Laurie Smith has 6 pgs as 'Patti' and Julia Edwards (aka Elizabeth Bradley) has 6 pgs as 'Eve'. Goldie has 8 pgs inc CF, Gayle & Serena (NOT that one) each have 8 pgs, Libby has 6 pgs and girlfriends Alice & Annie share 6 pgs. Extremely bright & glossy, barely touched, basically new - FINE+
Number in Stock: 2
Price: $25.00