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Marsha (Marcia) Jordan-p

Busty blonde model who starred in dozens of nudie movies from the 60s & 70s including Dr. Sex (1964) and Lady Godiva Rides Again (1969) to name a few. She was also Covergirl w/ pictorial of Modern Man 5/62 and Covergirl of TIP TOP v2 #1.

First name is sometimes spelled Marcia.

There was another dark haired model who appeared in several early PN type slicks under the name Alice Schaller, but in one - Misty v1 # she is called Marcia Jordan. I don't think it's the same girl so that appearance is listed under Alice Schaller.

Ace - 1962-06

Ace - 1962-06

Product ID: ace1962-06d
Alma Corelli has FC + 2 pgs. Carol Hill has 3 pgs as Sonya Romny and Linda German also has 3 pg. Marsha Jordan, Jo Ann Wagner and Renee Rogers each have 2 pgs. Plus 4 pgs of Vegas showgirls and articles about the Marquis de Sade and comedienne Belle Barth. Ted Mark fiction 'Her Husband's Best Friend'. Very bright & glossy, a couple of minor stresses - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $20.00
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Rex - Special Edition - v1 #1

Rex - Special Edition - v1 #1

Product ID: rex-speced-v1.1
Giant squarebound volume is 2 separate issues of REX bound together - over 160 pgs! Original covers & contents pgs not included so it's impossible to tell which issues these are but they are early 70s vintage. First mag contains 6 pgs each on Sandra Julien, Monica Henderson and the 'Theatre Today' Stage Company. A comparison of adult film stars Marsha Jordan & Ann Meyers has 4 pgs on Ann, 3 on Monica and 1 pg of them together. Feature articles w/ pics on Berlin - Capital of Lust, soccer violence and the (at the time, new) Concorde aircraft. Plus a long excerpt from the Belmont Book 'Mafioso'. Second mag has 4 pgs each on Lainie Karlos and the Nilssons - 4 sisters from Sweden plus 6 pgs of 2 girls (1 White, 1 Black) on a beach. An article about/Interveiw w/ film director Melvin van Peebles, a long feature on stunt men w/ lots of pics, a 6 pg movie review of 'The Affairs of Aphrodite' and a very long feature on 'Sex & the Single Actrress w/ pics of and discussion w/ Geri Miller, Maggie Wright, Flanagan and Francoise Pascal. Mag is in great shape (some 'thumb' marks) but very bright & glossy - VG++

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $30.00
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Spree - v1 #32

Spree - v1 #32

Product ID: spre-v1.32c
1962 - Bonnie Logan has outstanding FC + 9 big pgs inc color CF! Marsha Jordan has 8 pgs, Gail Van Der Most (Covergirl & CF of #20) has 7 pgs, Georgia Glenn has inside FC + 5 pgs. Bill Ward has a very nice full pg B&W cartoon. Very lightly read, a few tiny color flakes on spine, strong glossy - Fine

Number in Stock: 1
Price: $40.00
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