Leslie Winston-p
Busty model popular 1981-84 often recognized by distinctive curly hairstyle. Wendy Wilson is name used in Gent magazines - 4/81, 8/81 10/81, 8/82 & others. Appeared as Luanne Wilson in Fling 5/82 FC & 3/83 FC & CF. Also worked in adult films, first as Tamara Lee in 'Cosmopolitan Girls' (NOT the same as another model from the late 80s & early 90s) & later as Lynn Ann. Other mags inc FC apps on Big Boobs 2/83 & Juggs 10/81 plus BUF 9/81, Nugget 11/81 and numerous PN mags, often lactating.
I have cataloged dozens of mag apps and numerous 8mm box covers and do not recall having ever seen this name and have instead used Wendy Wilson to identify her - please see listings under that name.
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