Marsha (Marcia) Jordan-p
Busty blonde model who starred in dozens of nudie movies from the 60s & 70s including Dr. Sex (1964) and Lady Godiva Rides Again (1969) to name a few. She was also Covergirl w/ pictorial of Modern Man 5/62 and Covergirl of TIP TOP v2 #1.
First name is sometimes spelled Marcia.
There was another dark haired model who appeared in several early PN type slicks under the name Alice Schaller, but in one - Misty v1 # she is called Marcia Jordan. I don't think it's the same girl so that appearance is listed under Alice Schaller.
First name is sometimes spelled Marcia.
There was another dark haired model who appeared in several early PN type slicks under the name Alice Schaller, but in one - Misty v1 # she is called Marcia Jordan. I don't think it's the same girl so that appearance is listed under Alice Schaller.
Ace - 1962-06
Product ID: ace1962-06dAlma Corelli has FC + 2 pgs. Carol Hill has 3 pgs as Sonya Romny and Linda German also has 3 pg. Marsha Jordan, Jo Ann Wagner and Renee Rogers each have 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of Vegas showgirls and articles about the Marquis de Sade and comedienne Belle Barth. Ted Mark fiction 'Her Husband's Best Friend'. Very bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
Rex - Special Edition - v1 #1
Product ID: rex-speced-v1.1Giant squarebound volume is 2 separate issues of REX bound together - over 160 pgs! Original covers & contents pgs not included so it's impossible to tell which issues these are but they are early 70s vintage. First mag contains 6 pgs each on Sandra Julien, Monica Henderson and the 'Theatre Today' Stage Company. A comparison of adult film stars Marsha Jordan & Ann Meyers has 4 pgs on Ann, 3 on Monica and 1 pg of them together. Feature articles w/ pics on Berlin - Capital of Lust, soccer violence and the (at the time, new) Concorde aircraft. Plus a long excerpt from the Belmont Book 'Mafioso'. Second mag has 4 pgs each on Lainie Karlos and the Nilssons - 4 sisters from Sweden plus 6 pgs of 2 girls (1 White, 1 Black) on a beach. An article about/Interveiw w/ film director Melvin van Peebles, a long feature on stunt men w/ lots of pics, a 6 pg movie review of 'The Affairs of Aphrodite' and a very long feature on 'Sex & the Single Actrress w/ pics of and discussion w/ Geri Miller, Maggie Wright, Flanagan and Francoise Pascal. Mag is in great shape (some 'thumb' marks) but very bright & glossy - VG++
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
Spree - v1 #32
Product ID: spre-v1.32c1962 - Bonnie Logan has outstanding FC + 9 big pgs inc color CF! Marsha Jordan has 8 pgs, Gail Van Der Most (Covergirl & CF of #20) has 7 pgs, Georgia Glenn has inside FC + 5 pgs. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg B&W cartoon. Very lightly read, a few tiny color flakes on spine, strong glossy - Fine
Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00